To determine whether unenhanced high-resolution T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR imaging provides an acceptable and less expensive alternative to contrast-enhanced conventional T1-weighted spin-echo MR techniques in the diagnosis of acoustic schwannoma.
We reviewed in a blinded fashion the records of 25 patients with pathologically documented acoustic schwannoma and of 25 control subjects, all of whom had undergone both enhanced conventional spin-echo MR imaging and unenhanced fast spin-echo MR imaging of the cerebellopontine angle/internal auditory canal region. The patients were imaged with the use of a quadrature head receiver coil for the conventional spin-echo sequences and dual 3-inch phased-array receiver coils for the fast spin-echo sequences.
The size of the acoustic schwannomas ranged from 2 to 40 mm in maximum dimension. The mean maximum diameter was 12 mm, and 12 neoplasms were less than 10 mm in diameter. Acoustic schwannoma was correctly diagnosed on 98% of the fast spin-echo images and on 100% of the enhanced conventional spin-echo images. Statistical analysis of the data using the kappa coefficient demonstrated agreement beyond chance between these two imaging techniques for the diagnosis of acoustic schwannoma.
There is no statistically significant difference in the sensitivity and specificity of unenhanced high-resolution fast spin-echo imaging and enhance T1-weighted conventional spin-echo imaging in the detection of acoustic schwannoma. We believe that the unenhanced high-resolution fast spin-echo technique provides a cost-effective method for the diagnosis of acoustic schwannoma.
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