At the request of the Journal Editor(s) and the Publisher, the following articles has been retracted.
Ali K, Rao S, Berdine G, Test V, Nugent K. A Retrospective Analysis and Comparison of Prisoners and Community-Based Patients with COVID-19 Requiring Intensive Care During the First Phase of the Pandemic in West Texas. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. January 2020. doi:10.1177/2150132720954687
Ali K, Rao S, Dennis J, Berdine G, Test V, Nugent K. Basic Demographic Parameters Help Predict Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 During the First Wave of Infection in West Texas. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. January 2020. doi:10.1177/2150132720970717
The retraction of these two articles follows a request by the authors after their institutional review board found that the previously approved study protocols appear to violate IRB guidelines around prisoner research. The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center does not feel the mistake was made in bad faith but recognize the severity of the violation merits retraction.