Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 10 May 2021
The original version of this Article contained errors. The Data Availability section was not included; it has now been added and states:
Data Availability
The datasets analysed in this study are available at
Additionally, an error carried over from earlier version of this manuscript has been fixed in the Results, where
“However, SD by reported orientations was unaffected (peak bias of 1.86° at Δ = ± 28°, deviation of about 6% toward the previous orientation, model fitting analysis: bootstrap p < 0.001; model-free analysis: t(14) = 3.02, p = 0.009, Cohen’s d = 0.78), despite the target stimulus in the last trial and the present one could occur six degrees away in retinal coordinates.”
now reads:
“However, SD by reported orientations was unaffected (peak bias of 1.70° at Δ = ± 28°, deviation of about 6% toward the previous orientation, model fitting analysis: bootstrap p < 0.001; model-free analysis: t(14) = 3.02, p = 0.009, Cohen’s d = 0.78), despite the target stimulus in the last trial and the present one could occur six degrees away in retinal coordinates.”
The Article has now been corrected.