To evaluate the frequency and nature of spinal pathology, the frequency of clinically silent lesions, and the potential benefit of screening spinal MR in neurofibromatosis patients.
28 neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF-1) patients and nine neurofibromatosis type-2 (NF-2) patients were studied with postcontrast spinal MR imaging.
NF-1: One patient had a biopsy-proven low-grade glioma; five patients, intradural, extramedullary masses (N = 23); one patient, extradural masses (N = 2) (neurofibromas); 16 patients had bony abnormalities; and three patients thecal sac abnormalities. NF-2: Five patients demonstrated intramedullary masses (five/eight ependymomas); nine patients, intradural, extramedullary masses (meningiomas, schwannomas); and four patients, bony abnormalities. Eight/10 NF-1 and four/nine NF-2 patients had asymptomatic masses.
Intradural disease is common, often asymptomatic, and often presents at a young age in NF-1 and NF-2 patients. Because of the propensity to develop significant asymptomatic as well as symptomatic intradural disease, screening of the entire spine with MR is recommended in both NF-1 and NF-2 patients.
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