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. 2021 May 4;6(3):e01334-20. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.01334-20

FIG 1.


Sampling location and metabolite patterns. Map of sample locations of transect samples (dot) and depth profiles (asterisks). Map is overlaid with satellite-derived (MODIS-Aqua) chlorophyll at 8-day, 9-km resolution over the time period of the transect sampling (A). Patterns of total normalized metabolite concentrations found in each environmental data set grouped into modes as a result of k-medoids clustering, plotted as 1 standard deviation around the mean (a to g in panel B, meridional transect; a to d, f, and g in panel C, North Pacific Transition Zone [NPTZ] depth profile; a to d in panel D, North Pacific Subtropical Gyre [NPSG] depth profile). We have excluded modes with fewer than 10 compounds in each data set. Maximum normalized bulk PC is plotted over depth profiles, with surface PC concentration plotted to match surface total normalized metabolite peak area in order to compare the shape of attenuation (excluded in modes that do not attenuate with depth). Gray dots with error bars (standard deviation, often smaller than markers). Number of metabolites (metabs) and percentage of metabolites assigned to each cluster are noted, as well as the number of compounds identified (IDd) in each cluster. Full results are presented in Table S5 with cluster assignments in Table S6, both at