Eight strains of Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae isolated from 8 herd outbreaks of pleuropneumonia in pigs were studied by means of the slide agglutination test, the tube agglutination test, the IHA test and by gel diffusion.
The 8 strains were antigenically homogeneous and serologically distinct from serotypes 1 through 7. It is therefore proposed to refer these strains to a new serotype: serotype 8, with strain 405 as the type strain.
In addition to the serotype-specific capsular antigens, capsular antigen of serotype 3 (strain 1421) and serotype 6 (strain Femø) could be demonstrated in the 8 strains by means of the IHA test and by gel diffusion analyses.
Keywords: Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae, serotypes, indirect haemagglutination test, gel diffusion test, agglutination
Otte Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae stammer, isoleret fra 8 besætningsudbrud af pleuropneumoni, blev undersøgt serologisk ved hjælp af objektglasagglutination, reagensglasagglutination, indirekte hemagglutination (IHA) og gel diffusion.
De 8 stammer udgjorde en homogen gruppe i antigen henseende og var serologisk forskellige fra de hidtil kendte serotyper 1 til 7. Gruppen er derfor blevet identificeret som en ny serotype, serotype 8 med stamme 405 som typestamme.
Ved hjælp af gel diffusion og IHA tests blev det påvist, at de 8 stammer, foruden serotype-specifikke kapselantigener, også indeholdt kapselantigener af serotype 3 (stamme 1421) og serotype 6 (stamme Femø).
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