Löwenstein-Jensen medium with mycobactin, cyclo-heximide, penicillin, and chloramphenicol, and enriched with sodium pyruvate, was compared with an ordinary L.-J. medium with mycobactin. Faeces samples from cattle experimentally infected with M. paratuberculosis were cultured on both media. The improved medium gave 11 % more positive cultures and 90 % more colonies. Of the positive cultures 97 % showed detectable growth after 8 weeks of incubation, and the contamination rate was reduced to 0.4 %. By culture of faeces samples from naturally infected cattle the improved medium identified 23.2 % more infected animals than the basic medium, mostly due to a reduction of the contamination rate to about 3 %.
Keywords: Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, culture, media, cattle
Löwenstein-Jensen substrat med mykobaktin, cycloheximide, penicillin, chloramphenicol og pyrodruesyre blev sammenlignet med et ordinaert L.-J. substrat med mykobaktin. Gødningsprøver fra kalve oralt inficeret med M. paratuberculosis blev dyrket på begge substra-ter. På det forbedrede substrat fandtes 11 % flere positive kulturer. På 97 % af de positive kulturer fandtes tydelig kolonidannelse efter 8 ugers inkubation, og procenten af forurenede kulturer blev redu-ceret til 0,4. Ved dyrkning af gødningsprøver fra naturligt inficerede kreaturer blev diagnosticeret 23,2 % flere inficerede dyr på det forbedrede end på det ordinære substrat. Det bedre resultat skyldes hovedsageligt en reduktion af forurenede kulturer til ca. 3
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This work was supported by a grant from the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council.
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