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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Jul 23.
Published in final edited form as: Minds Mach (Dordr). 2020 Nov 3;31:1–58. doi: 10.1007/s11023-020-09540-9

The computational origin of representation

Steven T Piantadosi 1
PMCID: PMC8300595  NIHMSID: NIHMS1626457  PMID: 34305318


Each of our theories of mental representation provides some insight into how the mind works. However, these insights often seem incompatible, as the debates between symbolic, dynamical, emergentist, sub-symbolic, and grounded approaches to cognition attest. Mental representations—whatever they are—must share many features with each of our theories of representation, and yet there are few hypotheses about how a synthesis could be possible. Here, I develop a theory of the underpinnings of symbolic cognition that shows how sub-symbolic dynamics may give rise to higher-level cognitive representations of structures, systems of knowledge, and algorithmic processes. This theory implements a version of conceptual role semantics by positing an internal universal representation language in which learners may create mental models to capture dynamics they observe in the world. The theory formalizes one account of how truly novel conceptual content may arise, allowing us to explain how even elementary logical and computational operations may be learned from a more primitive basis. I provide an implementation that learns to represent a variety of structures, including logic, number, kinship trees, regular languages, context-free languages, domains of theories like magnetism, dominance hierarchies, list structures, quantification, and computational primitives like repetition, reversal, and recursion. This account is based on simple discrete dynamical processes that could be implemented in a variety of different physical or biological systems. In particular, I describe how the required dynamics can be directly implemented in a connectionist framework. The resulting theory provides an “assembly language” for cognition, where high-level theories of symbolic computation can be implemented in simple dynamics that themselves could be encoded in biologically plausible systems.

1. Introduction

At the heart of cognitive science is an embarrassing truth: we do not know what mental representations are like. Many ideas have been developed, from the field’s origins in symbolic AI (Newell & Simon, 1976), to parallel and distributed representations of connectionism (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986; Smolensky & Legendre, 2006), embodied theories that emphasize the grounded nature of the mental (Barsalou, 2008, 2010), Bayesian accounts of structure learning and inference (Griffiths, Chater, Kemp, Perfors, & Tenenbaum, 2010; Tenenbaum, Kemp, Griffiths, & Goodman, 2011), theories of cognitive architecture (Newell, 1994; Anderson, Matessa, & Lebiere, 1997; Anderson et al., 2004), and accounts based on mental models, simulation (Craik, 1967; Johnson-Laird, 1983; Battaglia, Hamrick, & Tenenbaum, 2013), or analogy (Gentner & Stevens, 1983; Gentner & Forbus, 2011; Gentner & Markman, 1997; Hummel & Holyoak, 1997). These research programs have developed in concert with foundational debates in the philosophy of mind about what kinds of things concepts may be (e.g. Margolis & Laurence, 1999), with similarly diverse and seemingly incompatible answers.

This paper develops an approach that attempts to unify a variety of ideas about how mental representations may work. I argue that what is needed is an intermediate bridging theory that lives below the level of symbols and above the level of neurons or neural network nodes, and that in fact such a system can be found in a pre-existing formalism of mathematical logic. The system I present shows how it is possible to implement high-level symbolic constructs permitting essentially arbitrary (Turing-complete) computation while being simple, parallelizable, and addressing foundational questions about meaning. Although the particular instantiation I describe is an extreme simplification, its general principles, I’ll argue, are likely to be close to the truth.

The theory I describe is a little unusual in that it is built almost exclusively out ideas that have been independently developed in fields adjacent to cognitive science. The logical formalism comes from mathematical logic and computer science in the early 1900s. The philosophical and conceptual framework has been well-articulated in prior debates. The inferential theory builds on work in theoretical AI and Bayesian cognitive science. The overall goal of finding symbolic cognition below the level of “symbols” comes from connectionism and other sub-symbolic accounts. An emphasis on the importance of getting symbols eventually comes from the remarkable properties of human symbolic thought and language, including centuries of argumentation in philosophy and mathematics about what kinds of formal systems may capture the core properties of humanlike thinking. What is new is the unification of these ideas into a framework that can be shown to learn complex symbolic processes and representations that are grounded in simple underlying dynamics without dodging key questions about meaning and representation. The resulting theory intentionally muddies the water between traditional symbolic and non-symbolic approaches by studying a system that is both simple to implement in neural systems, and in which it is simple to implement high-level cognitive processes. Such as system, I argue, represents a promising and concrete avenue for spanning the chasm between neural and cognitive systems.

The resulting theory formulates hypotheses about how fundamental conceptual change can occur, both computationally and philosophically. A pressing mystery is how children might start with whatever initial knowledge they are born with, and come to develop the rich and sophisticated systems of representation we can find in adults (Rule, Tenenbaum, & Piantadosi, under review). The problem is perhaps deepest when we consider simple logical capacities—for instance, the ability to represent boolean values, compute syllogisms, follow logical/deductive rules, use number, or process conditionals and quantifiers. If infants do not have some of these abilities, we are in need of a learning theory that can explain where such computational processes might come from. Yet, it is hard to imagine how a computational system that does not know these could function. From what starting point could learners possibly construct Boolean logic, for instance? It is hard to imagine what a computer would look like if it did not already have notions like and, or, not, true, and false. Is it even possible to “compute” without having concepts like logic or number? The answer provided in this paper is emphatically yes—computation is possible without any explicit form of these operations. In fact, learning systems can be made that construct and test these logical systems as hypotheses–genuinely without presupposing them. My goal here is to show how.

The paper is organized as follows: In the next section, I describe a leading example of symbolic cognitive science, Fodor’s Language of Thought (LOT) theory (Fodor, 1975, 2008). The LOT motivates the need for structured, compositional representations, but leaves at its core unanswered questions about how the symbols in these representations come to have meaning or may be implemented in neural systems. To address this, I then discuss conceptual role semantics (CRS) as an account of how meaningful symbols may arise. The problem with CRS is that it has no implementations, leaving its actual mechanics vague and unspecified. To address this, I connect the idea of CRS to formalizations in computer science that effectively use CRS-like methods to show how logical systems can encode other processes. Specifically, I describe a mathematical formalism combinatory logic, and a key operation in it, Church encoding, which permits one modeling of one system (e.g. world) within another (e.g. a mental logic). This reduces the problem of learning meaningful symbols to that of constructing the right structure in a mental language like combinatory logic. I then address the question of learning these representations, drawing on work in theoretical artificial intelligence. The inferential technique allows learners to acquire computationally complex representations, yet largely avoid the primary difficulty that faces learners who operate on spaces of computations: the halting problem. Providing a GPL-licensed implementation of the inference scheme, I then demonstrate how learners could acquire a large variety of mental representations found across human and non-human cognition. In each of these cases, the core symbolic aspect of representation is built out only out of extraordinarily simple and mechanistic dynamics from which the meanings emerge in an interconnected system of concepts. I argue that whatever mental representations are, they must be like these kinds of objects, where symbolic meanings for algorithms, structures, and relations arise out of the sub-symbolic dynamics that implement these processes. I then describe how the system can be implemented straightforwardly in existing connectionist frameworks, and discuss broader philosophical implications.

1.1. Representation in the Language of Thought

There is a lot going for the theory that human cognition uses, among other things, a structured symbolic system of representation analogous to language. The idea that something like a mental logic describes key cognitive processes dates back at least to Boole (1854), who described his logic as capturing “the laws of thought” and Gottfried Leibniz, who tried to systematize knowledge and reasoning in his own universal formal language, the characteristica universalis. As a psychological theory, the LOT reached prominence through the works of Jerry Fodor who argues for a compositional system of mental representation that is analogous to human language called a Language of Thought (LOT) (Fodor, 1975, 2008). The LOT has had numerous incarnations throughout the history of AI and cognitive science (Newell & Simon, 1976; Penn, Holyoak, & Povinelli, 2008; Fodor, 2008; Kemp, 2012; Goodman, Tenenbaum, & Gerstenberg, 2015; Piantadosi, Tenenbaum, & Goodman, 2016; Rule et al., under review; Chater & Oaksford, 2013; Siskind, 1996). Most recent versions focus on combining language-like—or program-like—representations with Bayesian probabilistic inference to explain concept induction in empirical tasks (Goodman, Tenenbaum, Feldman, & Griffiths, 2008; Goodman, Mansinghka, Roy, Bonawitz, & Tenenbaum, 2008; Yildirim & Jacobs, 2013; Erdogan, Yildirim, & Jacobs, 2015; Goodman et al., 2015; Piantadosi & Jacobs, 2016; Rothe, Lake, & Gureckis, 2017; Lake, Salakhutdinov, & Tenenbaum, 2015; Overlan, Jacobs, & Piantadosi, 2017; Romano et al., 2017, 2018; Amalric et al., 2017; Lake et al., 2015; Depeweg, Rothkopf, & Jäkel, 2018; Overlan et al., 2017).1

If mentalese is like a program, its primitives are humans’ most basic mental operations, a view of conceptual representation that has roots and branches in psychology and computer science. Miller and Johnson-Laird (1976) developed a theory of language understanding based on structured, program-like representations. Commonsense knowledge in domains like objects, beliefs, physical reasoning, and time also draw on logical representations (Davis, 1990) mirroring psychological theorizing about the LOT. Modern incarnations of conceptual representations can be found in programming languages like Church that aim to capture phenomena like the gradience of concepts through a semantics centered on probability and conditioning (Goodman, Mansinghka, et al., 2008; Goodman et al., 2015). In computer science, the program metaphor has been applied in computational semantics under the name procedural semantics, in which representations of linguistic meaning are taken to be programs that compute something about the meaning of the sentence (Woods, 1968; Davies & Isard, 1972; Johnson-Laird, 1977; Woods, 1981). For instance, the meaning of “How many US presidents have had a first name starting with the letter ‘T’?” might be captured by a program that searches for an answer to this question in a database. This approach has been elaborated in a variety of modern machine learning models, many of which draw on logical tools closely akin to the LOT (e.g Zettlemoyer & Collins, 2005; Wong & Mooney, 2007; Liang, Jordan, & Klein, 2010; Kwiatkowski, Zettlemoyer, Goldwater, & Steedman, 2010; Kwiatkowski, Goldwater, Zettlemoyer, & Steedman, 2012).

A LOT would explain some of the richness of human thinking by positing a combinatorial capacity through which a small set of built in cognitive operations can be combined to express new concepts. For instance, in the word learning model of Siskind (1996) the meaning of the word “lift” might be captured as

Lift (x, y) = CAUSE (x, GO (y, UP))

where CAUSE, GO and UP are “primitive” conceptual representations—possibly innate—that are composed to express a new word meaning. This compositionality allows theories to posit relatively little innate content, with the heavy lifting of conceptual development accomplished by combining existing operations productively in new ways. To discover what composition is “best” to explain their observed data, learners may engage in hypothesis testing or Bayesian inference (Siskind, 1996; Goodman, Tenenbaum, et al., 2008; Piantadosi, Tenenbaum, & Goodman, 2012; Ullman, Goodman, & Tenenbaum, 2012; Mollica & Piantadosi, 2015).

The content that a LOT assumes is distinctly symbolic, can be used compositionally to generate new thoughts, and obeys systematic patterns made explicit in the symbol structures. For example, it would be impossible to think that x was lifted without also thinking that x was caused to go up. Though the psychological tenability of systematicity (Johnson, 2004) and compositionality (Clapp, 2012) are debated, classically such compositionality, productivity, and systematicity have been argued to be desirable features of cognitive theories (Fodor & Pylyshyn, 1988), and lacking in connectionism (for ensuing discussion, see Smolensky, 1988, 1989; Chater & Oaksford, 1990; Fodor & McLaughlin, 1990; Chalmers, 1990; Van Gelder, 1990; Aydede, 1997; Fodor, 1997; Jackendoff, 2002; Van Der Velde & De Kamps, 2006; Edelman & Intrator, 2003).

However, work on the LOT as a psychological theory has progressed despite a serious problem lurking at its foundation: how is it that symbols themselves come to have meaning? It is far from obvious what would make a symbol GO mean go and CAUSE mean cause. This is especially troublesome when we recognize that even ordinary concepts like these are notoriously difficult to formalize, perhaps even lacking definitions (Fodor, 1975). Certainly there is nothing inherent in the symbol (the G and the O) itself that give it this meaning; in some cases the symbols don’t even refer to anything external which could ground their meaning either, as is the case for most function words in language (e.g. “for”, “too”, “seven”). This problem appears even more pernicious when we consider how what meanings might be to a physical brain. If we look at neural spike trains, for instance, how would we find a meaning like CAUSE?2

1.2. Meaning through conceptual role

The framework developed here builds off an approach to meaning in philosophy of mind and language known as conceptual role semantics (CRS) (Field, 1977; Loar, 1982; Block, 1987; Harman, 1987; Block, 1997; Greenberg & Harman, 2005). CRS which holds that mental tokens get their meaning through their relationship with other symbols, operations, and uses, an idea dating back at least to Newell and Simon (1976). There is nothing inherently disjunctive about your mental representation of the mental operation OR. What distinguishes it from AND is that the two interact differently with other mental tokens, in particular TRUE and FALSE. The idea extends to more ordinary concepts: a concept of an “accordion” might be inherently about its role in a greater conceptual system, perhaps inseparable from the inferences it licenses about the player, its means of producing sound, its likely origin, etc. An example from Block (1987) is that of learning the system of concepts involved in physics:

One way to see what the CRS approach comes to is to reflect on how one learned the concepts of elementary physics, or anyway, how I did. When I took my first physics course, I was confronted with quite a bit of new terminology all at once: ‘energy’, ‘momentum’, ‘acceleration’, ‘mass’, and the like. ... I never learned any definitions of these new terms in terms I already knew. Rather, what I learned was how to use the new terminology—I learned certain relations among the new terms themselves (e.g., the relation between force and mass, neither of which can be defined in old terms), some relations between the new terms and the old terms, and, most importantly, how to generate the right numbers in answers to questions posed in the new terminology.

Indeed, almost everyone would be hard-pressed to define a term like “force” in any rigorous way, other than appealing to other terminology like “mass” and “acceleration” (e.g., f = m · a). This emphasis on the role of concepts in systems of other concepts leads CRS to be closely related to the Theory Theory in development (see Brigandt, 2004) as well work in psychology emphasizing the role of entire systems of knowledge—theories—in conceptualization, categorization, and cognitive development (Carey, 1985; Murphy & Medin, 1985; Wellman & Gelman, 1992; Wisniewski & Medin, 1994; Gopnik & Meltzoff, 1997; Kemp, Tenenbaum, Griffiths, Yamada, & Ueda, 2006; Tenenbaum, Griffiths, & Kemp, 2006; Tenenbaum, Kemp, & Shafto, 2007; Carey, 2009; Kemp, Tenenbaum, Niyogi, & Griffiths, 2010; Ullman et al., 2012; Bonawitz, Schijndel, Friel, & Schulz, 2012; Gopnik & Wellman, 2012). Empirical studies of how human learners use systems of knowledge suggest that concepts cannot be studied in isolation—our inferences depend not only on simple perceptual factors, but the way in which our internal systems of knowledge interrelate.

Block (1987) further argues that CRS satisfies several key desiderata for a theory of mental representation, including its ability to handle truth, reference, meaning, compositionality, and the relativity of meaning. Some authors focus on the inferential role of concepts, meaning the way in which they can be used to discover new knowledge. For instance, the concept of conjunction AND may be defined by its ability to permit use of the “elimination rule” P&QP (Sellars, 1963). Here I will use the term CRS in a general way, but my implementation will make the specific meaning unambiguous later. In the version of CRS I describe, concepts will be associated with some, but perhaps not all, of these inferential roles, and some other relations that are less obviously inferential. The view that concepts are defined in terms of their relationships to other concepts has close connections to accounts of meaning given in early theories of intelligence (Newell & Simon, 1976), as well as implicit assumptions of computer science. Operations in a computer only come to have meaning in virtue of how they interact with the architecture, memory, and other instructions. For example, nearly all modern computers represent negative numbers with a two’s complement where a number can be negated by swapping the 1s and 0s and adding 1. For instance, a five-bit processor might represent 5 as 00101 and −5 as 11010 + 1 = 11011. Then, −5 plus one 00001 is 11011 + 00001 = 11100, which is the representation for −4. Use of two-complement is only convention, and equally mathematically correct systems have been considered throughout the history of computer science, including using the first bit to represent sign, “ones complement” (swapping zeros and ones), and analog systems. If we just looked inside of an alien’s computer and saw the bit pattern 11010, we could not form a good theory of what it meant unless we also understood how it was treated by operations like negation and addition. The meanings of symbols are inextricable from their use.

A primary shortcoming of conceptual role theories as cognitive accounts is that they lack a computational backbone, leaving vagueness about what a “role” might be. The lack of computational implementation has given rise to a variety of philosophical debates about what is possible for CRS, but as I argue, at least some of these issues become less problematic once we consider a concrete implementation. The lack of implementations also means that it is difficult to make progress on experimental psychology probing the particular representations and processes of a CRS because there are few ideas about what, formally, a role might be. A primary goal of this paper is to give the conceptual role semantics a computational backbone by using a version of the LOT a framework where roles can be formalized, learned, and studied explicitly.

1.3. Isomorphism and representation

Any CRS theory will have to start by saying which mental representations we create and why. Here, it will be assumed that the mental representations we construct are likely to correspond to evolutionarily relevant structures, relations, and dynamics present in the real world.3 This notion of correspondence between mental representations and the world can be captured with the mathematical idea of isomorphism. Roughly, systems X and Y are isomorphic if operations in X do “the same thing” as the corresponding operations in Y and vice versa. For instance, the ticking of a second hand is isomorphic to the ticking of an hour hand: both take 60 steps and then loop around to the beginning. How one state leads to the next is “the same” even though the details are different since one ticks every second and the other every minute. Scientific theories form isomorphisms in that they attempt to construct formal systems which capture the key dynamics of the system under study. A simple case to have in mind in science is Newton’s laws of gravity, where the behavior of a real physical object is captured by constructing an isomorphism into vectors of real numbers, which themselves represent position, velocity, etc. The dynamics of updating these numbers with Newton’s equations is the same as updating the real objects, which is the whole reason why the equations are useful.4

The notion that the mind contains structures isomorphic to the world lies at the heart of many theories of mental content (Craik, 1952; McNamee & Wolpert, 2019; Gallistel, 1998; Shepard & Chipman, 1970; Hummel & Holyoak, 1997). Shepard and Chipman (1970) emphasized that while mental representations need not be structurally similar to what they represent, the relationships between internal representations must be “parallel” to the relationships between the real world objects. Gallistel (1998) writes,

A mental representation is a functioning isomorphism between a set of processes in the brain and a behaviorally important aspect of the world. This way of defining a representation is taken directly from the mathematical definition of a representation. To establish a representation in mathematics is to establish an isomorphism (formal correspondence) between two systems of mathematical investigation (for example, between geometry and algebra) that permits one to use one system to establish truths about the other (as in analytic geometry, where algebraic methods are used to prove geometric theorems).

In this case, mental representations could be used to establish truths about the world without having to alter the world. The notion of isomorphism is also deeply connected to the ability of the brain to usefully interact with the world. Conant and Ashby (1970) show that if a system X (e.g. the brain) wishes to control the dynamics of another system Y (e.g. the world), and X does so well (in a precise, information-theoretic sense), then X must have an isomorphism of Y (see Scholten, 2010, 2011). This result developed out of cybernetics and control theory and is not well-known in cognitive science and neuroscience. Yet, the authors recognized its relevance, noting that the result “has the interesting corollary that the living brain, so far as it is to be successful and efficient as a regulator for survival, must proceed, in learning, by the formation of a model (or models) of its environment.”

What is mysterious about the brain, though, is that we are able to encode a staggering array of different isomorphisms—from language, to social reasoning, physics, logical deduction, artistic expression, causal understanding, meta-cognition, etc. (Rule et al., under review). Such breadth suggests that our conceptual system can support essentially any computation or construct any isomorphism. Moreover, little of this knowledge could possibly be innate because it is so clearly driven by the right set of experiences. Yet, the question of how systems might encode, process, and learn isomorphisms in general has barely been addressed in cognitive science. Indeed, work on the LOT has typically made ad-hoc choices about what primitives should be considered in hypotheses in any given context, thus failing to provide a demonstrably generalized theory of learning that takes the breadth of human cognition seriously. The representational system below develops a universal framework for isomorphism, a mental system in which we can construct, in principle, a representation of anything else. Unsurprisingly, the existence of such a formalism is closely connected to the existence of universal computation.

1.4. The general theory

We are now ready to put together some pieces. The overall setup is illustrated in Figure 1. We assume that learners observe a structure in the world. In this case, the learner sees the circular structure of the seasons, where the successor (succ) of spring is summer, the successor of summer is fall, etc. Learners are assumed to have access to this relational information between tokens shown on the left. Their job is to internalize (mentally represent) each symbol and relation by mapping symbols to expressions in their LOT that obey the right relations, as shown on the right. The mapping will effectively construct an internal isomorphism of the observations, written in the language of mentalese.

Figure 1:

Figure 1:

Learners observe relations in the world, like the successor relationship between seasons. Their goal is to create an internal mental representation which obeys the same dynamics. This is achieved by mapping each observed token to a simple expression written in a universal mental language whose constructs/concepts specify interactions between elements. This system uses a logic for function compositions that is capable of universal computation.

A little more concretely, the relations in Figure 1 might be captured with the following facts,

(succ winter) → spring
(succ spring) → summer
(succ summer) → fall
(succ fall)→ winter

Here, I have written the relations as functions, where for instance the first line means that succ is a function applied to winter, that returns the value spring. To represent these, we must map each of these symbols to a mental LOT expression that obeys the same relational structure. So, if succ, winter, and spring get mapped to mental representations ψsucc, ψwinter, and ψspring respectively, then the first fact means that

(ψsucc ψwinter) → ψspring

also holds. Though this statement looks simple, it actually involves some subtlety. It says that whatever internal representation succ gets mapped to, this representation must also be able to be used internally as a function. The return value when this mental function is evaluated on ψwinter has to be the same as how spring is represented mentally. Each token participates in several roles and must simultaneously yield the correct answer in each, providing a full mental isomorphism of the observed relations.

One might immediately ask why we need anything other than the facts—isn’t it enough to know that (succ ↪ spring) → winter in that purely symbolic form? A Prolog program might directly encode the relations (e.g. ψspring is a symbol “SPRING”) and look up facts in what is essentially a symbolic database. Such a program could even be able to answer questions like “The successor of which season is spring?” by compiling these questions into the appropriate database query. Of course, if this worked well, good old fashioned AI would have yielded striking successes. Unfortunately, several limitations of such purely symbolic encoding are clear. First, it is not apparent how looked-up symbols get their meaning, a version of the problem highlighted by Searle (1980)’s Chinese Room. It is not enough to know these symbolic relationships; what matters is the semantic content that they correspond to, and there is no semantic content in a database lookup of the answer. Second, architectures for processing symbols seem decidedly unbiological, and the problem of how these symbols may be grounded in a biological or neural system has plagued theories of representation and meaning. Third, in many of the cases I’ll consider, what matters is not the symbols themselves, but the computations they correspond to—what they do to other symbols. For instance, we might consider a case of a simple algorithm like repetition. Your internal concept of repetition must encode the process for repetition; but what mental format could do so? Fourth, our cognitive systems must go beyond memorization of facts—we are able to generalize beyond what we have observed, extracting regularities and abstract rules. What might representations be like such that they can allow us to deduce more than what we’ve already seen? Each of these four goals—meaning, implementation, computation, and induction—can be met with the logical system described below.

The core hypothesis developed in this paper is that the symbols like succ and winter get mapped to LOT expressions that are dynamical and computational objects supporting function composition. ψsucc is represented as an object that, when applied via function composition to ψwinter, gives us back the expression for ψspring. These meanings are specified in a language of pure computational dynamics, absent any additional primitives or meanings. This is shown with the minimalist set of primitives in Figure 1, where each token is mapped to some structure built of S and K, special symbols whose “meanings” are discussed below. In this setup, symbols like spring come to have meaning as CRS supposes, by virtue of how the structures they are mapped to act on other symbols. Learners are able to derive new facts by applying their internal expressions to each other in novel ways. As I show, this can give rise to rich systems of knowledge that span classes of computations and permit learners to extend a few simple observations into the domain of richer cognitive theories.

2. Combinatory logic as a language for universal isomorphism

A mathematical system known as combinatory logic provides the formal tool we’ll use to construct a universal isomorphism language as a hypothesized LOT. Combinatory logic was developed in the early- and mid-1900s in order to allow logicians to work with expressions that did not require variables like “x” and “y”, yet had the same expressive power (Hindley & Seldin, 1986). Combinatory logic’s usefulness is demonstrated by the fact that it was invented at least three independent times by mathematicians, including Moses Schönfinkel, John von Neumann, and Haskell Curry (Cardone & Hindley, 2006). The main advantages of combinatory logic are its simplicity (allowing us to posit very minimal built-in machinery) and its power (allowing us to model symbols, structures, and relations). In cognitive research, combinatory logic is primarily seen in formal theories of natural language semantics (Steedman, 2001; Jacobson, 1999), although its relevance has also been argued in other domains like motor planning (Steedman, 2002). The use of combinatory logic as a representational substrate, moreover, fits with the idea that tree-like structures are fundamental to human-like thinking(e.g. Fitch, 2014).

The next two sections are central to understanding the formalism used in the remainder of the paper and are therefore presented as a tutorial. This first section will illustrate how combinatory logic can write down a simple function. This illustrates only some of its basic properties, such as its simplicity (involving only two primitives), its ability to handle variables, and its ability to express arbitrary compositions of operations. The more powerful view of combinatory logic comes later, where I describe how we may use combinatory logic to create something essentially new.

2.1. A very brief introduction to combinatory logic

To illustrate the basics of combinatory logic, consider the simple function definition,

f(x)=x+1. (1)

The challenge with expressions like (1) is that the use of a variable x adds bookkeeping to a computational system because one has to keep track of what variables are allowed where. Compare (1) to a function of two variables g(x,y) = .... When we define f, we are permitted to use x. When we define g, we are permitted to use both x and y. But when we define f, it would be nonsensical to use y, assuming y is not defined elsewhere. Analogously in a programming language—or cognitive/logical theories that look like programs—we can only use variables that are defined in the appropriate context (scope). The syntax of what symbols are allowed changes in different places in a representation—and this creates a nightmare for the bookkeeping required in implementation. In combinatory logic’s rival formalism, lambda calculus (Church, 1936), most of the formal machinery is spent ensuring that variable names are distinct and only used in the appropriate places, and that substitution does not incorrectly handle variable names.

What logicians discovered was that this situation could be avoided by using combinators to glue together the primitive components +, and 1 without ever explicitly creating a variable x (e.g. Schönfinkel, 1967). A combinator is a higher-order function (a function whose arguments are functions) that, in this case, routes arguments to the correct places. For instance using := to denote a definition, let

f := (S + (K 1))

define f in terms of other functions S&K, in addition to the operator + and the number 1. Notably there is no x in the above expression for f, even though f does take an argument, as we will see. The functions S&K are just symbols, and when they are evaluated, they have very simple definitions:

(K x y)→ x
(S x y z) → ((x z) (y z))

Here, the arrow (→) indicates a process of evaluation, or moving one step forward in the computation. The combinator K takes two arguments x and y and ignores y, a constant (Konstant) function. S is a function of three arguments, x, y, and z, that essentially passes z to each of x and y before composing the two results. In other notation, S might be written as S(x, y, z) := x(z, y(z)). Note that both S and K both return expressions which are themselves structured compositions of whatever their arguments happened to be.

In this notation, if a function does not have enough arguments it may take the next one in line. For instance in ((K x) y) the K only has one argument. But, because there is nothing else in the way, it can grab the y as its second argument, meaning that computation proceeds,

((K x) y) → (K x y) → x

This operation must respect the grouping of terms, so that ((K x) (y z)) becomes (K x (y z)). The capacity to take the next argument is known in logic as currying, although Curry attributed it to Schönfinkel, and it was more likely first invented by Frege (Cardone & Hindley, 2006). Together, S&K and currying define a logical system that is much more powerful than it first appears.

To see how the combinator definition of f works, we can apply f to an argument. For instance, if we evaluate f on the number 7, we get can substitute in the definition of f into the expression (f 7):

(f 7) = ((S + (K 1)) 7)		; Definition of f
→ (S + (K 1) 7)			 ; Currying
→ ((+ 7) ((K 1) 7))					 ; Definition of S
→ (+ 7 ((K 1) 7))					 ; Currying
→ (+ 7 (K 1 7))					 ; Currying
→ (+ 7 1)							 ; Definition of K

Essentially what has happened is that S&K have shuttled 7 around to the places where x would have appeared. They have done so merely by their compositional structure and definitions, without ever requiring the variable x in f(x) = x + 1 to be explicitly written. Schönfinkel—and other independent discoverers of combinatory logic—proved the non-obvious fact that any function composition could be expressed this way, meaning any structure with written variables has an equivalent combinatory logic expression without them.

Terminologically, the process of applying the rules of combinatory logic (shown in the gray box just above) is known as reduction. The question of whether a computation halts is equivalent to whether or not reduction leads to a normal form in which none of the combinators have enough arguments to continue reduction. In terms of computational power, combinatory logic is equivalent to lambda calculus (see Hindley & Seldin, 1986), both of which are capable of expressing any computation through function composition (Turing, 1937). This means that any typical program (e.g. in Python or C++) can be written as a composition of these combinators, and the combinators reduce to a normal form if and only if the program halts. Equivalently, any system that implements these very simple rules for S&K is, potentially, as powerful as any computer. This is a remarkable result in mathematical logic because it means that computation can be expressed with the simplest syntax imaginable, compositions of S&K with no extra variables or syntactic operations. Evaluation is equally simple and requires no special machinery beyond the ability to perform S&K’s simple definitions, which are themselves just transformations of binary trees. It is this uniformity and simplicity of syntax that opens the door for implementation in physical or biological systems.

2.2. Church Encoding

The example above uses primitive operations like + and objects like the number 1. It therefore fits well within the traditional LOT view where mental representations correspond to compositions of intrinsically meaningful primitive functions. The primary point of this paper, however, is to argue that the right metaphor for mental representations is actually not structures like (1) or its combinator version, but rather structures without any cognitive primitives at all—that is, structures that contain only S&K.

The technique behind this is known as Church encoding. The idea is that if symbols and operations are encoded as pure combinator structures, they may act on each other via the laws of combinatory logic alone to produce equivalent algorithms to those that act on numbers, boolean operators, trees, or any other formal structure. As Pierce (2002) writes,

[S]uppose we have a program that does some complicated calculation with numbers to yield a boolean result. If we replace all the numbers and arithmetic operations with [combinator]-terms representing them and evaluate the program, we will get the same result. Thus, in terms of their effects on the overall result of programs, there is no observable difference between the real numbers and their Church-[encoded ]numeral representations.

A simple, yet philosophically profound, demonstration is to construct a combinator structure that implements boolean logic. One possible way to do this is to define

true := (K K)
false := K
and := ((S (S (S S))) (K (K K)))
or := ((S S) (K (K K)))
not := ((S ((S K) S)) (K K))

Defined this way, these combinator structures obey the laws of Boolean logic: (not true) → false, and (or true, ↪ false) → true, etc. The meaning of mental symbols like true and not is given entirely in terms of how these little algorithmic chunks operate on each other. To illustrate, the latter computation would proceed as

(or true false) = (((S S) (K (K K)))	 (K K) K)	 ; Definition of or, true, false
→ (((S S) (K (K K)) (K K)) K)		; Currying rule
→ ((S S (K (K K)) (K K)) K)		; Currying rule twice
→ ((S (K K) ((K (K K)) (K K))) K)	; Definition of S
→ ((S (K K) (K (K K) (K K))) K)		; Currying
→ ((S (K K) (K K)) K)	; Definition of K
→ (S (K K) (K K) K)	; Currying
→ ((K K) K ((K K) K))	; Definition of S
→ ((K K K) ((K K) K))	; Currying
→ (K ((K K) K))					; Definition of K
→ (K (K K K))					; Currying
→ (K K)									; Definition of K

resulting in an expression, (K K), which is the same as the definition of true! Readers may also verify other relations, like that (and true true) → true and (or (not false)false) → true, etc.

The Church encoding has essentially tricked S&K’s boring default dynamics into doing something useful—implementing a theory of simple boolean logic. This is a CRS because the symbols have no intrinsic meaning beyond that which is specified by their dynamics and interaction. The meaning of each of these terms is, as in a CRS, critically dependent on the form of the others. The capacity to do this reflects a more general idea in dynamical systems—one which is likely central to understanding how minds represent other systems—which is that sufficiently powerful dynamical systems permit encoding or embedding of other computations (e.g. Sinha & Ditto, 1998; Ditto, Murali, & Sinha, 2008; Lu & Bassett, 2018). The ability to use S&K to perform useful computations is very general, allowing us to encode complex data types, operations, and a huge variety of other logical systems. Appendix A sketches a simple proof of conditions under which combinatory logic is capable of representing any consistent set of facts or relations, with a few assumptions, making it essentially a universal isomorphism language.

2.3. An inferential theory from the probabilistic LOT

The capacity to represent anything is, of course, not enough. A cognitive theory must also have the ability to construct the right particular representations when data—perhaps partial data—is observed. The data that we will consider is sets of base facts like those shown in Figure 1, (succ winter) → spring, etc. These facts may be viewed as structured or relational representations of perceptual observations—for instance, the observation that some season (spring) comes after (succ) another (winter). Note, though, that the meanings of these symbols are not specified by these facts; all we know is that spring (whatever that is) comes after (whatever that is) the season winter (whatever that is). Apart from any perceptual links, that knowledge is structurally no different from (father jim) → billy. Because these symbols do not yet have meanings, knowledge of the base facts is much like knowledge of a placeholder structure (Carey, 2009), or concepts whose meanings yet to be filled in, even though some of their conceptual role is known.

The goal of the learner is to assign each symbol a combinator structure so that the structures in the base facts are satisfied.5 For this one rule (succ winter) → spring we could assign succ := (K S), winter := K and spring := S since then

(succ winter) := ((K S) K) → (K S K) → S = spring

Only some mappings of symbols to strings will be valid. For instance, if spring := K instead, we’d have that

(succ winter) := ((K S) K) → (K S K) → S ≠ spring.

The real challenge a learner faces in each domain is to find a mapping of symbols to combinators that satisfies all of the facts simultaneously. Such a solution provides an internal model—a Church encoding—whose computational dynamics captures the relations you have observed under repeated reduction via S&K. Often, the mapping of symbols to combinators will often be required to be unique, meaning that we can always tell which symbol a combinator output stands for. In addition, once symbols are mapped to combinators satisfying the observed base facts, learners or reasoners may derive new generalizations that go beyond these facts.

The choice of which combinator each symbol should be mapped to is here made using ideas about smart ways of solving the problem of induction. In particular, our approach is motivated in large part by Solomonoff’s theory of inductive inference, where learners observe data and try to find a concise Turing machine that describes the data (Solomonoff, 1964a, 1964b). Indeed, human learners prefer to induce hypotheses that have a shorter description length in logic (Feldman, 2000, 2003a; Goodman, Tenenbaum, et al., 2008), with simplicity preferences perhaps a governing principle of cognitive systems (Feldman, 2003b; Chater & Vitányi, 2003). Simplicity-based preferences have been used to structure the priors in standard LOT models (Goodman, Tenenbaum, et al., 2008; Katz, Goodman, Kersting, Kemp, & Tenenbaum, 2008; Ullman et al., 2012; Piantadosi et al., 2012; Piantadosi, 2011; Kemp, 2012; Yildirim & Jacobs, 2014; Erdogan et al., 2015), and has close connections to the idea of minimum description lengths (Grünwald, 2007). Since S&K are equivalent in power to a Turing machine, then finding a concise S&K expression for a domain corresponds to finding a short program (up to an additive constant, as in Kolmogorov complexity (Li & Vitányi, 2008)) that computes its dynamics; finding a S&K expression that evaluates quickly is tantamount to finding a fast-running program.

One problem with theories based on description length is that they can easily run into computability problems: short programs or logical expressions often do not halt6 meaning that we may not be able to even evaluate every given logical hypothesis to see if it yields the correct answer, according to the base facts. A solution is to instead base our preferences in part on how quickly each combinator arrives at the correct answer. We can assign prior to a hypothesis h that is proportional to (1/2)t(h)+l(h) where t(h) is the number of steps it takes h to reduce the base facts to normal form and l(h) is the number of combinators in h (i.e. its description length). Similar time-based priors have been developed in theories of artificial intelligence (Levin, 1973, 1984; Schmidhuber, 1995, 2002; Hutter, 2005; Schmidhuber, 2007) or as a measure of complexity (Bennett, 1995). These priors allow inductive inference to avoid difficulties with the halting problem because, essentially, any finite amount of computation will allow us to upper-bound a hypothesis’ probability, even if it does not halt. For instance, a machine that has not halted or a combinator that has not finished evaluation in 1000 steps will have a prior probability of at most (1/2)1000. Thus, as a computation runs, its probability drops, meaning that long-running expressions can effectively be pruned out of searches without knowing whether they might eventually halt (thus, evaluation of all computations—halting or not—can be dovetailed). This fact can be used in Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo techniques like the Metropolis Hastings algorithm to implement Bayesian inference over these spaces by rejecting proposed hypotheses once their probability drops too low (Piantadosi & Jacobs, 2016). Here, we search over assignments of symbols in the base facts to combinators and disregard those that are too low probability either in complexity or in evaluation time when run on the given base facts.

Since so much other work has explored the probabilistic details of LOT theories, and I intend to provide a simple demonstration, I’ll make two simplifying assumptions in this paper. First, I assume that learners want only the fastest-running combinator string which describes their data, ignoring the gradience of fully Bayesian accounts. Second, it will be assumed that only theories that are consistent with the data are considered. This will therefore assume that leaner’s data is noise-free, although the general inferential mechanisms can readily be extended to noisy data (see LOT citations above).

2.4. Details of the implementation

The problem of finding a concise mapping of the symbols to combinators that obey these laws is solved here using a custom implementation named churiso (pronounced like the sausage “chorizo”) and available under a GPL license in both Scheme and Python7. The implementation was provided with base facts and searched for mappings from symbols to combinators that satisfies those constraints under the combinator dynamics defined above. Among all mappings of symbols to combinators that are consistent with the base facts, those with the fastest running time are preferred.

The implementation uses a backtracking algorithm that exhaustively tries pairing symbols and combinator structures (ordered in terms of increasing description-length complexity), rejecting a partial solution if it is found to violate a constraint. Several optimizations are provided in the implementation. First, the set of combinators considered for each symbol can be limited to those already in normal form to avoid re-searching equivalent combinators. Second, the algorithm uses a simple form of constraint propagation in order to rapidly reject assignments of symbols to combinator strings that would violate a later constraint. For instance, if a constraint says that (f x) must reduce to y, and f and x are determined, then the resulting value is pushed as the assignment for y. An order for searching is chosen which maximizes the number of constraints which can be propagated in this way. In order to explore the space, Churiso also allows us to define and include other combinators either as base primitives or as structures derived from S&K. The results in this paper use the search algorithm including several other standard combinators (B, C, I) to increase the search effectiveness, but each is converted to S&K in evaluating a potential hypothesis. Notably, however, search likely still scales exponentially in the number of symbols in base facts—trying to find how to assign c combinators to n symbols (assuming none can be determined through constraint propagation above) takes cn search steps.8 This form of backtracking shares much with, for example, implementations of the Prolog programming language (Bratko, 2001, see, e.g.). However, it is important to note that we do not intend this backtracking search to be an implementation-level theory of how people themselves might find these representations. The implementation that people use to do something like Church encoding will depend on the specifics of the representation they possess. Instead, this algorithm is only intended to provide a computational-level theory (Marr & Poggio, 1976; Marr, 1982) that says if people choose representations of the base facts that are fast-evaluating and concise, then they will be able to represent and generalize similarly to people. Thus, our primary concern is whether this algorithm finds any solutions, not whether in doing so it searchers the space in a way similar to how biological organisms might.

In a testament to the simplicity and parsimony of combinatory logic, the full implementation requires only a few hundred lines of code, including algorithms for reading the base facts, searching for constraints, and evaluating combinator structures. Ediger (2011) provides an independent combinatory logic implementation that includes several abstraction algorithms and was used to validate implementation of combinatory logic in Churiso.

3. Applications to cognitive domains

This section presents a number of examples of using the inferential setup to discover combinator structures for a variety of domains. In each example, I will provide the base facts and then the fastest running combinator structure (Church encoding of the base facts) that was discovered by Churiso. The examples have been chosen to illustrate a variety of different domains that have been emphasized in human and animal psychology. The first section shows that theories can represent or encode relational structures. The second examines conceptual structures that involve generalization, meaning that we are primarily interested in how the combinator structure extends to compute new relations not in set of base facts. In each of these cases, the generalization fits simple intuitions about and permits derivation of new knowledge in the form of “correct” predictions about unobserved new structures. The third section look at combinatory logic to represent new computations in the form of components that could be used in new mental algorithms.

3.1. Representation

Table 1 shows five domains with very different structural properties and how they may be represented with S&K. The middle column shows the base facts that were provided to Churiso and the right hand column shows the most efficient combinator structure. The seasons example show a circular system of labeling, where the successor (succ) of each season loops around in a Mod-4 type of system. The 1, 2, many concept where there is similarly a successor, but the successor of any number above two is just the token many, a counting system found in many languages of the world. Roshambo (also called “Rock, paper, scissors”) is an interesting case where each object represents a function that operates on each other object, and returns an outcome in a discrete set (“rock” beats “scissors”, etc.). This game has been studied in primate neuroscience (Abe & Lee, 2011). This illustrates a type of circular dominance structure, but one which is dependent on which object is considered the operator (e.g. first in the parentheses) and which is the operand. The family example shows a case where simple relations like mother and husband can be defined and are functions that yield the correct individual. Interestingly, realization of just these representations does not automatically correspond to representation of a “tree”—instead the requirement to represent only these relations yields a simpler composition of combinators without an explicit tree structure. Later examples (tree, list) show how trees themselves might be learned; an interesting challenge is to discover a latent tree structure from examples like in family (for work on learning the general case with LOT theories, see Katz et al. (2008); Mollica and Piantadosi (2015)). Note that in all examples, the combinator structures Churiso discovers shouldn’t be intuitively obvious to us—these combinators structures are not the symbols we are used to thinking about (like father and many), certainly not in conscious awareness. Instead, the base facts should sound obvious; the S&K structures are the stuff out of which the symbols in the base facts are made. The Boston example shows encoding of a graph structure, a simplified version of Boston’s subway map. Here, there are 4 relations red, green, orange, and blue, which map some stations to other stations. This structure, too, can be encoded into S&K.

Table 1:

Church encoding inferred from the base facts that permit representation of several logical structures common in psychology.

graphic file with name nihms-1626457-t0007.jpg

One challenge for theories like this may be in learning multiple representations at the same time. It is indeed possible to do so, while enforcing uniqueness constraints among the symbols. To illustrate, for example, if we simultaneously try to encode seasons, roshambo, and family into a single set of facts, where symbols in each must be unique. Churiso finds the solution,

after := ((S ((S S) S)) K)
fall := K
summer := (K (K K))
winter := (K K)
spring := (K ((S (K K)) (K (K K))))

succ := ((S ((S S) K)) S)
one := (K (K (S (K K))))
two := (S (K K))
many := (K ((S (S (K K))) (S (K K))))
barack := S
father := (K S)
sasha := ((S K) S)
malia := (K ((S K) S))
michelle := ((S S) S)
mother := (K ((S S) S))
sister := ((S ((S K) S)) K)
husband := ((S (K (K S))) S)
wife := (S S)

This illustrates that while managing the complexity of multiple concepts may, in some situations, be tractable even with current methods.

3.2. Generalization

The examples in Table 1 mainly shows how learners might memorize facts and relations using S&K. But equally or more important to cognitive systems is generalization: given some data, can we learn a representation whose properties allow us to infer new and unseen facts? What this means in the context of Churiso is that we are able to form new combinations of functions—those whose outcome is not specified in the base facts. Table 2 shows some examples. The first of these is a representation of a singular/plural system like those found in natural language. Here, there is a relation marker that takes some number of arguments item, item, etc. and returns singular if it receives one argument, plural if it receives more than one. This requires generalization because the base facts only show the output for up to four items. However, the learned representation is enough to go further to any number of items, outside of the base facts. For instance,

(marker item item item item item item item) → ((S (S K)) (S (S K))) = plural

Table 2:

S&K structures in domains involving interesting generalization, where the combinator structures allow deduction beyond the base facts.

graphic file with name nihms-1626457-t0008.jpg

Intuitively, the first time marker is applied to item, we get

(marker item) → ((S (K (S K K))) (S (S K))) = singular

When this is applied to another item, you get the expression for plural:

(marker item item) = ((marker item) item) → (singular item) → plural

And then plural has the property that it returns itself when given one more item:

(plural item) → plural

So, plural is a “fixed point” for further applications of item, allowing it to generalize to any number of arguments. In other words, what Churiso discovers is a system that is functionally equivalent to a simple finite-state machine:


Note that this finite state machine is not an explicitly-specified hypothesis that learners have, but only emerges

implicitly through the appropriate composition of S&K.

The next domain, number, shows a generalization that builds an infinite structure. Intuitively, the learner is given a successor relationship between the first few words. The critical question is whether this is enough to learn a S&K structure for succ that will continue to generalize beyond the meaning of four. The results show that it is: the form of succ that is learned is essentially one that builds a “larger” representation for each successive number. The way this works is extremely simple: K requires more than one argument. But, the structure represented in the relation (succ x) for x=one, two, ... only provides it a single argument (here called x). Thus, the n’th number in this Church encoding is the one that needs n more arguments to successfully evaluate (or reduce to nothing). This will make it such that (succ four) is a new concept (representation) and (succ (succ four)) is yet another, generalizing infinitely to infinitely many numbers. In this case, S&K create from the three base facts a structure isomorphic to the natural numbers,


The assumed base facts correspond to the kind of evidence that might be available to learners of counting (Carey, 2009). This provides a close theory to Piantadosi et al. (2012)’s LOT model of number acquisition, which was created to solve the inductive riddle posed by Rips and colleagues (Rips, Asmuth, & Bloomfield, 2006, 2008; Rips, Bloomfield, & Asmuth, 2008) about what might constrain children’s generalization in learning number. The difference is that the Piantadosi et al. (2012)’s LOT representations were based in primitive cognitive content, like an ability to represent sets and perform operations on them. Here, the learning is not a counting algorithm, but rather an internal conceptual structure that is generative of the concepts themselves, providing a possible answer to the question of where the structure itself may come from (see Rips, Asmuth, & Bloomfield, 2013). It is interesting to contrast number, 1 2 many, and seasons. In each of these, there is a “successor” function, but which function is learned depends on the structure of the base facts. This means that notions like “successorship” cannot be defined narrowly by the relationship between a few elements, but will critically rely on the role this concept plays in a larger collection of operations.

The dominance concept in Table 2 shows another interesting case of generalization. Dominance structures are common in animal cognition (see, e.g., Drews, 1993). For instance, Grosenick, Clement, and Fernald (2007) show that fish can make transitive inferences consistent with a dominance hierarchy: if they observe ab and bc, then they know that ac, where ≻ is a relation specifying who dominates in a pairwise interaction. The base facts for the dominance encode slightly more information, corresponding to almost all of the dominance relationships between some mental tokens a, b, c, and d.9 This example illustrates another feature of Churiso: we are able to specify constraints in terms of evaluations not yielding some relations. So for instance,

(dom b a) ↛ True

means that (dom b a) evaluates to something other than True. This relaxation of the constraints to only partially-specified often helps to learn more concise representations in S&K. Critically the relation between a and d is not specified in the base facts. Note that this relation could be anything and any possible value could be encoded by S&K. The simplicity bias of the inference, however, prefers combinator structures for these symbols such that the unseen relation (dom a d) → True but (dom d a) does not. Thus, the S&K encoding of the base facts gives learners an internal representation that automatically generalizes to an unseen relation.

The magnetism example is motivated by Ullman et al. (2012)’s model studying the learning of entire systems of knowledge (theories) in conceptual development. In magnetism, we know about different kinds of materials (positive, negative, non-magnetic) and that these follow some simple relationships, like that positives attract negatives and that positives repel each other, etc. The magnetism example provides base facts giving the pairwise interaction of two positive two positives (p1, p2) and two negatives (n1, n2). But from the point of view of the inference, these four symbols are not categorized into “positives” and “negatives”, they are just arbitrary symbols. In this example, I have also dropped the uniqueness requirement to allow grouping of these symbols into “types”, as shown by their learned combinator structures with the pi getting mapped to the same structure and the ni getting mapped to a different one. To test generalization, we can provide the model with one single additional fact, that n1 and x attract each other. The model automatically infers that x has the same S&K structure as p1 and p2, meaning that it learns from a single observation of it is a “positive”, including all of the associated predictions such as that (attract n1 x) → True.

3.3. Computational process

The examples above respectively show computation and generalization, but they do not yet illustrate one of the most remarkable properties of thinking—we appear able to discover a wide variety of computational processes. The concepts in Table 3 are ones that implement some simple and intuitive algorithmic components. Here, I have introduced some new symbols to the base facts, f, x, and y. These are treated as universally quantified variables, meaning that the constraint must hold for all values (combinator expressions) they can take. The learning model’s discovery of how to encode these facts corresponds to the creation of fundamental algorithmic representations using only the facts’ simple description of what the algorithm must do.

Table 3:

S&K structures that implement computational operations.

graphic file with name nihms-1626457-t0009.jpg

An example is provided by if-else. A convenient feature of many computational systems it that when they reach a conditional branch (“if” statement), they only have to evaluate the corresponding branch of the program. The shown base facts make if-else return x if it receives a true first argument and y otherwise, regardless of what x and y happen to be. Even though conditional branching is a basic computation, it can be learned from even more primitive components S&K.

The identity example illustrates the distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge in the system. We can define identity := (S K K) so,

(identity x) = ((S K K) x) → (S K K x) → ((K x) (K x)) → (K x (K x)) → x.

It may be surprising that we could construct a cognitive system without any notion of identity. Surely to even perform a computation on a representation x, the identity of x must be respected! In S&K, this is true in one sense: the default dynamics of S and K do respect representational identity. But in another sense, such a system comes with no “built in” cognitive representation of a function which is the identity function. Instead, it can be learned.

A more complex example can be found in the example of repetition. Here, we seek a function repeat that takes two arguments f and x and calls f twice on x. Humans clearly have cognitive representations of a concept like repeating a computation; “again” is an early-learned word, and the general concept of repetition is often marked morphologically in the world’s languages with reduplication. As is suggested by the preceding examples, the concept of repetition need not be assumed by a computational system.

Related to repetition, or doing an operation “again” is the ability to represent recursion, a computational ability that has been hypothesized to be the key defining characteristic of human cognition (Hauser, Chomsky, & Fitch, 2002) (see Tabor (2011) for a study of recursion in neural networks). One example of how to implement recursion in combinatory logic is the Y-combinator,

Y = (S (K (S I I)) (S (S (K S) K) (K (S I I)))),

a function famous enough in mathematical logic to have been the target of at least one logician’s arm tattoo. Like other concepts, the Y-combinator can be built only from S&K. It works by “making” a function recursive, passing the function to itself as an argument. The details of this clever mechanism are beyond the scope of this paper (see Pierce, 2002). One challenge in learning Y is that by definition it has no normal form when applied to a function. To address this, we introduce a new kind of constraint --->, which holds true if the partial evaluation trace of the left and right hand sides yield expressions that are equal to a given fixed constant depth. To learn recursion, we require that applying Y to f is the same as applying f to this expression itself,

(Y f) ---> (f (Y f))

Neither side reduces to a normal form, but the special arrow means that when we run both sides, we get out the same structure, which in this case happens to be the (infinite) recursion of f composed with itself,

(f (f (f (f ... ))))

Churiso learns a slightly longer form than the typical Y-combinator due to the details of its search procedure (for the most concise recursive combinator possible, see Tromp, 2007) (Note that in these searches, the runtime is ignored since the combinator does not stop evaluation). The ability to represent Y permits us to capture algorithms, some of which may never halt. For instance, if we apply Y top the definition of successor from the number example, we get back the concept of that counts forever, continuously adding one to its its result: (↪Y succ). The ability to learn recursion as a computation from a simple constraint might be surprising to programmers and cognitive scientists alike, for whom recursion may seem like an aspect of computation that has to be “built in” explicitly. It need not be so, if what we mean by learning “recursion” is coming up with a Church encoding implementation of it.

The mutual recursion case shows a recursive operator of two functions, known as the Y*-combinator, that yields an infinite alternating composition of f and g,

(f (g (f (g (f (g ... ))))))

This is the analog of the Y-combinator but for mutually recursive functions–where f is defined in terms of g and g is defined in terms of f. This illustrates that even more sophisticated kinds of algorithmic processes can be discovered and implemented in S&K.

From surprisingly small base facts, Churiso is also able to discover primitives first, rest, and pair, corresponding to the structure-building operations with memory. The arguments for pair are “remembered” by the combinator structure until they are later accessed by either first or rest. As a result, they can build common data structures. For instance, a list may be constructed by combining pair:

L = (pair A (pair B (pair C D)))


Or, a binary tree may be encoded,

L = (pair (pair A B) (pair C D))


An element such as C may then be accessed (first (rest T)), the first element of the second grouping in the tree. These data structures are so foundational that they form the foundational built-in data type in programming languages like Scheme and Lisp (where they are called car, cdr, and cons for historical reasons), and thus support a huge variety of other data structures and algorithms (Abelson & Sussman, 1996; Okasaki, 1999). By showing how speakers might internalize these concepts, we can therefore demonstrate in principle how many algorithms and data structures could be represented as well.

3.4. Formal languages

One especially interesting case to consider is how S&K handles concepts that correspond to (potentially) infinite sets of strings, or formal languages. Theoretical distinctions between classes of formal languages form the basis of computational theories of human language (e.g. Chomsky, 1956, 1957) as well as computation itself (see Hopcroft, Motwani, & Ullman, 1979). To implement each, Table 4 provides base facts giving the transitions between computational states for processing languages. The regular language provides the transition table for a simple finite-state machine that recognizes the language {ab,abab,ababa,...}. The existential one also describes a finite state machine that can implement first-order quantification, an association potentially useful in natural language semantics (van Benthem, 1984; Mostowski, 1998; Tiede, 1999; Costa Florêncio, 2002; Gierasimczuk, 2007).

Table 4:

Church encoding of several formal language constructs.

graphic file with name nihms-1626457-t0010.jpg

The most interesting example is provided by context-free, which is a language {ab,aabb,aaabbb,...} that provably cannot be expressed with a regular language (finite-state machine). Instead, the learned mapping essentially implements a computational device with an infinite number of states from the base facts. For instance, the state after observing 1, 2, and 3 as are,

got_a := ((S (K K)) S)
got_aa := ((S (K K)) (S (K K) S))
got_aaa := ((S (K K)) (S (K K) (S (K K) S)))
got_aaaa := ((S (K K)) (S (K K) (S (K K) (S (K K) S))))

Each additional a adds to this structure. Then, each incoming b removes from it

(b got_aaaa) = want_bbb = (K (K (K (K (S S)))))
(b got_aaa) = want_bb = (K (K (K (S S))))
(b got_aa) = want_b = (K (K (S S)))
(b want_b) = accept = (K (S S))

This works precisely like a stack in a parser, even though such a stack is not explicitly encoded into S&K or the base facts. Thus, this mapping generalizes infinitely to strings of arbitrary length, far beyond the input base facts’ length of four (Note that the base facts and combinators ensure correct recognition, but do not guarantee correct rejection).

Finally, the finite example shows an encoding of the set of strings of the letters “m”, “a”, “n” and space (“_ ”) that form valid English words, {a, man, am, an, mam}. These can be encoded by assigning each character a combinator structure, but the resulting structures are quite complex. Note, too, that these base facts do not guarantee correct generalization to longer character sequences. This example illustrates that while Church encoding can represent such information, it is unwieldy for rote memorization. Church encoding is more likely to be useful for algorithmic processes and conceptual systems with many patterns. Memorized facts (or sets) may instead rely on specialized systems of memory representation.

The ability to represent formal languages like these is important because they correspond to provably different levels of computational power, showing that a single system for learning and representation across these levels is a defining strength of this approach (for for LOT work along these lines, see Yang & Piantadosi (in prep); for language learning on Turing-complete spaces in general, see Chater and Vitányi (2007); Hsu and Chater (2010); Hsu, Chater, and Vitányi (2011)). In the examples, we have taught Churiso the full algorithm by showing it a few steps from which it generalizes the appropriate algorithm. This ability demonstrates the induction of a novel dynamical system from a few simple observations, work in many ways reminiscent of encoding structure in continuous dynamical systems (Tabor, Juliano, & Tanenhaus, 1997; Tabor, 2009, 2011; Lu & Bassett, 2018).

3.5. Summary of computational results

The results of this section have shown that learners can in principle start with only representations of S&K and construct much richer types of knowledge. Not only can they represent structured knowledge, by doing so they permit derivation of fundamentally new knowledge and types of information processing. The ability of a simple search algorithm to actually discover these kinds of representations shows that the resulting representational and inductive system can “really work” on a wide variety of domains. However, the main contribution of this work are the general lessons that we can extract from considering systems like S&K.

4. Mental representations are like combinatory logic (LCL)

My intention is not to claim that combinatory logic is the solution to mental representation—it would be pretty lucky if logicians of the early 19th century happened to hit on the right theory of how a biological system works. Rather, I see combinatory logic as a metaphor with some of the right properties. I will refer to the more general form of the theory as like Combinatory-Logic, or LCL, and describe some of its core components.

4.0.1. LCL theories have no cognitive primitives

The primitives used in LCL theories (like S&K) specify only the dynamical properties of a representation—how each structure interacts with any other. LCL therefore has no built-in cognitive representations, or symbols like CAUSE and True. This is the primary difference between LCL and LOT theories, whose bread and butter is meaningful components with intrinsic meaning. The lack of these operations is beneficial because LCL therefore leaves no lingering questions about how mental tokens may come to have meaning. The challenge for LCL is then to eventually specify how a token such as CAUSE comes to have its meaning by formalizing the necessary and sufficient relations to other concepts that fully characterize its semantics.

4.0.2. LCL theories are Turing-complete

Though it is not widely appreciated in cognitive science or philosophy of mind, humans excel at learning, internalizing, creating, and communicating algorithmic processes of incredible complexity (Rule et al., under review). This is most apparent in domains of expertise—a good car mechanic or numerical analyst has a remarkable level of technical and computational knowledge, including not only domain-specific facts, but knowledge of specific algorithms, processes, causal pathways, and causal interventions. The developmental mystery is how humans start with what a baby knows and build the complex algorithms and representations that adults understand. The power of LCL systems come from starting with a small basis of computational elements that have the capacity to express arbitrary computations, and applying a powerful learning theory that can operate on such spaces.

Though combinatory logic does not differ from Turing machines in terms of computational power, it does differ in terms of qualitative character. There are several key differences that make combinatory logic a better architecture for thinking of cognition, even beyond its simplicity and uniformity. First, it is a formalism for computation which is entirely compositional, motivated here by the compositional nature of language and other human abilities. Turing machines are simply an architecture that Turing thought of in trying to formulate a theory of “effective procedures” and it does not seem particularly natural to connect biological neurons to Turing machines, efforts to do so in artificial neural network not withstanding (Graves, Wayne, & Danihelka, 2014; Trask et al., 2018).

4.0.3. LCL theories are compositional

The compositionality of natural language and natural thinking indicates that mental representations must themselves support composition (Fodor, 1975). Semantic formalisms in language (e.g Montague, 1973; Heim & Kratzer, 1998; Steedman, 2001; Blackburn & Bos, 2005) rely centrally on compositionality, dating back to Frege (1892). It is no accident that these theories formalize meaning through function composition, using a system (λ-calculus) that is formally equivalent to combinatory logic. The inherently compositional architecture of LCL contrasts with Turing machines and von Neumann architectures, which have been dominant conceptual frameworks primarily because they are easy for us to conceptualize and implement in hardware. When we consider the apparent compositionality of thought, a computational formalism based in composition becomes a more plausible starting point.

4.0.4. LCL theories are structured

As with compositionality, the structure apparent in human language and thought seems to motivate a representational theory that incorporates structure. In S&K, for instance, (S (K S)) is a different representation than ((S K)S), even though they are composed of the same elements in the same order. Structure-sensitivity is also a central feature of thought since thoughts can be composed of the same elements but differ in meaning due to their compositional structure (e.g. “Bill loves Mary” compared to “Mary loves Bill”). LCL’s emphasis on structural isomorphism aligns it closely with the literature on structure mapping (Gentner, 1983; Falkenhainer, Forbus, & Gentner, 1986; Gentner & Markman, 1997; French, 2002), where the key operation is the construction of a correspondence between two otherwise separate systems. For instance, we might consider an alignment between the solar system and the Bohr model of the atom, where the sun corresponds to the nucleus and the planets to electrons. The correspondence is relation preserving in that a relation like orbits (planets, sun) holds true when its arguments are mapped into the domain of atoms, orbits (electrons, nucleus). What structure mapping literature does not emphasize, however, is that the systems being aligned are sometimes dynamic and computational, rather than purely structural (isomorphism in dynamical systems theory is a mapping of dynamics).

LCL also shares much motivation and machinery with the literature on structure learning, which has aimed to explain how learners might discover latent structured representations to guide further inference and learning. For instance, Kemp and Tenenbaum (2008) show how learners could use statistical inference to discover the appropriate mental representation in a universal graph grammar capable of generating any structure. They show how learners could discover representations appropriate to many sub-domains such as phylogenetic trees for animal features, or the left-right spectrum seen in supreme court judgments. A limitation of that work is that it focuses on learning graph structures, not computational objects that can capture internal processes and algorithms.

4.0.5. LCL theories handle abstraction and variables

Combinatory logic was created as a system to allow abstraction with a simple, uniform syntax that avoids difficulties with handling variables. Abstraction has long been a focus of cognitive science. For example, Marcus (2003) considers training data like “A rose is a rose”, “A frog is a frog”, “A blicket is a _?” The intuition is that “blicket” is a natural response, even though we do not know what a blicket is. This means that we must have some system capable of remembering the symbol in the first slot of “A _ is a _” and filling it in the second slot; this problem more generally faces systems tasked with understanding and processing language (Jackendoff, 2002). It may be natural to think of this problem as requiring variables. “An X is an X” might be a template pattern that learners induce from examples and then apply to the novel X = “blicket”. This makes intuitive sense when we talk on a high level, but variable binding is not as transparently solved by neural systems. Sub-symbolic approaches have explored a variety of architectural solutions to variable binding problems (Hadley, 2009), including those based on temporal synchrony (Shastri, Ajjanagadde, Bonatti, & Lange, 1996), tensor products (Smolensky, 1990; Smolensky & Legendre, 2006), neural blackboard architectures (Van Der Velde & De Kamps, 2006), and vector symbolic architectures (Gayler, 2004, 2006). Marcus (2003) argues explicitly for variables in the sense of symbolic programming languages like Lisp; some work in the probabilistic LOT has explored how symbolic architectures might handle variables (Overlan, Jacobs, & Piantadosi, 2016) and how abstraction helps inductive inference (Goodman, Ullman, & Tenenbaum, 2011).

Unfortunately, the debate about the existence of variables has been completely misled by the notation that happens to be used in computer science and algebra. In fact, combinatory logic shows that systems may behave as though they have variables when in fact none are explicitly represented—this is precisely why it was invented. To illustrate this, Table 5 shows various levels of abstraction for a simple function f, none of which involve variables when expressed with S&K. The top row is a function of no arguments that always computes 1+4. The next rows shows a function of one variable, x; the third adds its two arguments; the fourth row shows a highly abstract function that applies an operation (perhaps +) to its two arguments x and y. In none of these abstract functions do the arguments appear explicitly, meaning that abstraction can be captured without variables. This shows that when an appropriate formalism is used, cognitive theories need not explicitly represent variables, even though they may be there implicitly by how other operators act on symbols. This type of system is especially convenient for thinking about how we might implement logic in artificial or biological neural networks because it means that the syntax of the representation does not need to change to accommodate new variables in an expression.

Table 5:

Several levels of abstraction for a function f and their corresponding combinator structures. The combinator structures have no explicit variables (e.g. x, y, op). Note that if the constants or primitives +, 1, and 4 were defined with a Church encoding, they too would be combinators, permitting us to translate everything into pure S&K.

Function Equivalent combinatory logic structure
(f) → (+ 1 4) f := (+ 1 4)
(f x) → (+ x 1) f := (S + (K 1))
(f x y) → (+ x y) f := +
(f op x y) → (op x y) f := (S K K)

4.0.6. LCL theories permit construction of systems of knowledge

It is absolutely central to LCL systems that the meaning of a representation can only be defined by the role it plays in an interconnected system of knowledge. There is no sense in which any of the combinator structures mean anything in isolation. Even for a single domain like number, the most efficient mapping to combinators will depend on on which operations must be easy and efficient (for comparison of encoding schemes, see Koopman, Plasmeijer, & Jansen, 2014). The idea that learners must create entire frameworks for understanding, or theories, comes from cognitive and developmental literature emphasizing the way in which concepts and internal mental representations relate, to create systems of knowledge (Carey, 1985; Murphy & Medin, 1985; Wellman & Gelman, 1992; Gopnik & Meltzoff, 1997; Carey, 2009; Ullman et al., 2012). Of course, these relationships must include a variety of levels of abstraction—specific representations, computational processes, abstract rules, new symbols and concepts, etc. LCL permits this by providing a uniform language for all the components that might comprise a theory. If this aspect of LCL is correct, that might help to explain why cognitive science—and its theories of conceptual representation in particular—seem so hard to figure out. Definitions, prototypes, associations, or simple logical expressions seem like they would license fairly straightforward investigation by experimental psychology. But if concepts are intrinsically linked to others by conceptual and inferential role, then it may not be easy or possible to study much in controlled isolation.

4.0.7. LCL theories come from a simple basis

Turing machines are simple when compared to modern microprocessors but they are not simple when compared to combinatory logic. A Turing machine has separate mechanisms for its state, memory, and update rules. Combinatory logic has only a few functions that always perform the same operation on a binary branching tree. Indeed, the combinators S&K are not even minimal. There exist single combinators from which S&K can be derived. Single-point systems have been studied primarily as curiosities in logic or computer science, or as objective ways to measure complexity (Stay, 2005), but they suggest that the full complexity of human-like cognition may not be architecturally or genetically difficult to create.

The simplicity of S&K means that it is not implausible to imagine these operations emerging over evolutionary time. The idea of a neural implementation of a Turing machine might face a problem of irreducible complexity where the control structure of a Turing machine might be useless without the memory and state, and vice versa. However, combinators use only a single operation (function application) with a simple structure (binary branching structure), either of which may be useful on its own in cognitive systems evolved for prediction and representation or motor control (Steedman, 2001).

4.0.8. LCL theories are dynamical

A popular view is that cognitive systems are best viewed not as symbolic, but rather dynamical (Van Gelder, 1995, 1998; Beer, 2000; Tabor, 2009). It’s always a curious claim because by definition, virtually everything is a dynamical system, even Turing machines. LCL theories are inherently dynamical since the meaning of abstract symbols comes from the underlying dynamics of combinator evaluation, executed mindlessly by the underlying machine architecture. In this way, LCL theories are very much in line with the idea of unifying symbolic and dynamical approaches to cognition (Dale & Spivey, 2005; Edelman, 2008a), and seeking a pluralistic approach to cognitive science (Edelman, 2008b). Edelman (2008a), for instance, argues that we should be beware both the “older exclusively symbolic approach in the style of the ‘language of thought’ (Fodor 1975) and of the more recent ‘dynamical systems’ one (Port and van Gelder 1995) that aims to displace it, insofar as they strive for explanatory exclusivity while ignoring the multiple levels at which explanation is needed.”

The emphasis on dynamics here emphasizes a key difference to traditional LOT theories. In most incarnations of the LOT the key part of having a concept would be building the structure (e.g. CAUSE(x ,GO (x, UP))) and little attention is paid to the system by which this represents a computation that actually runs—what is the architecture of the evaluator, how does it run, and what makes those symbols mean what they do? In LCL theories, the important part of the representation is not only building the structure, but being able to run it or evaluate it with respect to other concepts. This, in some sense, puts the computational process itself back into “computational theory of mind”—we should not discuss symbols without discussing their computational roles, and in doing so we move closer to implementation.

For LCL, the important part of the dynamics is that it can be manipulated into capturing the relations present in any other system. Unlike most dynamical accounts in cognition, the dynamics are discrete in time and space (Jaeger, 1999; Dale & Spivey, 2005); research on discrete space systems is a subfield of dynamical systems research in itself (Lind & Marcus, 1995) and is likely to hold many clues for how symbolic or symbolic-like processes may emerge out of underlying physics and biology. The general idea, for instance, of discretizing physical systems in order to provide adequate explanations lies at the heart of symbolic dynamics, including mathematical characterizations of general complex systems (Shalizi & Crutchfield, 2001; Spivey, 2008), as well as recent attempts to encode cognitive structures into dynamical systems (Lu & Bassett, 2018). Theoretical work has also explored the tradeoff between symbolic and continuous systems, providing a formal account of when systems may become discretized (Feldman, 2012).

4.0.9. LCL meanings are sub-symbolic and emergent

While LCL dynamics do deal with discrete objects (like combinators), the meaning of these objects is not inherent in the symbols themselves. This is by design because LCL theories are intended to show how meaning, as cognitive scientists talk about it, might arise from lower-level dynamics. Cognitive symbols like True arise from the sub-symbolic structures that True gets mapped to and the way these structures interact with other representations. This emphasis on sub-symbolic dynamics draws in part on connectionism, but also on theories that pre-date modern connectionism. Hofstadter (1985), for example, stresses the active nature of symbolic representations, which are “active, autonomous agents” (also Hofstadter, 1980, 2008). He contrasts himself with Newell & Simon, for whom symbols are just “lifeless, dead, passive objects” objects that get manipulated. For Hofstadter, symbols are the objects that participate in the manipulating:

A simple analogy from ordinary programming might help to convey the level distinction that I am trying to make here. When a computer is running a Lisp program, does it do function calling? To say “yes” would be unconventional. The conventional view is that functions call other functions, and the computer is simply the hardware that supports function-calling activity. In somewhat the same sense, although with much more parallelism, symbols activate, or trigger, or awaken, other symbols in a brain.

The brain itself does not “manipulate symbols”; the brain is the medium in which the symbols are floating and in which they trigger each other. There is no central manipulator, no central program. There is simply a vast collection of “teams”—patterns of neural firings that, like teams of ants, trigger other patterns of neural firings. The symbols are not “down there” at the level of the individual firings; they are “up here” where we do our verbalization. We feel those symbols churning within ourselves in somewhat the same way as we feel our stomach churning; we do not do symbol manipulation by some sort of act of will, let alone some set of logical rules of deduction. We cannot decide what we will next think of, nor how our thoughts will progress.

Not only are we not symbol manipulators; in fact, quite to the contrary, we are manipulated by our symbols!

Hofstadter’s claim that sub-symbols are active representational elements that conspire to give rise to symbols is shared by LCL theories. His claim that the substrate on which sub-symbols live is an unstructured medium in which symbols are “floating” and interact with each other without central control, is not necessarily shared by LCL.

“Meaning” in this sense is emergent because it is not specified by any explicit feature of the design of the symbolic system. Instead, the meaning emerges out of the LCL combinators’ dynamics as well as the constraints (the data) that say which specific structures are most appropriate in a given domain. Emergentism from dynamics rather than architecture may capture why emergent phenomena can be found in many types of models (e.g McClelland et al., 2010; Lee, 2010). Recall that part of the motivation for LCL was that we wanted to formalize how symbols get meaning in order to better handle critiques like Searle’s that “mere” symbol manipulation cannot explain the semantics of representation. As Chalmers (1992) argues, Searle’s argument fails to apply to sub-symbolic systems like connectionist models because the computational (syntactic) elements are not intended to be meaningful themselves. The same logic saves LCL from Searle’s argument: S&K are not meant to, on their own, possess meaning other than dynamics, so the question of how meaning arises is answered only at a level higher than the level at which symbols are manipulated.

4.0.10. LCL theories are parallelizable

Because combinators are compositional, they lend themselves to parallelization much more naturally than a program on a Turing machine would, a desirable property of cognitive theories. Functional programming languages, for instance, are based on logics like combinatory logic and can easily be parallelized precisely because of their uniform syntax and encapsulated components. Taking terminology from computer science, parallel execution is possible because LCL representations are referentially transparent, meaning that a combinator reduces in the same way, regardless of where it appears in the tree. As a result, two reductions in the same tree can happen in either order (a theorem known as the Church-Rosser theorem (Church & Rosser, 1936)). A good implementation might do multiple reductions at the same time.

4.0.11. LCL theories eagerly find patterns and use them in generalization

An important part of generalization is the ability to infer unobserved properties from those that can be observed, a task studied as property induction in psychology (Rips, 1975; Carey, 1985; Gelman & Markman, 1986; Osherson, Smith, Wilkie, Lopez, & Shafir, 1990; Shipley, 1993; Tenenbaum et al., 2006). Table 6 shows a simple example where Churiso is provided with two properties, dangerous and small applied to to some objects (a, b, and x). In this example, property induction, there is a perfect correlation between being dangerous and being small. In this case what we learn is a representation for these symbols where (dangerous x) → True even though all we know is that x is small. Being small, in fact, convinces the learner that x will have an identical conceptual role to a. This happens because in many cases, the easiest way for x to behave the correct way with respect to small is to make it the same as a. This illustrates a clear willingness to generalize, even from a small amount of data, a feature of human induction (Markman, 1991; Li, Fergus, & Perona, 2006; Xu & Tenenbaum, 2007; Salakhutdinov, Tenenbaum, & Torralba, 2010; Lake et al., 2015).

Table 6:

Learners who observe a correlation between dangerousness and size will generalize based on size (top). Learners who see conflicted data count c as an exception.

graphic file with name nihms-1626457-t0011.jpg

4.0.12. LCL theories supports deduction and simulation

The combinator structures that are learned are useful because they provide a way to derive new information. By combining operations in new ways (e.g. taking (succ (succ (succ four)))), learners are able to create the corresponding mental structures. This generative capacity is important in capturing the range of structures humans internalize. The ability can be viewed through two complementary lenses. The first is that LCL knowledge provides a deductive system which allows new knowledge to be proved. We can determine, for instance, whether

(succ (succ (succ three))) = (succ (succ four))

and thereby use our induced representations to learn about the world, since these representations are isomorphic to some structure in the world that matters. This view of knowledge is reminiscent of early AI attempts grounded in logic (see Nilsson, 2009) and cognitive theories of natural reasoning through deduction (Rips, 1989, 1994).

The second way to view the knowledge of an LCL system is as a means for mental simulation: one step forward of a combinator evaluation or one composition of two symbols corresponds to one step forward in a simulation of the relevant system. Simulation has received the most attention in physical understanding (e.g Hegarty, 2004; Battaglia et al., 2013) and folk psychology (e.g Gordon, 1986; Goldman, 2006), both of which are controversial (Stone & Davies, 1996; Davis & Marcus, 2016). However, the literature on simulation has focused on simulations of particular (e.g. physical) processes and not on LCL’s goal of capturing arbitrary, relational or algorithmic aspects of the world. In general, simulation may be the primary evolutionary purpose of constructing a representation, as it permits use in novel situations, a phenomenon with clear behavioral benefits (Bubic, Von Cramon, & Schubotz, 2010).

4.0.13. LCL theories support learning

The mapping from symbols in base facts to combinators is solved by applying a bias for representational simplicity (Feldman, 2003b; Chater & Vitányi, 2003) and speed (Hutter, 2005; Schmidhuber, 2007). LCL theories inherit from the Bayesian LOT, and more generally work on program induction, a coherent computational-level theory of learning that provably works under a broad set of situations. Roughly, adopting the Bayesian setting, under basic conditions, with enough data learners will come to favor a hypothesis which is equivalent to the true generating one. In this setting where we consider hypotheses to be programs or systems of knowledge written in a LCL system, learners will be able to internalize dynamics they observe in the world.

As described above, a prior that favors hypotheses with short running times (e.g. exp(−running time)) permits learners to consider in principle hypotheses of arbitrary computational complexity. The trick is that the non-halting hypotheses have zero prior probability (exp(−∞) = 0) and this can be used to weed them out from a search or inference scheme that only needs upper-bounds on probability (like the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm). The ability to learn in such complex systems contrasts with arguments from the poverty of the stimulus in language learning and other areas of cognition. Note that this learning theory is stated as a computational theory, not an algorithmic one. There is still a question about how learners actually navigate the space of theories and hypotheses.

Learnability is also a central question for conceptual theories (see Carey, 2015). When considering cognitive development as a computational process, it might be tempting to think that the simpler algorithmic components must be “built in” for learners, a perspective shared by many LOT learning setups. But it may be that developmental studies will not bear this out—it is unlikely, for instance, that very young children have any ability to handle arbitrary boolean logical structures. Mody and Carey (2016) find that children under 3 years appear not to reason via disjunctive syllogism. If boolean logic is not innate, in what sense could it be learned? On one hand, boolean logic seems so simple that it is hard to see what capacity it could be derived from—this is why it is built in to virtually all programming languages. What LCL shows how it is possible to learn something so simple without presupposing it: what is built-in may be a general system for constructing isomorphisms, and learners may realize the particular structure of boolean logic (or logical deduction) only when it is needed to explain data they observe. Due to the Turing-completeness of combinatory logic, this capacity is general to all such representations learners might consider—including number, quantification, grammars, etc.

4.1. Features of the implementation which are not part of the general LCL theory

Because we have been required to make some (as of yet) under-determined choices in order to implement an LCL theory, it is important to also describe which of these specific choices are not critical to the general theory I am advocating. The implementation I describe chooses particular combinators S&K, but there are infinitely many logically equivalent systems. In principle, different combinator bases may be distinguishable by the inductive biases they imply.

Moreover, because the brain is noisy and probabilistic, it is likely that the underlying representational system more naturally deals with probabilities than S&K as described here.

It is also important to emphasize that many other formal systems have dynamics equivalent to LCL, some of which drop constraints such as compositionality or tree-structures. Cellular automata, for instance, rely only on local communication and computation, yet also are Turing-complete. Systems of cellular automata that implement useful conceptual roles would qualify as a system very much like combinatory logic (although not in all the ways described above). A lesson from complex systems research is that there are a huge variety of simple systems that are capable of universal computation (Wolfram, 2002), suggesting that it would not be hard, in principle, for nature to implement CRS-like representations in any number of ways.

5. Towards a connectionist implementation

In order to encode S&K into a connectionist architecture, we primarily will require a means of representing binary tree structures and transformations of them. Many ways of representing tree structures or predicates in neural dynamics (e.g. Pollack, 1990; Touretzky, 1990; Smolensky, 1990; Plate, 1995; Van Der Velde & De Kamps, 2006; Martin & Doumas, 2018) or other spaces (Nickel & Kiela, 2017) have been considered, often with the appreciation that such systems will greatly increase the power of these systems (e.g. Pollack, 1989). Related work has also explored how vector spaces might encode compositional knowledge or logic (Grefenstette, 2013; Rocktäschel, Bosnjak, Singh, & Riedel, 2014; Bowman, Potts, & Manning, 2014b, 2014a; Bowman, Manning, & Potts, 2015; Neelakantan, Roth, & McCallum, 2015; Gardner, Talukdar, & Mitchell, 2015; Smolensky et al., 2016). Here, I will focus on Smolensky (1990)’s tensor product encoding (see Smolensky & Legendre, 2006; Smolensky, 2012). Section 3.7.2 of Smolensky (1990) showed how the Lisp operations first, rest, and pair could be implemented in a tensor product system. These are the only operations needed in order to implement an evaluator for S&K (or something like it). Note that the idea of implementing first, rest, and pair in a connectionist network is quite distinct from implementing them in S&K above. The above construction in S&K is meant to explain cognitive manipulation of tree structures as a component of high-level thought. The implementation in tensor products could be considered to be part of the neural hardware which is “built in” to human brains—the underlying dynamics from which symbols S&K themselves emerge.

To implement S&K, we can define a function called (reduce t) that computes the next step of the dynamics (the “→” operation):

(reduce t) := (first (rest t))					if (first t) is K
(reduce t) := (pair (pair (first t) (first (rest (rest t))))
	      (pair (first (rest t)) (first (rest (rest t)))))  if (first t) is S

The left hand side of (reduce t) tell us that we are defining how the computational process of combinator evaluation may be carried out. The right hand side consists only of first, rest, and pair functions on binary trees, which, we assume, are here implemented in a connectionist network, following the methods of Smolensky (1990) or a similar approach. This function operates on data (combinators) that are themselves encoded with pair.

For instance, the structure (K x y) would be encoded in a connectionist network as (pair K (pair x y)). Then, following the definition of reduce,

(reduce (K x y)) = (reduce (pair K (pair x y)) → (first (rest (pair K (pair x y)))) → x

The case of S is analogous.

To summarize, Figure 2 shows a schematic of the general setup: tensor product coding (or an alternative) can be used to encode a tree structure in a connectionist network. The reduce function can then be stated as tensor operations, and these implement the dynamics of S&K, or a system like it. Then, combinator structures can be built with pair. The way these structures interact through reduce can give rise to create structured, algorithmic systems of knowledge through the appropriate Church encoding. In fact, any of the encoding schemes that supports first, rest, and pair can implement LCL theories, thereby permitting a swath of symbolic AI and cognitive science to be implemented in neural systems. For instance, abstract concepts like recursion, repetition, and dominance can be encoded directly using these methods into connectionist architectures. This, of course, treats connectionism as only an implementational theory of a CRS system. But this is, just a simplification for the present paper—there are certain to be areas where the parallel and distributed nature of connectionist theories are critically important (e.g. Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986), particularly at the interfaces of sensation and perception.

Figure 2:

Figure 2:

An overview of the encoding of LCL dynamics into a connectionist architecture. Schemes like Smolensky (1990)’s tensor product encoding allow tree operations and structure (e.g. first, rest, pair), which can be used to implement the structures necessary for combinatory logic as well as the evaluator. The structures built in combinatory logic, as shown in this paper, create symbolic concepts which participate in theories and whose meaning is derived through conceptual role in those theories. It is possible that the intermediate levels below LCL are superfluous, and that dynamics like combinatory logic could be encoded directly in biological neurons (dotted line).

Conveniently, reduce is parallelizable.

It is notable that the move towards unifying high-level symbolic thought with theories of implementation has been almost entirely one-sided. There are many connectionist approaches that try to explain—or explain away—symbolic thought. However, almost no work on the symbolic side has sought to push down towards representations that could more directly be implemented. Many symbolic modelers—myself included—have considered the problem of implementation to lie squarely in the neural modelers’ domain: connectionist networks should strive to show where symbols could come from. However, if the view of this section is correct, the “hard” problem of implementation was solved in principle a quarter century ago and the main sticking point has actually been on the symbolic side of thinking more carefully about how symbols might get their meaning.

6. Remaining gaps to be filled

The LCL theory I have presented has intentionally focused on a minimal representational theory for high-level logical concepts. I have done this because these areas of cognitive psychology seem to be in most desperate need of a link to implementation. However, it is important to discuss a few limitations of what I have presented in this paper.

6.1. LCL and the interfaces

Missing from the description of LCL theories is a formalization of how such abstract operations might interface to perception and action. As Harnad (1990) argued, cognition must not get stuck in a symbolic “merry-go-round” where all that happens is symbol manipulation—at some point it must relate to the real world. Our examples have shown that in some cases a symbolic merry-go-round can be quite powerful, but it is true that even with an LOT-like representation, the way in which representations relate to the outside world is of central concern. Miller and Johnson-Laird (1976) write,

A dictionary is a poor metaphor for a person’s lexical knowledge. Dictionaries define words in terms of words. Such definitions, like some semantic theories, may provide plausible accounts of the intensional relations between words, but their circularity is vicious. There is no escape from the round of words. Language can apply to the nonlinguistic world, however, and this fact cannot be ignored by a theory of meaning. It is perhaps the single most important feature of language; a theory that overlooks it will provide simply a means of translating natural language into theoretical language. Although such a theory may be extremely useful as a device for formulating intensional relations, its ultimate value rests on a tacit appeal to its users’ extensional intuitions.

The CRS itself has also been criticized for its circularity where meanings are defined in terms of each other (see Greenberg & Harman, 2005; Whiting, 2006). LCL embraces this circularity and shows that it is not inherently problematic to the construction of a working computational system (see also chapter 4 of Abelson & Sussman, 1996). For a theory of concepts, the circularity is even desirable because it prevents us from pushing the problem of meaning off into someone else’s field—linguistic philosophy, neuroscience, robotics, etc.

To avoid the circularity, many of the theories of where such high-level constructs come from are based on repeated abstraction of sensory-motor systems, perhaps maintaining tight links between conception and perception (e.g. Barsalou, 1999, 2008, 2010; Sloutsky, 2010). The challenge with this view is in understanding how concepts come to be distinct from perception, or more abstract, generalizing beyond immediate experience (Mahon, 2015), a goal with some recent computational progress (Yildirim & Jacobs, 2012). From the LCL point of view, the primary difficulty with theories closely tied to perception is that they do not engage with the computational richness of full human cognition—they do not explain how it is that we are able to carry out such a wide variety of computational processes and algorithms. A good example to consider might be Bongard problems (Bongard, 1970). Solving these problems requires combining visual processes (perception, feature extraction, similarity computation, rotation, etc.) with high-level conceptions (e.g. search algorithms, knowledge about possible transformations, etc.) (Edelman & Shahbazi, 2012; Depeweg et al., 2018), and so any theory of how humans solve these problems must bridge high- and low-level processes. Such high-level algorithms and knowledge are what LCL aims to capture.

On the flip-side, the theory I have described does not engage with perception and action, nor is it sensitive to the type of content its actions manipulate. However, “two-factor” theories of CRS that more closely connect to perception and action have previously been proposed (Harman, 1987; Block, 1997), with tight connections to the debate about mental imagery. At the very least, the perceptual systems for shape must interface with high-level concepts–perhaps by speaking languages that are inter-translatable.10 In the same way, a computer has a single representation language for its central processor; the various subsystems —graphics cards and hard drives—must speak languages that are translatable with the central processor so that they can coordinate complex computation. Consider some base facts for a square concept,

(number-of-edges square) → four
(number-of-vertices square) → four
(angles square) → (pair rt-angle (pair rt-angle (pair rt-angle rt-angle)))
(rotate square 45) → diamond
(rotate diamond 45) → square

Even if this is the right conceptual role for square, it must also be the case that perception speaks this language. For instance, when rotate is called, we may rely on perceptual systems in order to execute the rotation so that rotate is not itself an operation in pure S&K. The key is that whatever dedicated hardware does do the rotation, it must send back symbols like diamond and square that are interpretable on a high level. To see this, consider the wide variety of computational processes that square can participate in and the other theories that it is related to. Here is one: Suppose I have a square-shaped ink stamp ■. I stamp it once, rotate the stamp by 45 degrees, ◆, stamp it again. If I do that forever, what shape will I have stamped out? What happens if I rotate it 90 degrees instead? The abstraction we readily handle is even more apparent in questions like, “If I rotate it 1 degree versus 2 degrees, which will give me a star with more points?” Likely, we can answer that question without forming a full mental image, relying instead on high-level properties of numbers, shapes, and their inter-relations. The situation can get even more complex: what happens if I rotate it 2 degrees each time? Solving this last problem in particular seems to require both an imagistic representation (to picture the stamping) as well as high-level logical reasoning about non-perceptual theories—in this case, the behavior of irrational numbers.

One feature of perception that is notably unlike LCL is that small perceptual changes tend to correspond to small representational changes, a kind of principle of continuity.11 For instance, the representation of a rotated symbol “B” is likely to be very similar to “B”. However, the representations of LCL—and logical theory learning more generally—appear not to obey this principle. Changing one of the constraints or one data point might have huge consequences for the underlying representation. In the same way, a single data point might lead a human to revise an intuitive theory or a scientific theory. As far as I am aware, there are not yet good general solutions to this problem of finding logic-like representations that have good continuity properties, or indeed that interface well with perceptual systems. It may be reasonable to suspect that none exist—that no Turing-complete representational system will have semantics that are continuous in its syntax.

6.2. Extensions in logic

I have presented a very simplified view of combinatory logic. Here I will discuss a few important points where prior mathematical work has charted out a useful roadmap for future cognitive theories.

First, as I have described it, any structure built from S&K is evaluable. In the roshambo example, for instance, we could consider a structure like (win win). To us, this is semantically meaningless, but it evaluates to draw. The problem of incoherent compositions could be solved in principle by use of a type system that defines and forbids nonsensical constructs (see Hindley & Seldin, 1986; Pierce, 2002). Each symbol would be associated with a “type” that function composition would have to respect. For instance, since rock, paper, and scissors would be one type that is allowed to operate on itself; when it does so, it produces an outcome (win, lose, or draw) of a different type that should not be treated as a function or argument (thus preventing constructions like (win win)). The corresponding learning theory would have to create new types in each situation, but learning could be greatly accelerated by use of types to constrain the space of possible representations.

The second limitation of combinatory logic is one of expressivity. Combinatory logic is Turing-complete only in the sense that it can represent any computable function on natural numbers (Turing, 1937). But there are well-defined operations that it cannot express, in particular about the nature of combinator structures themselves (see Theorem 3.1 of Jay & Given-Wilson, 2011). There is no combinator that can express equivalence of two normal forms (Jay & Vergara, 2014). That is, we cannot construct a combinator E such that (E x y) reduces to True if and only if x and y are the same combinator structure. There are, however, formal systems that extend combinatory logic that can solve this problem (Curry & Feys, 1958; Wagner, 1969; Kearns, 1969; Goodman, 1972; Jay & Kesner, 2006; Jay & Given-Wilson, 2011), and these provide promising alternatives for future cognitive work. These types of logical systems will likely be important to consider, given the centrality of notions like same/different in cognitive processes, with hallmarks in animal cognition (Martinho & Kacelnik, 2016).

Finally, the semantics of combinatory logic is deterministic: evaluation always results in the same answer. However, probabilistic programming languages like Church (Goodman, Mansinghka, et al., 2008) provide inherently stochastic meanings that support conditioning and probabilistic inference, with nice consequences for theories of conceptual representation (Goodman et al., 2015), including an ability to capture gradience, uncertainty, and statistical inference. Combinatory logic could similarly be augmented with probabilistic semantics, and this may be necessary to capture the statistical aspects of human cognition (Tenenbaum et al., 2011).

6.3. The architecture itself

The connectionist implementation described above only shows how evaluation can be captured in a connectionist network. However, it does not provide an implementation of the entire architecture. A full implementation must include at least three other mechanisms.

First an implementation needs a means for observing base facts from the world and representing them. Churiso assumes base facts are given as symbolic descriptions of the world. There are many possibilities that might inform these facts, including basic observation, pedagogical considerations, knowledge of similarity and features, or transfer and analogy across domains. The mind will likely have to work with these varied types of information in order to learn the correct theories. Extending the LCL theory beyond explicit relational facts is an important direction for moving the theory from the abstract into more psychological implementations. Similarly, a fuller theory will require understanding the level of granularity for base facts. Unless you are a particle physicist, you don’t have detailed models of particle physics in your head. If we consider an LCL encoding of even an ordinary object, there are many possibilities: we might have an LCL structure for the whole object (e.g. the rock in roshambo); we might map its component parts to combinators which obey the right relations; we might map its edges and surfaces to combinator structures; or we might go below the level of surfaces. The question of granularity for LCL is simply an empirical question, and a goal for cognitive psychology should be to discover what level of description is correct.

Second, an important next step would be to understand the connectionist or neural implementation of search and inference. Such a full model might build on recent work learning relations or graphs with neural networks (e.g Kipf, Fetaya, Wang, Welling, & Zemel, 2018; Grover, Zweig, & Ermon, 2019; Kipf et al., 2020; Zhang, Cui, & Zhu, 2020), control dynamics (e.g Watter, Springenberg, Boedecker, & Riedmiller, 2015; Levine, Finn, Darrell, & Abbeel, 2016), and components of computer architecture (Zylberberg, Dehaene, Roelfsema, & Sigman, 2011; Graves et al., 2014; Trask et al., 2018; Rule et al., under review). In addition, the full architecture will likely be connected to probabilities in order to characterize gradiations in learners’ beliefs.

7. General Discussion

One reason for considering LCL theories is that they provide a new riff on a variety of important issues, each of which I will discuss in turn.

7.1. Isomorphism and representation

Craik (1952) suggested that the best representations are those that mirror the causal processes in the world. However, it is a nontrivial question whether a given physical system—like the brain—is best described as isomorphic to a computational process. Putnam (1988) argues for instance that even a simple physical system like a rock can be viewed as implementing essentially any bounded computation because it has a huge number of states, meaning that we can draw an isomorphism between its states and the states of a fairly complex computational device (see also Searle, 1990; Horsman, Stepney, Wagner, & Kendon, 2014). LCL theories are kin to Chalmers’ response to this argument highlighting the combinatorial nature of states which can be found in a real computational device, but not an inert physical system (Chalmers, 1996, 1994). When we consider the brain, LCL theories predict that we should be able to find a small number of micro-level computational states that interact with each other in order to organize structures and dynamics which are isomorphic to the systems being represented. In this way, scientific theories of how mental representations work cannot be separated from an understanding of what problems a system solves or which aspects of reality are most important for it to internalize. When viewed as part of an integrated whole scientific enterprise, the scientific search for mental representations is therefore not just a search for isomorphisms between physical systems and abstract computing devices. It is a search for relations which are explanatory about empirical phenomena (e.g. behavior, neural dynamics) and which fit within the framework of knowledge developed elsewhere in biology, including our understanding of evolution. A good scientific theory of mental representation would only attribute isomorphic computational states to a rock if something explanatory could be gained.

7.2. Critiques of CRS

CRS is not without its critics (see Greenberg & Harman, 2005; Whiting, 2006). One argument from Fodor and Lepore (1992) holds that conceptual/inferential roles are not compositional, but meaning in language are. Therefore, meanings cannot be determined by their role. To illustrate, the meaning of “brown cow” is determined by “brown” and “cow”. However, if we also know in our conceptual/inferential role that brown cows are dangerous (but white cows are not) then this is not captured compositionally. To translate this idea into LCL, imagine that composition is simply pairing together brown and cow to form (pair brown cow). How might our system know that the resulting structure is dangerous, if danger is not a part of the meanings (combinator structures) for brown or cow? A simple answer is that (pair brown cow) the information is encoded in the meaning of either is-dangerous or pair (not brown and cow, as Fodor assumes). More concretely, the following base facts roughly capture this example:

(is-dangerous cow )  → False
(is-dangerous brown) → False
(is-dangerous (pair brown cow)) → True ; brown cows are dangerous
(is-brown brown) → True
(is-brown cow)   → False ; Cows are not generally brown
(is-brown (pair brown y))) → True ; anything brown is brown

Given these facts and the standard definitions of True, False, and pair, Churiso finds

is-brown := ((S (S K K)) (S K))
cow	 := ((S (S K K)) (K K))
brown	 := (K (K K))
is-dangerous := ((S ((S S) K)) S)

Because these facts can be encoded into a compositional system like combinatory logic, this shows at a minimum that issues of compositionality and role are not so simple: when “role” is defined in a system like this, compositionality can become subtle. Contrary to the misleadingly informal philosophical debate, consideration of a real system shows that it is in principle straightforward for a system to satisfy the required compositional roles.

Of course, it is unlikely that memory speaks logic in this way. The reason is that it would be very difficult to add new information since doing so would require changing the internals of a concept’s representational structure. If suddenly we learned that we were mistaken and brown cows were not dangerous, we’d have to alter the meaning of one of the symbols rather than church-encode a new fact. Doing so—and maintaining a consistent, coherent set of facts—may even be difficult when there are multiple interacting concepts or conceptual systems. Much better would be to have memory function as a look-up table, where combinator structures provide the index. Equivalently, is-dangerous might not be a combinator structure, but a special interface to a memory system (for an argument on the importance of memory architectures, see Gallistel & King, 2009). In this way, is-dangerous might be a fundamentally different kind of thing than a statement which is true because of the inherent properties of brown and cow (like a predicate is-brown). The argument therefore requires that we accept that there different kinds of statements—some of which are true in virtue of their meaning (“Brown cows are brown”) and some of which are true in virtue of how the world happens to be (“Brown cows are dangerous”). Famously, Quine (1951) rejected the distinction between these kinds of properties, arguing that the former are necessarily circularly defined. In their critique of CRS, Fodor and Lepore (1992) also reject this distinction (see Block (1997) for a discussion of these issues in CRS and Fodor and Pylyshyn (2014) for more critiques). But to a psychologist, it’s hard to see how a cognitive system that has both memory of the world and compositional meanings could be any other way; in fact, the mismatch between memory and compositional concepts is what drives us to learn and change conceptual representations themselves. Computers, too, certainly have some properties that can be derived from objects themselves and objects that can index facts in a database.

Fodor and Lepore (1992) also argue that CRS commits one to holism, where meaning depends critically on all other aspects of knowledge, since these other aspects factor into conceptual role. Holism is considered harmful in part because it would be unclear how two people could hold the same beliefs or knowledge since it is unlikely that all components of their inferential system are the same. The difficulty with learning very complex systems of knowledge is also made clear in Churiso: larger systems that have many symbols and relations tend to present a tougher constraint-satisfaction problem, although we have provided an example above of easily learning multiple domains at once. One solution to the general problem is to favor modularity: in a real working computational system, the set of defining relations for a symbol might be small and circumspect. The logical operators, for instance, may only be defined with respect to each other, and not to combinator structures that represent an entirely different domain. Even a single object—for instance a representation of a square—could have different sets of combinators to interface with different operations (e.g. rotation vs. flipping). Such modularity of roles and functions is a desirable feature of computational systems in general, and the search to manage such complexity can be considered one of the defining goals of computer science (Abelson & Sussman, 1996).

A third challenge to CRS is in its handling of meaning and reference. There is a titanic literature on the role of reference in language and cognition, including work arguing for its centrality in conceptual representation (e.g. Fodor & Pylyshyn, 2014). To illustrate the importance of reference, Putnam (1975) considers a “twin earth” where there exists as substance that behaves in every way like water (H2O) but is in fact composed of something else (XY Z). By assumption, XY Z plays the same role in conceptual systems as H2O and yet is must be a different meaning since it refers to an entirely different substance. Any characterization of conceptual systems entirely by conceptual roles and relations will miss an important part of meaning. The problem leads others like Block (1997) discusses a two-factor theory of CRS in which concepts are identified by both their conceptual role and their reference (see also Harman, 1987). Critiques of the two-factor CRS are provided in Fodor and Lepore (1992) and discussed in Block (1997); a deflationary argument about the whole debate can be found in Gertler (2012).12

7.3. The origin of novelty and conceptual change

One of the strangest arguments in philosophy of mind comes from Fodor (1975), who holds that there is an important sense in which most of our concepts must be innate. The argument goes, roughly, that the only way we learn new concepts is through composition of existing concepts. Thus, if we start with GO and UP, we can learn “lift” as CAUSE(x, GO(y, UP)). Fodor notes, however, that almost none of our concepts appear to have compositional formulations like these (see Margolis & Laurence, 1999). He concludes, therefore, that learning cannot create most of our concepts. The only possibility then is that almost all of our concepts are innate, including famously concepts as obscure as carburetor. While some of taken this as a reductio ad absurdum of the LOT or of compositional learning, it’s hard to ignore the suspicion that Fodor’s argument is simply mistaken in some way. Indeed combinatory logic and other computational formalisms based on function composition show that it is: any computational process can be expressed as a composition in a formal language or LOT (see Piantadosi & Jacobs, 2016). The present paper shows that the LOT need not have any innate meanings—just innate dynamics. This means that if a computational theory of mind is correct—computations are the appropriate description for concepts like carburetor—then these must be expressible compositionally and therefore can be learned in Fodor’s sense. A compositional CRS like LCL solves, at least in principle, the problem of explaining how an organism could learn so many different computations without requiring innate content on a cognitive level.

A corollary is that LCL theories can coherently formalize a notion of conceptual change, and that the processes of novel conceptual creation are inherently linked to the creation of systems of concepts, following (Laurence & Margolis, 2002; Block, 1987). One key question motivating this work is how learning could work if children lack knowledge of key computational domains like logic, number, or quantification. The idea that mental representations are like programs—a modern version of the LOT—has an implicit assumption that the primitives of these programs are the genetic endowment that humans are born with. We might be born with the ability to execute very elementary computations like if statements and logical disjunction, and put together those operations in order to express more complex cognitive content. However, this metaphor requires that infants—and newborns!—already have an ability to execute these abstract computations.

LCL shows one way in which this metaphor can be revised to include the possibility that such fundamental logical abilities are not innate, but built through experience. Learners could come with an ability to execute only underlying dynamical operations like S&K, thus possessing a system for potentially building theories and representations. In terms of cognitive content, this system would be a blank slate. Knowledge of S&K is not cognitive because they correspond to dynamical operations below the level of symbols, algorithms, and structures. Thus, theories of the world (e.g. systems of combinator structures) would be constructed in this universal system, rather than innately provided. To manage construction, learners would take perceptual observations (here, base facts), and use these to build internal models of the observed relationships between observed symbols. LCL therefore provides one concrete metaphor for what starting point could be cognitively minimal, yet still permit learners to discover arbitrarily rich systems of knowledge. As such, this work provides a representational foundation upon which one might construct a rational constructivist theory of development (Kushnir & Xu, 2012; Xu, 2019).

8. Conclusion: Towards a synthesis

Cognitive science enjoys an embarrassment of riches. There are many seemingly incompatible approaches to understanding cognitive processes and no consensus view on which is right or even how they relate to each other. The major debates seem to be in large part disagreements of which metaphor is right for thinking about the brain. These debates have made two things clear: none of our metaphors are yet sufficient, and none of them is completely misguided. Cognitive systems are dynamical systems; they give rise to structured manipulation of symbols; they also are implemented in physical/biological systems whose dynamics are determined far below the level of mental algorithms. Our learning supports inference of broad classes of computations, yet clearly we have something built in that differs from other animals. The LCL can be thought of as a new metaphor—a sub-meaningful symbolic-dynamical system that gives rise straightforwardly to the types of structures, representations, and algorithms that permeate cognitive science, and that is implementable directly in neural architectures. In spanning these levels, it avoids dodging questions about meaning.

If anything like the resulting theory is correct, there are important consequences for theories of conceptual change as the LOT. Conceptual change from a strikingly minimal basis to arbitrarily systems of knowledge is possible if learners come with built-in dynamical objects and learning mechanisms. Theories of learning need not assume any cognitive content in principle, not even the basics of familiar computational systems, like logic and number. The key is in formalizing a theory of the meaning of mental content; if CRS is chosen, it permits construction of these systems of knowledge from much less. The framework I have described follows the LOT in positing a structured, internal language for mentalese. But it differs from most instantiations of the LOT in that the primitives of the language aren’t cognitive at all. S&K formalize the underlying neural (sub-cognitive) dynamics and it is only in virtue how structures built of these dynamics interact that meaningful systems of thought can arise. Thus, the idea of a formal language for thinking was right; the idea that the language has primitives with intrinsic meaning—beyond their dynamics—was not.

A trope in cognitive science is that we need more constraints in order to narrow the space of possible theories. Each subfield chooses its own constraints—architectural, rational, neural, computational etc. One idea that broading our view to consider LCL systems raises is that wanting more constraints might be premature. Additional constraints are useful when the pool of theories is too large and must be culled. But it might be the case that we have too few theories in circulation, in that none of our approaches satisfactorily and simultaneously handle all that we know about cognitive processes—meaning, reference, computation, structure, etc. In this case, our search might benefit from expanding its set of metaphors—fewer constraints—to consider new kinds of formal systems as possible cognitive theories. And in the case of LCL, useful kinds of theories have been developed in mathematical logic that might provide a good foundation for cognition. But of course, LCL is just one attempt, with clear strengths and clear weaknesses.

There are certainly places where the theory I have sketched is lacking—it does not interface with perceptual representations, it may face computability problems, it may yield difficulties in revising entire conceptual systems or incorporating new knowledge, and it is unclear how well it could be made to scale to large systems of knowledge. However, it also has clear strengths including its ability to show learning of computational processes and computational primitives that children seem not to have early but eventually learn, and it shows how systems of interrelated computational concepts may arise in development. The LCL metaphor may provide a foundation for thinking about learning systems that create new knowledge, and how these might be implemented in biological or physical dynamics. It achieves this by bridging levels, permitting us to translate between abstract computational properties (e.g. rules, trees, numbers, recursion, etc.) and mechanistic underlying dynamics in a system where both sides can be understood.

Perhaps the single greatest strength of the resulting framework is that it unifies a variety of ideas in cognition. None of the formal machinery used here is original to this paper—all of it comes from allied fields. The motivating ideas then conspire to create a theory that is extraordinarily simple: a few elementary operations on trees are composed productively, giving rise to a huge variety of possible cognitive structures and operations—and computational richness that distinguishes human-like thinking. Some puzzles of meaning are resolved as symbols come to have meaning by the way these structures interact under the elementary operations’ dynamics. This metaphor promising foundation on which to build a theory of mental representation, with a clear road map for further progress. This paper made assumptions to show how a system could actually work, but the general theory is not about any particular logical system, representational formalism, or cognitive architecture. Instead, I have tried to present a system which captures some general properties of thought. This system suggests that mental representations, whatever they happen to be, will be like combinatory logic in a few key ways.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental materials


I am extremely grateful to Goker Erdogan, Tomer Ullman, Hayley Clatterbuck, Shimon Edelman, and Ernest Davis for providing detailed comments and suggesting improvements on an earlier draft of this work. Josh Rule contributed greatly to this work by providing detailed comments on an early draft, important discussion, and important improvements to Churiso’s implementation. Noah Goodman, Josh Tenenbaum, Chris Bates, Matt Overlan, Celeste Kidd, and members of the computation and language lab and kidd lab provided useful discussions relevant to these ideas.

Research reported in this publication was supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01HD085996-01 and award 2000759 from the National Science Foundation, Division of Research on Learning. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. The author is also grateful to support from the network grant provided by the James S. McDonnell Foundation to S. Carey, “The Nature and Origins of the Human Capacity for Abstract Combinatorial Thought.”



The LOT’s focus on structural rules is consistent with many popular cognitive architectures that use production systems (Anderson et al., 1997, 2004; Newell, 1994), although the emphasis on in most LOT models is on the learning and computational level of analysis, not the implementation or architecture.


The problem is also faced by some connectionist models. For instance, in Rogers and McClelland (2004), a connectionist model of semantics builds in relations (e.g. IS-A, HAS, CAN) and observable attributes (e.g. PRETTY, FLY, SKIN) as activation patterns on individual nodes. There the puzzle remains: what precisely makes it the case that activation in one node means (whatever that means) HAS as opposed to IS-A?


Although this notion is controversial—see Hoffman, Singh, and Prakash (2015) and the ensuing commentary.


Curiously, an isomorphism into real number is not the only one possible for physics—it has been argued that physical theories could be stated without numbers at all (Field, 2016).


The general idea of finding a formal internal representation satisfying observed relations has close connections to model theory (Ebbinghaus & Flum, 2005; Libkin, 2013), as well as the solution of constraint satisfaction problems specified by logical formulas (satisfiability modulo theories) (Davis & Putnam, 1960; Nieuwenhuis, Oliveras, & Tinelli, 2006).


One simple “non-halting” combinator is (S (S K K) (S K K) (S (S K K) (S K K))).


However, it is not clear to the author what time complexity might be expected to find any solution—it may or may not be the case that the average time to find any solution in combinatory logic itself is O(cn).


Intuitively, more data is needed than in the simple Fish transitive inference cases because the S&K model does not inherently know it is dealing with a dominance hierarchy. Cases of dominance hierarchies in animal cognition may have a better chance of being innate, or at least higher prior than other alternatives.


Fodor and Pylyshyn (2014) notes there is no imagistic representation of a concept like “squareness”, or the property that all squares, a problem that Berkeley (1709) struggled with in understanding the origin and form of abstract knowledge. Anderson (1978) shows how perceptual propositional codes might account for geometric concepts like the structure of the letter “R” and how imagistic and propositional codes can made similar behavioral predictions (see also, e.g. Pylyshyn, 1973).


A mathematical function, for instance mapping the world to a representation, is continuous if boundedly small changes in the input give rise to boundedly small changes in the output.


My inclination is that Putnam’s argument tells us primarily about the meaning of the word “meaning” rather than anything substantive about the nature of mental representations (for a detailed cognitive view along these lines in a different setting, see Piantadosi, 2015). It is true that intuitively the meaning of a term should include something about its referent; it is not clear that our intuitions about this word tell us anything about how brains and minds actually work. In other words, Putnam may just be doing lexical semantics, a branch of psychology, here—if his point is really about the physical/biological system of the brain, it would be good to know what evidence can be presented that convincingly shows so.


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