To quantitate the amplitude changes and temporal dynamics of regional functional MR imaging signals during voluntary hyperventilation using blood oxygen level-dependent contrast echo-planar imaging.
Seven male subjects were studied during voluntary hyperventilation (PetCO2 = 20 mm Hg) regulated by capnometry. Measurements were made on multisection echo-planar MR images obtained with parameters of 1000/66 (repetition time/echo time), flip angle of 30 degrees, and voxel size of 3 x 3 x 5 mm3. Sensitivity of the functional MR imaging signal to changes in PetCO2, time delays in relation to PetCO2 changes, and time constants of functional MR imaging signal changes were assessed on a region-by-region basis.
Within 20 seconds of starting hyperventilation, rapid and substantial decreases in the functional MR imaging signal (by as much as 10%) were measured in areas of gray matter, which were significantly greater than the modest changes observed in white matter. Regional-specific effects in areas of the frontal, occipital, and parietooccipital cortex were stronger than in subcortical regions or in the cerebellum. Signal decreases measured with functional MR imaging were significantly delayed with respect to the reduction in PetCO2. Apparent differences between regional time constants did not reach statistical significance.
Regional and gray-white matter differences in functional MR imaging signal changes during controlled hyperventilation may reflect differences in metabolic activity, vascular regulation, and/or capillary density. When measuring brain activation with functional MR imaging, arterial PCO2 differences due to unregulated respiration may confound interpretation of activation-related functional MR imaging signal changes.
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