To improve the specificity of MR imaging, 45 patients with different lesions in the CNS were studied with gadolinium-DTPA from June to December 1985. With a dosage of 0.2 ml/kg body weight, no adverse effects were seen. Seventeen of these patients were also studied with dynamic MR imaging, using a spin-echo sequence of TR = 100 msec and TE = 30 msec and a display matrix of 128(2). Four parameters were determined and compared with histologic findings: the time to peak of signal intensity, the ascent to peak of signal intensity, the height of peak of signal intensity, and the percentage of peak of signal intensity at the end of measurement. In this small series, arteriovenous malformations had a short time to peak and a steep ascent to peak as compared with tumors. Gliomas had a slow ascent to peak and usually a longer time to peak as compared with tumors of mesodermal origin. Paragliomas according to Zülch's classification had a steeper ascent to peak than gliomas. Dynamic MR with gadolinium-DTPA may lead to further information about lesions in the CNS, as the ascent to peak parameter seems helpful in discriminating among different lesions.
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