Figure 8.
Effect of AoRas2 and AoRheb on autophagy in mycelia and spores
(A) Mycelia and spores of the WT and mutants were stained with monodansylcadaverine (MDC). a–b. The autophagosomes in mycelium. MDC + rapamycin, the sample was treated with rapamycin for 10 min. c–d. The autophagosomes in spores. The samples were examined under a confocal laser scanning microscope. Scale bar, 10 μm.
(B, C) The autophagic activity of the WT and mutant strains was analyzed by estimating the MDC fluorescence intensity values of (B) hyphae and (C) spores. The autophagic activity was analyzed by obtaining the fluorescence intensity values for at least 30 fields viewed under a microscope, and the horizontal bars depict the median. The asterisk in (B, C) indicates a significant difference between the mutants and the WT strain (Tukey's HSD, p < 0.05).
(D) Relative transcription levels (RTLs) of autophagy-related genes were determined at different time points. The red line indicates the standard (which has an RTL of 1) for the statistical analysis of the RTL of each gene in a deletion mutant compared with that in the WT strain under a given condition. Error bars: Data are represented as mean ± SD. The asterisk indicates a significant difference between the mutants and the WT strain (n = 3 for each gene; Tukey's HSD, p < 0.05).