Correction to: PharmacoEconomics 10.1007/s40273-021-01026-5
The article Cost Effectiveness of Ranibizumab vs Aflibercept vs Bevacizumab for the Treatment of Macular Oedema Due to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion: The LEAVO Study,written by Becky Pennington, Abualbishr Alshreef, Laura Flight, Andrew Metry, Edith Poku, Philip Hykin, Sobha Sivaprasad, A. Toby Prevost , Joana C. Vasconcelos, Caroline Murphy, Joanna Kelly , Yit Yang, Andrew Lotery, Michael Williams and John Brazier was published under the incorrect Creative Commons (CC) license (CC-BY-NC). The correct license is CC-BY. Open access for this paper was funded by the NIHR HTA programme through Moorfields Eye Hospital.
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The original article has been corrected.