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. 2021 Jul 21;16(7):e0254811. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254811

A power approximation for the Kenward and Roger Wald test in the linear mixed model

Sarah M Kreidler 1,#, Brandy M Ringham 2,*,#, Keith E Muller 3,#, Deborah H Glueck 4,#
Editor: Lei Shi5
PMCID: PMC8294572  PMID: 34288958


We derive a noncentral F power approximation for the Kenward and Roger test. We use a method of moments approach to form an approximate distribution for the Kenward and Roger scaled Wald statistic, under the alternative. The result depends on the approximate moments of the unscaled Wald statistic. Via Monte Carlo simulation, we demonstrate that the new power approximation is accurate for cluster randomized trials and longitudinal study designs. The method retains accuracy for small sample sizes, even in the presence of missing data. We illustrate the method with a power calculation for an unbalanced group-randomized trial in oral cancer prevention.

1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation

Linear mixed models are widely used in biomedical research for inference in analyses with missing data. Kenward and Roger [1] described a scaled Wald statistic and null case reference distribution for tests of fixed effects in the linear mixed model. Despite the widespread use of the Kenward and Roger [1] method for data analysis, no general methods are available to calculate power for the Kenward and Roger [1] test.

Several authors have described power approximations for related tests and models. Helms [2] described a noncentral F power approximation for a Wald test. Helms used a different null case reference distribution than the one derived by Kenward and Roger. Stroup [3] suggested an “exemplary data” approach for calculating power for mixed models with missing data. Tu et al. [4, 5] developed an asymptotic power approximation based on generalized estimating equations. Shieh [6] provided non-central F power approximations for multivariate models with random covariates and no missing data. Chi, Glueck, and Muller [7] demonstrated that power methods for the general linear multivariate model may be used in complete, balanced, homoscedastic mixed models.

We derive a noncentral F power approximation for the Kenward and Roger [1] test for a broad range of models. We use a method of moments approach [8] to form an approximate distribution of the Kenward and Roger [1] scaled Wald statistic, FR, under the alternative. The reference distribution of FR under the alternative depends on the approximate moments of the unscaled Wald statistic.

The remainder of the manuscript is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce notation for the general linear mixed model and briefly review the methods of Kenward and Roger [1]. In Section 3, we describe a noncentral F power approximation for the Kenward and Roger [1] test. In Section 4, we summarize the Monte Carlo simulation study used to evaluate the power approximation. In Section 5, we demonstrate a power calculation for a longitudinal trial in oral cancer prevention. In Section 6, we provide concluding remarks.

2 Notation, models, and hypothesis testing

2.1 Notation

For i ∈ {1, …, n}, let a = {ai} denote an n × 1 column vector. Furthermore, for i ∈ {1, …, n} and j ∈ {1, …, m}, let A = {aij} indicate an n × m matrix with transpose A′ = {aji}. Let Id be a (d × d) identity matrix. For a matrix A = [a1 a2an], let vec(A)=[a1a2an]. Define the Kronecker product of two matrices A and B as AB = {aij B} [9, Section 1.3].

Extend the direct sum operator [9, Section 1.3] to sets of arbitrarily sized matrices as follows. Let {A1, …, AJ} be a set of matrices such that Aj has dimension (rj × cj). Let 0ri,cj be an (ri × cj) matrix of zeros. Define the direct sum of {A1, …, AJ} as

j=1JAj=[A10r1,c20r1,cJ0r2,c1A20rJ-1,cJ0rJ,c10rJ,cJ-1AJ]. (1)

For δ ∈ {1, …, (2p − 1)} and d ∈ {1, …, δ}, define the set Rd where Rd ⊆ {1, …, p} of cardinality 1 ≤ pdp. For every Rd, let Dp,d, a deletion matrix, be the (pd × p) submatrix of Ip formed by keeping each row i of Ip such that iRd. For example, given a (p × p) matrix A and Rd = {1, 3},

D3,d=[100001] (2)


D3,dAD3,d=[a11a13a31a33]. (3)

Let E0(u) and EA(u) be the expectations of the random variable u under the null and alternative hypotheses, respectively. Similarly, let V0(u) and VA(u) indicate the variance under the null and alternative hypotheses. For random matrix variates, denote the covariance under the null and alternative hypotheses as V0(A) and VA(A), respectively.

Let XD indicate that random variable X follows a distribution D exactly, while X˙D indicates that distribution is followed approximately. Let FF(νn,νd,γ) indicate that the random variable F follows a noncentral F distribution [10] with numerator degrees of freedom νn, denominator degrees of freedom νd, and noncentrality parameter γ. For γ = 0, F is said to follow a central F distribution, written FF(νn,νd). Define F-1(b;νn,νd,γ) such that for 0 ≤ b ≤ 1

F(f;νn,νd,γ)=bF-1(b;νn,νd,γ)=f. (4)

Use YNN,p(M,Ξ,Σ) to indicate that the (N × p) matrix Y follows a matrix Gaussian distribution, with M an (N × p) matrix of means, Ξ an (N × N) symmetric, positive definite column covariance matrix, and Σ a (p × p) symmetric, positive definite row covariance matrix [9, Chapter 8]. Write WWp(N,Σ) to indicate that the (p × p) matrix W follows a central Wishart distribution of dimension p, degrees of freedom N, on covariance Σ. For Ψ = Σ−1, write W-1IWp{(N+p+1),Ψ} to indicate that W−1 follows a central inverse Wishart distribution of dimension p, degrees of freedom N+ p+ 1, and precision matrix Ψ [11, p. 111, Theorem 3.4.1].

2.2 The general linear mixed model

We describe the general linear mixed model for Gaussian outcomes using the notation of Muller and Stewart [9, Chapter 5]. Let i ∈ {1, …, N} indicate the ith independent sampling unit [9, Chapter 5]. An independent sampling unit may be a single participant, as in a clinical trial, or a group of participants, as in a cluster-randomized study. Observations from two different independent sampling units are statistically independent. Observations within an independent sampling unit may be correlated. For example, for a particpant in a longitudinal trial, repeated measurements over time will be correlated.

Let pi be the number of observations for the ith independent sampling unit, with p = maxi(pi). For the ith independent sampling unit, let yi be the (pi × 1) vector of observed outcomes, Xi be the (pi × r) fixed effects design matrix of rank r, and ei be the (pi × 1) vector of random errors. Assume that for ij, eiej and yiyj. Let Σi be a (pi × pi) symmetric, positive definite matrix, with

eiNpi(0,Σi). (5)

Let β be the (r × 1) vector of regression parameters. The linear mixed model for the ith independent sampling unit is

yi=Xiβ+ei. (6)

Let n=i=1Npi. Define the (n × 1) vectors ys=[y1y2...yN] and es=[e1e2eN]. Stack the fixed effect design matrices into the (n × r) matrix

Xs=[X1X2XN]. (7)

Throughout, we assume that predictor values are not allowed to change within an independent sampling unit, i.e., that there are no repeated covariates. In addition, we assume that all predictor values are fixed as part of the study design. The population-averaged form of the linear mixed model is

ys=Xsβ+es. (8)


Σs=i=1NΣi. (9)

The distribution of ys is

ysNn(Xsβ,Σs). (10)

2.3 Tests for fixed effects in mixed models

Let α be the Type I error rate. Let C be the (a × r) matrix of fixed effects contrasts. Define the (a × 1) matrix θ = , and let θ0 be the (a × 1) matrix of null values. The general linear hypothesis may be stated as

H0:θ=θ0. (11)

In order to conduct power analysis for the general linear hypothesis in the mixed model, we must consider the target estimation method. Several estimation methods have been described for mixed models [12, Chapter 5]. Common estimation methods include restricted maximum likelihood and maximum likelihood.

Let m indicate the estimation method. Let Σ^s,m and β^m be the estimates of Σs and β obtained from method m. Define θ^m=Cβ^m. The Wald statistic for the linear mixed model is

wm=(θ^m-θ0)[C(XsΣ^s,m-1Xs)-1C]-1(θ^m-θ0)/a. (12)

The distribution of the Wald statistic is not known exactly for any m. Various reference distributions have been suggested for each estimation method m. In general, the distributions share a common form, with

wm˙F(νn,m,νd,m,γm). (13)

Under the null hypothesis, γm = 0 and wm˙F(νn,m,νd,m).

2.4 The Kenward-Roger test for fixed effects

Kenward and Roger [1] suggested using restricted maximum likelihood estimation (m = R) and a scaled Wald statistic.

FR=λ(θ^R-θ0)[C(XsΣ^s,R-1Xs)-1C]-1(θ^R-θ0)/a.=λwR (14)

Kenward and Roger [1] used Taylor expansion to estimate E0(wR) and V0(wR) from observed data. Kenward and Roger [1] substituted E0(wR) and V0(wR) into method of moments approximations for λ and the reference distribution of FR under the null. With FR˙F(a,ν),

ρ=V0(wR)2E0(wR)2, (15)
ν=4+a+2aρ-1, (16)


λ=ν(ν-2)E0(wR). (17)

3 Power approximation for the Kenward-Roger test in the linear mixed model

3.1 The approximate moments of the Wald statistic

We derive a noncentral F power approximation for the Kenward and Roger [1] test. The method of moments approach [8] is used to form an approximate distribution of the Kenward and Roger [1] scaled Wald statistic, FR, under the alternative. The reference distribution of FR under the alternative depends on the approximate moments of the unscaled Wald statistic.

We demonstrate that the Wald statistic has an approximately noncentral F reference distribution under the alternative and a central F reference distribution under the null. The result depends on approximate distributional results for both (θ^R-θ0) and C(XsΣ^s,R-1Xs)-1C. Because distributional results are, in general, not available for restricted maximum likelihood estimation, we instead use distributional results based on other techniques.

Let m = W indicate weighted least squares, and m = M denote multivariate methods. Approximate (θ^R-θ0) by (θ^W-θ0), which is Gaussian, conditional on Σs. The term C(XsΣ^s,R-1Xs)-1C can be approximated by C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C. We show that C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C is approximately Wishart. Finally, under the assumption of independence, we combine the terms to obtain an approximate F distribution.

3.1.1 The conditional distribution of (θ^W-θ0)

The weighted least squares estimate [12] of β is

β^W=(XsΣs-1Xs)-1(XsΣs-1ys). (18)

With θ^W=Cβ^W,

(θ^W-θ0)|ΣsNa{(θ-θ0),C(XsΣs-1Xs)-1C}. (19)

3.1.2 The approximate distribution of C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C

We approximate the distribution of

C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C (20)

with a single central Wishart. The result follows from Theorems 1, 2 and 3 in A. The theorems provide an approximate distribution for a positive definite sum of potentially singular quadratic forms in independent inverse central Wishart matrices.

The accuracy of the approximation depends on the degrees of freedom of the component quadratic forms. To ensure sufficient degrees of freedom, we make the following homoscedasticity assumptions. Recall p = maxi(pi). With Σmax a symmetric, positive definite matrix, assume ΣiΣmax for all i ∈ {1, …, N} such that pi = p. Let Nd indicate the number of independent sampling units with observation pattern Rd. Note N=d=1δNd. For independent sampling units with observation pattern Rd, assume

Σd=Dp,dΣmaxDp,d. (21)

Without loss of generality, permute the independent sampling units in Eq 8 so that

Σs=d=1δi=1NdΣd. (22)

Estimate Σs with

Σ^s=d=1δi=1NdΣ^d (23)

The following thought experiment gives reasonable approximations for the distribution of each Σ^d. All independent sampling units with observed data pattern Rd have pd observations. For each Rd, suppose we form a complete, balanced mixed model containing only the independent sampling units with observed data pattern Rd. For each balanced mixed model, assume that Xs includes the full time by treatment interaction. This permits recasting each balanced mixed model as an equivalent general linear multivariate model [9, Chapter 14]. For cluster randomized designs, we assume that the mixed model is recast as a two-stage model of cluster means [13, Chapter 4], a special case of the multivariate model.

For the dth multivariate model, let q be the rank of the multivariate design matrix and E^d be the (Nd × pd) matrix of residuals. Assume Nd > (q + pd + 1). Then an unbiased, consistent estimate of Σd, Σ^d,M, can be formed using known results for the multivariate model. Thus,

Σ^d,M=E^dE^d/(Nd-q), (24)

with distribution

Σ^d,MWpd{Nd-q,Σd/(Nd-q)}. (25)

Recall that in the Wald statistic (Eq 12),

XsΣ^s,M-1Xs=d=1δi=1NdXiΣ^d,M-1Xi. (26)

Using Eq 25 and Theorem 3 in Appendix, approximate the distribution of XsΣ^s,M-1Xs with a single inverse central Wishart,

XsΣ^s,M-1Xs˙IWr(N*,Σ*-1). (27)

From the linear properties of Wishart matrices [11, p. 111, Theorem 3.4.1],

C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C˙Wa{(N*-r-1),CΣ*C}. (28)

3.1.3 Combining (θ^W-θ0) and C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C to form an approximate F

We now combine (θ^W-θ0) and C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C as described in Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 to form a Wald statistic,

w=(θ^W-θ0)[C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C]-1(θ^W-θ0)/a. (29)

We assume that wwR. From Eq 19, (θ^W-θ0) is approximately Gaussian. From Eq 28, C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C is approximately Wishart.

For conciseness of notation, write μ = (θθ0), with estimate μ^=(θ^W-θ0), W=C(XsΣs-1Xs)-1C and W^=C(XsΣ^s,M-1Xs)-1C. Define Q=[V(W^)]-1V(μ^) and h=μ[V(W^)]-1μ. Assume that θ^WΣ^s,M. The assumption rests on the following logic. If we had estimated both Σs and β using multivariate techniques, independence would follow [14, p. 291, Theorem 8.2.2]. Applying Theorem 4 in Appendix,

w˙{a(N*-r+a-2)}-1tr(Q)F{nu,(N*-r+a-2),δu}, (30)


δu=htr(Q)+2h2tr(QQ)+2μ{Q[V(W^)]-1}μ (31)


nu=δuh-1tr(Q). (32)

From Eq 30, we calculate E0(w), EA(w), and VA(w), using standard results for central and noncentral F distributions [10].

3.2 A three-moment approximation for the distribution of the Kenward and Roger scaled Wald statistic under the alternative hypothesis

We use a method of moments approach [8] to form the approximate distribution of Kenward and Roger [1] scaled Wald statistic, FR, under the alternative. The parameters of the distribution depend on the approximate Wald moments derived in Section 3.1. We approximate the distribution of the Kenward and Roger [1] statistic, FR = λwR, by the distribution of F = λw, where F˙F(a,ν,γ). Thus

FR˙F(a,ν,γ). (33)

To obtain values for λ, ν, and γ under the alternative, we match three moments, setting

EA(F)=EA(λw), (34)
VA(F)=VA(λw), (35)


E0(F)=E0(λw). (36)


ρ=VA(w)2{E0(w)}2, (37)

we obtain

λ=ν(ν-2)E0(w), (38)
ν=4+2(a+2γ)+(a+γ)2ρa2-a-2γ, (39)


γ=a{EA(w)E0(w)-1}. (40)

When γ = 0, Eq 39 reduces to

ν=4+a+2aρ-1, (41)

which shares the same form as the result obtained by Kenward and Roger (Eq 16). The exact values of ρ, and hence ν, will differ due to the disparate techniques used to obtain moments for the Wald statistics, w and wR.

3.3 Power calculation for the Kenward and Roger test

We calculate power for the Kenward and Roger test as follows. Define α, Σmax, β, C and θ0. For i ∈ {1, …, N}, specify Xi and Rd. Calculate a, ν, and γ as described in Section 3.2. Form the reference distribution of FR˙F(a,ν,γ). Using the approximate reference distribution of FR under the null, FR˙F(a,ν,0), find the critical value

fcritF-1(1-α;a,ν,0). (42)

Finally, using the approximate reference distribution of FR under the alternative, FR˙F(a,ν,γ), calculate power as

Power1-F(fcrit;a,ν,γ). (43)

4 Simulation study

4.1 Methods

We compared approximate power values, calculated as in Section 3.3, with empirical power for two types of study designs: unbalanced, cluster randomized trials and longitudinal studies with known dropout patterns. Approximate power was calculated using our mixedPower package for R version 4.0.2 [15].

Empirical power was calculated by Monte Carlo simulation in SAS [16, version 9.4]. We defined α, Σmax, β, C and θ0. For i ∈ {1, …, N}, we specified Xi and Rd. We generated 10, 000 replicates of es and computed ys as in Eq 8. For each replicate, we tested the linear contrast C using SAS PROC MIXED with the DDFM = KenwardRoger flag to request Kenward and Roger [1] denominator degrees of freedom. Empirical power was estimated as the proportion of replicates for which the null hypothesis was rejected. Source code is available at

4.1.1 Cluster randomized designs

We compared approximate and empirical power for 36 cluster randomized designs. We assumed that each design had a single Gaussian outcome. Half of the clusters were assumed to have complete data, with the remaining clusters assumed to have some amount of missing data. We varied the number of treatment groups, t ∈ {2, 4}, the number of clusters randomized to each treatment, Ntreatment ∈ {10, 40}, the total number of participants in a complete cluster, p ∈ {5, 50} and the ratio of the incomplete cluster size to the complete cluster size s ∈ {0.6, 0.8, 1}. We only included designs which met the assumption that Nd > (q + pd + 1) for all Rd.

For each design, we repeated the simulations for several intraclass correlation values ρ ∈ {0.04, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5}, with

Σmax=2×{1p1pρ+Ip(1-ρ)}. (44)

The β matrix had the form

β=b×[10] (45)

for designs with 2 treatments and

β=b×[1000] (46)

for designs with 4 treatments. The scale factor b was selected so that the approximate power was roughly 0.2, 0.5 or 0.8. In each scenario, we calculated power for the null hypothesis of no difference among treatment groups at α = 0.05. We used the Wald test with denominator degrees of freedom as described by Kenward and Roger [1].

4.1.2 Longitudinal designs

We calculated approximate and empirical power for 36 longitudinal study designs. Each design had 5 repeated measures and 50 participants per treatment group. We varied the number of treatment groups, t ∈ {2, 4}, the pattern of missing data, either monotone (missing the 4th and 5th observations), or non-monotone (missing the 2nd and 4th observations), and the number of participants in each treatment group with some amount of missing data, Nincomplete ∈ {0, 10, 20}. For observations within a given participant, we assumed a first-order auto-regressive correlation structure [12, p. 99], with ρ = 0.4 and σ2 = 1. The β matrix had the form

β=b×[109] (47)

for designs with 2 treatments and

β=b×[1019] (48)

for designs with 4 treatments. The scale factor and hypothesis testing were as described for the cluster randomized designs with one exception: we calculated power for the null hypothesis of no time by treatment interaction.

4.1.3 Performance criteria

For each design, we computed the deviation as approximate power minus empirical power. We produced box plots summarizing the deviations overall, within all cluster randomized trials, and within all longitudinal designs. For the cluster randomized trials, we produced box plots stratified by the number of treatment groups, the cluster size, and the ratio of the incomplete cluster size to the complete cluster size. For the longitudinal designs, we produced box plots summarizing the deviations stratified by the number of treatment groups, the pattern of missing observations, and the number of incomplete independent sampling units per treatment.

Positive deviations indicated that the approximate power values were larger than the empirical power values. Negative deviations indicated that the approximate power values were smaller than the empirical power values.

4.2 Results

Fig 1 summarizes the deviations between the approximate and the empirical power values. The three box plots show results for all designs, for cluster randomized trials, and for longitudinal studies. Overall, the median deviation between the approximate and the empirical power values was 0.010 (min: −0.010, 1st quartile: 0.005, 3rd quartile: 0.015, max: 0.064). For cluster randomized trials, the median deviation was 0.011, (min: −0.001, 1st quartile: 0.006, 3rd quartile: 0.017, max: 0.064). For longitudinal designs, the median deviation was 0.003, (min: −0.010, 1st quartile: 0.000, 3rd quartile: 0.009, max: 0.016).

Fig 1. Power deviations for all designs, cluster randomized designs only, and longitudinal designs only.

Fig 1

(center line, median; box limits, 1st and 3rd quartiles; whiskers, minimum and maximum).

Further details for cluster-randomized designs are shown in Fig 2. The accuracy of the power approximation improved with larger cluster sizes. The approximation retained accuracy regardless of the ratio of incomplete to complete cluster sizes. As shown in Table 1, accuracy was similar across ICC values, with slight improvements with increasing correlation.

Fig 2. Power deviations for cluster randomized designs.

Fig 2

(center line, median; box limits, 1st and 3rd quartiles; whiskers, minimum and maximum).

Table 1. Deviations between approximate and empirical power in cluster randomized designs by ICC.

ICC Minimum 1st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile Maximum
0.04 -0.001 0.006 0.012 0.019 0.064
0.1 0.002 0.009 0.012 0.017 0.054
0.2 0.001 0.005 0.010 0.016 0.059
0.5 0.001 0.006 0.010 0.014 0.038

Results for longitudinal designs are shown in Fig 3. The power approximation was highly accurate for all longitudinal designs tested.

Fig 3. Power deviations in longitudinal designs.

Fig 3

(center line, median; box limits, 1st and 3rd quartiles; whiskers, minimum and maximum).

5 Applied example

We demonstrate a power calculation for an unbalanced cluster-randomized trial of an intervention to reduce oral cancer risk behaviors. The example is based on a hypothetical study examining the impact of workplace smoking cessation programs on tobacco use. We used a synthetic, rather than a real example, so that the power calculation is easy to follow. In a real power calculation, values of differences in means, standard deviations and intra-class correlation coefficients could be drawn from the literature, as described in Guo et al. [17].

For our demonstration, we assume that 80 worksites will be randomized to 2 smoking cessation programs, with 40 sites per treatment condition. Of the 40 sites randomized to each smoking cessation program, 25 worksites will have 30 participants, and the remaining 15 will have 20 participants. The outcome for the analysis will be urinary cotinine. We wish to detect a difference of 25 ng/ml. We assume a standard deviation of 125 ng/ml, and an intraclass correlation of 0.04. We will calculate power for the Kenward and Roger [1] test of the smoking cessation program effect. We set α = 0.05.

To begin the calculation, we first identify the patterns of observations in the study, including complete clusters with 30 participants, and incomplete clusters with 20 participants. Table 2 summarizes the design matrices and patterns of observations by cluster size and treatment assignment.

Table 2. Design matrices and patterns of observations for proposed study of smoking cessation programs.

pi = 30 pi = 20
Program 1 Xi = 130 ⊗ [1 0] Xi = 120 ⊗ [0]
Rd = {1, …, 30} Rd = {1, …, 20}
Program 2 Xi = 130 ⊗ [1 1] Xi = 120 ⊗ [0 1]
Rd = {1, …, 30} Rd = {1, …, 20}

In addition, we define

Σmax=1252×{130130×0.04+I30(1-0.04)}, (49)
C=[1-1], (50)
θ0=[0] (51)


β=[250]. (52)

At an α level of 0.05, the approximate power to detect a treatment difference of 25 ng/ml was 0.87 for the Wald test with Kenward and Roger [1] denominator degrees of freedom.

6 Discussion

We describe a power approximation for the Kenward and Roger (1997) test of fixed effects in the linear mixed model. The method was accurate to within about ±0.06 for all designs, with the best accuracy observed for longitudinal designs. We note that Kenward and Roger (2009) have since described a refinement which improves estimation of the non-linear covariance structures in small samples. We have restricted our discussion to the Kenward and Roger (1997) approach, since it is most commonly used in statistical practice.

The method has several limitations. The assumption of Nd > (q + pd + 1) may be too restrictive for multilevel designs with large cluster sizes. In addition, we assume that the pattern of missing data is known. The method does not apply to repeated covariates, which often appear in biomedical studies. However, the method does apply to baseline covariates, a common study design. We make a strong homoscedasticity assumption of equal variance for each independent sampling unit. This assumption means that the power computations are not appropriate for random regression, for models with group differences in variance, or for certain spatial-temporal applications. Nevertheless, the assumption of homoscedasticity is widely made for randomized controlled clinical trials, laboratory studies, and observational studies, which makes the method useful for a variety of cases. Lastly, the method has not been evaluated for binary or Poisson data.

The analytic results from this manuscript suggest several future extensions. We may be able to calculate power for linear mixed models with random missing data patterns by invoking conditional distribution theory and calculating expected power across patterns of missingness. In addition, the approach used to form the distribution of Σ^s,M provides the first step towards a non-iterative alternative to restricted maximum likelihood estimation for some mixed models. For big data applications, such a non-iterative approach may facilitate highly parallel computation of parameter estimates in mixed models.

Our power approximation provides a general, flexible, accurate and rapid method to calculate power for the Kenward and Roger (1997) test. For studies in which the Kenward and Roger (1997) test is the planned method of data analysis, our power approximation should be used. By aligning power analysis with the planned data analysis, researchers can more accurately assess power for biomedical studies. Accurate power analysis is an ethical imperative for research with human participants.

7 Appendix

A Appendix: Theorems and proofs

Theorem 1. For m ∈ {1, …, k}, let pm ∈ {1, 2, …, p}, Nm > (pm + 3) and define Ψm = {ψmij} to be a (pm × pm) symmetric, positive definite matrix. Define a set of k ≥ 2, independent, non-identically distributed inverse central Wishart random matrices, such that for m ∈ {1, …, k}, Sm-1IWpm(Nm,Ψm). For i ∈ {1, …, q} and Rm ⊂ {1, 2, …, p} of cardinality pm, define Xm to be a (pm × qp) matrix of rank pm < qp with the form

Xm=Iq({i})Ip(Rm). (53)

If for each i ∈ {1, …, q}, there exists at least one m such that Xm = Iq({i}) ⊗ Ip, then

Q-1=m=1kXmSm-1Xm (54)

is positive definite.

Proof. Let Qi = {Xm: Xm = Iq({i}) ⊗ Ip(Rm)}. Then

m=1kXmSm-1Xm=i=1qQiXmSm-1Xm=i=1qQi[Iq({i})Ip(Rm)]Sm-1[Iq({i})Ip(Rm)]=i=1qQi[Iq({i})Ip(Rm)](I1Sm-1)[Iq({i})Ip(Rm)]=i=1qQi[Iq({i})Ip(Rm)Sm-1][Iq({i})Ip(Rm)]=i=1qQi[Iq({i})Iq({i})Ip(Rm)Sm-1Ip(Rm)]=i=1q{Iq({i})Iq({i})Qi[Ip(Rm)Sm-1Ip(Rm)]}. (55)

Note that for i ∈ {1, 2, ‥, q}, Iq({i})′ Iq({i}) is a (q × q) matrix for which the ith diagonal element is 1 and all remaining elements are 0. Therefore, Eq 55 can be equivalently expressed as a direct sum.

m=1kXmSm-1Xm=i=1q{Qi[Ip(Rm)Sm-1Ip(Rm)]}. (56)

From Mathai and Provost [18, p.18, Theorem 2.2b.1], it follows that each Ip(Rm)Sm-1Ip(Rm) is positive semi-definite. By assumption, for each Qi, there exists a ci such that XciQi such that Xci=Iq({i})Ip. Then

m=1kXmSm-1Xm=i=1q{IpSci-1Ip+Qi/Xci[Ip(Rm)Sm-1Ip(Rm)]}=i=1q{Sci-1+Qi/Xci[Ip(Rm)Sm-1Ip(Rm)]}. (57)

Because Sci-1 is positive definite and the remaining Ip(Rm)Sm-1Ip(Rm) are positive semi-definite for i ∈ {1, …, q}, then

Sci-1+Qi/Xci[Ip(Rm)Sm-1Ip(Rm)] (58)

is positive definite.

Since m=1kXmSm-1Xm is a block matrix, the eigenvalues of m=1kXmSm-1Xm are the eigenvalues of all of the blocks. Since each block (Eq 58) is positive definite and hence has positive eigenvalues, it follows that m=1kXmSm-1Xm must also be positive definite.

Theorem 2. For m ∈ {1, …, k}, i ∈ {1, …, q}, Rm ⊂ {1, 2, …, p} of cardinality pm, Xm = Iq({i}) ⊗ Ip(Rm) a (pm × qp) matrix of rank pm < qp, Nm > (pm + 3), Ψm a (pm × pm) symmetric, positive definite matrix, and Sm-1IWpm(Nm,Ψm),

tr(Sm-1)=tr(XmSm-1Xm). (59)

Proof. Let Dg(x) indicate a square matrix with the elements of the vector x on the diagonal.

Since Sm-1 is positive definite and has full rank, then by Lemma 1.24 (a) of Muller and Stewart [9], it has the spectral decomposition

Sm-1=VDg(λ)V, (60)

where λ is the (pm × 1) vector of eigenvalues and V is the (pm × pm) orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors of Sm-1. Then

XmSm-1Xm=XmVDg(λ)VXm. (61)

Since Xm has deficient rank pm < qp, then by Lemma 1.25 of of Muller and Stewart [9] it must have qppm zero eigenvalues. Let λ0 be the (qppm × 1) vector of zero eigenvalues and V0 the [qp × (qppm)] matrix of corresponding eigenvectors. Then

XmSm-1Xm=XmVDg(λ)VXm=XmVDg(λ)VXm+V0Dg(λ0)V0=[XmVV0][Dg(λ)00Dg(λ0)][VXmV0]. (62)

Selecting V0 such that V0V0=Iqp-pm, V0V0=I-XmXm and Xm V0 = 0, ensures that [XmVV0] is orthogonal. Then Eq 62 is the spectral decomposition of XmSm-1Xm, with eigenvalues [λλ0].

Since λ0 contains only zero eigenvalues and using the definition of the trace,

tr(XmSm-1Xm)=i=1pmλi+j=1qp-pmλ0j=i=1pmλi=tr(Sm-1). (63)

Theorem 3. For m ∈ {1, …, k}, let pm ∈ {1, …, p}, Nm > (pm+ 3) and let Ψm = {ψmij} be a (pm × pm) symmetric, positive definite matrix. Define a set of k ≥ 2, independent, non-identically distributed inverse central Wishart random matrices, such that for m ∈ {1, …, k}, Sm-1IWpm(Nm,Ψm). For i ∈ {1, …, q} and Rm ⊂ {1, …, p} of cardinality pm, define Xm to be a (pm × qp) matrix of rank pm < qp with the form

Xm=Iq({i})Ip(Rm). (64)

Under the assumption that for each i ∈ {1, …, q}, there exists at least one m such that Xm = Iq({i}) ⊗ Ip, it can be shown that

Q-1=m=1kXmSm-1Xm (65)

is approximately distributed as S*-1IWqp(N*,Ψ*).

Proof. Theorem 1 in Appendix demonstrates that Q−1 is positive definite under the restriction that for each i ∈ {1, …, q}, there exists at least one m such that Xm = Iq({i}) ⊗ Ip.

To derive an approximate distribution for Q−1, we match the expectation of the sum of the Wishart matrices and the variance of the trace of the sum of the Wishart matrices. Set

E(S*-1)=E(m=1kXmSm-1Xm) (66)


V[tr(S*-1)]=V[tr(m=1kXmSm-1Xm)]. (67)

From Theorem 2 in Appendix and the independence of the Sm-1,

V[tr(m=1kXmSm-1Xm)]=m=1kV[tr(XmSm-1Xm)]=m=1kV[tr(Sm-1)]. (68)

Then the approximate parameters for S*-1IWq(N*,Ψ*) are

Ψ*=(N*-q-1)m=1k1Nm-pm-1XmΨmXm (69)


N*=bh+bh2-4h4ch2h4, (70)


h1=i=1qp[m=1k1Nm-pm-1(XmΨmXm)ii]2, (71)
h2=1<i<j<qp{[m=1k1Nm-pm-1(XmΨmXm)ii]×[m=1k1Nm-pm-1(XmΨmXm)jj]}, (72)
h3=1<i<j<qp[m=1k1Nm-pm-1(XmΨmXm)ij]2, (73)
h4=m=1ki=1pm2ψmii2(Nm-pm-1)2(Nm-pm-3)+4m=1k1<i<j<pmψmiiψmjj+(Nm-pm-1)ψmij2(Nm-pm)(Nm-pm-1)2(Nm-pm-3), (74)
bh=(2h1+4h3+2h4p+3h4), (75)


ch=(2h1p-4h2+4h3p+4h3+h4p2+3h4p). (76)

The method of moments approximation yields an asymptotic approximation for the sum, as desired.

Theorem 4. Let n and p be positive integers, μ be a (p × 1) vector of means, and ΣxΣW be symmetric and positive definite (p × p) matrices. Suppose xNp(μ,Σx) independently of WWp(n,ΣW). Then

xW-1x˙λunu(n+p-1)F{nu,(n+p-1),δu}, (77)


λu=δu-1(μΣW-1μ), (78)
nu=δu(μΣW-1μ)-1tr(ΣW-1Σx), (79)


δu=(μΣW-1μ)tr(ΣW-1Σx)+2(μΣW-1μ)2tr(ΣW-1ΣxΣW-1Σx)+2μΣW-1ΣxΣW-1μ. (80)

Proof. Define V=xΣW-1x/xW-1x. Define U=xΣW-1x. Using Lemma 17.10 in Arnold [19, p. 319], it follows that V|xχn+p-12. Hence, Vx, which implies VU.

The expression U is a weighted sum of noncentral χ2 random variables [9, Theorem 9.5, p. 176]. Approximate the distribution of U with a single noncentral χ2, so that U˙λuχnu2(δu). Using the approach described by Kim et al. [8], obtain values for λu, nu and δu by matching the following three moments:

E0{λuχnu2(δu)}=E0(U), (81)
EA{λuχnu2(δu)}=EA(U), (82)


VA{λuχnu2(δu)}=VA(U). (83)

The moments of U are [9, Corollary 9.6.3, p. 179],

E0(U)=tr(ΣW-1Σx), (84)
EA(U)=tr(ΣW-1Σx)+μΣW-1μ, (85)


VA(U)=2tr(ΣW-1ΣxΣW-1Σx)+4μΣW-1Σx-1ΣW-1μ. (86)

Then the approximate parameters of U are

λu=δu-1(μΣW-1μ), (87)
nu=δu(μΣW-1μ)-1tr(ΣW-1Σx), (88)


δu=(μΣW-1μ)tr(ΣW-1Σx)+2(μΣW-1μ)2tr(ΣW-1ΣxΣW-1Σx)+2μΣW-1Σx-1ΣW-1μ. (89)

Since (U/λu)˙χnu2(δu), Vχn+p-12, and VU,


Because U/V = xW−1 x,


and the result follows.


A portion of this paper was submitted to the University of Colorado Denver in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics for Dr. Sarah M. Kreidler.

Data Availability

Source code, data and instructions for reproducing the manuscript results are available at

Funding Statement

This study was supported by The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research ( in the form of a grant awarded to KEM and DHG (NIDCR 1 R01 DE020832-01A1), The National Institute of General Medical Sciences ( in the form of a grant awarded to KEM and DHG (NIGMS 9R01GM121081-05), and the Office of the Director ( in the form of a grant awarded to Dana Dabelea, PI (OD 5UG3OD023248-02). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Lei Shi

3 Mar 2021


A power approximation for the Kenward and Roger Wald test in the linear mixed model


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Reviewer #1: In this paper, a power approximation of Kenward and Roger test is derived. Via Monte Carlo simulation, author’s demonstrate that the new power approximation is accurate for cluster randomised trials and longitudinal study designs. The paper is well written and addresses an interesting problem.

My major issues are listed below.Major comments:

Comment 1: On line 171, it is claimed that if Σs and β are estimated using multivariate techniques, independence would follow. Provide a reference for this or give a detailed explanation in support of this claim.

Comment 2: The comparison of empirical and proposed powers is done assuming intraclass correlation(ICC) 0.04. This value of ICC is very small and in practice it can vary up to 0.5. Make the comparison of powers for higher values of ICC as well (say 0.1, 0.2, 0.5).

Comment 3: In the spirit of the longitudinal studies, how efficient is the power approximation when the correlation structure is assumed to be auto–regressive?

Comment 4: In Section 5 (Applied Example), rather than assuming the values of standard deviation and intraclass correlation, it is more reasonable to use the estimates of the parameters obtained from the data.

Minor comments:

Comment 1:Check line 122

Reviewer #2: The authors here present a noncentral F power approximation for the Kenward and Roger test. This work is innovative, and the organization of the manuscript is clear and comprehensive. Below are some minor comments that could help further streamline the text.

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: Huang Lin

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PLoS One. 2021 Jul 21;16(7):e0254811. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254811.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

10 May 2021

Response to Reviewers

We thank the reviewers for their kind comments. We have responded to all comments below. Reviewer comments are in italics and our response is in plain type.

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We have removed Dr. Kreidler’s affiliation with SunRun, Inc. Previously we indicated that Dr. Kreidler was affiliated with SunRun Inc. After further review, and examining the policies of PLOS One, we realized that SunRun did not play any role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript and, in addition, did not provide support in the form of salaries for any author, including SMK.

We have updated Dr. Kreidler’s affiliation to be the Department of Biostatistics and Information, University of Colorado Denver. Although Dr. Kreidler is currently employed by SunRun, Inc., all of the work on this manuscript was completed while Dr. Kreidler was a doctoral student at the University of Colorado Denver. Current revisions are being done during Dr. Kreidler’s personal time. No SunRun, Inc. resources were used in the revisions of this manuscript for submission. The publication of this manuscript will not affect SunRun Inc., nor Dr. Kreidler in any financial way.

3. Thank you for stating the following in the Acknowledgments Section of your manuscript: Funding for this work was provided by NIDCR 1 R01 DE020832-01A1 (Keith E. Muller, PI; Deborah H. Glueck, University of Colorado site PI), NIGMS 9R01GM121081-05 (Deborah H. Glueck, Keith E. Muller, Dana Dabelea, PIs), and OD 5UG3OD023248-02 (Dana Dabelea, PI).

We note that you have provided funding information that is not currently declared in your Funding Statement. However, funding information should not appear in the Acknowledgments section or other areas of your manuscript. We will only publish funding information present in the Funding Statement section of the online submission form.

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NIDCR 1 R01 DE020832-01A1

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research



NIGMS 9R01GM121081-05

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences


The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript."

Please include your amended statements within your cover letter; we will change the online submission form on your behalf.

We have provided an amended funding statement in the cover letter for this resubmission.

Reviewer 1 Comments

1. On line 171, it is claimed that if Σs and β are estimated using multivariate techniques, independence would follow. Provide a reference for this or give a detailed explanation in support of this claim.

We now provide a citation to support the statement above where it is mentioned in the manuscript. For reference, the citation is Anderson (1984, pg. 291, Theorem 8.2.2).

2. The comparison of empirical and proposed powers is done assuming intraclass correlation(ICC) 0.04. This value of ICC is very small and in practice it can vary up to 0.5. Make the comparison of powers for higher values of ICC as well (say 0.1, 0.2, 0.5).

We have re-run the simulation after incorporating the reviewer’s suggestions. The new results appear in the revised manuscript. The different ICC’s do not appear to change the accuracy of the results.

3. In the spirit of the longitudinal studies, how efficient is the power approximation when the correlation structure is assumed to be auto–regressive?

We used an auto-regressive correlation structure for the simulation studies described in Section 4.1.2 Longitudinal Designs. The median deviation between the approximate power and the true power was 0.003 (range: -0.010 to 0.016; 1st quartile: 0.00, 3rd quartile: 0.009).

4. In Section 5 (Applied Example), rather than assuming the values of standard deviation and intraclass correlation, it is more reasonable to use the estimates of the parameters obtained from the data.

The example is a synthetic example designed to demonstrate the utility of the calculations for a simple, cluster randomized study with different sized clusters. While the example was inspired by the trial described by Hennrikus et al., the example was so simplified that the reference to the Hennrikus et al. paper was confusing, rather than helpful. We have removed the reference to Hennrikus et al., clarified that the example is synthetic, and added a sentence to describe how a researcher might extract the inputs for the power analysis from review of the literature.

5. Check line 122

We reviewed the line and removed the duplicated equation. Thank you for finding the error. 

Reviewer 2 Comments

1. The homoscedasticity assumption (line 136) the author made could be a key limitation of the approximation method with the presence of different random coefficients. Even though it has been mentioned that there are no repeated covariates (line 82), it is worth mentioning it in the Discussion section.

We now describe limitations due to model assumptions in the Discussion section.

“The method does not apply to repeated covariates, which often appear in biomedical studies. However, the method does apply to baseline covariates, a common study design. We make a strong homoscedasticity assumption of equal variance for each independent sampling unit. This assumption means that the power computations are not appropriate for random regression, for models with group differences in variance, or for certain spatial-temporal applications. Nevertheless, the assumption of homoscedasticity is widely made for randomized controlled clinical trials, laboratory studies, and observational studies, which makes the method useful for a variety of cases.”

2. Theorem 3 in the Appendix lacks the reference regarding “the sum of the inverse Wishart distribution asymptotically or approximately follows an inverse Wishart distribution.”

We have now clarified the proof for Theorem 3 to explicitly state what we set out to prove. We added the following text to the end of the proof.

“The method of moments approximation yields an asymptotic approximation for the sum, as desired.”

3. Using p_i to denote the number of observations is counter-intuitive, especially given you define n=∑_(i=1)^N▒p_i . Replacing p_i with n_i would be easier to read.

We recognize the value of using n to denote different sample sizes. However, for this particular application, we use multivariate modeling theory to develop our results. In multivariate notation, it is standard to refer to the repeated measures using p. When the data are stacked, the vector of observations for independent sampling unit i is then given pi. We recognize that the notation may appear slightly awkward, but respectfully request that we may keep it as written so that it aligns with standard notation in the field. See, for example, Muller and Stuart (2006).

4. Duplicated terms appeared in line 122.

Thank you for finding the error. We have corrected it.

5. The notation for noncentrality parameter of F distribution is very similar to the notation of Wald statistic, please consider changing one of them.

We agree and have now adjusted the notation for the non-centrality parameter that appears in Section 2.1 Notation.

6. Box-plot elements should be defined (e.g. center line, median; box limits, upper and lower quartiles; whiskers, 1.5x interquartile range; points, outliers) in the legend.



Submitted filename: Repsonse to Editor Requests 04.pdf

Decision Letter 1

Lei Shi

5 Jul 2021

A power approximation for the Kenward and Roger Wald test in the linear mixed model


Dear Dr. Brandy Ringham,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Lei Shi

Academic Editor


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Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


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The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: In the revised version authors successfully incorporated all the suggestions and corrections.

All comments are addressed adequately.

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: Huang Lin

Acceptance letter

Lei Shi

9 Jul 2021


A Power Approximation for the Kenward and Roger Wald Test in the Linear Mixed Model

Dear Dr. Ringham:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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Dr. Lei Shi

Academic Editor


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