To examine the vascular supply and architecture of the germinal matrix in the preterm neonatal brain and to determine whether veins or arterioles are the source of germinal matrix hemorrhage.
Brains from eight preterm neonates (24 to 35 weeks' gestation) and two full-term infants were fixed in alcohol, embedded in celloidin, sectioned at 100- and 500-micron thicknesses, stained for alkaline phosphatase, and examined with light microscopy. High-resolution contact radiographs of 500-micron-thick sections were also mounted on glass slides for microscopic examination.
The upper and middle regions of the germinal matrix are supplied by branches of the lateral striate arteries, whereas the inferior part is supplied by branches of the recurrent artery of Heubner. In brain sections from four of the preterm infants, we found 15 circumscribed hemorrhagic foci within the germinal matrix. The largest was 5 mm in diameter; the smallest, 1 mm. All hemorrhages but one were closely associated with veins, with significant involvement of the perivenous space. The other hemorrhage appeared to be associated with an arteriole. In term and preterm infants, we found no arteriolar-to-arteriolar shunts, precapillary arteriolar-to-venules shunts, or vascular rete. At all gestational ages, the terminal vascular bed had only conventional branchings and connections.
In preterm neonates, staining for endogenous alkaline phosphatase allows visual differentiation between afferent and efferent vessels. Germinal matrix hemorrhage in preterm neonates is primarily venous in origin. A hemorrhage can tunnel along the venous perivascular space, collapsing the vein and rupturing the tethered connecting tributaries. Extravasation of blood from the arterial circulation appears to be much less common.
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