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. 2021 Jul 27;16(7):e0255290. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255290

High-density DArT-based SilicoDArT and SNP markers for genetic diversity and population structure studies in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Bright Gyamfi Adu 1,*, Richard Akromah 2,#, Stephen Amoah 2,#, Daniel Nyadanu 3,, Alex Yeboah 4,, Lawrence Missah Aboagye 1,, Richard Adu Amoah 1,, Eva Gyamfuaa Owusu 5,
Editor: Tzen-Yuh Chiang6
PMCID: PMC8315537  PMID: 34314448


Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important industrial and staple crop due to its high starch content, low input requirement, and resilience which makes it an ideal crop for sustainable agricultural systems and marginal lands in the tropics. However, the lack of genomic information on local genetic resources has impeded efficient conservation and improvement of the crop and the exploration of its full agronomic and breeding potential. This work was carried out to obtain information on population structure and extent of genetic variability among some local landraces conserved at the Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute, Ghana and exotic cassava accessions with Diversity Array Technology based SilicoDArT and SNP markers to infer how the relatedness in the genetic materials can be used to enhance germplasm curation and future breeding efforts. A total of 10521 SilicoDArT and 10808 SNP markers were used with varying polymorphic information content (PIC) values. The average PIC was 0.36 and 0.28 for the SilicoDArT and SNPs respectively. Population structure and average linkage hierarchical clustering based on SNPs revealed two distinct subpopulations and a large number of admixtures. Both DArT platforms identified 22 landraces as potential duplicates based on Gower’s genetic dissimilarity. The expected heterozygosity which defines the genetic variation within each subpopulation was 0.008 for subpop1 which were mainly landraces and 0.391 for subpop2 indicating the homogeneous and admixture nature of the two subpopulations. Further analysis upon removal of the duplicates increased the expected heterozygosity of subpop1 from 0.008 to 0.357. A mantel test indicated strong interdependence (r = 0.970; P < 0.001) between SilicoDArT and DArTSeq SNP genotypic data suggesting both marker platforms as a robust system for genomic studies in cassava. These findings provide important information for efficient ex-situ conservation of cassava, future heterosis breeding, and marker-assisted selection (MAS) to enhance cassava improvement.


Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is the third most important source of calories in the tropics after rice and maize with millions of people depending on it in the world [1, 2]. Mostly grown in marginal ecologies, the crop is usually cultivated by smallholder farmers due to its ability to grow and yield in unfavourable conditions with poor soil fertility and low rainfall [1, 3]. The starchy roots contain mainly carbohydrates and the leaves are also used as a vegetable in some African countries which are cheap but a rich source of proteins, vitamins A, B and C, and other minerals [3, 4]. The cultivation of the crop continues to spread in Ghana and around the globe due to its storage roots which serve as the main raw material for industrial starch and alcohol production [5, 6]. However, marginal yields continue to be realised at the farm level which is partly due to the lack of improved varieties and the use of low yielding and environmentally sensitive lines by farmers [7]. There are also new emerging and diversified markets demand for cassava in Ghana which further suggests breeding for improved cultivars to meet specific domestic and industrial needs [8].

Germplasm banks and farmer’s fields serve as reservoirs of genetic variability of crops. These collections harbour genes or germplasm with the potential to improve productivity and adaptation or tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses [9, 10] which is particularly relevant in the current frame of climatic change and global warming. It is therefore imperative to identify true biodiversity in biological resources for effcient management, including conservation and selection of genetically divergent accessions to optimize breeding programs [11]. Genetic diversity and population structure analysis are important for characterizing the natural selection history and genetic relationships among accessions [12]. A comprehensive understanding of the genetic variability and relationships in available germplasm is a determining factor towards efficient conservation and designing breeding programmes and/or achieving breeding objectives. Several reports have highlighted the significant genetic variability within the cassava genepool for several traits associated with yield, disease resistance and drought that can be exploited for crop improvement [3, 8, 1316].

Diversity analysis is an important component of plant breeding and genetics, conservation and evolution [17]. Most cassava diversity analyses have been based on phenotypic characters [1822] which are mostly not reliable and environmentally plastic [2325]. Therefore, genomic techniques may be useful in diversity assessment and selection. The use of molecular tools in plant genetic analyses and crop improvement cannot be overemphasized [2629]. Molecular tools have proven to be more reliable in identifying duplicates among accessions during characterization which is important towards revealing genuine variability for breeding and reducing space and maintenance cost at gene banks [30, 31]. Molecular marker technologies such as Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs), allozymes, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) are available for genetic study in cassava from Ghana and other countries [3235]. However, several degrees of limitations are also associated with these gel-based molecular marker systems which include lack of reliability and resolution (RAPD markers), poor genome coverage or labour intensive and not amenable for throughput genotyping (AFLP, RFLP) or less cost-effectiveness or require sequence information (SSRs) [36, 37]. These factors limit their applicability for many crops, especially for ‘orphan’ crops and polyploid species [37]. To this end, DArT markers developed through Next Generation Sequencing platforms (NGS) are the prime alternative for molecular studies since they cover wide section of the genome with high-throughput and cost effective [38].

DArT markers (Diversity Array Technology Pty Ltd) was developed as one of the ultra-high-throughput, sequence independent, cost effective, whole-genome genotyping technique with large number of markers that cover the entire genome [36]. DArT markers have been applied successfully in genomic studies in many species including those with large and complex genomes such as barley, sugarcane, wheat, oat and strawberry [37, 3943]. DArT markers are developed through the use of combinations of restriction enzyme digestions to reduce genome complexity, followed by next-generation sequencing of complexity reduced representations or fragments to identify DNA polymorphisms and SNPs leading to the production of thousands of polymorphic loci in a single assay [38, 44, 45]. Currently, DArT platform generates two variants of markers (SilicoDArT and DArTSeq SNP markers). SilicoDArT markers are dominant and are mostly scored for the absence (0) or presence (1) of a single allele while as DArTSeq SNPs are co-dominant markers [38, 44].

Xia et al. [46] used DArT for high-throughput genotyping of cassava and its wild relatives and suggestedPstI/TaqI and PstI/ BstNI as the best complexity reduction method. DArTSeq was recently used to generate a garlic core collection from the accessions kept in garlic germplasm bank, Cordoba, Spain by revealing that 31.5% of the accessions were genetically redundant [30]. These cassava germplasm have been phenotypically characterized, nonetheless, redundancy may be expected [26, 27]. Herein, the DArT markers (SilicoDArT and DArTseq SNPs) were used to analyse the genetic dissimilarities among a collection of cassava germplasm Ghana and examine the structure of the population. This will lay a foundation for efficient curation of cassava germplasm and parental selection in future breeding programs.

Materials and methods

Plant materials

A total of 87 cassava accessions were used in the study (Table 1). Sixty-two (62) of these were local cultivars comprising of local landraces (41) and locally improved/released (21) cultivars. The landraces were obtained from CSIR-Plant Genetic Resource and Research Institute of Ghana (PGRRI-Bunso). The improved cultivars were also obtained from CSIR-Crops Research Institute (Kumasi, Ghana). The remaining 25 exotic genotypes including drought tolerant populations from International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria (IITA) were obtained through CSIR-Savanna Agricultural Research Institute, Nyankpala (CSIR-SARI, Ghana). The 87 cassava genotypes were established on the field for morphological characterization using a standard cassava descriptor in the year 2018 [25].

Table 1. List of cassava accessions used in the study and some morphological attributes.

Accession Number Name Source/region of collection Colour of apical leaves Average % roots dry matter
1 Sika bankye Locally released variety Purplish green 34.67
2 UCC-01-464 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Purplish green 35.78
3 DMA-00-024 Local, Landrace, Brong Ahafo, Ghana Dark green 41.00
4 UCC-01-144 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Purplish green 40.68
5 1090090 IITA Purplish green 37.45
6 DMA-00-070 Local, Landrace, Brong Ahafo, Ghana Dark green 41.03
7 IBA010040 IITA Light green 38.55
8 IBA070134 IITA Dark green 40.99
9 UCC-01-507 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Purple 40.57
10 UCC-01-015 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 33.21
11 BD-96-065 Local, Landrace, Eastern, Ghana Dark green 39.92
12 KSI-00-191 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 36.42
13 AGBELIFIA Locally released variety Purplish green 29.75
14 BEDIAKO Locally released variety Light green 39.24
15 AGRA Locally released variety Purplish green 32.19
16 UCC-01-157 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 38.65
17 Doku duade Locally released variety Dark green 39.74
18 Abrabopa Locally released variety Purple 39.36
19 KSI-00-179 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 44.24
20 Essambankye Locally released variety Light green 37.21
21 IBA950289 IITA Purplish green 34.66
22 1070557 IITA Purplish green 30.29
23 UCC-01-195 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Purple 33.15
24 Broni Locally released variety Purplish green 36.85
25 TEKBANKYE Locally released variety Purplish green 38.88
26 IBA96/0581 IITA Purplish green 32.98
27 IBA98/0505 IITA Dark green 30.88
28 1011797 IITA Dark green 37.35
29 TA-97-047 Local, Landrace, Brong Ahafo, Ghana Dark green 40.13
30 Amasen Locally released variety Purplish green 39.22
31 KSI-00-001 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Purplish green 39.38
32 1082264 IITA Dark green 29.1
33 IBA9102324 IITA Purplish green 34.00
34 UCC BANKYE Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 35.32
35 IBA011368 IITA Purplish green 33.25
36 IBA020431 IITA Light green 39.36
37 IBA993073 IITA Purplish green 34.06
38 Duade kpakpa Locally released variety Purple 39.95
39 SW-00-006 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 41.77
40 UCC-00-002 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Purplish green 37.15
41 Ampong Locally released variety Dark green 37.8
42 TME 149 IITA Dark green 23.06
43 Fil-Indiakonia Locally released variety Purplish green 36.63
44 UCC-01-004 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 43.54
45 ADE-00-097 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Purple 27.74
46 Bankyehemaa Locally released variety Purplish green 40.83
47 OTUHIA Locally released variety Purplish green 21.58
48 UCC-01-296 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 41.74
49 DUDZI Locally released variety Purplish green 34.14
50 O.D Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 38.05
51 1083724 IITA Purplish green 35.58
52 BD-96-157 Local, Landrace, Eastern, Ghana Purplish green 38.56
53 IBA 011371 IITA Purplish green 35.68
54 UCC-01-243 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 34.04
55 AFS-00-050 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 40.77
56 UCC-01-184 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Purplish green 30.91
57 1090151 IITA Light green 29.36
58 Debor Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 35.15
59 BD-96-115 Local, Landrace, Eastern, Ghana Purplish green 40.55
60 BIABESE Local, Landrace, Tamale, Northern Ghana Purplish green 32.46
61 OFF-00-023 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 39.8
62 Nyerikogba Locally released variety Purplish green 36.71
63 96/1613 IITA Purplish green 40.27
64 IBA010034 IITA Dark green 37.03
65 01/1206 IITA Light green 31.97
66 IBA30572 IITA Purplish green 35.73
67 SW-00-220 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Purplish green 42.22
68 ADE-00-046 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Light green 40.25
69 WCH-00-037 Local, Landrace, Brong Ahafo, Ghana Purplish green 38.29
70 Afisiafi Locally released variety Purplish green 38.81
71 UCC-01-249 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 42.32
72 ADE-00-038 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 42.94
73 1083703 IITA Purplish green 36.1
74 BD-96-141 Local, Landrace, Eastern, Ghana Dark green 43.75
75 Eskamaye Locally released variety Purplish green 40.33
76 1083774 IITA Purplish green 38.15
77 ABASAFITA Locally released variety Dark green 41.11
78 OFF-00-087 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 36.85
79 NKABOM Locally released variety Dark green 36.8
80 KSI-00-036 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 38.88
81 IBA061635 IITA Purplish green 37.1
82 KW-00-148 Local, Landrace, Ashanti, Ghana Dark green 40.8
83 UCC-01-461 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Purple 34.99
84 NKZ-00-034 Local, Landrace, Brong Ahafo, Ghana Purple 42.29
85 UCC-01-218 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 41.21
86 1085392 IITA Light green 34.87
87 UCC-01-011 Local, Landrace, Central Ghana Dark green 42.49

Molecular characterization

Extraction and quantification of DNA were carried out at the Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana while the genotyping by sequencing was done at the Diversity Array Technology Laboratory, University of Canberra, Australia.

Genomic DNA extraction

DNA samples were extracted from the youngest fully expanded leaves of each of the 87 cassava genotypes two weeks after planting using the DArT DNA extraction protocol [38]. The concentration of extracted DNA was checked using the Nanodrop 2000c spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Lite, LT2878, Thermo Scientific, USA). DNA samples were diluted between 50–100 ng/μl based on the Nanodrop readings. The samples were then packaged and shipped to Diversity Array Technology incorporation, Australia for DArTSeq genotyping.

DArT procedure

The DArT arrays were produced from libraries prepared from PstI-based genomic representations [38]. The genomic representations were generated by digesting 100 ng mixtures of DNA samples with 2 U PstI and a frequent cutter (BstNI or TaqI) (NEB) in a buffer containing 10 mM Tris-OAc, 50 mM KOAc, 10 mM Mg(OAc)2 and 5mM DTT as suggested by Xia et al. [38, 46, 47] for genome complexity reduction. Fragments were sequenced on HiSeq 2500 (Illumina). Libraries were sequenced from one end by performing single read sequencing runs [38]. The SNP markers were searched and filtered using algorithms. The sequenced data were analyzed using DarTsoft14, an automated genotypic data analysis program and DArTdb, a laboratory management system. Markers were scored ‘1’ for presence, and ‘0’ for absence and ‘-’ for calls with non-zero count but too low counts to score confidently as “1” for the SilicoDArT while the DArTSeq SNPs were scored ‘0’ for reference allele homozygote, ‘1’ for SNP allele homozygote and ‘2’ for heterozygote.

Marker quality parameters

Both marker systems were tested for their PIC, reproducibility (%) and call rate (%). PIC indicates the diversity of the marker in the population and showed the usefulness of the marker for linkage analysis while reproducibility involved the proportion of technical replicate assay pairs for which the marker score exhibited consistency [48]. Call rate (%) was also used to eliminate markers with ≥5% missing data.

Genetic relationship analysis

Genetic relationships among the accessions were estimated based on Gower’s dissimilarity index for the set of DArT markers [49]. Accessions were declared potential duplicates if the dissimilarity between them fell within the threshold of the replicated DNAs. The “pvclust” package was used to generate the Gower’s dissimilarity matrix and “cluster” package in R was used to construct average linkage hierarchical dendrogram for SilicoDArT and DArTSeq SNPs data [50, 51]. Correlation between both marker systems was determined using the Mantel test as implemented in the “vegan” package of statistical software program ‘R’ by employing 10,000 random iterations in the non-parametric test calculator while the “ggplot2” package was used to generate the Mantel test scatterplot [52, 53].

Genetic diversity and population structure analysis

STRUCTURE v.2.3.4 [54] was used to analyse the genetic structure of the initial 87 cassava collection and 67 individuals upon roguing off the potential duplicates. The number of hypothetical subpopulations (K) was estimated with the STRUCTURE software through the application of a Bayesian clustering approach for the organisation of genetically similar cultivars into the same subgroups. Admixture and shared allele frequencies model was used to determine the number of clusters (K) in the range from 1 to 10. For each run, the initial burn-in period was set to 20,000 followed by 30,000 MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) iterations, with no prior information on the origin of individuals. Longer burn-in or MCMC has been reported not to change significantly the results [55]. The ΔK method was used to determine the most suitable value of K as implemented in Structure Harvester [55]. The structure results for the assumed population (1–10) were subsequently analysed online using the STRUCTURE HARVESTER [56] to identify a distinct peak of the curve in the change of likelihood (ΔK) at the true value of K. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) of the DArTseq markers was performed using PAST software v.3.14 [57].


Quality parameters of markers

A total of 31865 SNP and 32377 SilicoDArT markers were identified upon application of the complexity reduction method with a call rate in the range of 81–100% and 70–100% respectively (S1 Fig). Around 22516 SNPs and 27182 SilicoDArT markers were assigned to 18 haploid chromosomes of cassava after aligning to cassava_v61 and v8 model reference. These ranged from 910 markers on chromosome18 (chr18) to 2158 on chromosome1 (Fig 1) for the dominant SilicoDArT markers. A total of 10521 SilicoDArT markers (S1 Table) passed the quality parameters with 100% reproducibility, and 97.4% mean call rate. The selected 10521 markers were very informative with a PIC range of 0.2–0.5 and an average of 0.36 (Fig 2).

Fig 1. Genomic distribution of markers across the chromosome of cassava.

Fig 1

Fig 2. Percentage distribution of PIC values of selected SilicoDArT and DArTSeq markers.

Fig 2

Also, 10808 SNPs (S2 Table) with 100% reproducibility and call rate passed the quality test and were selected for further analysis. The mean PIC of these selected markers was 0.28 which was relatively lower than that of the SilicoDArT markers. Around 20.65% of the SNPs were in the lowest PIC value range of 0<0.10 while 32.42% were in the highest range of 0.4–0.5 (Fig 2). A genome-wide SNP density plot revealed that 1019 to 2696 SNPs were physically mapped to chromosome16 (chr16) and chromosome (chr1) respectively (Fig 1).

Analysis of the type of SNP (Table 2) in the selected SNPs revealed that transition SNPs (50.60%) were closely similar to transversions (49.40%). Among the six SNP types (S2 Table), A/G transitions (0.256) had the highest frequency though it was similar to C/T transitions (0.250) while G/C transversions were the least (0.101).

Table 2. Distribution of transition and transversion SNPs across the cassava genome.

Type of SNP Transitions Transversions
Number of allelic sites 2764 2706 1379 1576 1090 1293
Individual frequencies 0.256 0.250 0.128 0.145 0.101 0.120
Total 5470 (0.506) 5338 (0.494)

Genetic relationships among the cassava accessions

Genetic relationships were estimated among the accessions through their genetic distances using the selected SilicoDArT and SNP data based on Gower’s genetic dissimilarity.

The overall genetic distance ranged from 0.00 to 0.41 with an average of 0.30 as revealed by the DArTSeq SNPs (S3 Table). The range of genetic dissimilarity among the IITA lines was between 0.01–0.40 with a mean of 0.33 which was similar to that of the improved ones (0.34). The lowest average genetic distance was found within the landraces (0.20). The critical distance threshold to declare whether two genotypes are duplicates/clones was empirically determined from the distribution of pairwise distances between replicated DNAs from three samples. The genetic dissimilarity index between the duplicated DNAs fell within the range of 0.00–0.01 and 0.00–0.02 for the SNPs and SilicoDArT respectively hence accessions with pairwise distances within these ranges were referred to as being potentially redundant. Therefore 22 landraces (UCC-BANKYE, O.D: DMA-2000-024, UCC-2001-015, BD-96-065, KSI-2000-191, UCC-2001-157, KSI-2000-179, TA-97-047, UCC-2001-004, UCC-2001-296, UCC-2001-243, AFS-2000-050, Debor, OFF-2000-023, UCC-2001-249, ADE-2000-038, OFF-2000-087, KSI-2000-036, KW-2000-148, UCC-2001-218, UCC-2001-011) constituting 53% of the total landraces obtained from the genebank were found to be potential duplicates. Debor, a known landrace was found to be similar to 19 other landraces collected from different regions. The IITA lines were generally closely related to the improved varieties than the landraces. Grouping of the accessions based on average linkage hierarchical clustering gave two main clusters (C1 and C2) containing related cassava accessions with common origin or shared parental lines (Fig 3). Several of the IITA lines (64%) predominantly grouped in C2 (green) while the landraces (90%) grouped in C1 (red). The improved varieties were evenly distributed among the two clusters.

Fig 3. Average linkage hierarchical dendrogram showing genetic relationship among 87 cassava genotypes (C1 = red, C2 = green).

Fig 3

A) Based on DArTSeq SNPs. B) Based on SilicoDArT markers.

After employing the SilicoDArT data, the genetic distance among the 87 accessions ranged between 0.0 to 0.61 (S4 Table). The average genetic dissimilarity of 0.38 among the accessions revealed by the SilicoDArT was higher than that of the SNP markers (0.30). Also, a low mean genetic dissimilarity of 0.24 was found among the landraces. Again, the 22 landraces with pairwise distance within the 0.00–0.02 range or threshold were found to be redundant confirming what was revealed by the SNPs. Ten out of these 22 came from one region (UCC, central region, Table 1) manifesting the sharing of plant material among farmers within the vicinity. Generally, the genetic distance between the groups of accessions was higher with the SilicoDArT than that observed through the SNP markers. The dendrogram obtained with the SilicoDArT markers produced two main clusters (C1 and C2) and its adjoining subclusters (Fig 3). The IITA lines mainly grouped in C2 (green) while the landraces (90%) grouped in C1 (red) just as was observed with the SNP markers.

Diversity and population structure based on DArTSeq SNP markers

The SNP markers were used for estimating the genetic structure of the cassava population using the Bayesian clustering model implemented in the computer software STRUCTURE. The simulations (logarithm probability relative to standard deviation, ΔK) estimated from the SNP markers showed a sharp peak at K = 2 (Fig 4) which is the real K similar to what was observed by Hampton et al. [58]. This means that the optimum number of subpopulations is two.

Fig 4. Delta K for different numbers of subpopulations (K).

Fig 4

The population assignment test with the total 87 samples in the structure analysis shows the overall proportion of membership of the sample in each of the two clusters as illustrated in the bar plot for K = 2 (Fig 5). The two subpopulations (subpop1 and subpop2) consisted of 35.4% and 64.6% members respectively (Table 3). The hypothetical founder population seen in subpop1 (red) is represented by landraces while that of subpop2 (green) consisted mainly of IITA and improved lines similar to what was revealed by the average linkage hierarchical clustering. Twenty accessions which were mainly landraces from Ghana were fully assigned in subpop1. These accessions were evident as C1 in the dendrogram and were the least divergent accessions based on Gower’s dissimilarity. In addition, these 20 landraces were fully conserved in one group even when higher K (K = 9) was assumed (S2 Fig) indicating these accessions could be clones. On other hand, 15 lines comprising of nine IITA lines (IBA070134, IBA9102324, IBA011368, TME 149, 1083724, IBA 011371, IBA30572, IBA061635, 96/1613), three improved (Nyerikogba, Afisiafi, Eskamaye) and three putative landraces (UCC-2000-002, UCC-2001-184, UCC-2001-461) were also entirely assigned to subpop2. About 52 accessions showed admixtures (with ≥1% of ancestry from subpop1 or subpop2) of subpop1 and subpop2 genetic composition. Majority of the IITA lines (68%) were found to be in admixture. These results conformed with the average linkage hierarchical clustering developed through the set of marker systems (Fig 3).

Fig 5. Estimated population structure of 87 cassava accessions on K = 2.

Fig 5

Accessions in red were clustered into subpop1 and the ones in green were clustered into subpop2.

Table 3. Net nucleotide distance (diversity between populations) and expected heterozygosity (average diversity within populations) and proportion of membership in each subpopulation.

Subpopulations Net Nucleotide Distance Expected heterozygosity Proportion of Membership Expected Heterozygosity of 67 samples
subpop2 of 87 samples (87 samples)
subpop1 0.22 0.008 0.354 0.357
subpop2 - 0.391 0.646 0.368

The expected heterozygosity from the STRUCTURE analysis was used to define the average genetic diversity between individuals within each subpopulation (subpop). The expected heterozygosity (Table 3) of subpop1 was 0.008 while that of subpop2 was 0.391 indicating the homogenous and the diverse nature of subpop1 and subpop2 respectively. Divergence among the two subpopulations shown by Net nucleotide distance (0.22) revealed that subpop1 was moderately distantly related to subpop2 (Table 3).

Further population structure analysis was performed among 67 accessions upon purging the potential duplicates. The optimum number of subpopulations was again found to be two mainly made of landraces in SUBPOP1 and IITA and improved in SUBPOP2 while 45 accessions were in admixture (S3 Fig). The expected heterozygosity increased from 0.008 to 0.357 for subpop1 while that of subpop2 remained almost the same (0.368) (Table 3)

A principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) based on the pairwise Gower’s genetic distance matrix among the accessions was performed to depict the genetic divergence in the cassava lines using the two variants of DArT markers. Using the SNP markers, 38.2% of the total genetic variation was explained by the first two axes of the PCoA (Fig 6A). The first two axes of the PCoA based on the SilicoDArT (Fig 6B) explained 47.2% of the total genetic divergence. The distribution of the accessions based on the two marker systems was similar which was also consistent with the average linkage hierarchical clustering (Fig 3) and the structure analysis (Fig 5). The landraces (black) clustered together while the IITA lines (green) also clustered together. Though the improved varieties (blue) showed wide diversity, they were predominantly clustered with the IITA lines.

Fig 6.

Fig 6

Principal coordinate analysis of cassava accessions (landraces = black, improved = blue, green = IITA) (a) based DArTSeq SNPs (b) based SilicoDArT markers.

Association among the two DArT markers systems

Comparisons of the relationship among the accessions based on Gower’s distance matrices derived from the SilicoDArT and DArTseq SNP markers depicted high association (r = 0.970; P < 0.001) between both markers systems through the Mantel correlation test (S4 Fig). The result showed a good fit between SilicoDArT and DArTseq SNP markers data sets in assessing genetic diversity in the cassava germplasm.


Genome-wide marker discovery and quality analysis

Genome level profiling of crop germplasm collections is a critical initial step in the identification of duplicates and divergent parents for effective conservation and utilization in breeding programs. Cassava is known worldwide for domestic and industrial use however, its classification and conservation in germplasm banks is challenging, due to phenotypic plasticity of cassava being further complicated by its asexual life-cycle [25, 59]. This study highlights the potential of highly informative and selective SilicoDArT and DArTSeq SNP markers for genomic studies in cassava which might underpin conservation and future breeding efforts. A total of 10521 SilicoDArT markers and 10808 informative DArTSeq SNPs were used for genetic diversity studies and population structure analysis. Future cassava breeding programs depend on the usage of a large number of these high-throughput markers for effective selection and genome association studies. The quality parameters of the selected markers were comparable with that of others plant species. The mean PIC of 0.36 for the dominant SilicoDArT markers was lower than the 0.42 identified in cassava and its wild relatives by Xia et al. [46] and 0.41 found in sorghum [60] but higher than the 0.28 in Beta vulgaris [61] and 0.29 in macadamia [48]. The average PIC of the SNPs (0.28) on the other hand was higher than the 0.228 identified in cassava [35], 0.21 in macadamia and 0.265 in Durum wheat [62]. The average PIC value of SilicoDArT was greater than that of SNP markers similar to that reported by Alam et al. [48] in Macadamia indicating the SilicoDArT were more informative than the SNP markers. The use of these high-density SilicoDArT and SNP markers may achieve better genome coverage through the sampling of a greater number of points in the whole genome, as marker density is reported to have a high correlation with gene density [38, 63]. Earlier reports on diversity studies on cassava utilized relatively smaller number of molecular markers; 35 SSR [33], 26 SNPs [35] and 4 RAPD [64], hence these high-density SilicoDArT and SNP markers may better suit for robust genomic and conservation activities in cassava. Additionally, the co-dominant inheritance pattern of SNP markers may increase the utility of DArT platforms for genetic population analysis. Relative to other marker technologies, DArT markers are suitable for high-throughput work as well as being cost effective [46, 65].

Similar to previous studies with relatively fewer SNPs within genes involved in cyanogenesis (CYP79D2), starch metabolism (GBSSII) and defense pathways within cassava, transition SNPs were similar to transversions with the most frequent transition and transversion being A/G and A/T, respectively [35]. Higher DNA polymorphisms are expected from out-crossing and inbreeding-sensitive crops like cassava partly due to the inherently high number of loci maintained in a heterozygous state. This contradicts what was reported in crops like Camelina sativa [12], rubber tree [66], Brassica napus [67] where transitional SNPs substantially exceeded transversion SNPs.

Genetic relationship among accessions

The assessment of genetic diversity is a vital pre-breeding activity towards crop improvement and efficient conservation of crop biodiversity. A genetic distance approach based on SilicoDArT and DArTSeq SNPs were successfully used to ascertain the relationship among the accessions as well as revealing potential duplicates. Similar to an earlier report by Alam et al. [48], the average genetic distance among the cassava accessions was higher with the dominant SilicoDArT than the SNPs (S3 and S4 Tables). Two major clusters were formed using both marker systems. The dendrogram (Fig 3) created using the average linkage hierarchical clustering method for both sets of markers grouped the landraces into C1 (red) and the IITA lines in C2 (green) showing their relationship with their pedigrees.

Base on the markers, the highest average dissimilarity index was found among the improved lines which were uniformly distributed among the two clusters probably due to their diverse pedigree or origin. Ferguson et al. [68] found elite lines from ESC Africa and IITA breeding lines to be more closely related and indicated that, this could be as a result of the movement of germplasm from IITA to ESC Africa through collaborations. Similar to the situation in Ghana, the known improved cassava varieties documented in the Catalogue of crop varieties released and registered in Ghana had their pedigree/line from IITA and/or the local landraces so it was not surprising the improved lines were evenly distributed among the two clusters [69]. Cassava, unlike crops such as maize, landraces are often indistinguishable from improved clones and are often considered for release hence, breeding has not significantly separated improved clones from landraces [68].

The landraces on the other hand had the lowest mean dissimilarity index due to the high level of duplicates that were detected within the group. Both marker systems identified 22 landraces to be within the distance threshold of the replicated DNAs. These were identified as potential duplicates. The lack of a formal seed system for cassava production promotes the sharing of planting materials among farmers as most farmers use their own planting materials (usually stem cuttings from the preceding crop) or they source stem cuttings from neighboring farmers especially for varieties with good culinary attributes for cultivation [70, 71]. These result in the renaming of the accessions leading to increased synonymy and homonymy which may confound the true diversity within the accessions when relying on the use of local/vernacular names alone [70, 72, 73]. Most of these landraces classified as potential duplicates were independently collected from different regions of Ghana and therefore came with different accession names. Though morphologically characterized, the low resolution of morphological markers could not reveal the redundant accessions [25, 59, 74]. Debor has excellent culinary traits, two of which are mealiness after boiling and relatively sweet taste hence it was not surprising it was found to be redundant with 19 landraces. This aligns with the report by Rabbi et al. [71] between Debor and other cassava genotypes. The complementary results by the SilicoDArT and SNP markers provide enough evidence to cull/rogue off redundant lines for efficient conservation and subsequent breeding.

Structure of the population

Population structure analysis provides helpful information in maintaining and monitoring the genetic diversity required for a robust breeding program [75]. Results of population structure analysis among the original 87 samples revealed only two major subpopulations (Fig 5) analogous to the report by Adjabeng-Danquah et al. [33]. They studied some of these accessions with 35 SSR markers but indicated a clear genetic divergence based on the origin of the cassava genotypes. The grouping of the landraces based on the Bayesian model showed similar results as reflected in average linkage hierarchical clustering (Fig 3) and principal coordinate analysis. The genetic structure present in the population meets our expectations based on the sources/pedigree of the genotypes. All the genotypes were originally collected from two different locations (1. Landraces + improved = local, 2. IITA). Subpop1 consisted of only landraces while the IITA and other genotypes were clustered in subpop2.

In addition to these distinct two subpopulations, a large number of admixtures was obtained among the cassava population studied [12, 33]. The expected heterozygosity was used to express the genetic diversity between individuals within each subpopulation (Table 3). The expected heterozygosity of subpop1 was 0.008 which was very low indicating the large homogeneity of the individuals in the subgroup. This was also seen in the low level of admixture in subpop1 as revealed by the STRUCTURE results (Fig 5). As evidenced in the cluster analysis, the 22 landraces found to be redundant based on Gower’s dissimilarity constituted subpop1 hence the low genetic diversity between the genotypes in the subgroup was not surprising. This shows a true reflection of the exchange of plant materials with good economical and culinary traits among farmers within the country resulting in the generation of such duplicates and the high resolution of molecular markers over morphological ones [59, 76, 77]. In contrast to subpop1, the average diversity between individuals within subpop2 was 0.391 which shows the significant divergence within the subgroup (Table 3). This level of differentiation of individuals inside the group indicates that even among individuals clustered by genetic proximity, there is still high variability [78]. The high level of admixture found in subpop2 again reflects the genetic variation within the group [62]. The high level of admixture found in the IITA lines in subpop2 corroborates what was reported by Adjabeng-Danquah et al. [33]. Also, the diverse background (source) of the accessions in subpop2 relative to subpop1 could influence the amount of variation between individuals in the subpopulation. The collections obtained from IITA could likely be made up of accessions originating from various geographical areas in West Africa [68]. As witnessed in most of the released improved cassava varieties in Ghana, they had their parental sources from IITA, indicating the formal exchange of breeding materials across borders [69] which could lead to ‘secondary’ mixing of the gene pool of the collections through hybridization and enhanced variation.

The variation between the two subpopulations defined by the Net nucleotide distance (Allele-frequency divergence among populations, 0.22) showed a moderate genetic differentiation between subpop1 and subpop2 (Table 3). Therefore, the genetic variation in the cassava germplasm is captured within and between subpopulations while a high level of similarity also exists within the subpopulation (subpop1). Adjabeng-Danquah et al. [33] reported a high level of variation within cassava groups similar to what was found here.

Further population structure analysis without the potential duplicates gave a higher average diversity within subpop1 (expected heterozygosity, 0.357 for SUBPOP1 and 0.368 for SUBPOP2) which was similar to the 0.333 average reported by Ferguson et al. [68] within groups. This supports the earlier revelation of a high level of duplicates among the landraces resulting in low expected heterozygosity in subpop1 and the need to purge them. This seems to be a common phenomenon among gene banks since the earlier characterizations of collections were based on agro-morphology which are phenotypically plastic or limited DNA-based markers [24, 25]. Similarly, a recent study found several duplicates within the gene bank at IITA, and efforts are been made to purge these duplicates [68]. This information is necessary particularly for the selection of individuals to serve as parents in breeding programs.

The set of DArT platforms were very informative in revealing the genetic variations in the germplasm as earlier reported [38, 48]. This was confirmed by the high correlation index revealed by the Mantel test that was conducted to check the association between both marker systems (S3 Fig). The consistency in genetic relationships among the cassava by the SilicoDArT and SNPs suggest that the two DArT marker systems are highly reliable for genetic diversity study in cassava. The available population structure is a step towards efficient germplasm conservation and parental selection to take advantage of heterosis breeding.


In this study, high-density dominant SilicoDArT and codominant DArTSeq SNP markers were used to explore genetic diversity and population structure among a collection of cassava. Both DArT markers successfully revealed the parental relationships and the extent of diversity in the population by showing some degree of genetic diversity and duplicates in the collection. There was a high level of redundancy in the local landraces (53%) compared to those obtained from IITA. This level of genetic diversity could be the basis for developing new cassava cultivars with desirable characteristics while improving the ex situ cassava germplasm conservation activities at the gene bank. In addition, our study identified two subpopulations that could be explained by the pedigrees of the genotypes. The Structure analysis indicated subpop2 to be more diverse than subpop1 (0.008) based on expected heterozygosity. Further analysis following the removal of the potential duplicates increased the expected heterozygosity from 0.008 to 0.357. Both DArT platforms seem an inexpensive and robust option for genomics studies in cassava. The large number of highly polymorphic markers developed and the knowledge of population structure and genetic diversity of cassava accessions will be important for cassava germplasm curation, heterosis breeding and future marker-traits association studies and genomic selection.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. Call rate distribution of the two marker system.


S2 Fig. Population structure bar plot of 87 cassava accessions on K = 9.


S3 Fig. Population structure bar plot of 67 cassava accessions on K = 2.


S4 Fig. Mantel correlation test between SilicoDArT and SNP.


S1 Table. List of silicoDArT markers.


S2 Table. List of DArT-based SNP markers.


S3 Table. Gower’s dissimilarity index among the cassava accessions based on SNP markers using the “cluster” package in R software.


S4 Table. Gower’s dissimilarity index among the cassava accessions based on SilicoDArT markers using the “cluster” package in R software.



The authors thank Fuseini Mohammed and Edwin Appiah Moses in the extraction of DNA, data management and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful suggestions. The support from Alliance for Green Revolution Africa (AGRA) through the IMCDA programme at KNUST (2018) is also highly acknowledged.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Tzen-Yuh Chiang

8 Apr 2021


High-density DArT-based silicoDArT and SNP markers for genetic diversity and population structure studies in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)


Dear Dr. Adu,

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Partly


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: High-density DArT-based silicoDArT and SNP markers for genetic diversity and population structure studies in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Header: Take out additional symbols after number superscript


Ln 1: Take out extra spaces throughout the document; just search for space space; Manihot esculenta italix

You need to say somewhere what the germplasm is? Landraces, breeding lines and from where? Before you get into results


Ln 52 due to its ability

Ln 53 Take out “than most staple crops”

Ln 54: contain


Ln 58: Okogbenin and FrEgene – this work was a long time ago, and much has happened since then. Cassava is no longer an ‘orphan’ crop.

Ln 102: DArTSeq does not involve microarray. It purely involves complexity reduction (restriction digestion), and NGS. The authors need to be aware that before NGS came about, the company used a microarray based genotyping technique called DArT. This is not used much now, if at all. It seems the authors have got confused with the two techniques.

Ln 106: I understand that SilicaDArT are a reflection of epigenetic status. They are epigenetic markers. The difference between DArTseq SNPs and Silico needs to be VERY clearly defined. Microarray is a technology, not a form of marker. It is not used in generating SilicoDArT.

Ln107: Be consistent in how you define DArT-based SNP or DArTseq SNP.

Ln 109/110: With DarT there is no choice in restriction fragments.

Ln 114: Be more specific about the genebank

Materials and methods

Ln120 eighty-seven should be 87

Ln 121: How many were landraces and how many released cultivars?

Ln 124: twenty-five should be 25

Ln 127: This is the fist time you mention morphological. This should be mentioned in introduction.

Table 1: Why choose to report colour of apical leaves? Why dry matter? Also, cassava has storage roots, not tubers.

DArT procedure paragraph: Please be aware that DArT and DArTSeq are different procedures. There is no cloning in DArTSeq. This paragraph needs to be corrected.

Ln 164: You need to be clear that alleles were scored as 1 and 0; provided in two line format; or 0,1 and 2 as single row format with heterozygotes identified. This is critical. Distinguish scoring between Silico DArT and DArtSeq.

Ln 175: Don’t use DArT-based SNPs – these are DArTSeq SNPs

Ln179: I would use the term duplicates rather than redundant.

Ln 178: You need to discuss why you used Gowers

Ln 180: “pvclust” in R (include reference)

Ln 182: SilicoDArT and DArTSeq SNPs.

Ln 198: Why capital letters? I wouldn’t call it a peak; rather a flattening of the curve.


Ln 207: What do you mean “18 haploid cassava genome”? Explain this. You mean chromosomes?

Fig 1a and b. These figures are not necessary.

Fig. 2 needs to be better quality

Fig 3. Axis labels should not be capitals. Bars must not overlap and needs better quality.

Fig. 4. Cannot read anything from this Figure.

None of the subsequent figures have numbers.

Ln 253 : Use SilicoDArT throughout the document.

Ln 271: As far as I know you are looking for a flattening of the graph where deltaK changes, not a peak.

Ln 275: Please explain the Average Silhouette approach

Ln 276: You need to define which accessions are in which subpop before you start talking about diversity. Individuals are allocated to sub-populations.

Ln 292: Give a reference to average linkage clustering. What is meant by this. Clarfy.

Ln 302: Three rather than 3; and I would call these putative landraces as they may actually be improved lines

Ln 304: all cassava is heterogeneous. This is not a good word. Perhaps use Admixture.

Ln 308: Is there a figure associatd with this?

Ln 316: I wouldn’t indicate left of right as the figure could be switched. Just give colour. Rather say cluster together…

Ln 338: What do you mean 22,516 assigned to specific chromosomes?

Ln 341: I wouldn’t say these markers have to be developed. They are there, they just need to be visualized.

Ln 350: better genome coverage than what??

Ln 353: What about Ferguson et al. (2019) and many studies by Rabbi et al.

Ln 369: This is not two DArT platforms – just two types of data are generated form one platform

Ln 408: two

Ln 411: Rather than heterogeneous, I would say admixture or relatively close relationship.

Ln 416: The authors must understand the basic rules of reporting numbers; 1-10 should be written in full. Anything more than 10 is given in figures. Please correct throughout.

It does not indicate anywhere whether the duplicates were taken out of the dataset before diversity analysis was conducted. This should be done.

Ln 429: You need to find out the background / pedigree of IITA material

Ln 444: You might want to say that DArTSeq SNPs are preferred as they are co-dominant which means heterozygotes can be determined.


Ln 451: It is not an array that is used. Be consistent in naming the technologies throughout the doc.

Ln 459: I don’t think it is defined by geographical differentiation, but more by pedigrees – breeding lines vs landraces.

Reviewer #2: General comments:

The manuscript reports genetic diversity of cassava from Ghana. The study involves more than 80 accessions including improved varieties and landraces that were genotyping using a reduced-representation library sequencing (DArT). The authors presented standard diversity and population genetics analysis results including a report on marker informativeness, pairwise genetic distances among the accessions, hierarchical clustering, PCA and ancestry-based population structure.

Specific comments

1. While the study contributes to the body of knowledge about the diversity of the crop in Ghana, the authors repeatedly put forth statements that are rather outdated when justifying their study in the introduction section of the manuscript. For example, there is repeated mention that cassava is an orphan crop, with no genomic resources available and this is not correct (e.g. lines 28 - 30 and Lines 58 - 61). Indeed, one of the papers used to support this notion is almost two decades old (Okogbenin et al. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2003; 107:1452–1462.)

There are many high-quality reference genomes, hundreds of accessions have been whole-genome resequenced to produce hap-map, and several diversity analysis that used genotyping-by-sequencing have been published. Moreover, genomic resources have been used to map QTLs using biparental populations and GWAS. Moreover, genomic selection in cassava is quite advanced and comparable with other major crops. It is therefore not correct for the authors to say that there is very little progress in the crop. A rigorous literature review should address this misperception.

2. The way the manuscript is written is not concise and clear. There are many repetitions and the same thing are being presented multiple times.

Line 42 - 45: seems like a concluding statement that should have been at the end of the abstract.

L58 - 61: fragmented sentence that is not understandable. What is the intended message?

L80 - 81: "... as detailed by some authors" is not necessary. Similar types citation styles are in the manuscript. It should just be "The use of molecular tools in plant genetic analyses and crop improvement cannot be overemphasized [26-29]."

L84 - 92: The authors introduce a description of other types of molecular markers, including anonymous markers such as RFLPs etc. What purpose does this serve? Back when SNPs were new, it was acceptable to describe its advantages compared with the traditional markers but this serves no purpose since SNP have become mainstream.

Instead, the authors should describe DArTseq and compare it with other high-density SNP genotyping methods like GBS which has been extensively used for cassava.

L96-97: Why would one want to use "sequence independent" SNP?

Line 130: Table 1 can go to supplementary file unless readers are interested in individual cassava accessions.

Line 134: "Extraction of DNA and quantification of DNA... " can surely be shortened to "Extraction and quantification of DNA... "

Line 145 - 147: these are unnecessary details - who is interested to know which brand of 96-well PCR plate the samples were packed in?

Line 150 - 151: "As defined by Kilian et al. [38]" is just unnecessary wordiness. Just put the citation at the end of the sentence.

The whole DArT procedure paragraph section is text that needs to be replaced by citing the methods and not repeating them here. For example, the authors say that "genomic representation were generated following the procedure of [38]" and "A detailed procedure is documented by [37]" but still go into details of the laboratory protocols some of which are quite shallow and will not be helpful to the readers. Indeed the objective of the paper is to describe the diversity in the germplasm but not a paper on the genotyping methodology. So the latter should not be the highlight.

L161-162: What value does "Order:162 DCas18-3505 on 01/06/2018" add to the manuscript? How will this information benefit the reader?

L165 - 166: The way SNP calling is mentioned is not clear. "Markers were scored ‘1’ for presence, and ‘0’ for absence and

‘-’ for calls with non-zero count but too low counts to score confidently as “1”." Is this for SNPs or the presence absence DartTag?

L173 - 175: call rate - this level of details is unnecessary. Call rate is % another description of proportion of missing data which is self explanatory.


L207 : which version of the cassava reference genome?

L210: How was reproducibility of the SNPs calculated and based on what?

L228 - 264: This whole section can be shortened by presenting the results graphically e.g. using histogram of pair-wise distance. This can be done for the silicone-dart and the regular SNPs.

L234 - 236: The critical distance threshold to declare whether two genotypes was based on only replicated DNA from 3 samples. In my opinion this is rather small sample size to make an inference about the threshold identifying clones. The authors need to produce a plot of the histogram of pair-wise distance and show if they can pick up the signal of the redundant DNA from these 3 samples.

L244: what is a "mutant" variety ?

The section needs to be made more concise.

L272 - 275: "This means that optimum number of groups that suits the distribution of similar cultivars inside the population was two, indicating that, two different groups (subpopulation1 and subpopulation2) contribute relevant genetic information across the population." should be "The optimum number of subpopulations is two". No need two be repetitive.

L278: How can the expected heterozygosity be close to zero in a non-inbred clonal crop like cassava?

Table 3: what does "inferred clusters" mean? The numbers seem to add up to 1 but is tis the proportion of ancestry to cluster 1 or 2???

L292: Why every time list all accessions in each cluster - or any given result section. This type of information should be in a table or figure for the interested reader to look into but serves no additional value to the manuscript.

Line 313: "The first two axes of the PCoA (Ofigure)..." It seems that the paper was not checked for submission because you cannot have a reference to a figure that is not numbered. The naming of figures/tables in the manuscript does not follow correct convention. Eg. "S3 Table" in Line 231 is actually not a supplementary table; "S1 and S2 Figs" in Line 299.

Discussion: Needs to be made more concise to increase readability.


There are too many figures in the manuscript. Some can be joined together.

Figure 1: Represent the distribution of call rate using histograms and not pie-charts.

Figure Dendrograms. These aren't legible and need to be redrawn. There are tons of R-based tutorials on how to generate useful hierarchical clusters that are legible.

Figure 5: What is "average silhouettes" - ? These figures can be sent to supplementary files or be components of the STRUCTURE figure.

The PCA plots have wrong aspect ratio - even though the ranges of PC1 and PC2 are similar.

Figure 8. This plot can be provided as a supplimentary file. The mantel test are already provided in the results and this is redundant.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

PLoS One. 2021 Jul 27;16(7):e0255290. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255290.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

27 May 2021

Response to editor and reviewers comments.

Comments Response

Editor’s comment:

1. Please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements, including those for file naming. The author has taken it into account.

Please include a caption for figures 4-8 The authors have taken it into account. Caption for figures are indicated below the paragraph in which they were first mentioned

Reviewer #1


Header: Take out additional symbols after number superscript These symbols are part of the title, author, affiliations formatting guidelines where asterisk* = corresponding author, Pilcrow (paragraph symbol) ¶ = first set of equal contributors, ampersand & = 2nd set of equal contributors etc.

Ln 1: Take out extra spaces throughout the document; just search for space space; Manihot esculenta The author has addressed this throughout the document

You need to say somewhere what the germplasm is? Landraces, breeding lines and from where? Before you get into results It has been addressed on line 29 and 30


Ln 52 due to its ability Corrected on line 50

Ln 53 Take out “than most staple crops” Corrected on line 51

Ln 54: contain Corrected on line 52

Ln56:] Corrected on line 54

Ln 58: Okogbenin and FrEgene – this work was a long time ago, and much has happened since then. Cassava is no longer an ‘orphan’ crop. Addressed on line 56

Ln 102: DArTSeq does not involve microarray. It purely involves complexity reduction (restriction digestion), and NGS. The authors need to be aware that before NGS came about, the company used a microarray based genotyping technique called DArT. This is not used much now, if at all. It seems the authors have got confused with the two techniques Addressed on line 97

Ln 106: I understand that SilicaDArT are a reflection of epigenetic status. They are epigenetic markers. The difference between DArTseq SNPs and Silico needs to be VERY clearly defined. Microarray is a technology, not a form of marker. It is not used in generating SilicoDArT Addressed on line 101

Ln107: Be consistent in how you define DArT-based SNP or DArTseq SNP Addressed on line 102 and throughout the text

Ln 109/110: With DarT there is no choice in restriction fragments. Xia et al 2004 in his work captured PstI/TaqI and PstI/ BstNI enzymes as rare and frequent cutters for cassava genome complexity reduction.

Ln 114: Be more specific about the genebank Addressed on lines 30 and 119

Materials and methods

Ln120 eighty-seven should be 87 Addressed on line 117

Ln 121: How many were landraces and how many released cultivars? Addressed on line 118

Ln 124: twenty-five should be 25

Addressed on line 121

Ln 127: This is the fist time you mention morphological. This should be mentioned in introduction.

Table 1: Why choose to report colour of apical leaves? Why dry matter? Also, cassava has storage roots, not tubers. (captured on ln . Addressed between line 109 and 110

Correction effected in the table 1

PCA among agro-morphological data identified apical leaves colour and DM as discriminating characters.

DArT procedure paragraph: Please be aware that DArT and DArTSeq are different procedures. There is no cloning in DArTSeq. This paragraph needs to be corrected Corrections effected between lines 145 and 149

Ln 164: You need to be clear that alleles were scored as 1 and 0; provided in two line format; or 0,1 and 2 as single row format with heterozygotes identified. This is critical. Distinguish scoring between Silico DArT and DArtSeq. Addressed between line 153 and 156

Ln 175: Don’t use DArT-based SNPs – these are DArTSeq SNPs Corrected throughout

Ln179: I would use the term duplicates rather than redundant. Addressed on line 168

Ln 178: You need to discuss why you used Gowers Gower’s like other distance measures can be used in germplasm classification by genebanks. Moreover, other similarity measures such as Dice and Euclidean were used for confirmation of duplicates

Ln 180: “pvclust” in R (include reference) Addressed on line 171 and between lines 674-675

Ln 182: SilicoDArT and DArTSeq SNPs Corrected on line 171

Ln 198: Why capital letters? I wouldn’t call it a peak; rather a flattening of the curve. Addressed on line 187, 189 and 264


Ln 207: What do you mean “18 haploid cassava genome”? Explain this. You mean chromosomes? 18 haploid chromosomes of cassava. Addressed between line 197 and 198

Fig 1a and b. These figures are not necessary.

Fig. 2 needs to be better quality

Fig 3. Axis labels should not be capitals. Bars must not overlap and needs better quality.

Fig. 4. Cannot read anything from this Figure.

None of the subsequent figures have numbers Call rate figure sent to supplementary

Fig 3 issues addressed in current fig 2.

Hierarchical clustering issues addressed in figure 3

Ln 253 : Use SilicoDArT throughout the document Correction effected through out

Ln 271: As far as I know you are looking for a flattening of the graph where deltaK changes, not a peak Addressed on line 264 and Fig 4

Ln 276: You need to define which accessions are in which subpop before you start talking about diversity. Individuals are allocated to sub-populations. Addressed between line 268 and 283

Ln 292: Give a reference to average linkage clustering. What is meant by this. Clarfy. Addressed on line 269 and 270

Ln 302: Three rather than 3; and I would call these putative landraces as they may actually be improved lines Addressed on line 279

Ln 304: all cassava is heterogeneous. This is not a good word. Perhaps use Admixture. Addressed on line 281

Ln 308: Is there a figure associatd with this?yes Addressed on line 284

Ln 316: I wouldn’t indicate left of right as the figure could be switched. Just give colour. Rather say cluster together… Addressed between line 309and 311

Ln 338: What do you mean 22,516 assigned to specific chromosomes? Addressed between line 331 and 332

Ln 341: I wouldn’t say these markers have to be developed. They are there, they just need to be visualized. Addressed on line 333

Ln 350: better genome coverage than what?? Than other classical DNA markers

Ln 353: What about Ferguson et al. (2019) and many studies by Rabbi et al. Emphasis was on application of classical DNA markers on some of these accessions from Ghana. Ferguson et al [68] and Rabbi et al [71] are considered throughout the discussion

Ln 369: This is not two DArT platforms – just two types of data are generated form one platform Addressed on line 362

Ln 408: two Addressed on line 407

Ln 411: Rather than heterogeneous, I would say admixture or relatively close relationship Addressed on line 410

Ln 416: The authors must understand the basic rules of reporting numbers; 1-10 should be written in full. Anything more than 10 is given in figures. Please correct throughout. Addressed through out.

It does not indicate anywhere whether the duplicates were taken out of the dataset before diversity analysis was conducted. This should be done This has been taken into between lines 298-302 and 410-449, however the authors wanted to use structure analysis to lay emphasis on those duplicates.

Ln 429: You need to find out the background / pedigree of IITA material Most are advanced breeding lines.

Ln 444: You might want to say that DArTSeq SNPs are preferred as they are co-dominant which means heterozygotes can be determined. To reiterate consistency in results from both markers in diversity and conservational studies


Ln 451: It is not an array that is used. Be consistent in naming the technologies throughout the doc.

Addressed on line 459

Ln 459: I don’t think it is defined by geographical differentiation, but more by pedigrees – breeding lines vs landraces.

Addressed on line 467

Reviewer #2

1. While the study contributes to the body of knowledge about the diversity of the crop in Ghana, the authors repeatedly put forth statements that are rather outdated when justifying their study in the introduction section of the manuscript. For example, there is repeated mention that cassava is an orphan crop, with no genomic resources available and this is not correct (e.g. lines 28 - 30 and Lines 58 - 61). Indeed, one of the papers used to support this notion is almost two decades old (Okogbenin et al. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2003; 107:1452–1462.)

There are many high-quality reference genomes, hundreds of accessions have been whole-genome resequenced to produce hap-map, and several diversity analysis that used genotyping-by-sequencing have been published. Moreover, genomic resources have been used to map QTLs using biparental populations and GWAS. Moreover, genomic selection in cassava is quite advanced and comparable with other major crops. It is therefore not correct for the authors to say that there is very little progress in the crop. A rigorous literature review should address this misperception.

These are addressed on line 26 – 27, 56 -57

Line 42 - 45: seems like a concluding statement that should have been at the end of the abstract Correction effected between line 42 and 46

L58 - 61: fragmented sentence that is not understandable. What is the intended message? Addressed on lines 56 and 57

L80 - 81: "... as detailed by some authors" is not necessary. Similar types citation styles are in the manuscript. It should just be "The use of molecular tools in plant genetic analyses and crop improvement cannot be overemphasized [26-29]." Addressed on lines 77 and 78. Other corrections are effected through out.

L84 - 92: The authors introduce a description of other types of molecular markers, including anonymous markers such as RFLPs etc. What purpose does this serve? Back when SNPs were new, it was acceptable to describe its advantages compared with the traditional markers but this serves no purpose since SNP have become mainstream. Instead, the authors should describe DArTseq and compare it with other high-density SNP genotyping methods like GBS which has been extensively used for cassava. A comparison was been made between other marker systems that have been applied to some of these particular cassava germplasm and other works internationally. Four RAPDs were used by Asante and Offei 2003. SSR by Adjabeng 2020, on some of these cassava lines and others.

L96-97: Why would one want to use "sequence independent" SNP? The authors tried to shed a brief light on the classical DArT markers first applied in rice by Daccoud et al 2001.

Line 130: Table 1 can go to supplementary file unless readers are interested in individual cassava accessions. Been captured in the manuscript will enhance easy reference especially the structure analysis plot.

Line 134: "Extraction of DNA and quantification of DNA... " can surely be shortened to "Extraction and quantification of DNA... " Correction effected on line 131

Line 145 - 147: these are unnecessary details - who is interested to know which brand of 96-well PCR plate the samples were packed in? Addressed on line 141

Line 150 - 151: "As defined by Kilian et al. [38]" is just unnecessary wordiness. Just put the citation at the end of the sentence. The whole DArT procedure paragraph section is text that needs to be replaced by citing the methods and not repeating them here. For example, the authors say that "genomic representation were generated following the procedure of [38]" and "A detailed procedure is documented by [37]" but still go into details of the laboratory protocols some of which are quite shallow and will not be helpful to the readers. Indeed the objective of the paper is to describe the diversity in the germplasm but not a paper on the genotyping methodology. So the latter should not be the highlight Addressed between line 145 and 149

L161-162: What value does "Order:162 DCas18-3505 on 01/06/2018" add to the manuscript? How will this information benefit the reader? corrected on line 149

L165 - 166: The way SNP calling is mentioned is not clear. "Markers were scored ‘1’ for presence, and ‘0’ for absence and

‘-’ for calls with non-zero count but too low counts to score confidently as “1”." Is this for SNPs or the presence absence DartTag? Addressed between line 153 and 156

L173 - 175: call rate - this level of details is unnecessary. Call rate is % another description of proportion of missing data which is self explanatory. Correction effected on line 163


L207 : which version of the cassava reference genome? V61 and V8 model reference Cassava v6.1 and v8. Captured on line 198

L210: How was reproducibility of the SNPs calculated and based on what? The reproducibility data was available in the received data set from DArT P/L describing how reproducible the marking scoring was in replicated samples

L228 - 264: This whole section can be shortened by presenting the results graphically e.g. using histogram of pair-wise distance. This can be done for the silicone-dart and the regular SNPs Pair-wise distance between individuals are captured S3 table. Authors would like to maintain specific relationship among individuals.

L234 - 236: The critical distance threshold to declare whether two genotypes was based on only replicated DNA from 3 samples. In my opinion this is rather small sample size to make an inference about the threshold identifying clones. The authors need to produce a plot of the histogram of pair-wise distance and show if they can pick up the signal of the redundant DNA from these 3 samples Only three samples were replicated in the shipped DNA for analysis.

Moreover, other dissimilarity measures such Dice for the bi-allelic silico and Euclidean were used in the verification of similarity measurement and identification of duplicates.

L244: what is a "mutant" variety ? it’s the only released mutant variety in Ghana developed following selection from artificially induced mutational lines.

L272 - 275: "This means that optimum number of groups that suits the distribution of similar cultivars inside the population was two, indicating that, two different groups (subpopulation1 and subpopulation2) contribute relevant genetic information across the population." should be "The optimum number of subpopulations is two". No need two be repetitive. Correction effected on line 265

L278: How can the expected heterozygosity be close to zero in a non-inbred clonal crop like cassava? Most of the duplicates were found in subpop1 which eventually led to a reduced expected heterozygosity of 0.08 but increased to 0.357 upon further analysis without the duplicates.

Table 3: what does "inferred clusters" mean? The numbers seem to add up to 1 but is this the proportion of ancestry to cluster 1 or 2??? Overall proportion of membership of the sample in each of the two clusters.

Correction effected in table 3..line 293

L292: Why every time list all accessions in each cluster - or any given result section. This type of information should be in a table or figure for the interested reader to look into but serves no additional value to the manuscript Correction effected throughout however, few list are maintained for emphasis.

Line 313: "The first two axes of the PCoA (Ofigure)..." It seems that the paper was not checked for submission because you cannot have a reference to a figure that is not numbered. The naming of figures/tables in the manuscript does not follow correct convention. Eg. "S3 Table" in Line 231 is actually not a supplementary table; "S1 and S2 Figs" in Line 299. Corrections have been effected on line 307.

S3 table is matrix of dissimilarity between individuals.

"S1 and S2 Figs are now supplementary figures for call rate distribution (S1 Fig) on line 197 (as suggested by reviewer #1) and bar plot of K=9 (S2 Fig) on line 277…



There are too many figures in the manuscript. Some can be joined together Some joined and others sent to supplementary including information on call rate and mantel plot.

Figure 1: Represent the distribution of call rate using histograms and not pie-charts. Histogram generated for call rate, available in S1 Fig.

Figure Dendrograms. These aren't legible and need to be redrawn. There are tons of R-based tutorials on how to generate useful hierarchical clusters that are legible Changes in dendrogram presented in Fig 3.

Figure 5: What is "average silhouettes" - ? These figures can be sent to supplementary files or be components of the STRUCTURE figure. Correction effected

The PCA plots have wrong aspect ratio - even though the ranges of Aspect ratio (now 1:1) defect corrected in Fig 6a and 6b.

Figure 8. This plot can be provided as a supplimentary file. The mantel test are already provided in the results and this is redundant. Figure sent to supplementary in S3 fig.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Tzen-Yuh Chiang

25 Jun 2021


High-density DArT-based silicoDArT and SNP markers for genetic diversity and population structure studies in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)


Dear Dr. Adu,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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Reviewer #1: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: General: The manuscript still requires a major English revision

In. 33. Use expansion of PIC on first use, not on second use.

Ln 55. They are not tuberous roots, they are storage roots. Tubererous roots can sprout from eyes in the roots. Cassava roots do not do this, and are referred to as storage roots.

Ln 56 continue, not continuous

Ln 92. These are SNP markers visualized using DArTSeq technology. At least they should be called DArTSeq SNP markers, not just DArT markers.

Ln 105, what do you mean 1,000 candidate polymorphic clones. Are these distinct cassava clones. If they are, then why are they candidate? All cassava clones are polymorphic, so not necessary to state this.

159, 160: no need to repeat ‘polymorphic information content’ once it has been sued once. Also repeated on line 204.

Ln 292 How did you calculate Net nucleotide distance (add to methodology) and give a reference.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

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Reviewer #1: No

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PLoS One. 2021 Jul 27;16(7):e0255290. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255290.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

8 Jul 2021

Response to editor and reviewer's comments.

Comments Response

Editor’s comment:

1. Journal Requirements:

Please review your reference list to ensure that it is complete and correct. If you have cited papers that have been retracted, please include the rationale for doing so in the manuscript text, or remove these references and replace them with relevant current references. Any changes to the reference list should be mentioned in the rebuttal letter that accompanies your revised manuscript. If you need to cite a retracted article, indicate the article’s retracted status in the References list and also include a citation and full reference for the retraction notice The authors have taken them into account.

7. Okogbenin, Fragene was removed based on the previous suggestion by reviewer #1 (it was outdated).

9. Swaminathan MS was inserted following the review of literature

51. Maechler M, Rousseeuw P, Struyf A, Hubert M, Hornik K. (2013) was inserted as observantly pointed out by reviewer #1.

68. Ferguson ME, Shah T, Kulakow P, Ceballos H. A global overview of cassava genetic diversity. PLoS ONE. 2019 was inserted after reviewing the document as suggested by reviewer #1.

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

The authors have taken them into account.

The dimensions and resolution of the figures have been improved with Picture Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) to meet PLOS standards.

Reviewer #1

General: The manuscript still requires a major English revision The authors have taken them into account.

In. 33. Use expansion of PIC on first use, not on second use.

It has been addressed on line 34.

Ln 55. They are not tuberous roots, they are storage roots. Tubererous roots can sprout from eyes in the roots. Cassava roots do not do this, and are referred to as storage roots.

It has been addressed on line 55.

Ln 56 continue, not continuous It has been addressed on line 56.

Ln 92. These are SNP markers visualized using DArTSeq technology. At least they should be called DArTSeq SNP markers, not just DArT markers. The authors tried to shed a brief light on the classical DArT markers first applied in rice by Daccoud et al 2001. Referring to classical DArT markers)

Ln 105, what do you mean 1,000 candidate polymorphic clones. Are these distinct cassava clones. If they are, then why are they candidate? All cassava clones are polymorphic, so not necessary to state this. Corrected on line 105.

159, 160: no need to repeat ‘polymorphic information content’ once it has been sued once. Also repeated on line 204. Corrected throughout.

Ln 292 How did you calculate Net nucleotide distance (add to methodology) and give a reference It was an output from the Structure simulation analysis which has been referenced on line 179.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 2

Tzen-Yuh Chiang

14 Jul 2021

High-density DArT-based silicoDArT and SNP markers for genetic diversity and population structure studies in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)


Dear Dr. Adu,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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Kind regards,

Tzen-Yuh Chiang

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Tzen-Yuh Chiang

16 Jul 2021


High-density DArT-based SilicoDArT and SNP markers for genetic diversity and population structure studies in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Dear Dr. Adu:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

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Dr. Tzen-Yuh Chiang

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Fig. Call rate distribution of the two marker system.


    S2 Fig. Population structure bar plot of 87 cassava accessions on K = 9.


    S3 Fig. Population structure bar plot of 67 cassava accessions on K = 2.


    S4 Fig. Mantel correlation test between SilicoDArT and SNP.


    S1 Table. List of silicoDArT markers.


    S2 Table. List of DArT-based SNP markers.


    S3 Table. Gower’s dissimilarity index among the cassava accessions based on SNP markers using the “cluster” package in R software.


    S4 Table. Gower’s dissimilarity index among the cassava accessions based on SilicoDArT markers using the “cluster” package in R software.



    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

    Articles from PLoS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS