Examples of model (1) validation against empirical data. Fitting of the simulated FC (sFC) to eFC (upper row, A-C) and to eSC (lower row, D-F) for S100 parcellation. (A, D) Similarity (Pearson correlation coefficient) between the simulated and empirical data is encoded in color versus parameters of the global delay and coupling , where the optimal parameter points of the best fit are indicated by white circles, and the next 4 largest values are depicted by blue diamonds. The corresponding sFC matrices of the best fit compared with eFC and eSC, respectively, are depicted in the middle column (B and E), whereas the corresponding eFC matrix and normalized by its mean eSC matrix are shown in the right column of the upper (C) and lower (F) row, respectively. The simulated and empirical FC matrices are shown in the same scale for comparison. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)