Figure 3. Experimental design of experiment 2.
(A–D) Schematic representation of the experimental design for auditory content discrimination task II (A), location discrimination task (B), volume oddball task (C), and horizontal random dot-motion (RDM) task (D). In all tasks, the spoken words ‘left’ and ‘right’ were presented through either a speaker located on the left or right side of the participant. (A) In auditory content discrimination task II, participants were instructed to report the content (‘left’ or ‘right’) of an auditory stimulus via a button press with their left or right hand, respectively, and to ignore the location of the auditory stimulus that was presented. (B) In the auditory location discrimination task, participants were instructed to report the location (left or right speaker) of an auditory stimulus via a button press with their left or right hand, respectively, and to ignore the content of the auditory stimulus that was presented. (C) During the volume oddball task, participants were instructed to detect auditory stimuli that were presented at a lower volume than the majority of the stimuli (i.e., oddballs) by pressing the spacebar with their right hand. (D) In the horizontal RDM, participants were instructed to report the overall movement of dots (left or right) via a button press with their left and right hands, respectively, whilst still being presented with the auditory stimuli. In all four tasks, content of the auditory stimuli could be congruent or incongruent with its location of presentation (50% congruent/incongruent trials). (E) Order of behavioral tasks in experiment 2. Participants always started with the volume oddball task, followed by the location discrimination task, content discrimination task, and horizontal RDM, in randomized order. Participants ended with another run of the volume oddball task.