Figure 3.
Satellite cells in the exercised muscle activate within the first 24 h of the end of the last bout of exercise
(A) Expression heatmap projected onto UMAP coordinates for satellite cell marker gene, Pax7, and key myogenic regulator factors, Myf5, Myod1, and Myog, in sedentary and exercised soleus muscles in the presence (SC+) and absence (SC-) of satellite cells.
(B) Number of nuclei with expression of key genes in A.
(C) Number of nuclei in sedentary and satellite cell replete exercised soleus muscles with expression of Pax7, Myf5, or both, representing quiescent or activated satellite cells.
(D) Box and whisker plot showing signal entropy estimates for the nuclei in the satellite cell clusters of sedentary and exercised satellite cell replete soleus muscles calculated using discordance between transcript levels in each nucleus and known protein-protein interaction network. Higher signal entropy suggests higher progenitor potential (i.e., stem cell potential). The whiskers indicate 1.5 times the interquartile range above and below the upper and the lower quartiles, respectively. Each dot represents the signal entropy value for a single nucleus. 4wk trained samples come from animals subjected to 4 weeks of daily voluntary weighted-wheel running. 4 and 24 h post indicate the amount of time after the wheel was locked at the end of the last bout of running. SC+ and SC- represent satellite cell replete and depleted muscle, respectively.