To investigate the clinical presentation, angiographic findings, endovascular management and clinical outcome in dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) of the marginal sinus.
Fourteen patients with DAVFs of the marginal sinus were identified from angiographic studies and medical records of all patients treated for DAVFs at our institution between July 1990 and August 1995. The endovascular treatment and clinical outcomes of these patients are reported.
Eleven patients had pulse-synchronous bruit, two had intracranial hemorrhage, and one had ataxia. Thirteen patients were cured with endovascular techniques alone and one was cured by a combination of preoperative embolization followed by surgical obliteration of the fistula. The sole complication of treatment was a partial left hypoglossal nerve palsy, which resolved spontaneously.
DAVFs of the marginal sinuses are potentially life-threatening lesions that can be treated with endovascular techniques for a high rate of cure and a low rate of morbidity.
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