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. 2021 Aug 11;16(8):e0255294. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255294

Promoting youth mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study

Maya L Rosen 1,*, Alexandra M Rodman 1, Steven W Kasparek 1, Makeda Mayes 2, Malila M Freeman 1, Liliana J Lengua 3, Andrew N Meltzoff 2,3, Katie A McLaughlin 1
Editor: Helena R Slobodskaya4
PMCID: PMC8357139  PMID: 34379656


The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced novel stressors into the lives of youth. Identifying factors that protect against the onset of psychopathology in the face of these stressors is critical. We examine a wide range of factors that may protect youth from developing psychopathology during the pandemic. We assessed pandemic-related stressors, internalizing and externalizing psychopathology, and potential protective factors by combining two longitudinal samples of children and adolescents (N = 224, 7–10 and 13–15 years) assessed prior to the pandemic, during the stay-at-home orders, and six months later. We evaluated how family behaviors during the stay-at-home orders were related to changes in psychopathology during the pandemic, identified factors that moderate the association of pandemic-related stressors with psychopathology, and determined whether associations varied by age. Internalizing and externalizing psychopathology increased substantially during the pandemic. Higher exposure to pandemic-related stressors was associated with increases in internalizing and externalizing symptoms early in the pandemic and six months later. Having a structured routine, less passive screen time, lower exposure to news media about the pandemic, and to a lesser extent more time in nature and getting adequate sleep were associated with reduced psychopathology. The association between pandemic-related stressors and psychopathology was reduced for youths with limited passive screen time and was absent for children, but not adolescents, with lower news media consumption related to the pandemic. We provide insight into simple, practical steps families can take to promote resilience against mental health problems in youth during the COVID-19 pandemic and protect against psychopathology following pandemic-related stressors.


The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented changes in the lives of children and adolescents. These changes brought a sudden loss of structure, routine, and sense of control. Families faced unique stressors ranging from unexpected illness, sudden unemployment and financial stressors, difficulty accessing basic necessities, and increased caretaking responsibilities paired with the shift to remote work, among others [1, 2]. Social distancing guidelines have limited youth’s contact with friends, extended family, and teachers, which may increase isolation and loneliness. Schools traditionally provide resources that may buffer youth against the negative consequences of stressors—including supportive social interactions, physical exercise, consistent meals, and a structured routine—that were unavailable to many U.S. youth for a prolonged period of time during the pandemic. These disruptions and pandemic-related stressors are likely to increase risk for depression, anxiety, and behavior problems in youth. Here, we identify factors that may protect against increases in mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic in a longitudinal sample assessed both prior to the pandemic and during the stay-at-home order period. We focus on simple and practical strategies that families can take in an effort to promote positive mental health outcomes in children and adolescents during the pandemic.

Exposure to stressors is strongly related to the onset of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology in children and adolescents [38]. The powerful association between stress and psychopathology has been replicated in longitudinal studies [7, 9, 10], including following community stressors, such as natural disasters [11, 12] and terrorist attacks [1315]. Numerous pandemic-related experiences reflect novel stressors for youth and families, including unpredictability and daily routine disruptions [16, 17], unexpected loss of family members, friends, and loved ones [18], chronic exposure to information about threats to well-being and survival in situations that were previously safe [19], and social isolation [20]. Thus, exposure to pandemic-related stressors is likely to be associated with increases in anxiety, depression, and behavior problems in children and adolescents [1, 21, 22]. Indeed, emerging data demonstrates that youth psychopathology has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic [23].

Identifying factors that may promote youth well-being during the pandemic is a critical priority and has clear benefits for parents, pediatricians, and medical professionals. Leading theoretical models of resilience posit that factors that promote resilience exist across multiple levels including the individual, family, school, community, and broader cultural systems [2426]. Critically, during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic when schools were closed, stay-at-home orders were in place, and many community resources were shuttered, children were cut off from many common sources of resilience, particularly those occurring at the school and community levels. As such, home and family-level factors may have been of even greater importance than in normal circumstances. Furthermore, given the constraints faced by many families with children, we focus on a set of simple and practical strategies that are easily accessible, inexpensive, and require no specialized resources or services outside the home. We selected factors that have previously been associated with reduced child psychopathology or buffer against mental health problems following exposure to stressors, including: higher levels of physical activity [2729]; access to nature and the outdoors [3033]; a consistent daily routine providing structure and predictability [16, 34]; getting a sufficient amount of sleep, which is often disrupted following stressors [3537]; and lower levels of passive screen time and news media consumption, given that higher use has been associated with elevations in child psychopathology [38], particularly following community-level stressors, like terrorist attacks [3942].We also assessed the degree to which youth engaged in adaptive coping strategies during times of distress (e.g., exercising, seeking support from loved ones, or practicing mindfulness or meditation) [4345]. Finally, providing help for others in need is associated with reduced anxiety and depression [46, 47]. Here, we evaluated whether these nine simple and inexpensive strategies are (a) associated with reduced psychopathology symptoms during the pandemic and (b) buffer against the negative mental health consequences of pandemic-related stressors in children and adolescents.

We examined these questions by combining two longitudinal samples of children and adolescents whose mental health was assessed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in Seattle, Washington. This aspect of this study is critical because one of the strongest predictors of psychopathology during the pandemic is likely to be psychopathology prior to the pandemic. By controlling for pre-pandemic psychopathology, we are able to investigate changes in psychopathology that occurred during the pandemic. We then assessed pandemic-related stressors, internalizing and externalizing symptoms, and potential protective factors during six weeks between April and May of 2020—a period when the Seattle area was particularly hard-hit by the pandemic and stay-at-home orders were in place. We also followed up with participants six months later, between late November of 2020 and early January of 2021, to assess mental health. During this second follow-up, schools in the Seattle area were still operating virtually, social distancing guidelines were still in place, and new COVID-19 cases had reached a second peak. We examined whether exposure to pandemic-related stressors were associated with increases in internalizing and externalizing psychopathology, both concurrently and prospectively, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms. We explored whether the potential protective factors were associated with changes in psychopathology during the pandemic or moderated the association of pandemic-related stressors with changes in psychopathology both during the stay-at-home orders and six months later. Finally, we tested whether these associations varied as a function of age, to determine whether the associations of potentially protective factors with psychopathology were similar for children and adolescents both concurrently and prospectively. Given the unique context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we did not have strong hypotheses about which particular protective factors would be more beneficial to children or adolescents. However, we did hypothesize that adolescents would show a stronger association between pandemic-related stress and psychopathology given previous work that shows that adolescence is a period of particular vulnerability to mental health problems following stressful life events [6, 7, 4850].



Participants were recruited from two ongoing longitudinal studies of children and adolescents in the greater Seattle area. A sample of 224 youth aged 7–15 (Mage = 12.65, SD = 2.59, range: 7.64–15.24, 47.8% female) and a caregiver completed a battery of questionnaires to assess social behaviors and experiences and pandemic-related stressors. Participants also completed assessments of symptoms of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. Two participants did not complete these mental health assessments and therefore were excluded from analyses. Six months later, 184 of these youth (82% of the initial pandemic sample) and a caregiver again completed an assessment of internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Ten participants did not complete these mental health assessments and therefore were excluded from analyses at T2. The racial and ethnic background of participants reflected the Seattle area, with 66% of participants identifying as White, 11% as Black, 11% as Asian, 8% as Hispanic or Latino, and 3% as another race or ethnicity.

Children from the first sample were recruited from a study of younger children (N = 99) originally recruited between January 2016 and September 2017 [51, 52]. Between March 2018 and November 2018, a subset of the original sample (N = 90) participated in a follow-up assessment of mental health. All participants who participated at baseline were contacted for the current study during the period of stay-at-home orders of the pandemic. From this sample, 68 youths (68.9% of the original sample; Mage = 8.88, range: 7.64–10.21, 53% female) and a caregiver participated in the first time point of current study (during the stay-at-home orders) and 53 completed the six-month follow-up. Mental health assessments obtained at age 6–8 years were used to control for pre-pandemic psychopathology. Three participants did not complete the most recent assessment, and mental health assessments at age 5–6 were used to control for pre-pandemic psychopathology.

Adolescent participants were drawn from a longitudinal study of children followed from early childhood to adolescence and their mothers [53]. Participants completed the most recent assessment at age 11–12 years (N = 227) between June 2017 and October 2018. These participants were re-contacted for assessment for the current study. From this sample, 154 youths (Mage = 14.3, range: 13.12–15.24, 46% female) and their caregiver completed the current study (67.8% of the most recently assessed sample) and 121 completed the six-month follow-up. Mental health assessments at age 11–12 were used to control for pre-pandemic psychopathology.

These two samples came from the same general population (youth in the Seattle area from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds). Critically, these two samples did not differ with regards to socioeconomic status, as measured by the income-to-needs ratio, sex distribution (ps > .8), or in exposure to pandemic-related stressors (p = .907).

Participants were excluded from the parent studies based on the following criteria: IQ < 80, active substance dependence, psychosis, presence of pervasive developmental disorders (e.g., autism), and psychotropic medication use. Across both samples, legal guardians provided informed consent and youths provided assent via electronic signature obtained using Qualtrics (Provo, UT). All study procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Board at Harvard University. Youth and their caregivers were each paid $50 for participating in the first wave of the study and $35 for the second wave.


Parents and youth separately completed electronic surveys. Families contacted an experimenter if youth had trouble completing the surveys on their own, and an experimenter then called via phone or video chat and read the questions aloud and recorded their responses (this experimenter was blind to all data from the previous assessments). Data were collected during a six-week period between mid-April, 2020 and May 31st, 2020 (T1), during which schools were closed and stay-at-home orders were in place. A follow-up (T2) was conducted between late November 2020 and early January 2021 in which youth mental health was assessed again.

Pandemic-related stressors

We developed a set of questions to assess pandemic-related stressors (; see S1 File). The assessment included health, financial, social, school, and physical environment stressors that occurred within the preceding month, based on both caregiver and child report (See Table 1). Given that the COVID-19 pandemic presented a wide range of unique stressors that have not occurred in prior community-wide disruptions, it was necessary to create a novel measure to assess these types of experiences. It is standard practice in the field to do so when novel events occur for which existing stress measures do not adequately capture the full extent of specific types of stressful experiences (e.g., to understand the unique hurricane-related stressors that occurred during Hurricane Katrina or experiences specific to the terrorist attacks on September 11th or the Oklahoma City bombing [12, 41, 54, 55].

Table 1. COVID-19 pandemic-related stressors and potential protective factors.

Stressor Domain Description Number of Items
Health Stressors Participant contracted COVID-19; a parent, sibling or another relative contracted COVID-19; a partner or close friend contracted COVID-19; the participant knew someone who died of the virus; had a parent who was an essential worker (e.g. healthcare worker, grocery store worker) who was still working during the initial months of the pandemic. 7
Social having a difficult relationship with a parent or other member of the household that had gotten worse during the last month; experiencing loneliness a few times per week or more; and experiencing racism, prejudice or discrimination related to the pandemic. 4
Financial a parent was laid off or had other significant loss of employment; the family experienced food insecurity, assessed using previously-validated items [81, 82]; the family was evicted or otherwise were forced to leave their home because of financial reasons; the family experienced significant financial loss (e.g. due do loss of business, job loss, stock market losses, etc.). 4
School experiencing difficulty getting schoolwork done at home; the environment where the child does schoolwork is noisy. 2
Physical Environment crowding in the home based on the total number of people in the home divided by the approximate square footage reported by the parent [32] 1
Potential Protective Factor Description of Measurement
Physical Activity Total minutes of physical activity per week
Time in Nature Days per week they spent time in natural green spaces including parks, canals, nature areas, beaches, countryside, and farmland.
Time Outdoors Days per week participants spend time outside of their home (e.g. backyard or neighborhood street) for at least 30 minutes
News Consumption Time spent watching news coverage about the pandemic on a TV, computer, iPad or other electronic device per day. Scored as a binary variable with less than 2 hours per day being scored as 0, and 2 or more hours per day being scored as 1.
Passive Screen Time Hours per day, on average spent watching video on an electronic device, passively scrolling through social media, looking at websites and online news, watching movies and TV. Summed for total passive screen time
Sleep Quantity Binary measure computed using CDC recommended guidelines for children in this age range (9–12 hours per night for children aged 8–10; 8–9 hours per night for adolescents [83].
Daily Routine Participant report on a 4-point Likert scale about the extent to which their days had a fairly consistent routine.
Adaptive Coping Strategies Binary measure. Participants were given a 1 if they endorsed any of the following ways of dealing with distress related to the coronavirus: talked to family or friends, exercised, meditated, or engaged in self-care activities.
Helping in Community Binary measure. Participants were given a 1 if they endorsed having participated in any of the following activities: volunteering time at hospitals, donating or preparing food, donating money or supplies, giving shelter to displaced people, praying for others, writing letters or contacting isolated people, cheering on health care workers, or other ways of helping.

We created a composite of pandemic-related stressors using a cumulative risk approach, [56] by determining the presence of each potential stressors (exposed versus not exposed), and creating a risk score reflecting a count of these stressors (18 maximum). Importantly, many previous studies demonstrate the utility and convergent validity of cumulative stress measures in relation to health outcomes, with a greater number of stressors predicting higher levels of mental and physical health problems [56]. Here, we provide additional evidence for convergent validity by showing that the number of stressors is moderately associated with a measure of perceived stress as measured by the Perceived Stress Scale in this sample (r = 0.399). This value is similar to the correlation between stressful life events and perceived stress observed in the original validity studies used to create the Perceived Stress Scale (r = 0.24-.35) [57].

We also assessed pandemic-related stressors at T2. Importantly we only asked about stressors occurring between T1 and T2. If, for example, a participant had family member who became ill with COVID-19 in April 2020, this would be counted in the pandemic-related stressors at T1, but not at T2. We used pandemic-related stressors at T1 in all analyses (including prospective analyses) but report on pandemic-related stressors at T2 to illustrate the ongoing nature of the pandemic during the second wave of data collection.

Potential protective factors

We assessed nine potentially protective aspects of youth and family behavior during the prior month: (a) physical activity, (b) time spent in nature, (c) time spent outdoors, (d) screen time, (e) news consumption, (f) sleep quantity, (g) family routines, (h) coping strategies, and (i) helping others (, Table 1).

Internalizing and externalizing psychopathology

Psychopathology was assessed prior to the pandemic by parent and child report on the Youth Self Report (YSR) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) [58, 59]. The CBCL scales are widely used measures of youth emotional and behavioral problems and use normative data to generate age-standardized estimates of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. We used the highest T-scores from the caregiver or child on the Internalizing and Externalizing symptoms subscales as measures of pre-pandemic symptoms. The children who were 6–8 years old at the pre-pandemic time point did not complete the YSR; only the CBCL was used to compute their pre-pandemic symptoms at that time point. The use of the higher caregiver or child report for psychopathology is an implementation of the standard “or” rule used in combining caregiver and child reports of psychopathology. In this approach, if either a parent or child endorses a particular symptom it is counted with the assumption that if a symptom is reported, it is likely present. This is a standard approach in the literature on child psychopathology–for example it is how mental disorders are diagnosed in population-based studies of psychopathology in children and adolescents [60, 61].

To assess psychopathology at T1 and T2, parents and youths completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, a widely-used assessment of youth mental health [62]. The SDQ has good reliability and validity [63, 64] and correlates strongly with the CBCL/YSR [65]. We chose to use the SDQ to reduce participant burden, as it has substantially fewer items than the CBCL/YSR. We used the highest reported value on the Internalizing and Externalizing symptoms subscales from the caregiver or child.

Family income

At T1, we asked caregivers to report their total combined family income for the 12 months prior to the onset of the pandemic in 14 bins. The median of the income bins was used except for the lowest and highest bins which were assigned $14,570 and $150,000, respectively. We then calculated the income-to-needs ratio by dividing the family’s income by the federal poverty line for a family of that size in 2020, with values less than one indicating income below the poverty line. Nine caregivers did not provide information on family income and were thus excluded from analyses. Median income-to-needs ratio was 4.19 (min = 0.35, max = 8.41).

Statistical analysis

We used linear regression to investigate the questions of interest. Continuous predictors were standardized using a z-score. Analyses were performed in R using the lme4 package and standardized coefficients are presented. Continuous age, sex, income-to-needs ratio, and pre-pandemic symptoms measured using the CBCL/YSR prior to the pandemic were included as covariates in all analyses. First, we examined the association of pandemic-related stressors with internalizing and externalizing symptoms, both concurrently and prospectively. Next, we examined the association of potential protective factors with internalizing and externalizing problems, both concurrently and prospectively. Then, we tested whether these factors moderated the association of pandemic-related stressors with psychopathology, both concurrently and prospectively. Finally, we computed interactions of each protective factor with age predicting psychopathology and the interaction of pandemic-related stressors, each potential protective factor, and age predicting psychopathology, both concurrently and prospectively. Simple slopes analysis was used to follow-up on significant interactions using the R pequod package. Stratification for simple slope analyses in analyses that used continuous moderators were conducted using a median split. In the case of age analyses, because there was a gap in age between the oldest children (10 years) and the youngest adolescents (13 years), stratifying by sample for these purposes was equivalent to stratifying by a median split. False discovery rate (FDR) correction was applied at the level of hypothesis such that we corrected for comparisons at T1 and T2 (e.g., association between physical activity and internalizing psychopathology at T1 and T2). Listwise deletion was used to handle missing data at T2, excluding participants from analysis who did not complete the second follow-up during the pandemic.


Prior to the pandemic, 71 participants (31.7% of the sample) were in the subclinical or clinical range for internalizing problems and 39 participants (17.4% of the sample) were in the subclinical or clinical range for externalizing problems. Internalizing and externalizing symptoms increased substantially during the early phase of the pandemic. Specifically, 127 (56.7%) were in the subclinical or clinical range for internalizing problems and 126 (56.2%) were in the subclinical or clinical range for externalizing problems at the beginning of the pandemic.

See S1 File for the frequency of different domains of stressors at T1 and T2 (S1 Table in S1 File), the distribution of potential protective factors and psychopathology symptoms before and after the pandemic (S2 Table in S1 File), bivariate correlations between all study variables (S3 Table in S1 File) and associations between individual stressors and psychopathology at T1 and T2 (S4 Table in S1 File).

As expected, one of the strongest predictors of psychopathology during the pandemic was pre-pandemic psychopathology (see S3 Table in S1 File). Therefore, it is important to highlight that all analyses controlled for pre-pandemic psychopathology to assess changes in psychopathology specific to the pandemic period.

Pandemic-related stressors and psychopathology

The number of pandemic-related stressors was strongly associated with increases in both internalizing (β = 0.345, p < .001), and externalizing symptoms (β = 0.297, p < .001) symptoms during the pandemic, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms (Fig 1). As expected, pre-pandemic symptoms were also strongly associated psychopathology during the pandemic in this model (β = 0.279, p < .001 and β = 0.296, p < .001 for internalizing and externalizing psychopathology, respectively).

Fig 1. Main effects of pandemic-related stressors and psychopathology.

Fig 1

All analyses control for age, sex, income-to-needs and pre-pandemic psychopathology symptoms.

Similarly, the number of pandemic-related stressors early in the pandemic was positively associated with internalizing (β = 0.243, p = .001) and externalizing (β = 0.288, p < .001) symptoms later in the pandemic, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms (Fig 1). Again, pre-pandemic symptoms were strongly associated with internalizing and externalizing problems at T2 (β = 0.260, p = .001 and β = 0.278, p < .001, respectively).

The association of pandemic-related stressors with internalizing symptoms varied by age (β = 0. 0.602, p = .043), such that the association was stronger among adolescents (simple slope: b = 0.437, p < .001) than children (simple slope: b = 0.220, p = .004) concurrently. There were interactions between age and pandemic-related stressors in predicting externalizing symptoms concurrently or prospectively.

Potential protective factors

Associations of potential protective factors with concurrent psychopathology and interactions with stress and age are summarized in Table 2. Associations of potential protective factors with prospective psychopathology and interactions with stress and age are summarized in Table 3.

Table 2. Associations of potential protective factors with psychopathology and interactions with stress and age at T1.

Significant associations are presented in BOLD and marginal associations are presented in italics.

Protective Factors Internalizing Externalizing Age Internalizing Interaction Age Externalizing Interaction
  β p β p β p β p
Physical Activity Main effect -0.120 0.132 -0.016 0.900 0.075 0.826 0.391 0.243
Stress Interaction -0.153 0.191 -0.146 0.448 0.151 0.790 0.609 0.588
Time in Nature Main effect -0.124 0.074 0.029 0.777 0.045 0.885 0.139 0.658
Stress Interaction -0.067 0.602 0.013 0.913 -0.580 0.271 0.218 0.682
Time Outdoors Main effect 0.000 0.999 0.018 0.779 -0.455 0.144 -0.215 0.484
Stress Interaction -0.088 0.846 -0.238 0.112 -0.146 0.793 0.613 0.381
Passive Screen Time Main effect 0.059 0.431 0.272 0.0004 -1.084 0.074 -0.979 0.087
Stress Interaction 0.561 0.002 0.329 0.050 -1.399 0.368 0.729 0.531
News Consumption Main effect 0.093 0.374 0.193 0.010 -0.741 0.083 -0.312 0.453
Stress Interaction 0.273 0.074 0.197 0.136 -1.474 0.028 0.389 0.771
Sleep Quantity Main effect -0.018 0.995 -0.061 0.370 0.674 0.130 0.551 0.126
Stress Interaction -0.171 0.326 0.094 0.762 -1.728 0.064 -0.623 0.451
Daily Routine Main effect -0.022 0.736 -0.122 0.058 -0.062 0.854 -0.011 0.974
Stress Interaction -0.197 0.211 -0.131 0.535 0.206 0.766 0.214 0.763
Adaptive Coping Main effect 0.061 0.688 0.124 0.102 -0.436 0.377 -0.040 0.906
Stress Interaction 0.177 0.276 -0.083 0.488 -0.587 0.630 1.225 0.078
Helping Main effect 0.002 0.978 0.012 0.848 0.401 0.231 0.186 0.575
Stress Interaction -0.059 0.623 -0.081 0.968 -0.348 0.571 0.674 0.281

Table 3. Associations of potential protective factors with psychopathology and interactions with stress and age at T2.

Significant associations are presented in BOLD and marginal associations are presented in italics.

Protective Factors Internalizing Externalizing Age Internalizing Interaction Age Externalizing Interaction
  β p β p β p β p
Physical Activity Main effect -0.049 0.515 0.009 0.900 -0.126 0.826 0.534 0.243
Stress Interaction -0.241 0.179 0.028 0.816 0.712 0.686 -0.182 0.802
Time in Nature Main effect -0.136 0.074 -0.021 0.777 -0.264 0.885 0.371 0.516
Stress Interaction 0.077 0.602 0.069 0.913 -0.706 0.271 -0.869 0.300
Time Outdoors Main effect -0.048 0.999 0.066 0.750 -0.566 0.144 -0.351 0.484
Stress Interaction 0.029 0.846 -0.163 0.254 0.543 0.793 0.568 0.381
Passive Screen Time Main effect 0.097 0.431 0.157 0.076 -1.953 0.030 -1.264 0.087
Stress Interaction 0.401 0.049 0.606 0.003 -1.243 0.368 1.158 0.531
News Consumption Main effect -0.040 0.627 0.114 0.152 -1.743 0.004 -0.932 0.170
Stress Interaction 0.034 0.829 0.223 0.136 -2.199 0.018 0.238 0.771
Sleep Quantity Main effect 0.000 0.995 -0.158 0.080 0.299 0.479 0.682 0.126
Stress Interaction 0.045 0.761 0.043 0.762 -1.685 0.089 -1.562 0.184
Daily Routine Main effect 0.034 0.736 -0.164 0.049 -0.129 0.854 0.589 0.238
Stress Interaction -0.191 0.221 0.092 0.535 -0.648 0.766 -0.865 0.666
Adaptive Coping Main effect -0.015 0.845 0.103 0.156 -0.353 0.377 -0.152 0.906
Stress Interaction 0.099 0.506 0.153 0.488 -0.149 0.849 0.218 0.767
Helping Main effect 0.036 0.978 0.026 0.848 0.835 0.064 -0.237 0.575
Stress Interaction -0.088 0.623 -0.005 0.968 1.296 0.186 1.054 0.281

Physical activity

Physical activity was unrelated to psychopathology concurrently or prospectively.

Time spent in nature and outdoors

Greater time spent in nature was marginally associated with lower internalizing problems both concurrently and prospectively (Fig 2A and 2B), controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms. Time spent outdoors was unrelated to psychopathology. Age did not moderate any of these associations.

Fig 2. Main effects of protective factors on psychopathology.

Fig 2

All analyses controlled for age, sex, income-to-needs, and pre-pandemic psychopathology symptoms.

News consumption and passive screen time

Early in the pandemic, youths who spent less time on digital devices each day had lower externalizing symptoms (Fig 2C and 2D), controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms. Consuming <2 hours of news per day was also associated with reduced externalizing symptoms early in the pandemic (Fig 2G).

The longitudinal association between screen time and internalizing symptoms varied by age (S1 Fig in S1 File), such that children showed a positive association between screen time and internalizing psychopathology six months later (b = 0.572, p = .008), but adolescents did not (b = -0.074, p = .512).

Age moderated the association between news consumption and internalizing psychopathology prospectively. Specifically, while children showed a positive association between news consumption and internalizing psychopathology at T2 (b = 0.438, p = 0.015), adolescents showed a negative association between news consumption and internalizing psychopathology at T2 (b = -0.299, p = .015).

Screen time moderated the association of pandemic-related stressors with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology concurrently and prospectively (Fig 3). Specifically, youths who spent more time on screens showed a strong positive association of pandemic-related stressors with concurrent (b = 0.513, p < .001) and prospective (b = .335, p < .001) internalizing symptoms as well as both concurrent (b = 0.285, p < .001) and prospective (b = .383, p < .001) externalizing problems that was absent for youths who spent less time on screens at both time points (b = 0.020–0.061, p = .445-.935).

Fig 3. Passive screen time x stress interaction.

Fig 3

Low screen time use buffers against pandemic-related increases in internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. All analyses control for age, sex, income-to-needs ratio, and pre-pandemic psychopathology symptoms.

A three-way interaction was observed between news consumption, age, and pandemic-related stressors in predicting internalizing symptoms both concurrently and prospectively (Fig 4). Pandemic-related stressors were unrelated to internalizing problems concurrently (b = -.087, p = .502) or prospectively (b = -0.036, p = .808) among children who consumed <2 hours of news media per day, but were strongly associated with internalizing psychopathology both concurrently (b = 0.39 2, p < .001) and prospectively (b = 0.328, p = .026) among children with >2 hours daily news consumption. Among adolescents, pandemic-related stressors were strongly associated with internalizing problems concurrently (b = 0.409–0.452, p < .001), regardless of news consumption. Adolescents who consumed low levels of news during the stay-at-home orders showed a positive association between pandemic-related stressors and internalizing psychopathology six months later (b = 0.509, p = .002), while adolescents who consumed more news did not (b = 0.113, p = .346).

Fig 4. Age x stress x news interaction.

Fig 4

Low news consumption buffers children, but not adolescents, against pandemic-related increases in internalizing psychopathology concurrently (A) and prospectively (B). All analyses control for age, sex, income-to-needs ratio, and pre-pandemic psychopathology symptoms.

Sleep quantity

Getting the recommended number of hours of sleep was unrelated to psychopathology concurrently. However, getting the recommended amount of sleep during the stay-at-home orders was marginally associated with lower levels of externalizing psychopathology six months later, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms (Fig 2H). These associations did not vary by age.


Youths with a more structured daily routine had lower externalizing (Fig 2E and 2F) six months later. No associations of a structured routine were found with internalizing symptoms, and no interactions with age or stress emerged.

Coping strategies

There was no significant association between engaging in adaptive coping strategies with psychopathology concurrently or prospectively.

Helping others

Helping in one’s community was unrelated to psychopathology concurrently or prospectively.


The present study identifies simple and practical behaviors that are associated with well-being among children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Critically, this study involved a longitudinal sample of children and adolescents for which mental health had been assessed prior to the pandemic, during the stay-at-home orders, and six months later allowing us to investigate psychopathology during the pandemic while controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms. As expected, we found that youths who experienced greater pandemic-related stressors had higher levels of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. Importantly, greater pandemic-related stressors during the stay-at-home orders were also prospectively associated with higher levels of both internalizing and externalizing psychopathology six months later. Critically, we identified several factors—including a structured daily routine, low passive screen time use, low news media consumption about the pandemic, and to a lesser extent spending more time spent in nature and getting the recommended amount of sleep—that are associated with better mental health outcomes in youth during the pandemic. We additionally demonstrate that the strong association between pandemic-related stressors and psychopathology is absent among children with lower amounts of screen time and news media consumption.

Youth who had a structured and predictable daily routine were less likely to experience increases in externalizing problems during the pandemic than youth with less structured routines. A sudden loss of routine has occurred for many families during the pandemic related to school closures, changes in parental work arrangements, and loss of access to activities outside the home for youth and adolescents. These disruptions in daily routine are associated with increased risk for behavior problems in youth during the pandemic, consistent with prior work suggesting that lack of predictability is strongly linked to youth psychopathology [16, 34, 66, 67]. Moreover, a recent paper during the pandemic showed that preschoolers in families that maintained a structured routine during the pandemic showed lower rates of depression and externalizing problems, over and above the effect of food insecurity, socioeconomic status, dual-parent status, maternal depression, and stress [68]. Our current findings extend this work by demonstrating that a structured routine may also be important for older children and adolescents. Although maintaining routine and structure is challenging as school closures continue and many aspects of daily life remain unpredictable, creating a structured daily routine for children and adolescents may promote better mental health during the pandemic.

Greater passive screen time use was associated with higher levels of externalizing psychopathology early in the pandemic, and greater passive screen time use was associated with higher internalizing psychopathology later in the pandemic for children but not adolescents. Additionally, the strong association of pandemic-related stressors with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology both concurrently and prospectively was reduced in children and adolescents with low passive screen time use. Previous studies have argued that the increases in screen time use over the last decade may be responsible for rising levels of anxiety and depression among children and adolescents [38]. However, others have suggested that greater screen time use may not have negative impacts [69, 70] and that psychopathology and digital device use have a reciprocal association with one another [71]. During the pandemic, youths were encouraged to use digital devices more than ever for school and social connection, which are likely to be beneficial for their development. Here, we measured passive use of digital devices, including watching videos on an electronic device, passively scrolling through social media, looking at websites and online news, and watching movies and TV—excluding more active uses of digital devices for schooling and social communication. Greater research is needed to determine whether the amount of passive screen time itself has negative effects on youth mental health or whether this association simply reflects that greater time on digital devices takes time away from other important behaviors such as exercise, sleep, or connecting with friends or family. Indeed, in the present study, screen time was inversely related with sleep quantity (S3 Table in S1 File). Therefore, one reason that youths with lower screen time use may be buffered against pandemic-related increases in psychopathology is because they are engaging in other behaviors that promote well-being such as getting sufficient sleep, among others. Together, these findings suggest some potential benefits associated with limiting passive screen time among youth during the pandemic.

Our findings also suggest that limiting news consumption about the pandemic may be beneficial, particularly for younger children. Greater news media consumption about the pandemic was associated with higher levels of externalizing problem early in the pandemic. Moreover, the strong association between pandemic-related stressors and internalizing psychopathology was absent in children who consumed lower levels of news media, although pandemic-related stressors were positively associated with internalizing symptoms in adolescents regardless of news consumption concurrently. This finding is broadly consistent with previous studies observing strong associations between media exposure about community-level stressors, including terrorist attacks and natural disasters, and higher rates of psychopathology in children and adolescents [41, 42, 7274]. Interestingly, the same pattern persisted for children six months into the pandemic, while for adolescents who consumed more news during the stay-at-home orders showed a weaker association between stress and internalizing psychopathology six months later than those who consumed less news. Therefore, it is possible that for adolescents, having more knowledge about the pandemic early on may have been beneficial over time. Together these findings suggest that limiting certain types of news media exposure may protect against pandemic-related increases in internalizing problems, especially among young children. Importantly, this does not imply that parents should refrain from discussing the pandemic or hide the realities from their children. In fact, previous studies have found that honest conversations between parents and children provide an important protection against the development of psychopathology in the wake of natural disasters [75]. Therefore, we suggest limiting sensational news media consumption, in favor of talking to children about what is happening, listening to their concerns, and answering their questions in an age-appropriate manner.

Additionally, we found weaker and only marginally significant associations between time spent in nature and getting the recommended amount of sleep with youth psychopathology during the pandemic. We briefly discuss these findings here, as they highlight additional strategies that could be beneficial to families when considering how to support the mental health of their children during the pandemic. Greater time spent in nature was marginally associated with lower increases in internalizing symptoms relative to pre-pandemic symptoms both concurrently and prospectively. These findings are broadly consistent with prior evidence that spending at least two hours in nature per week is associated with greater well-being in adults [31] and better mental health in children [76]. Additionally, the association of stressors with well-being is reduced among children with greater access to nature [77]. Encouraging youths to spend time in nature may also be beneficial for mental health during the pandemic. In addition, children and adolescents who got the recommended amount of sleep at the beginning of the pandemic showed marginally lower levels of externalizing psychopathology six months later. These findings highlight the importance of encouraging youths to get an adequate amount sleep. Given the negative association between screen time and sleep duration both here and in prior work [78], reducing access to digital devices prior to bedtime may be one simple strategy parents can use to make it easier for their children to get an adequate amount of sleep.


The present study has several limitations which should be acknowledged. First, we relied on self-report measures of behavior, which can be inaccurate due to recall bias. Future studies may benefit from using actigraphy to assess physical activity and sleep, geolocation to measure time spent in nature and outdoors, and direct reports of screen time use and news media consumption from digital devices for more accurate measures of potential protective factors. Second, while the longitudinal nature of the present study is a strength, it only included two snapshots of youth behavior and mental health during the pandemic. It will be important to continue to follow youths throughout the pandemic to determine factors that promote long-term risk and resilience. Third, we used a different measure of psychopathology prior to the pandemic (CBCL/YSR) than after the onset of the pandemic (SDQ). While it would have been ideal to have the same measure at all time points, the CBCL/YSR is much longer than the SDQ and we were focused on minimizing participant burden during a period of time when families were facing numerous stressors and loss of access to typical childcare options. Thus, we chose to use a shorter questionnaire that is strongly correlated with the CBCL/YSR [62, 65, 79, 80]. Relatedly, we asked questions about potential protective factors in our COVID Experiences Survey, rather than using longer validated scales for each of the factors (e.g. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children, Media Parenting Practices, Family Routines Inventory, German Coping Questionnaire for `Children and Adolescents, etc.). This choice was made to maximize the information gained about each family, while minimizing participant burden and thus maximizing our sample size. Fourth, we combined data from two separate samples of children (aged 7–10 and 13–15 at T1). Both samples were recruited using similar methods from the same target population, and we had identical measures of pre-pandemic psychopathology on both samples. Moreover, the samples did not differ in demographics, SES, or exposure to pandemic-related stressors. However, using two samples with a gap in age limited our ability to understand age effects across the entire spectrum of childhood and adolescence. Fifth, we demonstrate the predictive validity of the pandemic-related stress measure via moderate associations with psychopathology at both waves as well as a measure of perceived stress. However, this cumulative risk approach is limited in that it weights stressors equally that could have variable impacts. Future work should investigate whether specific stressors have been more strongly linked to changes in mental health during the pandemic (see S4 Table in S1 File for associations of specific stressors and psychopathology at T1 and T2). Finally, the present study is correlational and we are therefore limited in our ability to make causal inferences about the factors that promote well-being during the pandemic. However, given the extensive literature about the links between these factors and youth mental health, there is little reason to expect downsides to encouraging families to engage in these types of protective behaviors with their children and adolescents during the pandemic.

Conclusions and practical implications

We identify practical and easily accessible strategies that may promote greater well-being for children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on these findings, we suggest that parents encourage youth to develop a structured daily routine, limit passive screen time use, limit exposure to news media—particularly for young children, and to a lesser extent spend more time in nature, and encourage youth to get the recommended amount of sleep.

Supporting information

S1 File. Please see the S1 File for frequencies of exposures to pandemic-related stressors by domain (S1 Table), distribution of potential protective factors and psychopathology symptoms (S2 Table), bivariate correlation table of all study variables (S3 Table), associations between individual stressors and psychopathology symptoms (S4 Table), age by screen time interaction predicting internalizing symptoms (S1 Fig), and the full COVID experiences surveys (caregiver and child).



The authors would also like to acknowledge Reshma Sreekala for help with data collection and Frances Li for help with compiling surveys.

Data Availability

All data are available on open science framework

Funding Statement

Funding/Support: This work was supported by the Bezos Family Foundation (to ANM) for collection of data. This work was also supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human development (F32 HD089514 and K99 HD099203 to MLR) and the National Institute of Mental Health (R01 MH106482 to KAM).


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Decision Letter 0

Helena R Slobodskaya

19 May 2021


Promoting youth mental health during COVID-19: A Longitudinal Study spanning pre- and post-pandemic


Dear Dr. Rosen,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

Unfortunately, no one of the suggested reviewers agreed to provide comments. Therefore, I invited new reviewers; some of them declined the invitation to review, others have not responded. All this caused the unwanted delay in reviewing your paper. The number of reviews required for your manuscript has been received on May 16th. Comments from the two reviewers appear below. After reading the paper myself, I would suggest you to consider the presentation and discussion of the findings for a three-way age x coping x stress interaction .

On page 15, the 1st paragraph states that adolescents, in contrast to young children, showed the opposite pattern of associations between pandemic-related stress and externalizing problems. However, the description of the findings for children and adolescents seems very similar. The Discussion, lines 441-443 states: “children who engaged in more coping strategies showed a stronger association between stress and externalizing symptoms concurrently”. This seems opposite to the findings reported on lines 335-336. I would suggest to present and discuss this finding more clearly. A figure presenting this three-way interaction would be very helpful to the reader.

Discussion, lines 359-360: “the strong association between pandemic-related stressors and psychopathology is absent” – please reformulate to make it clearer.

Please submit your revised manuscript by Jul 03 2021 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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Kind regards,

Helena R. Slobodskaya, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Partly


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The present manuscript investigated longitudinal effects of stressors related to the COVID-19 pandemic on youth’s (7-15 years) psychopathological development as well as possible protective factors. Stressors were positively related to internalizing and externalizing symptoms half a year later. Exercise, a structured routing, and less screen time were related to less psychopathological symptoms. Authors discuss practical steps promoting the positive adjustment of families and youth to the stressful environment of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall evaluation

The manuscript addresses an important practical question on the psychological factors benefitting youth during the exposure to COVID-19 related stressors. However, the manuscript suffers from limitations mainly concerning theoretical background, hypotheses, methodology, and the results.

Major Concerns

Literature Review: The review presents a host of findings linking stress factors to youth’s psychopathological symptoms. However, the deduction of hypotheses seems largely theoretically unmotivated. Given the uniquely stressful environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, developmental theories should be included to predict expected effects and age differences. For example, while the inclusion of potentially protective factors understandably relies on practicability, it would be important to get more insights into their relation to developmental theories.

In addition, hypotheses should be more clearly specified with respect to the expected effects, especially concerning potential age differences between children and youth.

Finally, it seems questionable to call the follow-up measurement a post-pandemic assessment, given that many stressors may persist into this timeframe. Authors should give a more detailed overview over the respective pandemic-related restrictions and social-distancing measures so that one can get an idea of the exposure to stressors during the second measurement point. Otherwise the findings might be explained by youth’s increasing adaptation to the ongoing pandemic as much as by a change in pandemic-related stressors.

Method: The creation of the scales assessing potential protective factors and pandemic-related stressors should be described in more detail (e.g., reliability). Given that protective factors seem less pandemic-specific than the stressors, why did authors not rely on an established scale?

What was the rationale behind selecting the highest values of caregiver or child on the CBCL and the SDQ? This seems at odds with the way theses scales are usually used and introduces the problem that some values are self-reported (if youth values were chosen) while other values are reports from caregivers.

In addition, why was the measure of psychopathology not kept constant from the pre-pandemic assessment? The comparison with pre-pandemic levels of psychopathology would be more informative if both measurement points had used the same measure.

Results: Running separate analyses for each of the protective factors seems questionable and also gives rise to the problem of inflating the alpha-error probability. Perhaps one could combine protective factors based on their correlational structure to obtain less factors overall. This seems also more feasible with the composite score of pandemic-related stressors that authors describe in the methods.

In addition, it would be interesting to see how levels of psychopathology changed from pre-pandemic to T1 to get insights into a possible increase in psychopathological symptoms after the onset of the pandemic.


p. 6 line 135: typo - drawn

p. 6 lines 130 and 139: “their” instead of “a” careviger

Reviewer #2: Thank you for the opportunity to review this interesting, timely, and well-written manuscript. In this paper, the authors provide a thoughtful examination of which protective (and easily modifiable) factors in the child’s ecology may mitigate internalizing and externalizing symptom distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. The introduction is well formulated and provides a good overview of the literature. There are many strengths to this paper, including its longitudinal design with pre-post measurements and two COVID-19 time points, practical approach to identifying modifiable protective factors, and multi-informant data. However, my enthusiasm was tempered by the amalgamation of two samples varying by developmental period and some of the analytic choices. Below I provide some suggestions to increase clarity, transparency, and impact.

Certainly, a major strength of the paper is the availability of pre-pandemic internalizing and externalizing symptoms and controlling for these in analyses. While the authors provide strong justification in the introduction for why stress should increase during COVID-19 and for their moderator variables, I do think it should be noted in the intro that the strongest predictor of pandemic internalizing/externalizing problems is likely to be pre-pandemic mental health difficulties. This is implied but not explicitly stated in the introduction and is evident when exploring the correlation matrix where associations between baseline (pre-pandemic) and COVID-19 internalizing and externalizing are strong (and much larger than any of the other variables included). This finding should also be noted at the outset of the results and/or in the discussion because it contextualizes the findings.

The authors aptly note several factors that may be associated with child stress and increased behavior problems during COVID-19. These could all independently predict child outcomes. What is the justification for combining these into a cumulative risk composite? From a developmental psychopathology perspective, I understand, but the justification is needed nonetheless, especially for those less familiar with cumulative risk.

It is not until the methods that one discovered the sample is in fact two separate longitudinal samples. Greater justification is needed to combine two different samples, especially with such different age ranges and developmental periods. The authors should be more transparent in the abstract and the introduction about this fact, and also should justify why these samples should be combined (other than to increase sample size).


1. “174 of these youth” add (77.7% of original sample) so that attrition is clearly stated.

2. Do these two samples differ on any demographic or levels of the stress or protective factors? These should be tested and noted and sign differences should be included as covariates.

3. Going along with point #2, did all children provide self-reports of behavior problems? I am assuming that the 6-8 year olds did not pre-pandemic. This needs to be made clear as the multi-informant data is a strength, but it’s not clear how extensive this multi-informant data stretches.

4. Why the switch from the CBCL to the SDQ?

5. Using the highest t-score for either rater – is there support for this in the literature? Why not average informants?

6. What are the alphas for the behavioral problem measures?

7. With close to 25% of the sample lost at the COVID follow up, how was missing data handled?

8. Adding child sex and pre-pandemic mental health is a strength of this paper. But why not add child ethnicity and family income, for of which predict the outcomes in this paper. I also think age should be added as a covariate (versus stratifying by age).

9. Given the number of analyses run, the authors should adjust the p-value for multiple contrasts.


1. Are patterns of associations similar across the two samples?

2. “The number of pandemic-related stressors was strongly associated with increases in both internalizing (�=0.322 [0.211, 0.432], and externalizing symptoms (�=0.225 [0.136, 0.314], 208 p<.001), symptoms during the pandemic, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms”. Can you add the estimates here for the pre-pandemic symptoms so that the magnitude of effects can be directly evaluated (by the reader). As far as I can tell, this data is not in any of the tables/figures. Please report the pandemic-related stressors to psychopathology analyses in a table and include covariates to ensure the findings hold with these variables included. This is especially important given the sample differences.

3. Are the stratification analyses by age simply a stratification by the two samples? If so, they should be presented as such for more clarity and age as a continuous measure should be used a co-variate in analyses.


1. “mental health had been carefully assessed prior to the pandemic” remove carefully here as that implies diagnostic interviews were conducted. They were simply assessed pre-pandemic (this alone, as noted, is a strength).

2. Routines paragraph. The authors may be interested in this newly published article. Glynn, L. M., Davis, E. P., Luby, J. L., Baram, T. Z., & Sandman, C. A. (2021). A predictable home environment may protect child mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurobiology of Stress, 14, 100291.

3. Marginally significant findings. Given the number of contrasts run, (and once corrections are implemented these will be less significant), these should not be discussed.

4. Limitations. Self-report measures can be inaccurate – how? This won’t be obvious to all readers. Another limitation is the change in measurement from pre to during the pandemic (CBCL to SDQ). Also, the sample size, which cuts across two different developmental periods, lacks some power.

5. Given that the authors “pitch” in the intro that identifying simple and practical strategies that are easily accessible, inexpensive, and require no specialized resources outside the home” could be informative, I expected to see a practical implications section in the discussion. While some suggestions are provided throughout the discussion, a designated section for the implications for the simple and practical strategies recommended to mitigate subsequent risk is welcome.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2021 Aug 11;16(8):e0255294. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255294.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

28 Jun 2021

Comments to the Author

** Denotes beginning of author response, *** denotes end of author response

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Partly

2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No

3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The present manuscript investigated longitudinal effects of stressors related to the COVID-19 pandemic on youth’s (7-15 years) psychopathological development as well as possible protective factors. Stressors were positively related to internalizing and externalizing symptoms half a year later. Exercise, a structured routing, and less screen time were related to less psychopathological symptoms. Authors discuss practical steps promoting the positive adjustment of families and youth to the stressful environment of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall evaluation

The manuscript addresses an important practical question on the psychological factors benefitting youth during the exposure to COVID-19 related stressors. However, the manuscript suffers from limitations mainly concerning theoretical background, hypotheses, methodology, and the results.

Major Concerns

Literature Review: The review presents a host of findings linking stress factors to youth’s psychopathological symptoms. However, the deduction of hypotheses seems largely theoretically unmotivated. Given the uniquely stressful environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, developmental theories should be included to predict expected effects and age differences. For example, while the inclusion of potentially protective factors understandably relies on practicability, it would be important to get more insights into their relation to developmental theories.


We appreciate the reviewer highlighting the need for a stronger theoretical framing of this manuscript. We have edited both the introduction and the discussion to reflect theoretical frameworks of resilience across development (Masten et al., 2021). In particular, we discuss how resilience factors exist across different levels from the individual, family and home, to the school and neighborhood. Importantly, during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic when our first assessments were acquired schools were closed, stay at home orders were in place, and many community resources were also shuttered. As a result, children were cut off from many common sources of resilience, particularly those occurring at the school and neighborhood levels, as well as those stemming from interactions with peers. Therefore, we focus in this paper on home and family level sources of resilience. We chose specific factors that have previously been shown to be associated with better mental health outcomes or to buffer against the effect of stress on youth psychopathology. Additionally, we focused on specific behaviors that could still be engaged in even during the restrictive period of early stay-at-home orders of the pandemic. We have updated the introduction to reflect this framework.

Page 4, Line 80 – Page 5, Line 103 :

“Leading theoretical models of resilience posit that factors that promote resilience exist across multiple levels including the individual, family, school, community, and broader cultural systems (24–26). Critically, during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic when schools were closed, stay at home orders were in place, and many community resources were shuttered, children were cut off from many common sources of resilience, particularly those occurring at the school and community levels. As such, home and family-level factors may have been of even greater importance than in normal circumstances. Furthermore, given the constraints faced by many families with children, we focus on a set of simple and practical strategies that are easily accessible, inexpensive, and require no specialized resources or services outside the home. We selected factors that have previously been associated with reduced child psychopathology or buffer against mental health problems following exposure to stressors, including: higher levels of physical activity(27–29); access to nature and the outdoors(30–33); a consistent daily routine providing structure and predictability(16,34); getting a sufficient amount of sleep, which is often disrupted following stressors(35–37); and lower levels of passive screen time and news media consumption, given that higher use has been associated with elevations in child psychopathology(38), particularly following community-level stressors, like terrorist attacks(39–42).We also assessed the degree to which youth engaged in adaptive coping strategies during times of distress (e.g., exercising, seeking support from loved ones, or practicing mindfulness or meditation)(43–45). Finally, providing help for others in need is associated with reduced anxiety and depression(46,47). Here, we evaluated whether these nine simple and inexpensive strategies are (a) associated with reduced psychopathology symptoms during the pandemic and (b) buffer against the negative mental health consequences of pandemic-related stressors in children and adolescents.”


In addition, hypotheses should be more clearly specified with respect to the expected effects, especially concerning potential age differences between children and youth.


Given the unique context of the pandemic and lack of prior data on similar long-term disruptions in children’s daily lives, we didn’t have strong expectations of which of these specific factors would be particularly beneficial to children or adolescents. However, we did hypothesize that adolescents would show a stronger association between pandemic-related stress and psychopathology given previous work that shows that adolescents is a period of particular vulnerability to mental health problems following stressful life events (Grant, 2003, 2004, Espejo 2007, Larson & Ham 1993, Monroe, 1999). We highlight this in the updated version of the manuscript.

Page 6 Lines 124 - 129:

“Given the unique context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we did not have strong hypotheses about which particular protective factors would be more beneficial to children or adolescents. However, we did hypothesize that adolescents would show a stronger association between pandemic-related stress and psychopathology given previous work that shows that adolescence is a period of particular vulnerability to mental health problems following stressful life events (6,7,48–50).”


Finally, it seems questionable to call the follow-up measurement a post-pandemic assessment, given that many stressors may persist into this timeframe. Authors should give a more detailed overview over the respective pandemic-related restrictions and social-distancing measures so that one can get an idea of the exposure to stressors during the second measurement point. Otherwise the findings might be explained by youth’s increasing adaptation to the ongoing pandemic as much as by a change in pandemic-related stressors.


We agree with the reviewer that the use of the term “post-pandemic” implied that the pandemic was not still ongoing. This is inaccurate for both T1 (April – May 2020) and T2 (November 2020 – January 2021). During T2, while the strict stay-at-home orders had been lifted in the Seattle area, cases had spiked again, mask mandates and social distancing measures were still in place, and schools were still operating virtually.

We have thus edited the title accordingly: “Promoting youth mental health during COVID-19: A Longitudinal Study”

Additionally, we provide a supplemental table (Supplemental Table 1) with additional information about pandemic-related stressors (by category) at T2. Importantly we only asked about new stressors at T2 (since the last time we had contacted them). So, if for example, a participant had family member who became ill with COVID-19 in April 2020, this would be counted in the pandemic-related stressors at T1, but not at T2.

We have updated the manuscript accordingly.


Page 5, Lines 114-116:

“During this second follow-up, schools in the Seattle area were still operating virtually, social distancing guidelines were still in place, and new COVID-19 cases had reached a second peak.”

Page 9, Lines 205 – 210:

“We also assessed pandemic-related stressors at T2. Importantly we only asked about stressors occurring between T1 and T2. If, for example, a participant had family member who became ill with COVID-19 in April 2020, this would be counted in the pandemic-related stressors at T1, but not at T2. We used pandemic-related stressors at T1 in all analyses (including prospective analyses) but report on pandemic-related stressors at T2 to illustrate the ongoing nature of the pandemic during the second wave of data collection.”


Method: The creation of the scales assessing potential protective factors and pandemic-related stressors should be described in more detail (e.g., reliability).


Given that the COVID-19 pandemic presented a wide range of unique stressors that have not occurred in prior community-wide disruptions (e.g., natural disasters, terrorist attacks), it was necessary to create a novel measure to assess these types of experiences. It is standard practice in the field to do so when novel events occur for which existing stress measures do not adequately capture the full extent of specific types of stressful experiences. For example, this approach was taken by many research groups to study the impact of hurricane-related stressors after Hurricane Katrina (Galea et al., 2007; Mclaughlin et al., 2009; Galea et al., 2002; Pfefferbaum et al., 2000). Although existing measures of hurricane-related stressors existed, many failed to capture common experiences that were unique to Hurricane Katrina (e.g., having to sleep in the Superdome), and thus novel measures tailored to that particular event were developed. The same approach was required here, given the absence of appropriate existing measures on exposure to pandemic-related stressors, such as acquiring COVID-19, having a family member develop severe COVID-19 or die from the disease, prolonged exposure to remote schooling, etc.

We state this in the methods section (Page 8, Lines 197 - 184):

“Given that the COVID-19 pandemic presented a wide range of unique stressors that have not occurred in prior community-wide disruptions, it was necessary to create a novel measure to assess these types of experiences. It is standard practice in the field to do so when novel events occur for which existing stress measures do not adequately capture the full extent of specific types of stressful experiences (e.g., to understand the unique hurricane-related stressors that occurred during Hurricane Katrina or experiences specific to the terrorist attacks on September 11th or the Oklahoma City bombing(12,41,54,55).

As a measure assessing the occurrence of distinct stressful life experiences, internal consistency between items is not an appropriate measure of reliability or validity, as the occurrence of one such stressor does not inherently relate to the probability of experiencing other distinct events. Indeed, internal consistency is not a metric typically reported for these types of stressful life events scales ( e.g., see Evans et al., 2013). However, the associations presented between the number of stressors and internalizing problems provide strong evidence of convergent validity. In addition, we find that the number of stressors is moderately associated with a measure of perceived stress as measured by the Perceived Stress Scale in this sample (r=0.399). This value is similar to the correlation between stressful life events and perceived stress observed in the original validity studies used to create the perceived stress scale (Cohen et al., 1983) (r=0.24-.35 among college students), providing further evidence of convergent validity of our pandemic-related stress measure. We also include this in the methods section (Page 9, Lines 200-204):

“Here, we provide additional evidence for convergent validity by showing that the number of stressors is moderately associated with a measure of perceived stress as measured by the Perceived Stress Scale in this sample (r=0.399). This value is similar to the correlation between stressful life events and perceived stress observed in the original validity studies used to create the Perceived Stress Scale (r=0.24-.35)(57).”


Given that protective factors seem less pandemic-specific than the stressors, why did authors not rely on an established scale?


The core motivation in asking about protective factors within the COVID Experiences survey rather than relying on established scales was participant burden. While validated scales do exist for many of the protective factors (e.g. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children, Media Parenting Practices, Family Routines Inventory, German Coping Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents, etc), each of these surveys is at least 20 questions in length, and often longer. If we assume that a child can complete 5 questions per minute (which is a fairly liberal estimate for the younger children included in our sample), adding detailed measures for each of 9 potentially protective factors would have added at least 40 additional minutes to the survey, and probably more for many children. Obtaining survey data from children and families during the early phase of the pandemic was exceedingly challenging given the enormous additional burdens many families were facing along with a lack of access to childcare. Many parents expressed interest in completing the surveys but articulated concern about whether they could find the time to do so, even with the relatively brief nature of our assessments of many domains. Adding in additional items to the survey would have significantly increased the burden on both parents and children when families were navigating the very stressful and unpredictable period at the beginning of the pandemic and would have surely reduced the response and completion rate. We made the decision to limit the length of all of our surveys to increase acceptability for families and maximize our sample size.

As we described above in response to your question about our measure of pandemic-related stressors, it is common practice to deploy novel measures to assess stressors, protective factors, and other salient environmental experiences during disasters, terrorist attacks, and other types of community-level disruptions (Galea et al., 2002; Galea et al., 2007; Mclaughlin et al., 2009, Pfefferbaum et al., 2000). This practice reflects the inherent trade-offs of using previously established measures that have been validated but do not capture the unique circumstances of novel events that may be important in shaping mental health along with participant burden during distressing situations where participating in research is not necessarily a priority.

However, we agree with the reviewer that this is a limitation of our study and thus have added this to our limitations section.

Page 21 Lines 498-504:

“Relatedly, we asked questions about potential protective factors in our COVID Experiences Survey, rather than using longer validated scales for each of the factors (e.g. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children, Media Parenting Practices, Family Routines Inventory, German Coping Questionnaire for `Children and Adolescents, etc.). This choice was made to maximize the information gained about each family, while minimizing participant burden and thus maximizing our sample size.”


What was the rationale behind selecting the highest values of caregiver or child on the CBCL and the SDQ? This seems at odds with the way theses scales are usually used and introduces the problem that some values are self-reported (if youth values were chosen) while other values are reports from caregivers.


The use of the higher parent or child report on the CBCL/YSR or SDQ is an implementation of the standard “or” rule used in combining parent and child reports of psychopathology. In this approach, if either a parent or child endorses a particular symptom it is counted with the assumption that if a symptom is reported, it is likely present. Thus, the reporter endorsing the higher level of symptoms or impairments is used. This is a standard approach in the literature on child psychopathology – for example it is how mental disorders are diagnosed in population-based studies of psychopathology in children and adolescents (e.g. Kessler et al., 2012; Merikangas et al., 2010). It also reflects the fact that parents are more valid reporters on some symptom domains—particularly externalizing behaviors like oppositionality and rule-breaking for which children typically under-report symptoms, whereas children are more valid reporters on other domains—particularly internalizing symptoms like worries, fears, and sad mood for which parents may be unaware and often under-report (e.g., Cantwell et al., 1997).

We have added further justification of the use of this method to the text.

Methods: Page 10 Lines 232 - 238

“The use of the higher parent or child report for psychopathology is an implementation of the standard “or” rule used in combining parent and child reports of psychopathology. In this approach, if either a parent or child endorses a particular symptom it is counted with the assumption that if a symptom is reported, it is likely present. This is a standard approach in the literature on child psychopathology – for example it is how mental disorders are diagnosed in population-based studies of psychopathology in children and adolescents(60,61). ”


In addition, why was the measure of psychopathology not kept constant from the pre-pandemic assessment? The comparison with pre-pandemic levels of psychopathology would be more informative if both measurement points had used the same measure.


While we agree with the reviewer that it would have been ideal to use the same measure for psychopathology across all time points, again this decision came down to minimizing participant burden. The CBCL/YSR is 113 items while the SDQ is 25 items. Despite being shorter, the SDQ is highly reliable, has been validated against the CBCL/YSR, and is widely used in the U.S. and globally (Goodman et al., 1998, 1999; Klasen et al., 2000; Van Roy et al., 2008). As stated above, we were cognizant of minimizing burden on both parents and children when families were navigating the very stressful and unpredictable period at the beginning of the pandemic that involved a loss of access to school, childcare, and routine that placed enormous burden on families. Therefore, we decided to use another well-validated measure that strongly correlates with the CBCL/YSR (see Goodman et al., 1999; Klasen et al., 2000). Furthermore, we demonstrate moderate to high correlations between baseline internalizing and externalizing psychopathology (measured with the CBCL / YSR) and internalizing and externalizing psychopathology (measured with the SDQ) during the pandemic (r = .281 and r = .321, respectively, see Supplemental Table 3).

However, we agree with the reviewer that ideally, we would have used the same measures of psychopathology during the pandemic as prior to the pandemic. Thus, we have added this as a limitation.

Page 21, Line 544-549

“Third, we used a different measure of psychopathology prior to the pandemic (CBCL/YSR) than after the onset of the pandemic (SDQ). While it would have been ideal to have the same measure at all time points, the CBCL/YSR is much longer than the SDQ and we were focused on minimizing participant burden during a period of time when families were facing numerous stressors and loss of access to typical childcare options. Thus, we chose to use a shorter questionnaire that is strongly correlated with the CBCL/YSR(62,65,79,80).”


Results: Running separate analyses for each of the protective factors seems questionable and also gives rise to the problem of inflating the alpha-error probability. Perhaps one could combine protective factors based on their correlational structure to obtain less factors overall. This seems also more feasible with the composite score of pandemic-related stressors that authors describe in the methods.


While we agree with the reviewer that the use of separate analyses for each protective factor may not be ideal given the number of factors of interest, the approach the reviewer suggests would result in loss of specificity regarding which specific factors may be most helpful for families to implement. If for example we combined all nine factors together and found higher levels of the protective factors overall were associated with better mental health or buffered against the association between stress and psychopathology, it would be difficult to know which behaviors were driving these differences. This would make it difficult for us to make suggestions for behaviors for families to implement.

Moreover, the majority of these protective factors were not highly correlated with one another (absolute rs = .001 - .181) with the exception of physical activity & nature (.364), physical activity & outdoor time (r = .392), physical activity & coping (r = .247), screen time and sleep (r = -.252) screen time & news (r = .55), and news & coping (r = .203). However, the fact that the vast majority of these associations were very weak indicates that a latent factor would not adequately represent the constructs of interest.

However, in the revision of the manuscript we employ correction for multiple comparisons at the level of hypothesis to address the issue of multiple comparisons.


In addition, it would be interesting to see how levels of psychopathology changed from pre-pandemic to T1 to get insights into a possible increase in psychopathological symptoms after the onset of the pandemic.


Thank you for highlighting this important point. Prior to the pandemic 71 participants (31.7%) of the sample met subclinical criteria for internalizing problems and 39 participants (17.4%) met subclinical criteria for externalizing problems. After the onset of the pandemic there was a stark increase in both internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. Specifically, at T1, 127 (56.7%) met subclinical criteria for internalizing problems and 126 (56.2%) met subclinical criteria for externalizing problems. We have added this information to the results section to highlight the increase in symptoms after the onset of the pandemic.

Page 12, Lines 277-283:

“Prior to the pandemic, 71 participants (31.7% of the sample) were in the subclinical or clinical range for internalizing problems and 39 participants (17.4% of the sample) were in the subclinical or clinical range for externalizing problems. Internalizing and externalizing symptoms increased substantially during the early phase of the pandemic. Specifically, 127 (56.7%) were in the subclinical or clinical range for internalizing problems and 126 (56.2%) were in the subclinical or clinical range for externalizing problems at the beginning of the pandemic.”



p. 6 line 135: typo - drawn

p. 6 lines 130 and 139: “their” instead of “a” careviger


Thank you for these corrections. We have edited them in the manuscript.


Reviewer #2: Thank you for the opportunity to review this interesting, timely, and well-written manuscript. In this paper, the authors provide a thoughtful examination of which protective (and easily modifiable) factors in the child’s ecology may mitigate internalizing and externalizing symptom distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. The introduction is well formulated and provides a good overview of the literature. There are many strengths to this paper, including its longitudinal design with pre-post measurements and two COVID-19 time points, practical approach to identifying modifiable protective factors, and multi-informant data. However, my enthusiasm was tempered by the amalgamation of two samples varying by developmental period and some of the analytic choices. Below I provide some suggestions to increase clarity, transparency, and impact.

Certainly, a major strength of the paper is the availability of pre-pandemic internalizing and externalizing symptoms and controlling for these in analyses. While the authors provide strong justification in the introduction for why stress should increase during COVID-19 and for their moderator variables, I do think it should be noted in the intro that the strongest predictor of pandemic internalizing/externalizing problems is likely to be pre-pandemic mental health difficulties. This is implied but not explicitly stated in the introduction and is evident when exploring the correlation matrix where associations between baseline (pre-pandemic) and COVID-19 internalizing and externalizing are strong (and much larger than any of the other variables included). This finding should also be noted at the outset of the results and/or in the discussion because it contextualizes the findings.


Thank you for pointing this out. We agree that this is a crucial point and now highlight it more explicitly in the introduction.

Page 5, Lines 105-110

“We examined these questions by combining two longitudinal samples of children and adolescents whose mental health was assessed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in Seattle, Washington. This aspect of this study is critical because one of the strongest predictors of psychopathology during the pandemic is likely to be psychopathology prior to the pandemic. By controlling for pre-pandemic psychopathology, we are able to investigate changes in psychopathology that occurred during the pandemic.”


The authors aptly note several factors that may be associated with child stress and increased behavior problems during COVID-19. These could all independently predict child outcomes. What is the justification for combining these into a cumulative risk composite? From a developmental psychopathology perspective, I understand, but the justification is needed nonetheless, especially for those less familiar with cumulative risk.


Thank you for this comment. We agree that additional explanation is helpful. We have added the following text to the introduction (Page 8, Line 207 – Page 9, Line 209):

“Importantly, many previous studies demonstrate the utility and convergent validity of cumulative stress measures in relation to health outcomes, with a greater number of stressors predicting higher levels of mental and physical health problems (56).”

However, there are of course limitations of cumulative stress measures and we have added this to the section of the paper on Page 22, Lines 544 – 549:

“Fifth, we demonstrate the predictive validity of the pandemic-related stress measure via moderate associations with psychopathology at both waves as well as a measure of perceived stress. However, this cumulative risk approach is limited in that it weights stressors equally that could have variable impacts. Future work should investigate whether specific stressors have been more strongly linked to changes in mental health during the pandemic (see Supplemental Table 4 for associations of specific stressors and psychopathology at T1 and T2).”


It is not until the methods that one discovered the sample is in fact two separate longitudinal samples. Greater justification is needed to combine two different samples, especially with such different age ranges and developmental periods. The authors should be more transparent in the abstract and the introduction about this fact, and also should justify why these samples should be combined (other than to increase sample size).


Thank you for this critique. We now make it clearer that the sample used in the present study came from two separate ongoing studies. We justify the combination of these two samples for several reasons. First, this allowed us to explore how the pandemic impacted youth mental health across a wider age range. Second, while these youths came from different study samples, they were recruited using similar methods from the same general population; specifically, both studies recruited youths from the Seattle area using community-based methods aimed at identifying a sample with a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds. Additionally, we had the identical measures of pre-pandemic psychopathology on both samples. Finally, as the reviewer notes, combining the two samples also allowed us to increase our sample size. Additionally, as we detail below, the samples did not differ with regard to demographics, socioeconomic status, or exposure to pandemic-related stressors. The only meaningful difference in the samples was the age range.

We agree with the reviewer that it would have been ideal if we had had one larger sample that had spanned these ages. In the revised manuscript, we make it clearer in the abstract and introduction that we combined these data from two samples. And we now include this as a limitation in the discussion section.


“We assessed pandemic-related stressors, internalizing and externalizing psychopathology, and potential protective factors by combining two longitudinal samples of children and adolescents (N=224, 7-10 and 13-15 years) assessed prior to the pandemic, during the stay-at-home orders, and six months later.”

Introduction (Page 5, Lines 105 – 107):

“We examined these questions by combining two longitudinal sample of children and adolescents whose mental health was assessed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in Seattle, Washington.”

Limitations (Page 21, Line 528 – Page 22, Line 533):

“Fourth, we combined data from two separate samples of children (aged 7-10 and 13-15 at T1). Both samples were recruited using similar methods from the same target population, and we had identical measures of pre-pandemic psychopathology on both samples. Moreover, the samples did not differ in demographics, SES, or exposure to pandemic-related stressors. However, using two samples with a gap in age limited our ability to understand age effects across the entire spectrum of childhood and adolescence.”



1. “174 of these youth” add (77.7% of original sample) so that attrition is clearly stated.


We have added this to the methods. We also realized there was a slight error in our calculation such that 184 of the original sample participated in the second wave, but 9 of those participants did not complete the mental health assessment. We have clarified this in the text.

Page 6, Lines 148 – 151:

“Six months later, 184 of these youth (82% of the initial pandemic sample) and a caregiver again completed an assessment of internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Ten participants did not complete these mental health assessments and therefore were excluded from analyses at T2.”


2. Do these two samples differ on any demographic or levels of the stress or protective factors? These should be tested and noted and sign differences should be included as covariates.


There were no significant differences between the samples with regards to income-to-needs or sex (ps > .8). Additionally, the two samples did not differ in their level of pandemic related stressor (p = .907).

We now note this in the Methods section when describing the sample (Page 7, Line 162-165):

“These two samples came from the same general population (youth in the Seattle area from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds). Critically, these two samples did not differ with regards to socioeconomic status, as measured by the income-to-needs ratio, or sex (ps > .8) or in exposure to pandemic related stressors (p = .907).”

Moreover, the two samples did not differ on degree of engagement in many of the protective factors including physical exercise, structured routine, helping behaviors, or engaging in adaptive coping strategies (ps > .3). They did differ on some potential protective factors, in ways that would be expected given the different age range of the samples. For example, younger children spent significantly more nature and time outdoors than adolescents (ps < 0.03), while adolescents spent more time on screens and were more likely to consume more than 2 hours of news per day, and not get the recommended amount of sleep (ps < .001).

Notably, this can be seen by the significant associations between age and these potential protective factors in the bivariate correlation matrix we report in the paper (see Supplemental Table 3). In the manuscript we control for age in all analyses and explore age-related differences in the associations between these factors and psychopathology. Therefore, we believe we have adequately addressed this issue. However, we do note the limitation of using these two samples rather than one larger sample that spanned the full age spectrum of interest in the limitations section.

Limitations (Page 21, Line 528 – Page 22, Line 533) :

“Fourth, we combined data from two separate samples of children (aged 7-10 and 13-15 at T1). Both samples were recruited using similar methods from the same target population, and we had identical measures of pre-pandemic psychopathology on both samples. Moreover, the samples did not differ in demographics, SES, or exposure to pandemic-related stressors. However, using two samples with a gap in age limited our ability to understand age effects across the entire spectrum of childhood and adolescence.


3. Going along with point #2, did all children provide self-reports of behavior problems? I am assuming that the 6-8 year olds did not pre-pandemic. This needs to be made clear as the multi-informant data is a strength, but it’s not clear how extensive this multi-informant data stretches.


Thank you for catching this. Indeed the 6-8 year olds did not complete the YSR. We have clarified that in the methods section.

Page 10, Lines 244 – 246:

“The children who were 6-8 years old at the pre-pandemic time point did not complete the YSR; only the CBCL was used to compute their pre-pandemic symptoms at that time point.”


4. Why the switch from the CBCL to the SDQ?


While we agree with the reviewer that it would have been ideal to use the same measure for psychopathology across all time points, again this decision came down to minimizing participant burden. The CBCL/YSR is 113 items while the SDQ is 25 items. Despite being shorter, the SDQ is highly reliable, has been validated against the CBCL/YSR, and is widely used in the U.S. and globally (Goodman et al., 1998, 1999; Klasen et al., 2000; Van Roy et al., 2008). As stated above, we were cognizant of minimizing burden on both parents and children when families were navigating the very stressful and unpredictable period at the beginning of the pandemic that involved a loss of access to school, childcare, and routine that placed enormous burden on families. Therefore, we decided to use another well-validated measure that strongly correlates with the CBCL/YSR (see Goodman et al., 1999; Klasen et al., 2000). Furthermore, we demonstrate moderate to high correlations between baseline internalizing and externalizing psychopathology (measured with the CBCL / YSR) and internalizing and externalizing psychopathology (measured with the SDQ) during the pandemic(r = .281 and r = .321, respectively, see Supplemental Table 3).

However, we agree with the reviewer that ideally, we would have used the same measures of psychopathology during the pandemic as prior to the pandemic. Thus, we have added this as a limitation.

Page 21, Lines 507 – 512:

“Third, we used a different measure of psychopathology prior to the pandemic (Child Behavior Checklist/Youth Self Report) as we did after the onset of the pandemic (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire). While it would have been ideal to have the same measure at all time points, the CBCL is much longer than the SDQ and we were focused on minimizing participant burden during a period of time when families were facing numerous stressors and loss of access to typical childcare options. Thus, we chose to use a shorter questionnaire that is strongly correlated with the CBCL/YSR(59,74–76).”


5. Using the highest t-score for either rater – is there support for this in the literature? Why not average informants?


Both reviewers bring up this point which highlights the need for us to justify this choice in the manuscript.

The use of the higher parent or child report on the CBCL/YSR or SDQ is an implementation of the standard “or” rule used in combining parent and child reports of psychopathology. In this approach, if either a parent or child endorses a particular symptom it is counted with the assumption that if a symptom is reported, it is likely present. Thus, the reporter endorsing the higher level of symptoms or impairments is used. This is a standard approach in the literature on child psychopathology – for example it is how mental disorders are diagnosed in population-based studies of psychopathology in children and adolescents (e.g. Kessler et al., 2012; Merikangas et al., 2010). It also reflects the fact that parents are more valid reporters on some symptom domains—particularly externalizing behaviors like oppositionality and rule-breaking for which children typically under-report symptoms, whereas children are more valid reporters on other domains—particularly internalizing symptoms like worries, fears, and sad mood for which parents may be unaware and often under-report (e.g., Cantwell et al., 1997).

We have added further justification of the use of this method to the text.

Methods: Page 10 Lines 246 – 252:

“The use of the higher caregiver or child report for psychopathology is an implementation of the standard “or” rule used in combining caregiver and child reports of psychopathology. In this approach, if either a caregiver or child endorses a particular symptom it is counted with the assumption that if a symptom is reported, it is likely present. This is a standard approach in the literature on child psychopathology – for example it is how mental disorders are diagnosed in population-based studies of psychopathology in children and adolescents (60,61).”


6. What are the alphas for the behavioral problem measures?


Chronbach’s alpha demonstrated acceptable reliability for parent and child report of the conduct problems subscale of the SDQ (Chronbach’s alpha = 0.752 at T1 and alpha = 0.734 at T2).


7. With close to 25% of the sample lost at the COVID follow up, how was missing data handled?


Missing data was handled using listwise deletion for analyses at T2 for participants who did now complete the follow-up. We have added this to the methods.

Page 11, Lines 287 - 288:

“Listwise deletion was used to handle missing data at T2, excluding participants from analysis who did not complete the second follow-up during the pandemic.”


8. Adding child sex and pre-pandemic mental health is a strength of this paper. But why not add child ethnicity and family income, for of which predict the outcomes in this paper. I also think age should be added as a covariate (versus stratifying by age).


Age was included as a continuous covariate in all analyses in the original manuscript. We apologize for the oversight of not including this clearly in the manuscript and have now edited the paper to reflect this.

Furthermore, in the current version of the manuscript, we have added the income-to-needs ratio as a covariate in all analyses. We describe this in the methods and results section as follows:

Methods (Page 10, Lines 259 – 256):

“Family Income: At T1, we asked caregivers to report their total combined family income for the 12 months prior to the onset of the pandemic in 14 bins. The median of the income bins was used except for the lowest and highest bins which were assigned $14,570 and $150,000, respectively. We then calculated the income-to-needs ratio by dividing the family’s income by the federal poverty line for a family of that size in 2020, with values less than one indicating income below the poverty line. Nine caregivers did not provide information on family income and were thus excluded from analyses. Median income-to-needs ratio was 4.19 (min = 0.35, max = 8.41).”

Page 11, Lines 281 – 283:

“Continuous age, sex, income-to-needs ratio, and pre-pandemic symptoms measured using the CBCL/YSR prior to the pandemic were included as covariates in all analyses.”


9. Given the number of analyses run, the authors should adjust the p-value for multiple contrasts.


We have included false discovery rate (FDR) correction for multiple comparison at the level of hypothesis, controlling for each association at T1 and T2. We have added this to the methods section.

Page 11, Lines 295 - 298:

“False discovery rate (FDR) correction was applied at the level of hypothesis such that we corrected for comparisons at T1 and T2 (e.g. association between physical activity and internalizing psychopathology at T1 and T2).”



1. Are patterns of associations similar across the two samples?


We did not separately look at the associations between the two samples, but rather used age as a continuous moderator variable. Because the two groups had a gap in age between them (8-10 and 13-15), this a moderator analysis with age as a variable can also acts as an investigation of whether the associations varied by group. Including this as a moderator variable rather than running separate analyses is a more direct test of whether there is variability across groups and results in greater power to examine the associations of interest. As discussed in the results there were some significant age x protective factor and age x stress x protective factor results.

While these youths came from different study samples, they were recruited using similar methods from the same general population; specifically, both studies recruited youths from the Seattle area using community-based methods aimed at identifying a sample with a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds. Additionally, we had the identical measures of pre-pandemic psychopathology on both samples. Finally, as the reviewer notes, combining the two samples also allowed us to increase our sample size. Additionally, as we detail below, the samples did not differ with regard to demographics, socioeconomic status, or exposure to pandemic-related stressors. The only meaningful difference in the samples was the age range.

We note this in the description of the sample (Page 7, Lines 174 - 177:

“These two samples came from the same general population (youth in the Seattle area from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds). Critically, these two samples did not differ with regards to socioeconomic status, as measured by the income-to-needs ratio, or sex (ps > .8) or in exposure to pandemic related stressors (p = .907).”

We have also noted the limitation of combining two samples in the discussion:

Page 22, Lines 533 - 538:

“Fourth, we combined data from two separate samples of children (aged 7-10 and 13-15 at T1). Both samples were recruited using similar methods from the same target population, and we had identical measures of pre-pandemic psychopathology on both samples. Moreover, the samples did not differ in demographics, SES, or exposure to pandemic-related stressors. However, using two samples with a gap in age limited our ability to understand age effects across the entire spectrum of childhood and adolescence.”


2. “The number of pandemic-related stressors was strongly associated with increases in both internalizing (�=0.322 [0.211, 0.432], and externalizing symptoms (�=0.225 [0.136, 0.314], 208 p<.001), symptoms during the pandemic, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms”. Can you add the estimates here for the pre-pandemic symptoms so that the magnitude of effects can be directly evaluated (by the reader). As far as I can tell, this data is not in any of the tables/figures. Please report the pandemic-related stressors to psychopathology analyses in a table and include covariates to ensure the findings hold with these variables included. This is especially important given the sample differences.


Thank you for highlighting the importance of including this information. We have added this to the beginning of the results section.

Results Page 12, Line 323 – Page 13, Line 333:

“The number of pandemic-related stressors was strongly associated with increases in both internalizing (�=0.345, p < .001), and externalizing symptoms (�=0.297, p<.001) symptoms during the pandemic, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms. As expected, pre-pandemic symptoms were also strongly associated psychopathology during the pandemic in this model (�=0.279, p < .001 and �= 0.296, p < .001 for internalizing and externalizing psychopathology, respectively).

Similarly, the number of pandemic-related stressors early in the pandemic was positively associated with internalizing (�=0.243, p = .001) and externalizing (�=0.288, p < .001) symptoms later in the pandemic, controlling for pre-pandemic symptoms. Again, pre-pandemic symptoms were strongly associated with internalizing and externalizing problems at T2 (�=0.260, p = .001 and �= 0.278, p < .001, respectively). ”


3. Are the stratification analyses by age simply a stratification by the two samples? If so, they should be presented as such for more clarity and age as a continuous measure should be used a co-variate in analyses.


We used age as a continuous covariate in all analyses. Additionally, when looking at age x protective factor interactions and age x stressor x protective factor interactions, we also used age as a continuous moderator variable. We did stratify by sample only for the simple slopes analyses and for visualization purposes of significant interactions.

We more clearly and explicitly state this in the manuscript

Page 11, Line 281 – 283:

“Continuous age, sex, income-to-needs ratio, and pre-pandemic symptoms measured using the CBCL/YSR prior to the pandemic were included as covariates in all analyses.”

Page 11 Lines 292 – 295:

“Stratification for simple slope analyses in analyses that used continuous moderators were conducted using a median split. In the case of age analyses, because there was a gap in age between the oldest children (10 years) and the youngest adolescents (13 years), stratifying by sample for these purposes was equivalent to stratifying by a median split.”



1. “mental health had been carefully assessed prior to the pandemic” remove carefully here as that implies diagnostic interviews were conducted. They were simply assessed pre-pandemic (this alone, as noted, is a strength).


Thank you for this critique. We have removed “carefully” from that sentence.


2. Routines paragraph. The authors may be interested in this newly published article. Glynn, L. M., Davis, E. P., Luby, J. L., Baram, T. Z., & Sandman, C. A. (2021). A predictable home environment may protect child mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurobiology of Stress, 14, 100291.


Thank you for calling our attention to this very relevant paper! We have added this citation to the discussion of the benefits of maintaining a structured routine:

Page 17, Line 446 – Page 18, Line 452:

“Moreover, a recent paper during the pandemic showed that preschoolers in families that maintained a structured routine during the pandemic showed lower rates of depression and externalizing problems, over and above the effect of food insecurity, socioeconomic status, dual-parent status, maternal depression, and stress (68). Our current findings extend this work by demonstrating that a structured routine may also be important for older children and adolescents.”


3. Marginally significant findings. Given the number of contrasts run, (and once corrections are implemented these will be less significant), these should not be discussed.


We appreciate the reviewer’s encouragement to remove marginally significant findings and have carefully considered their request. We note that in the revision, we control for income-to-needs and employ correction for multiple comparison at the level of hypothesis. This changes some of the findings from significant to marginal and some that were previously marginal to no longer significant. We have removed any discussion of effects that are no longer significant (e.g. association between physical exercise and psychopathology) and for the most part do not report or discuss marginal findings.

However, we would like to note that fully removing any discussion of marginal effect would result in a paper that only discusses screen time, news consumption, and having a structured daily routine. As we note in the discussion, the findings of the impact of screen time are mixed in the field. And we would like to avoid publishing a paper that focuses mostly on what families should not do (spend time on screens and consuming news) and also include some proactive steps that families can take (implement a structured routine, spend time in nature, get the recommended amount of sleep, etc.). As such, we have noted just two marginal findings, because they highlight strategies that could be beneficial for families (e.g., spending time in nature, getting the recommended amount of sleep) that do not simply involve avoiding things like screen time or news consumption.

Furthermore, we wish to highlight the difference between statistical significance and practical significance. A change in a p-value from statistically significant to marginally significant because of correction for multiple comparisons does not necessarily indicate that that factor is irrelevant to families. As such, we believe it would be a disservice to the field and the study’s findings to publish a paper that only discusses these results when the focus of the paper could make a much broader and more nuanced contribution.

Consequently, we have incorporated the spirit of the reviewer’s comment and have ensured that any discussion of marginally significant effects are phrased speculatively and are explicitly noted as marginal. We hope that these revisions provide readers with a transparent discussion of the paper’s findings, both significant and marginal, with the goal of providing a range of possible strategies families can employ to promote better mental health in their children during this stressful and challenging time.


4. Limitations. Self-report measures can be inaccurate – how? This won’t be obvious to all readers. Another limitation is the change in measurement from pre to during the pandemic (CBCL to SDQ). Also, the sample size, which cuts across two different developmental periods, lacks some power.


We have added these limitations to the discussion.

Page 21, Line 522 - 526:

“The present study has several limitations which should be acknowledged. First, we relied on self-report measures of behavior, which can be inaccurate due to recall bias. Future studies may benefit from using actigraphy to assess physical activity and sleep, geolocation to measure time spent in nature and outdoors, and direct reports of screen time use and news media consumption from digital devices for more accurate measures of potential protective factors.”

Page 21, Lines 530 – 535:

“Third, we used a different measure of psychopathology prior to the pandemic (CBCL/YSR) than after the onset of the pandemic (SDQ). While it would have been ideal to have the same measure at all time points, the CBCL/YSR is much longer than the SDQ and we were focused on minimizing participant burden during a period of time when families were facing numerous stressors and loss of access to typical childcare options. Thus, we chose to use a shorter questionnaire that is strongly correlated with the CBCL/YSR(62,65,79,80).”

Page 22, Lines 542 – 547:

“Fourth, we combined data from two separate samples of children (aged 7-10 and 13-15 at T1). Both samples were recruited using similar methods from the same target population, and we had identical measures of pre-pandemic psychopathology on both samples. Moreover, the samples did not differ in demographics, SES, or exposure to pandemic-related stressors. However, using two samples with a gap in age limited our ability to understand age effects across the entire spectrum of childhood and adolescence.”


5. Given that the authors “pitch” in the intro that identifying simple and practical strategies that are easily accessible, inexpensive, and require no specialized resources outside the home” could be informative, I expected to see a practical implications section in the discussion. While some suggestions are provided throughout the discussion, a designated section for the implications for the simple and practical strategies recommended to mitigate subsequent risk is welcome.


We have updated the conclusions section of the paper to be “Conclusions and Practical Implications” that includes the main takeaways of the paper.

Page 22 Lines 559 – 565:

“Conclusions and Practical Implications

We identify practical and easily accessible strategies that may promote greater well-being for children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on these findings, we suggest that parents encourage youth to develop a structured daily routine, limit passive screen time use, limit exposure to news media—particularly for young children, and to a lesser extent spend more time in nature, and encourage youth to get the recommended amount of sleep.”


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewer Comments PLoS One.docx

Decision Letter 1

Helena R Slobodskaya

14 Jul 2021

Promoting youth mental health during COVID-19: A Longitudinal Study


Dear Dr. Rosen,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Helena R. Slobodskaya, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: (No Response)

Reviewer #2: The authors of done an excellent job responding to the reviewer comments and queries. The only remaining issue for me is the use of listwise deletion to account for missing data, which removes all cases with any missing data (due to attrition or failing to complete a questionnaire in full). There are critiques of this method, most notably that missing data may not be at random. Can the authors determine if the data is missing completely at random (MCAR)? If so, I suggest they use a different missing data approach (such as FIML).


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Acceptance letter

Helena R Slobodskaya

3 Aug 2021


Promoting youth mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Longitudinal Study

Dear Dr. Rosen:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

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PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Helena R. Slobodskaya

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 File. Please see the S1 File for frequencies of exposures to pandemic-related stressors by domain (S1 Table), distribution of potential protective factors and psychopathology symptoms (S2 Table), bivariate correlation table of all study variables (S3 Table), associations between individual stressors and psychopathology symptoms (S4 Table), age by screen time interaction predicting internalizing symptoms (S1 Fig), and the full COVID experiences surveys (caregiver and child).



    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewer Comments PLoS One.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All data are available on open science framework

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