Astrocyte Proliferation was Promoted by 660-nanometer LED Irradiation. (A) Confocal image showing immunofluorescent staining (red, GFAP (astrocytes); green, BrdU (DNA duplication)) (scale bar: 100 μm); (B) The percentage of BrdU- and GFAP-positive cells was significantly increased by 660-nanometer LED irradiation (Ctrl vs. 660 nm; n = 58 vs. 55, **** p < 0.0001); (C) Confocal image showing immunofluorescent staining (red, Ki67 (proliferation); green, GFAP (astrocytes)) (scale bar: 100 μm); (D) The percentage of Ki67- and GFAP-positive cells was significantly increased by LED irradiation (n = 45, *** p < 0.001).