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. 2021 Jul 12;16(7):e0253976. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253976

Trajectories of frailty in aging: Prospective cohort study

Joe Verghese 1,2,*, Emmeline Ayers 1, Sanish Sathyan 1, Richard B Lipton 1,3,4, Sofiya Milman 2,5, Nir Barzilai 2,5, Cuiling Wang 4
Editor: Antony Bayer6
PMCID: PMC8274857  PMID: 34252094



Emerging evidence suggests that there is significant variability in the progression of frailty in aging. We aimed to identify latent subpopulations of frailty trajectories, and examine their clinical and biological correlates.


We characterized frailty using a 41-item cumulative deficit score at baseline and annual visits up to 12 years in 681 older adults (55% women, mean age 74·6 years). Clinical risk profile and walking while talking performance as a clinical marker of trajectories were examined. Mortality risk associated with trajectories was evaluated using Cox regression adjusted for established survival predictors, and reported as hazard ratios (HR). Proteome-wide analysis was done.


Latent class modeling identified 4 distinct frailty trajectories: relatively stable (34·4%) as well as mild (36·1%), moderate (24·1%) and severely frail (5·4%). Four distinct classes of frailty trajectories were also shown in an independent sample of 515 older adults (60% women, 68% White, 26% Black). The stable group took a median of 31 months to accumulate one additional deficit compared to 20 months in the severely frail group. The worst trajectories were associated with modifiable risk factors such as low education, living alone, obesity, and physical inactivity as well as slower walking while talking speed. In the pooled sample, mild (HR 2·33, 95% CI 1·30–4·18), moderate (HR 2·49, 95% CI 1·33–4·66), and severely frail trajectories (HR 5·28, 95% CI 2·68–10·41) had higher mortality compared to the stable group. Proteomic analysis showed 11 proteins in lipid metabolism and growth factor pathways associated with frailty trajectories.


Frailty shows both stable and accelerated patterns in aging, which can be distinguished clinically and biologically.


Frailty is conceptualized as a state of decreased physiological reserve and compromised capacity to maintain homeostasis as a consequence of multiple, accumulated deficits in aging [13]. Frailty increases risk for numerous adverse outcomes including disability, falls, and death [2, 4]. Prevalence of frailty increases with age [1, 5], but studies of long-lived individuals indicate that many preserve physical functions even in extreme ages [6]. Many adults continue to have normal walking speeds, a major frailty criterion [1, 5], well into their ninth decade [6, 7]. This variation in frailty with aging suggests that there may be subgroups of individuals who differ in severity and rate of progression in frailty over time. Emerging evidence supports heterogeneity in frailty progression in aging with variations in individual rates of change [3, 8]. Previous studies using different definitions of frailty as well as methodological approaches have reported both stable and declining trajectories in older adults [812]. But these findings regarding different frailty courses were not cross-validated in independent samples, and none have explored the underlying biology of latent subpopulations of frailty trajectories [8, 12]. Identifying trends and trajectories is acknowledged as a high priority for frailty research [3, 8].

Our aims in this investigation were three-fold. First, to identify latent subpopulations of frailty trajectories that may differ in their rates of progression in a cohort of community-dwelling older adults, and validate these findings in an independent aging cohort. Second, to examine clinical risk profiles of the frailty trajectories as well as their association with mortality to establish their clinical relevance. We hypothesized that individuals with worse frailty trajectories would have unhealthier profiles and higher mortality risk. Third, understanding the biology of latent subpopulations of frailty trajectories may provide insights into new therapeutics for frailty. We reported a proteomic profile associated at cross-section with frailty with proteins related to lipid metabolism among the most significant [13]. Lipid metabolism has been implicated in aging and age related diseases [14]. Hence, we extended our cross-sectional finding to identify biological underpinnings of the longitudinal frailty trajectories. Understanding frailty trajectories and their clinical and biological correlates will help clinicians and patients in clinical prognostications, spur research into protective mechanisms against frailty, and help develop new interventions.


Study population

The LonGenity study, established in 2008 as a genetic discovery cohort, recruited Ashkenazi-Jewish adults age 65 and older, who were either offspring of parents with exceptional longevity (OPEL), defined as having at least one parent who lived to age 95 and older, or offspring of parents with usual survival (OPUS), defined as having neither parent who survived to age 95 [4, 15]. Participants were recruited using population lists or through community organizations and advertisements in local newspapers. Potential participants were contacted by telephone to assess eligibility, and invited for in-person evaluations. Exclusion criteria include cognitive impairment (score >8 on the Blessed-Information-Memory-Concentration test or >2 on the AD8 dementia screen), severe visual loss, and having a sibling in the study [4, 15]. Cross-validation was done in the Einstein Aging Study (EAS), also based in our institution, a study of cognitive aging in community-dwelling non-demented adults age 70 and over in the Bronx [16, 17].

All participants signed written informed consents prior to enrollment. The Einstein institutional review board approved both study protocols, and conforms to the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki.

Both cohorts received uniform clinical assessments at the same clinical site at baseline and annual visits [4, 7, 17]. We included participants with at least three frailty assessments to derive trajectories as done in prior studies [9]. Frailty assessments were implemented in LonGenity in 2008,[4] and 2004 in EAS [17]. Of the 1060 LonGenity participants seen from 2008 to 2020, we excluded 379 with less than 3 frailty assessments. The final sample for this analysis included 681 (64.2%) LonGenity participants. The median follow-up for the LonGenity cohort was 7.6 years (IQR 5·29–9·27). Between 2004 and 2015, 1072 non-demented individuals were assessed in EAS for frailty, and 515 (48.0%) EAS participants with 3 or more annual assessments were included in this analysis. The median follow-up for the EAS cohort was 5.1 years (IQR 3·08–7·43). Table 1 presents baseline characteristics of the two study samples included in this investigation. There were no significant statistical differences in demographics (age and sex) and baseline frailty status between the included and excluded participants in both the LonGenity and EAS cohorts.

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of LonGenity and Einstein Aging Study cohorts.

Variables LonGenity Einstein Aging Study
Source population, n 1060 1072
Study sample (≥3 waves), n (%) 681 (64.2) 515 (48.0)
Study years 2008–2020 2004–2015
Age years, mean ± SD 74·6 ± 6·1 79·3 ± 5·1
Women, % 55·0 60·0
Education years, mean ± SD 17·8 ± 2·7 14·4 ± 3·4
Race/ethnicity, %
White 100·0 67·6
Black 0 25·6
Hispanic 0 5·4
Other/unknown 0 1·4
Comorbidities score, mean ± SD 1·2 ± 1·1 1·8 ± 2·0
Walking speed, mean ± SD 111·68 ± 19·02 (n = 554) 98·19 ± 21·14 (n = 507)
Body mass index, mean ± SD 27·4 ± 4·9 (n = 659) 27·5 ± 4·8 (n = 475)
FCSRT, free recall, mean ± SD 33·9 ± 4·9 (n = 678) 31·8 ± 5·6 (n = 511)
Frailty Index score, mean ± SD 0·1 ± 0·1 0·2 ± 0·1

SD: standard deviation, FCSRT: free and cued selective reminding test.


The two common clinical methods to define frailty are as a cumulative deficit index or as a phenotype; with strengths and weaknesses noted for both [13, 5]. We used the frailty index (FI) as it is recommended for biological investigations, and is considered a robust marker of biological age [2, 18, 19]. Furthermore, compared to phenotypic definitions, FI provides a wider range of scores that may better capture the multidimensional and dynamic nature of frailty over time [2, 3, 9]. We included 41 variables common to both cohorts, and collected using the same tests and questionnaires at the same center to derive the FI as previously described (S1 Table in S1 File) [4, 20]. Criteria to select FI variables were association with health status, biologically relevant, accumulates with age, not saturate at an earlier age, and represent multiple organ systems [21]. FI was calculated by adding number of deficits, and dividing the sum by number of variables per participant; resulting in a range of scores from 0 (no frailty) to 1 (complete frailty) [20]. All FI items are equally weighted reducing disproportionate effects from few variables. FI is comparable across studies even when different number or types of items are used. Phenotypic frailty was diagnosed using criteria proposed by Fried and colleagues [1, 17].

We used mixture or latent class trajectory modeling using SAS PROC TRAJ procedure to identify distinct trajectories of frailty [22], which allowed us to simultaneously estimate probabilities of subgroup membership and distinct trajectories within each subgroup. The analysis was done first in the LonGenity sample, and then independently repeated in the EAS sample. Maximum likelihood method was used to estimate parameters. It included participants with missing data based on missing at random assumption. Model selection and determination of number of subgroups was based on scientific plausibility, and Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) to evaluate goodness of fit [23]. Given a fixed value k for the number of classes (denoted as K), we examined linear to cubic trends by testing of the parameters and model fitting statistics (BIC), to obtain the final model. Starting with k = 1, we followed the recommendation based on change in BIC between models with K = k+1 and K = k to determine whether additional class should be added [22]. Participants were assigned to the subgroup class with the highest estimated probability.

Clinical profile

Self-reported clinical information was confirmed with medical records and informants when available. A 10-point comorbidities score was created by summing presence of the following illnesses:[4, 16] hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure, angina, diabetes, depression, chronic lung disease, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and arthritis. Cognitive status was characterized using Free and Cued Selective Reminding (memory) and Digit Symbol Substitution tests (non-memory) [4]. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by square of height in meters.

Participants in both cohorts were tested with the same instrumented walkway (GAITRite®, NJ) while walking at normal pace and while reciting alternate letters of the alphabet (walking while talking test: WWT) [7, 17]. The WWT is a real-world test of divided attention, and predicted frailty in EAS [17]. We examined walking speed (cm/s) during WWT at baseline as a clinical marker of frailty trajectories. Mobility-related questions accounted for only 2 (4·8%) out of the 41 FI items, but the FI did not include questions about ability to walk while talking or divide attention. Death was ascertained from designated contacts,[15] and supplemented by National Death Index searches [15].


The proteome is the complete set of proteins that can be expressed by an organism at a given time [13]. Proteomic analysis in LonGenity has been described [13, 24]. In brief, plasma samples were analyzed using 5·0k SomaScan assay platform (SomaLogic Inc., Boulder, Co) that includes 5209 SOMAmer reagents that recognize human proteins. After standardization, 4265 SOMAmer reagents were available for analysis [13, 24]. Relative fluorescence unit values observed after data normalization procedures for each SOMAmer reagent were natural log transformed. Outliers were removed using median absolute deviation method [13, 24].

Statistical analysis

Baseline characteristics across trajectory classes were compared by ANOVA. Logistic regression adjusted for age and sex was used to compare baseline WWT speed categories between stable and mild frail versus moderate and severely frail classes in LonGenity, and reported as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals. Threshold of significance was 0.05. Cox models were used to compare mortality risk between trajectories (stable reference) in both cohorts separately, and then pooled, and reported as hazard ratios (HR) adjusted for age, sex, years of education and comorbidities score. LonGenity analysis was adjusted for OPUS‐OPEL status, and the pooled sample for the cohort source. The frailty trajectory membership for the pooled sample was the same as that in the individual cohorts. We conducted an exploratory analysis to examine the effect of frailty trajectory classification on protein expression in LonGenity using linear regression adjusted for age, sex, and OPUS‐OPEL status. We compared three frail trajectories combined (given the small sample sizes) versus the relatively stable group as the reference. Bonferroni corrected p‐values <1·17 × 10−5 (0·05/4265) were considered significant. Analyses were performed using SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).


Frailty trajectories

Fig 1 shows four frailty trajectory classes in LonGenity over 12 years (median 7·6 visits): relatively stable (34·4%) as well as mild (36·1%), moderate (24·1%), and severely frail (5·4%). Fig 2 shows that four distinct latent classes representing frailty trajectories were also seen in EAS (median 5·6 visits): relatively stable (22·9%), mild (37·1%), moderate (27·9%), and severely frail (12·1%). EAS had higher moderate and severely frail membership (40·0% vs. 29·5%) than LonGenity; as may be expected from older age and higher comorbidities score (1·81 vs. 1·22) in EAS.

Fig 1. Frailty trajectories with 95% confidence intervals in LonGenity cohort.

Fig 1

Four trajectory classes identified: relatively stable (1), mild frail (2), moderate frail (3) and severely frail (4). The Y-axis depicts the frailty index scores (range 0 to 1) and x-axis follow-up time in years.

Fig 2. Frailty trajectories with 95% confidence intervals in Einstein Aging Study cohort.

Fig 2

Four trajectory classes identified: relatively stable (1), mild frail (2), moderate frail (3) and severely frail (4). The Y-axis depicts the frailty index scores (range 0 to 1) and x-axis follow-up time in years.

Results in Figs 1 or 2 did not fundamentally change when age, sex, and OPEL-OPUS status were included as risk factors for class membership in the latent class trajectory analysis. Sample size is smaller in later years due to new recruits and attrition. The modeling utilizes the entire follow-up, but trajectories were similar even after restricting follow-up to six years in both cohorts.

Mean FI score increased from 0·06 at entry to 0·10 at final wave in the best trajectory, or 1·31 additional deficits accumulated on the average over follow-up. Mean FI score increased from 0·32 to 0·43 in the worst trajectory (3·95 additional deficits). Time to accumulate one additional deficit on the FI varied: relatively stable (median 31 months), mild (27 months), moderate (17 months), and severely frail (20 months). At baseline, only 17·0% of individuals met an established FI cutscore of 0·21 for frailty and 17·6% had phenotypic frailty [1, 4]. At the final wave, 35·7% had FI frailty and 21·0% had phenotypic frailty.

Clinical profile

The most favorable demographic and health profiles were seen in the stable group (Table 2). Moderate and severely frail groups had lower education, more lived alone, OPEL under-represented, more physically inactive, and more comorbidities. WWT speed was slower across trajectories (p<0·001). Individuals in moderate and severely frail trajectories had higher odds of having WWT speed in the lowest tertile (<64·30 cm/s) than mild and stable (OR 1·63, 95% CI 1·03–2·59). This WWT cutscore had a sensitivity of 44·2% and specificity 70·7%. Lowering WWT cutscore improves sensitivity but decreases specificity, and vice versa.

Table 2. LonGenity cohort baseline characteristics by frailty trajectory class.

P values for trend.

Variables Relatively stable (n = 224) Mild frail (n = 263) Moderate frail (n = 159) Severely frail (n = 35) P-value
Age, y 71·34 ± 6·61 74·65 ± 5·80 78·22 ± 5·96 78·22 ± 6·40 <0·001
Women, % 54 54 57 65 0·52
Education, y 18·25 ± 2·44 17·96 ± 2·73 17·30 ± 2·94 16·86 ± 2·83 <0·001
Live alone, % 24 36 39 46 0·004
Socioeconomic status (≥ 2 times the poverty level), % 93 91 89 87 0·47
OPEL status, % 59 53 45 43 0·04
Phenotypic frailty, %* 7 19 24 41 <0·001
Physical inactivity, % 9 18 40 71 <0·001
Walking speed, mean ± SD 120·47 ± 17·36 (n = 183) 113·49 ± 16·83 (n = 212) 101·75 ± 16·64 (n = 129) 88·00 ± 14·03 (n = 30) <0·001
Walking while talking speed, mean ± SD 84·66 ± 27·60 (n = 183) 77·22 ± 26·42 (n = 219) 72·42 ± 24·15 (n = 124) 61·34 ± 16·43 (n = 30) <0·001
Obesity, % 14 22 34 40 <0·001
Comorbidities score, mean ± SD 0·57 ± 0·69 1·31 ± 0·96 1·76 ± 1·10 2·43 ± 1·12 <0·001
Hypertension, % 21 49 56 81 <0·001
Myocardial infarction, % 2 5 12 12 0·001
Heart failure, % 0 0 3 1 0·01
Depression, % 11 22 25 47 <0·001
Chronic lung disease, % 2 2 3 6 0·46
Parkinson’s disease, % 0 1 1 6 <0·001
Stroke, % 0 2 4 17 <0·001
Osteoarthritis, % 21 42 59 61 <0·001
Cancer, % 23 40 36 43 <0·001
FCSRT, free recall, mean ± SD 34·96 ± 4·39 34·03 ± 4·63 32·19 ± 5·43 33·09 ± 5·01 <0·001
DSST, mean ± SD 67·02 ± 13·98 61·20 ± 13·39 55·93 ± 12·40 51·49 ± 13·79 <0·001

*Phenotypic frailty was diagnosed as per criteria proposed by Fried and colleagues.1

** Obesity was defined as body mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) of 30 or higher.

OPEL: Offspring of parents with exceptional longevity; SD: standard deviation, FCSRT: free and cued selective reminding test; DSST: digit symbol substitution test.


There were 57 deaths over a median follow-up of 7·6 years (IQR 5·29–9·27) in LonGenity, and 82 deaths over a median 5·1 year follow-up (IQR 3·08–7·43) in EAS. Worse frailty trajectories were associated with higher mortality in both cohorts (Table 3).

Table 3. Frailty trajectories and mortality risk in LonGenity, Einstein Aging Study and pooled sample.

Trajectories Deaths/ N Hazard ratio (95% CI)*
LonGenity (n = 681)**
Relatively stable 4 / 224 Reference
Mild frail 20 / 263 3·52 (1·16–10·62)
Moderate frail 23 / 159 5·20 (1·62–16·65)
Severely frail 10 / 35 15·82 (4·18–59·88)
Einstein Aging Study (n = 515)
Relatively stable 11 / 121 Reference
Mild frail 34 / 193 1·94 (0·96–3·89)
Moderate frail 22 / 142 1·77 (0·82–3·81)
Severely frail 15 / 59 3·45 (1·54–7·71)
Pooled sample (n = 1196)**
Relatively stable 15 / 345 Reference
Mild frail 54 / 456 2·33 (1·30–4·18)
Moderate frail 45 / 301 2·49 (1·33–4·66)
Severely frail 25 / 94 5·28 (2·68–10·41)

* Hazard ratio with 95% confidence intervals from Cox regression analysis adjusted for age, sex, years of education and comorbidities score.

** The LonGenity sample analysis was in addition adjusted for OPEL-OPUS status. The pooled sample was in addition adjusted for cohort source.

In the pooled sample (n = 1196) adjusted for age, sex, education, and comorbidity score, those in mild (HR 2·33), moderate (HR 2·49), and severely frail trajectories (HR 5·28) had higher mortality compared to the stable group (Table 3, Fig 3). To examine the incremental validity of frailty trajectories for mortality over established survival predictors,[25] we further adjusted the model for baseline FI, BMI, walking speed, free recall, and DSST scores. This subgroup analysis in1005 individuals (120 deaths) with data available on all covariates showed unchanged associations of mild (HR 2.88, 95% CI 1.38–6.04), moderate (HR 2.62, 95% CI 1.08–6.36), and severely frail trajectories (HR 5.47, 95% CI 1.82–16.45) with mortality. Among the included covariates, only age and male sex were significantly associated with mortality (S2 Table in S1 File).

Fig 3. Survival plots show the cumulative risk of mortality based on frailty trajectories in the pooled LonGenity and Einstein Aging sample.

Fig 3

Group 1 (relatively stable–reference group), 2 (mild frail), 3 (moderate frail) and 4 (severely frail).


Proteomic analysis was completed in 671 LonGenity participants: 220 stable (reference) and 260 mild, 156 moderate and 35 severely frail groups. Of the 4265 proteins assayed, 11 proteins were significant after adjustments for age, sex and OPEL/OPUS status as well as multiple comparison corrections (Fig 4, S3 Table in S1 File). Two fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) and leptin were over-expressed in combined frail groups. Proteins over-expressed in the stable group were neurocan core, voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2/delta-3, delta and notch-like epidermal growth factor-related receptor, epidermal growth factor receptor, anthrax toxin receptor protein 2 (ANTR2), oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein, contactin-1, and glypican-3. To gain insights into pathways that may link the 11 proteins to frailty, we further adjusted for education years, comorbidities score, BMI, physical inactivity, free recall score, and DSST score. In this post-hoc analysis, 3 (FABP-adipocytes, leptin, and ANTR2) out of the 11 proteins were no longer significant.

Fig 4. Association of proteins with frailty trajectories.

Fig 4

Volcano plot with top proteins associated with frailty trajectories after Bonferroni correction annotated and in red (see S3 Table in S1 File). X-axis denotes Beta estimate coefficients from linear model. Y-axis shows significance levels presented as -log10 (p-value).


In this prospective cohort study of community-dwelling older adults, we identified four subgroups of individuals who differed in their trajectories of frailty from relatively stable to severely frail over 12 years. Four distinct classes of frailty trajectories were also shown in the racially and ethnically more heterogenous EAS cohort. The frailty trajectories were distinguished by clinical and proteomic signatures at baseline. Frailty measured over multiple timepoints was a more robust predictor of mortality compared to single timepoint measurement of frailty as well as other established survival predictors [25].

Individuals in the relatively stable frailty trajectory in the LonGenity cohort took 31 months to accumulate one additional deficit compared to only 20 months for the worst trajectory. Longitudinal studies show an increase in prevalence and incidence of frailty with advancing age [2, 5, 9, 26], which may be driven by those in worse frailty strata. Point-estimates of frailty do not adequately capture the variability in progression of frailty in populations [3]. There is a paucity of studies that use repeated‐measures data to delineate subclasses of frailty trajectories that can help address this issue [3]. Frailty trajectories ranging from stable to severely frail were reported in few population-based studies using phenotypic frailty definitions [1, 10, 26]. In a study involving over 26,000 adults, age 75 and older, three frailty trajectories based on a 36-item FI were described with latent modelling over an one year period [11]. The majority of this sample was in a stable frailty trajectory group (76.6%), and the rest were in ‘moderate growth’ (21.2%), and ‘rapidly rising’ (2.2%) frailty trajectory groups [11]. Non-linear increases in overall frailty levels in other cohorts have been noted over longer follow-up periods [8]. Our study findings broadly replicate the different courses of frailty over a long period as well as in an independent cohort. But the proportion and rate of change in each class in the EAS and other cohorts can be different from that seen in the LonGenity study.

While higher baseline intercepts (frailer) were observed with worse frailty trajectories, only a minority of participants had frailty by phenotypic or FI criteria at entry or final visit. These baseline differences may reflect frailty accumulated over many years before enrollment. Current frailty assessments were developed for older populations [1, 2, 5]. Studies in younger populations may help delineate onset and course of frailty.

The progression of frailty can be influenced by risk as well as protective factors [8]. A number of potentially modifiable risk factors such as obesity, living alone, physical inactivity and comorbidities were related to the frailty trajectories in our study. This clinical profile can help guide strategies to promote health or treat frailty. The role of demographics such as age and sex, brain pathologies associated with dementia, and comorbid illnesses in the progression of frailty was highlighted in a recent review by Welstead and colleagues [8]. The higher proportion of OPEL in stable and mild classes suggests that frailty trajectories might in part be determined by longevity associated genetic factors [27]. We reported that OPEL had slower decline in physical function markers related to frailty compared to OPUS [6]. The WWT test [17] is a simple test that takes 1–2 minutes to administer, and predicts incident frailty and mortality [6, 17]. While WWT performance worsened across trajectories, its modest sensitivity does not lend itself to risk stratification in clinics. But it may be useful in research studies of risk and prognostic factors for frailty progression.

The clinical relevance of identifying frailty trajectories versus a single timepoint measure of frailty is supported by the higher mortality seen with worsening trajectories, even after accounting for baseline frailty level and several well-established survival predictors such as age, chronic illnesses and walking speed [25]. Despite the potential collinearity between baseline FI and frailty trajectories, only frailty trajectories predicted mortality in the fully adjusted model (see S2 Table in S1 File). Our findings are in line with Stow and colleagues who reported higher mortality in individuals in progressive frailty trajectory subclasses compared to individuals with relatively stable frailty trajectory membership [11]. Our findings do not imply that worse FI at baseline in individuals is inevitably linked to worse frailty trajectories over time. FI will show variability over time due to changes in underlying conditions as well as in response to treatments. Repeated frailty index measurement improved mortality prediction compared to single timepoint measurement in a population-based study leading the authors to recommend regular review of frailty status over follow-up [28].

Frailty and comorbid illnesses are distinct syndromes that show overlap [1, 3]. Progression of frailty and associated mortality risk can reflect worsening health or mobility. But mobility and chronic illnesses only accounted for 4·8% and 21·9% respectively of the 41 equally-weighted FI items. Moreover, mortality risk associated with frailty trajectories remained even after adjusting for walking speed and comorbidities [25]. Health and mobility are important contributors to frailty progression and mortality risk but other as yet unexplained factors may also have a role. Our results are supported by a few previous studies that described higher mortality in worse frailty trajectories defined using phenotypic [26] or FI approaches [9, 11].

Given the heterogeneous nature of the frailty syndrome, a single biomarker cannot efficiently predict or diagnose frailty. Identification of specific proteomic signatures as the first step toward a multi-marker approach is considered a very promising strategy in frailty diagnostics [29]. Recent exponential advances in proteomic technology enables a deeper investigation of biology. Proteins integrate environmental and genetic influences. As proteins are effectors of biological processes, they not only accurately predict pathology but also are potential therapeutic targets [30].

Our large-scale proteomic analysis linked three lipid metabolism related proteins to worse trajectories. Fatty acid‐binding protein family are considered as lipid chaperones [31]. The top hit, H-FABP, expressed mainly in heart and skeletal muscle, is involved in transport of long chain fatty acids from the cell membrane through the myocardial cytoplasm. H-FABP is a sensitive biomarker for cardiovascular risk factors [32]. FABP-Adipocytes (FABPA) is overexpressed with obesity as well as correlated with blood pressure and dyslipidemia [33]. The post hoc analysis adjusted for confounders including body composition and physical inactivity reduced the significance of leptin and FABPA, supporting a role for obesity in frailty progression. These findings are in line with previous studies that have linked lipid metabolism to aging and lifespan [14, 34]. Impaired adipose tissue function is reported to result in proinflammatory state as well as immune cell infiltration, senescent cells accumulation, and an increase in senescence-associated secretory phenotype, which can increase risk for frailty [34].

Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 3 (CSPG3), was the most downregulated protein in the combined frail classes. CSPG3 plays an important role in brain development [35]. CSPG3 and leptin were associated with prevalent frailty in LonGenity [13]. The gene (ANTXR2) coding the ANTR2 is linked to grip strength [36], a major frailty component [1]. Epidermal growth factor signaling may promote healthy aging,[37] and was negatively associated with frailty in LonGenity [13]. Adjustment for cognitive scores (to control for brain pathology) and other confounders did not appreciably change the associations of these proteins to frailty. There was overlap in the proteomic profile previously associated with frailty index at cross-section and trajectories in the LonGenity cohort [13]. Fatty acid‐binding proteins and leptin were common in both frailty conditions. However, the growth factor pathway proteins were unique to the frailty trajectory suggesting common as well as distinct drivers of frailty status and future trajectories. The functionality of proteins associated with frailty trajectories need to be examined to follow up on our preliminary biological findings.

Limitations are noted. There is no gold standard for defining frailty though FI is widely used in research [2]. Both FI and phenotypic frailty definitions use a mix of subjective and objective items [1, 21]. Individuals might perceive subjective motoric changes before developing mobility disability [38]. Hence, subjective items might be sensitive to early changes in frailty compared to objective markers. LonGenity used parental longevity in an realtively homogenous Ashkenazi-Jewish sample as an entry criterion, which may limit generalizability, but biological discoveries from this cohort have been replicated in independent population samples [24, 27]. Besides, our findings regarding the number of frailty trajectories and their mortality risk was replicated in the ethnically and racially more heterogenous EAS cohort, which also had lower education and higher comorbidity levels. As the FI casts a broad net, a fully independent clinical marker was not available. We are unable to comment on onset or course of frailty in younger ages.


Prevalence and incidence of frailty is high in older populations, and is recognized as an urgent public health topic to address [1, 3, 20]. But encouragingly, over half of individuals in our cohorts had stable or mild frailty over a long period, though the study samples were not selected to be representative of the general population. Public health initiatives to reduce frailty could, hence, focus resources on people in moderate or severe categories. FI has been calculated using automated data mining methods in large healthcare systems such as the National Health Service in the United Kingdom [11]. Automated approaches to derive frailty trajectories using commonly collected electronic medical data could be developed to implement our findings in clinical settings. The novel clinical and proteomic signals of frailty trajectories can help improve current risk assessments as well as point the way to new therapies.

Supporting information

S1 File


Data Availability

The Institutional Review Board of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine has data access restrictions in place because health claims data are a sensitive data source, and have ethical restrictions imposed due to concerns regarding privacy. Anonymized data are available to all interested individuals or institutions upon request, and completion of a data transfer agreement. Please contact the Einstein Institutional Review Board staff at ( for all data requests.

Funding Statement

The authors received no specific funding for this work. Parent study funding disclosed in manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Antony Bayer

12 May 2021


Trajectories Of Frailty In Aging


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Reviewer #1: Thank you for inviting me to review this interesting paper on frailty trajectories. The authors present analyses of data from two US based cohorts: LonGenity and EAS. These longitudinal studies collect a range of information including health, sociodemographic and biological samples, allowing the authors to create a frailty index containing 41 items. The authors used latent growth mixture models to identify frailty trajectories in the two cohorts and found a four-class model to be the best fit in each. The trajectories characterised by higher intercepts (EAS) or higher intercepts and slopes (LonGenity) are associated with reduced survival probability. The authors find that these trajectories are also associated with sociodemographic factors, some of which may be amenable to intervention.

Overall this is a well written paper, which would contribute to the maturing literature on frailty and heterogeneous trajectories. I think the authors need to be a little more cautious about the novelty of their work (given the number of studies in this area) and the generalizability of the findings given the cohorts they have used (Regionally very specific, and in the case of LonGenity highly selected). I think readers would also benefit from more detail in the methods / results to aid interpretation of the trajectories and how they compare to other work.

Minor comments


“Trajectories of frailty in Aging” – I might have missed a longer title (I know PLOS encourage full and truncated versions), but assuming this is the full title I think the article would be easier to discover if the title were more descriptive (study design, timescale etc - PLOS One guidelines are as follows “Specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the field, eg Impact of cigarette smoke exposure on innate immunity: A Caenorhabditis elegans model”)


(Background) I disagree that little is known – there’s been a lot of work in this area over the last few years (see linked review - 25 studies on trajectories

It would be helpful if the authors could be clearer about the aim of the study here too.

(Methods) can you clarify here that the cohort are derived from the LonGenity study (i.e. 681 / ~60% of 1060 LonGenity participants)

(Methods) It would be helpful to describe the method used to derive the trajectories here

(Methods) Genetic/proteome work: I’m not clear why this was done - clarifying the aims could address this though.

(findings) some elements probably belong in methods, i.e. duplication in another cohort, the fact you pooled the cohorts for the mortality / survival analyses.

(findings) Is low education a modifiable risk factor in the cohort studied?

(Conclusion) I think some acknowledgement that half of the pooled sample is probably not representative of the general population should be made here.


“The few previous studies using different definitions of frailty”

Per comment on the abstract , I think there are more than a few studies looking at frailty trajectories. I do agree with the authors that there is still much to be gained by thinking about which factors that influence trajectory membership

Elements of the second paragraph of the introduction duplicate the methods section (from “to address this knowledge gap” to “higher mortality risk”)

I think the clarity of the introduction and of the paper as a whole would be aided by the addition of a sentence or two clearly stating the aims of the study (same for the abstract)


Readers would benefit from more information about the cohorts here – how long Is follow-up for EAS? For example

P5 – “no significant differences” : is this statistical or clinical significance? 1/3 of LonGenity and ½ of EAS were excluded from this study

P5 – “Phenotypic frailty” : I’m unclear as to why this is here (doesn't seem to have been used elsewhere?)

P6 - Was the duplication in the other cohort using pre specified start values? or was the model building process run entirelt independently?



Readers would benefit from a little more information on the model selection / description. You fitted linear to cubic trends but which were selected for the final model? BIC and plausibility are stated in the methods, but how close was the BIC for 3 and 4 classes for example, and how did scientific plausibility guide the process (see comment on recovery in severe trajectory class in LonGenity)

Typo: calssess -> classes

“did not change after adjustment for age sex…”: can you give more detail? Were intercepts/slopes regressed on age / sex? How did you decide that the results did not change? Was it visual inspection of the plot or were model fit indices used to make this decision?

A table 1 containing demographic information for the 2 cohorts would be helpful here (current table 1, which contains analytic elements then becomes table 2)

Figure 1a – the most severe trajectory here seems to be the one that benefited from the quadratic component of the model and implies frailty improves: is improvement possible with the frailty measures you used, is this an artefact of differential survival, or is this improvement an artifact of the quadratic component (and if so I would query whether this was the right model to specify)


Typo: suppementary -> supplementary



“the four latent classes were replicated” – I’m not clear exactly what this means: is it that a 4 class models had the best fit in both cohorts (more information in results needed to support this) or is it that the 4 classes look the same in both cohorts, in which case from a purely visual interrogation I disagree (fig 1a/1b – EAS frailty profiles all have a higher baseline, severe trajectory in LonGenity has a clear quadratic arc, vs no curvature in EAS, slopes differ in Longenity, but the EAS trajectories do not vary much in the slopes / seem to differ in the intercept only)


A few other studies are described here, but it’s not always clear what the link is to the authors own work – I think this section could be expanded to include references to the other studies on trajectories and give a direct comparison to this work (e.g. number of trajectory groups, proportion of people in each, and any associations with mortality/sociodemographic factors).

“Our study findings confirm…” – I think confirm is a little strong given the nature and size of the cohorts used here. These findings broadly replicate those from other studies looking at frailty trajectories, highlighting the potential for frailty measurement to aid prognostication, and demonstrating heterogeneity, often associated with sociodemographic factors (some of which may be amenable to intervention)

“Paucity of studies” – see above ref of review of longitudinal frailty studies from 2020


“Besides, our findings regarding number of frailty trajectories… was replicated” – as above this might be the case but it isn’t clear from the results as currently described.


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Reviewer #1: No

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PLoS One. 2021 Jul 12;16(7):e0253976. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253976.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

10 Jun 2021

Editorial comments

1. Please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements, including those for file naming.

Response: Thank you. We have reformatted the manuscript to comply with the journal format requirements, and will make any additional changes required.

2. We note that you have indicated that data from this study are available upon request. PLOS only allows data to be available upon request if there are legal or ethical restrictions on sharing data publicly. For information on unacceptable data access restrictions, please see We will update your Data Availability statement on your behalf to reflect the information you provide.

Response: Thank you. Kindly update data availability section as follows:

The Institutional Review Board of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine has data access restrictions in place because health claims data are a sensitive data source and have ethical restrictions imposed due to concerns regarding privacy. Anonymized data are available to all interested individuals or institutions upon request, and completion of a data transfer agreement. Please contact the Einstein Institutional Review Board staff at ( for all data requests.

3. Thank you for stating the following in the Acknowledgments Section of your manuscript: 'Funding/Support: No funding received. The parent study funding is as follows. The LonGenity cohort was funded by the National Institutes of Health grants P01AG021654, R01AG046949, R01AG057909, R01AG044829, R01AG061155, RO1AGO57548, and K23AG051148, the Nathan Shock Center of Excellence for the Biology of Aging P30AG038072, American Federation for Aging Research, and Glenn Center for the Biology of Human Aging Paul Glenn Foundation Grant. The Einstein Aging Study was supported by National Institutes of Health grants P01AG03949, R01AG039409, RO1 AGO57548, and R21 AG056920. The sponsors of the parent studies had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.'

We note that you have provided funding information that is not currently declared in your Funding Statement. However, funding information should not appear in the Acknowledgments section or other areas of your manuscript. We will only publish funding information present in the Funding Statement section of the online submission form.

Response: We have removed funding-related text from the manuscript. Kindly update Funding Statement of the online submission form as follows:

‘The authors received no specific funding for this work. The parent study funding is as follows. The LonGenity cohort was funded by the National Institutes of Health grants P01AG021654, R01AG046949, R01AG057909, R01AG044829, R01AG061155, RO1AGO57548, and K23AG051148, the Nathan Shock Center of Excellence for the Biology of Aging P30AG038072, American Federation for Aging Research, and Glenn Center for the Biology of Human Aging Paul Glenn Foundation Grant. The Einstein Aging Study was supported by National Institutes of Health grants P01AG03949, R01AG039409, RO1 AGO57548, and R21 AG056920. The sponsors of the parent studies had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.'

4. Please include a copy of Table 3 which you refer to in your text on page 25.

Response: ‘Table 3’ was included in the manuscript as ‘Supplementary Table 3.’ We have corrected the description in the text (Page 16) as well as in Figure 3 legend.

5. Please include captions for your Supporting Information files at the end of your manuscript, and update any in-text citations to match accordingly. Please see our Supporting Information guidelines for more information:

Response: Thank you. We have included captions for supplementary tables (Page 31), and updated in-text citations.

Reviewer 1

Thank you for inviting me to review this interesting paper on frailty trajectories. The authors present analyses of data from two US based cohorts: LonGenity and EAS. These longitudinal studies collect a range of information including health, sociodemographic and biological samples, allowing the authors to create a frailty index containing 41 items. The authors used latent growth mixture models to identify frailty trajectories in the two cohorts and found a four-class model to be the best fit in each. The trajectories characterised by higher intercepts (EAS) or higher intercepts and slopes (LonGenity) are associated with reduced survival probability. The authors find that these trajectories are also associated with sociodemographic factors, some of which may be amenable to intervention.

Overall this is a well written paper, which would contribute to the maturing literature on frailty and heterogeneous trajectories. I think the authors need to be a little more cautious about the novelty of their work (given the number of studies in this area) and the generalizability of the findings given the cohorts they have used (Regionally very specific, and in the case of LonGenity highly selected). I think readers would also benefit from more detail in the methods / results to aid interpretation of the trajectories and how they compare to other work.

Response: Thank you for the positive comments. We have followed the Reviewer’s suggestion for being cautious about the novelty throughout the manuscript, and noting limitations to generalizability. We thank the Reviewer for pointing us to a highly relevant recent review of frailty that we have incorporated into the manuscript (reference 8). We have added more details in Methods and Results as detailed in our responses to the comments below.

Minor comments

1. TITLE: “Trajectories of frailty in Aging” – I might have missed a longer title (I know PLOS encourage full and truncated versions), but assuming this is the full title I think the article would be easier to discover if the title were more descriptive (study design, timescale etc - PLOS One guidelines are as follows “Specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the field, eg Impact of cigarette smoke exposure on innate immunity: A Caenorhabditis elegans model”)

Response: As suggested by the reviewer, we expanded the title as follows: “Trajectories of frailty in Aging: prospective cohort study.”

2. ABSTRACT: (Background) I disagree that little is known – there’s been a lot of work in this area over the last few years (see linked review - 25 studies on trajectories It would be helpful if the authors could be clearer about the aim of the study here too.

Response: We revised the background statement in the Abstract as follows: Emerging evidence suggests that there is significant variability in the progression of frailty in aging. We aimed to identify latent subpopulations of frailty trajectories, and examine their clinical and biological correlates.

Thank you for pointing us towards this highly relevant review. We had already included individual studies from this review in our previous submission. But have now revised our manuscript based on this review (new reference 8).

3. (Methods) can you clarify here that the cohort are derived from the LonGenity study (i.e. 681 / ~60% of 1060 LonGenity participants)

Response: We included this clarification (Page 6). We also added a new Table 1 with cohort details as suggested by the reviewer.

4. (Methods) It would be helpful to describe the method used to derive the trajectories here

Response: As suggested, we moved the section on latent class modelling to the frailty section as well as expanded on the methods as requested by the reviewer (Page 8).

5. (Methods) Genetic/proteome work: I’m not clear why this was done - clarifying the aims could address this though.

Response: We revised the Introduction to more clearly state our biological aim (Page 6), and also noted the lack of biological studies of latent classes of frailty (Page 5). Our examination of proteomic signatures of trajectories follows our cross-sectional study of proteomics of frailty (reference 13, Introduction Page 5), and this biological investigation could spur research into protective mechanisms against frailty and help develop new interventions (Page 5, 20-21).

6. (findings) some elements probably belong in methods, i.e. duplication in another cohort, the fact you pooled the cohorts for the mortality / survival analyses.

Response: We have added or expanded on these elements in the Methods for latent modelling (Page 8) as well as mortality analysis (Page 10).

7. (findings) Is low education a modifiable risk factor in the cohort studied?

Response: Education was not significant when examined in the mortality analysis model fully adjusted for all covariates, and the result was presented in supplementary Table 2.

8. (Conclusion) I think some acknowledgement that half of the pooled sample is probably not representative of the general population should be made here.

Response: We added this caveat (Page 22).

9. INTRO “The few previous studies using different definitions of frailty” Per comment on the abstract , I think there are more than a few studies looking at frailty trajectories. I do agree with the authors that there is still much to be gained by thinking about which factors that influence trajectory membership

Response: We agree, and have revised the Abstract, and Introduction (Page 5).

10. Elements of the second paragraph of the introduction duplicate the methods section (from “to address this knowledge gap” to “higher mortality risk”)

Response: We revised the text to reduce redundancy (Page 5-6)

11. I think the clarity of the introduction and of the paper as a whole would be aided by the addition of a sentence or two clearly stating the aims of the study (same for the abstract)

Response: Thank you for the suggestion. We revised the Introduction (Page 5-6) and Abstract to more clearly state our aims.

12. METHOD. Readers would benefit from more information about the cohorts here – how long Is follow-up for EAS? For example

Response: We have included the follow-up information for both cohorts as requested (Page 6). We also added new Table 1 as suggested by the reviewer to provide more cohort details.

13. P5 – “no significant differences” : is this statistical or clinical significance? 1/3 of LonGenity and ½ of EAS were excluded from this study

Response: We clarified that it was statistical difference on key variables (Page 6).

14. P5 – “Phenotypic frailty” : I’m unclear as to why this is here (doesn't seem to have been used elsewhere?)

Response: We had provided the phenotypic frailty definition as we had described the prevalence of phenotypic frailty in Results (Page 11) and in Table 2 as well discussed it with reference to frailty trajectories (Page 18).

15. P6 - Was the duplication in the other cohort using pre specified start values? or was the model building process run entirelt independently?

Response: We have clarified that the model was run independently in EAS (Page 10).

16. RESULTS. P8: Readers would benefit from a little more information on the model selection / description. You fitted linear to cubic trends but which were selected for the final model? BIC and plausibility are stated in the methods, but how close was the BIC for 3 and 4 classes for example, and how did scientific plausibility guide the process (see comment on recovery in severe trajectory class in LonGenity).

Response: We have expanded on the methodology of model selection as requested (Page 8). Given a fixed number of classes (denoted as K), we examined linear to cubic trends within each class by testing of the parameters and model fitting statistics (BIC), to obtain the final model given the number of classes, starting with k=1. To compare model fitting between K=k+1 versus k number of classes, we followed the recommendation based on change in BIC as described in Jones, Nagin and Roeder 2001 (reference 22), in the Methods section, to determine whether the model with k+1 classes is better than the model with k classes. For example, for the question about comparing 3 and 4 classes, the change of BIC from 3 to 4 classes models is 183, which suggests ‘strong’ evidence that 4-class model is better based on the cut-off laid out in Jones, Nagin and Roeder (2001). Judgement of plausibility, including how well the groups were seperated and the proportions of class membership, was also used in the determination of number of classes.

17. Typo: calssess -> classes

Response: Thank you. Corrected (Page 10).

18. “did not change after adjustment for age sex…”: can you give more detail? Were intercepts/slopes regressed on age / sex? How did you decide that the results did not change? Was it visual inspection of the plot or were model fit indices used to make this decision?

Response: The result did not fundamentally change when age, sex, and OPEL-OPUS status were included as risk factors for class membership in the latent class trajectory analysis (revised Page 11).

19. A table 1 containing demographic information for the 2 cohorts would be helpful here (current table 1, which contains analytic elements then becomes table 2).

Response: Thank you for the suggestion. We added a new Table 1 with cohort details.

20. Figure 1a – the most severe trajectory here seems to be the one that benefited from the quadratic component of the model and implies frailty improves: is improvement possible with the frailty measures you used, is this an artefact of differential survival, or is this improvement an artifact of the quadratic component (and if so I would query whether this was the right model to specify)

Response: As indicated in the Methods section (Page 8), our model allows missing data under the assumption that the data are missing at random, i.e., the missing data process (due to survival, drop out, etc.) can depend on the observed outcome. The case of missing not at random is not testable without additional data. The improvement at later follow-up time shown in the most severe group is due to the quadratic trend. We chose this model because it is better than the linear model. Even though slight improvement is shown at later follow-up time due to the quadratic trend in this group, the dominating trend is still worsening over time in the group and overall worse than the other groups. If we fit a model with linear trend in all the 4 classes, overall similar group separation and pattern were observed with 86% overlap in group assignment. Note that the proportion in the most severe group is the lowest (5.4%, n=35) which shows evidence the presence of a small most severe group in the overall trajectory.

21. P9. Typo: suppementary -> supplementary

Response: Thank you. Corrected (Page 15).

22. DISCUSSION P10 “the four latent classes were replicated” – I’m not clear exactly what this means: is it that a 4 class models had the best fit in both cohorts (more information in results needed to support this) or is it that the 4 classes look the same in both cohorts, in which case from a purely visual interrogation I disagree (fig 1a/1b – EAS frailty profiles all have a higher baseline, severe trajectory in LonGenity has a clear quadratic arc, vs no curvature in EAS, slopes differ in Longenity, but the EAS trajectories do not vary much in the slopes / seem to differ in the intercept only)

Response: In the phrase “the four latent classes were replicated”, we meant that the existence of 4 latent classes was also shown in EAS data, but the pattern in each class can be different from that in Longevity study. The same method of latent class trajectory analysis as described in the method section was applied to EAS. We acknowledge that this can cause confusion, and therefore revised the text in the Abstract and Discussion (Page 18).

23. P11. A few other studies are described here, but it’s not always clear what the link is to the authors own work – I think this section could be expanded to include references to the other studies on trajectories and give a direct comparison to this work (e.g. number of trajectory groups, proportion of people in each, and any associations with mortality/sociodemographic factors).

Response: We confirm that none of the studies referenced in the highlighted section were from our group (Page 19). There were only 2 studies in the review (reference 8) suggested by the reviewer that used mixture models to identify latent subpopulations of FI trajectories; similar to the aim of our study. The other studies in the same review reported non-linear trends in frailty progression without examining subclasses. The study by Stow et al (reference 11) was the only one to described latent subclasses in their overall sample. We had included this study in our submission but have now expanded its description (Page 19). The other study (Stephan et al, 2020) in the review reported latent classes of frailty by sociodemographic features, and not in the overall sample. As recommended, we have expanded the section (Page 19) to describe group membership in the Stow study, non-linear patterns in other studies as well as association with socio/demographic factors (Page 18).

24. “Our study findings confirm…” – I think confirm is a little strong given the nature and size of the cohorts used here. These findings broadly replicate those from other studies looking at frailty trajectories, highlighting the potential for frailty measurement to aid prognostication, and demonstrating heterogeneity, often associated with sociodemographic factors (some of which may be amenable to intervention)

Response: We revised the terminology as recommended (Page 21).

25. “Paucity of studies” – see above ref of review of longitudinal frailty studies from 2020

Response: Thanks again for pointing out this review. We have used this reference (8) to bolster our Introduction and Discussion.

P14 “Besides, our findings regarding number of frailty trajectories… was replicated” – as above this might be the case but it isn’t clear from the results as currently described.

Response: We agree that the statement was not clear and have revised accordingly as described in response to comment 22 above.

Decision Letter 1

Antony Bayer

17 Jun 2021

Trajectories of frailty in aging: Prospective cohort study


Dear Dr. Verghese,

Thank you for your revised manuscript and thank you for your detailed attention to the reviewer's comments. I hope that you would agree that the paper has now been strengthened significantly. The only issue I noted is the affiliation of Dr. Wang - should this be "5" rather than "4"?

Consequently, we’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Antony Bayer

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Antony Bayer

1 Jul 2021


Trajectories of frailty in aging: Prospective cohort study

Dear Dr. Verghese:

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