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. 2021 Aug 13;11:16500. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-96040-0

A numerical frame work of magnetically driven Powell-Eyring nanofluid using single phase model

Wasim Jamshed 1,, Mohamed R Eid 2,3, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar 4, Nor Ain Azeany Mohd Nasir 5, Abhilash Edacherian 6, C Ahamed Saleel 6, V Vijayakumar 7
PMCID: PMC8363654  PMID: 34389786


The current investigation aims to examine heat transfer as well as entropy generation analysis of Powell-Eyring nanofluid moving over a linearly expandable non-uniform medium. The nanofluid is investigated in terms of heat transport properties subjected to a convectively heated slippery surface. The effect of a magnetic field, porous medium, radiative flux, nanoparticle shapes, viscous dissipative flow, heat source, and Joule heating are also included in this analysis. The modeled equations regarding flow phenomenon are presented in the form of partial-differential equations (PDEs). Keller-box technique is utilized to detect the numerical solutions of modeled equations transformed into ordinary-differential equations (ODEs) via suitable similarity conversions. Two different nanofluids, Copper-methanol (Cu-MeOH) as well as Graphene oxide-methanol (GO-MeOH) have been taken for our study. Substantial results in terms of sundry variables against heat, frictional force, Nusselt number, and entropy production are elaborate graphically. This work’s noteworthy conclusion is that the thermal conductivity in Powell-Eyring phenomena steadily increases in contrast to classical liquid. The system’s entropy escalates in the case of volume fraction of nanoparticles, material parameters, and thermal radiation. The shape factor is more significant and it has a very clear effect on entropy rate in the case of GO-MeOH nanofluid than Cu-MeOH nanofluid.

Subject terms: Mathematics and computing, Physics


The first to introduce the theory of the boundary layer was Ludwig Prandtl1. A boundary-layer is the tinny region of fluid flow in which flow is influenced by the friction between the solid plate and the liquid. The boundary layer flow has been broadly deliberated in the literature and plays a vital role in fluid dynamics. The investigation of boundary-layer flowing past a horizontal plate had countless manufacturing implementations, such as food manufacturing, glass fibers production, manufacturing of rubber sheets, extrusion, metal spinning, wire drawing, and cooling of massive metallic plates such as an electrolyte24. Makinde and Onyejekwe5 presented the numerical computations for the boundary-layer flowing model results in the stretching sheet with variable electrical conductivity and variable viscosity using a shooting technique and a sixth-order RK integration algorithm. They concluded that, when the electrical conductivity parameter is increased, convective heat transfer and skin friction coefficient decreases within the boundary surface.

Moreover, a rise in the variable viscosity parameter increases viscous force and makes viscous forces dominant over the applied magnetic field. In the use of numerical shootings, Ibrahim and Makinde6 looked at the boundary-layer movement past a vertical, rotating flat sheet with heating effects and chemical reaction effects from Joule. Heat transmission is the thermal energy transfer from one device to another because of temperature differences. Because of this temperature difference, the heat transmission process takes place between two bodies (or a related body). In many industrial applications such as composite materials manufacturing, geothermal reservoirs, porous solid drying, thermal isolation, oil recovery, and the transport of sub-terrain species, the research into fluid flows and heat transmission produced by stretching media is of great importance. In the above situations, heat transfer and flow assessment are important as the final product efficiency is calculated based on the velocity gradient (skin friction) coefficient and the convective heat shift rate. Elbashbeshy7 numerically studied viscous fluid and heat transfer flow by assuming the exponentially continuous stretching sheet. In his work, fluid inhabits the distance over an endless horizontal plate, and the nonlinear extending of the plate induces the flow. He implements the numerical technique to solve the modeled equations. The results indicated that the suction parameter could cool the continuous moving stretching surface. The numerical results also showed that the thermal boundary layer’s thickening level reduces for larger values of the suction parameter. After that, Sanjayanand and Khan8 prolonged the work of Elbashbeshy7 to provide the heat and mass transfer, nonlinear expanding, of second-order viscoelastic fluid. The results of their work are elastic deformation and viscidness dissipative flow. The key conclusions reached by the authors were that with increased local viscoelastic parameters the speed gradient and convective heat exchange (Nusselt number) fall on the frontier surface. Magyari and Keller9 developed numerical findings for mass transmission and viscous fluids due to an expanding layer. The readers can research the fluid flow and heat transfer qualities of the borderline layer on a moving surface1012.

Keeping given the importance of heat transport phenomena results in fluid flowing in thermal devices, Choi13 introduced the nanofluids’ concept by including solid additive (nanoparticles) having a size of less than 100 nm in the conventional liquids. The nanoparticles are usually made of metals and their oxides, nitrides, carbides, etc. The metallic particles enhance heat conduction properties of the base liquids such as water (H2O), methanol (MeOH) and ethylene glycol (EG), etc. Since the nanofluids tend to increase the heat transfer rate, they have applications in industrial processes like the coolant in nuclear reactors, heat flowing controllers in heat valves, radiators of cars, and frontal vehicle temperature. The cooling and heating of water with nanofluids can preserve trillion Btu of energy14. The power of nanofluids to heat allows the computer processors to cool down. Cancer can be treated with medications and radiation in medical sciences with iron-based nanofluids1517. Eastman et al.18 pondered the thermal conductivity phenomenon regarding Cu-Ethylene glycol (EG) nanofluids and found that the ethylene glycol’s thermal conductivity improves 40% after the addition of 0.3 vol % of average diameter, 10 nm nanoparticles in the base fluid. Nanofluids, particularly heat transfer and boundary layer flow, are being extensively investigated and studied. Wang et al.19 and Keblinski et al.20 presented a thorough review of the literature. In the wetting, propagation, and dispersion capacity on the surface of solid compared to conventional fluids, Buongiorno21 found nanofluids had greater stability. Recent additions to heat and mass transfer nanofluids can find in2226.

Nanofluids may in some circumstances be non-Newtonian, even viscoelastic. Additional experimental researches are necessary to establish nanofluid viscosity models for use in simulation studies27, 28. For these reasons, we regard the fluid Powell-Eyring, which is presented here and taking into consideration the significance of non-Newtonian fluids. Two investigators Powell and Eyring29 proposed this hypothesis in 1944. Also, a type of visco-elastic fluid is the Powell-Eyring. Eyring–Powell somehow introduces a more complicated mathematical framework, but offers some advantages over previous viscoelastic fluid models. This model does not come from empirical expressions as most models base the kinetic theories of liquids. This model likewise has the Newtonian properties at low and great shear stress. Examples of Powell-Eyring fluids contain polymer melts and suspensions of solids in non-Newtonian liquids. This non-Newtonian Powell-Eyring fluid has many implementations like these are utilized in many engineering, manufacturing, and industrial areas such as polymers, pulp, plasma, and other biological technology. However, several researchers have investigated the non-Newtonian Powell-Eyring nanofluid behavior, such as3032. Aziz and Afy33 used the shooting technique to get the Casson nanofluid’s numerical solution over a stretching sheet using the Buongiorno nanofluid model. They concluded that Hall parameter upsurge in the convective rate of heat and mass transfer and the drag coefficient for initial stages of flow, i.e., primary and secondary flow. Moreover, for growing velocity slip values, the nanoparticle volume concentration parameter increases and reduces the Sherwood number. Ali et al.34 investigated that, with the modification of Fourier's law, the influences on the magnet field of Dufour and Soret travel via an extended sheet with non-rotational Newton's Oldroyd-B nanofluid stream. To calculate the numerical findings, the Galerkin-Finite element system was utilized. They concluded that the concentration of the nanoparticles decreased against the parameter of thermal-relaxation, Soret, and Lewis. At the same time, the magnetic field and Deborah's number raise the temperature profile. In addition, at increasing Brownian and rotational values the heat transmission rate is decreasing. Then, Abdelmalek et al.35 did a thorough examination of the nanofluid moving via varied stretchings by the shooting technique of Joule heating and thermal radiation. The researchers noticed that the magnitude of the mass transfer rate is minimal with large Lewis values, while the Prandtl number has an important influence. Furthermore, Kebede et al.36 launched an investigation of the electrically conductive flow carried out by nanofluid Williamson in the heat source and the chemically reactive species. In the existence of Brownian diffusion, Gireesha et al.37 recently evaluated Jeffrey nanofluid's 3-D boundary-layer flow via a porous stretched plate. Their work was based on a two-phase nanofluid model and the number of findings was calculated via the RK-4 approach. Notable findings have recently been reported on non-Newtonian nanofluids, see for example3841.

In general, entropy represents system disorder. The system disorder’s meaning is known as the system’s inability to utilize the useful energy of 100%. When the energy of the system conserves perfectly, entropy becomes zero, but this is not the case in the actual world. The entropy of the system is increasing all the time. Many researchers across the world have studied to invent innovative ideas regarding entropy minimization due to its vast utilization in the industry. Sheikholeslami et al.42 studied magneto nanofluid flow past an expandable surface with entropy generation phenomenon. While Abolbashari et al.43 contemplated entropy generation in Casson nanofluids flow. The axisymmetric fluid flow towards a time-dependent radially expandable plate was explored by Shahzad et al.44. Similar investigation is conducted on nanofluid entropy production with expanded surfaces having various shapes45, 46.

According to the prior researches, fluid flow and heat transport for Cu-MeOH and GO-MeOH as non-Newtonian nanofluidic are not investigated. The non-Newtonian nanofluid has to be investigated since it mitigates global warming and provides a clean alternative energy source. This paper therefore develops, past an expanded uniform surface, a streamlined mathematical model for the boundary-layer fluid flow. The Powell-Eyring nanofluid model is considered as operating fluid embedded with slip as well as convective boundary conditions. Furthermore, thermal radiation, viscous dissipation, heat source, and Joule heating are included for heat transfer analysis with the consideration of Cu-MeOH and GO-MeOH as base nanoliquids. The obtained consequences are plotted against velocity, temperature (T), entropy distributions, the surface drag Cf, and heat transfer phenomenon Nu.

Mathematical formulation

2-dimensional transient laminar incompressible electrical conductive Powell-Eyring nanofluid flowing past an expandable surface having non-uniform stretching velocity manifested by

Uw(x,t)=cx, 1

herein c is a preliminary extending rate. The partial slip, as well as convective conditions, are considered at the boundary. A magnetic field B0 is utilized in a perpendicular direction to the fluid flow, and an induced magnetic field is neglected in comparison to B. The expressions Tw(x,t)=T+cx as well as T indicates wall and ambient temperature respectively. For convenience, the sheet has to be fixed at x=0 and is stretching in the positive x-direction. Moreover, the sheet is considered slippery and is subjected to a temperature gradient. Powell-Eyring nanofluid behaves like shear thickening and is assumed optically thick. The stress tensor expression for the case of Power-Eyring fluid is specified by (see, for example, Powell and Eyring29)

τij=μnfuixj+1βsinh-11ςuixj, 2

where μnf indicates dynamic viscosity, β and ς for material constants. The inside geometry of the physical model is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Graphic diagram of nanofluid movement.

The controlling modeled formulas (Kumar and Srinivas et al.47) are given by

ux+vy=0, 3
uux+vuy=νnf+1ρnfβς2uy2-12βς3ρnfuy22uy2-μnfρnfku-σnfB2uρnf, 4
uTx+vTy=knf(ρCp)nf2Ty2-1ρCpnfqry+μnfρCpnfuy2+1ρCpnfQT-T+σnfB2u2(ρCp)nf. 5

The BCs are bestowed by (for instance48)

u(x,0)=Uw+μnfuy,v(x,0)=Vw,-k0Ty=hf(Tw-T), 6
u0,TTasy. 7

Here, u and v depicts velocities along x as well as y axis, t is the time, T is a temperature of the fluid, μnf is the dynamical viscidness of the nanofluid, ρnf is the intensity, σnf is the electrically conducting. qr is the radiative heat flux, (Cp)nf and κnf are the specific heat capacitance and the thermal conductance, correspondingly. Vw signifies the penetrability of the expanding sheet. The penetrability of nanofluid is signified by k. The expressions regarding thermal conduction and heat transfer coefficient are delineated as k0 and hf. Table 1 represents physical properties4951 for the case of Powell-Eyring fluid.

Table 1.

Thermo-physical characteristics formulas.

Properties Nanofluid
Dynamic viscosity μnf=μf1-ϕ-2.5
Density ρnf=1-ϕρf+ϕρs
Heat capacity (ρCp)nf=1-ϕ(ρCp)f+ϕ(ρCp)s
Thermal conductivity knfkf=ks+m-1kf-(m-1)ϕ(kf-ks)ks+m-1kf+ϕ(kf-ks)
Electrical conductivity σnfσf=1+3σsσf-1ϕσsσf+2-σsσf-1ϕ

Based on Table 1, ϕ indicates the nanoparticle volume fraction. Symbols μf, ρf and (Cp)f, κf and σf are dynamical viscidness, intensity, specific heat capacitance, the thermally and electrically conductive of the basefluid. ρs, (Cp)s, κs and σs are the density, specific heat capacity, the thermal and electrically conducting of the nano-solid particles. Table 2 presents empirical shape factor values in the case of distinguished particle shapes (see for example52, 53).

Table 2.

Empirical form factor values for various particle forms.

Nanoparticles type Sphere Hexahedron Tetrahedron Column Lamina
Shape graphic file with name 41598_2021_96040_Figa_HTML.gif graphic file with name 41598_2021_96040_Figb_HTML.gif graphic file with name 41598_2021_96040_Figc_HTML.gif graphic file with name 41598_2021_96040_Figd_HTML.gif graphic file with name 41598_2021_96040_Fige_HTML.gif
m 3 3.7221 4.0613 6.3698 16.1576

Roseland expression in terms of heat flux (Brewster54) is given by

qry=-24T3σ3k2Ty2. 8

where σ and k points out Stefan/Boltzmann constant and moreover k is the absorption coefficient.

Solution technique

To obtain the solution of constitutive system (3)–(5) along with BCs (7)–(8), stream functions ψ and θ are assumed as

u=ψy,v=-ψx. 9

Similarity variables are defined as

χ(x,y)=cνfy,ψ(x,y)=νfcxf(χ),θ(χ)=T-TTw-T. 10

Utilizing (9)–(10) into (3)–(7) to obtain dimensionless ODEs mentioned underneath.

1ϕ1ϕ2+ωϕ1f+ff-f2-ωΔϕ2f2f-1ϕ1ϕ2Kf-ϕ4ϕ2Mf=0, 11
θ1+1ϕ5PrNr+Prϕ3ϕ5fθ-fθ+θQϕ3+Ecϕ1ϕ3f2+ϕ4ϕ3MEcf2=0, 12
f(0)=S,f(0)=1+Λϕ1f(0),θ(0)=-Bi(1-θ(0)), 13
f(χ)0,θ(χ)0,asχ, 14


ϕ1=1-ϕ2.5,ϕ2=1-ϕ+ϕρsρf,ϕ3=1-ϕ+ϕ(ρCp)s(ρCp)f, 15
ϕ4=1+3(σsσf-1)ϕ(σsσf+2)-(σsσf-1)ϕ,ϕ5=(ks+(m-1)kf)-(m-1)ϕ(kf-ks)(ks+(m-1)kf)+ϕ(kf-ks). 16

Prime refers to the differentiation with regards to χ in these formulas, ω=1μfβς and Δ=Uw22ς2νfx are the material parameters respectively, M=σfB02cρf and K=νfck are the magnetic and porous media parameters respectively, Pr=νfαf is the Prandtl number, αf=κf(ρCp)f is the thermal diffusion parameter, Nr=163σT3κνf(ρCp)f is the thermal radiative factor, Q=Q0(ρCp)fc is the heat generation, S=-Vw1νfc is the mass transfer parameter, Λ=cνfμf is the slippy factor and expression Ec=Uw2(Cp)f(Tw-T) and expressions Bi=hfk0νfc indicates Eckert as well as Biot number.

Classical Keller-Box numerical technique

Keller-box method (KBM)55 is utilized to obtain the numerical solution of modeled equations. This method generally provides fast convergence in contrast to other nonlinear numerical schemes. This scheme provides convergent up to second-order and inherently stable as well. This method assures Von Neumann's stability test in terms of stability analysis. This test sets the criterion for the convergence of the numerical solution to PDEs’ real solution using the numerical solution’s consistency and stability. The solutions of Eqs. (11)–(12) along with, (13)–(14), are achieved by KBM. The flow chart mechanism of Keller box method is explained below. (see Fig. 2):

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Keller-box method flowchart.

Stage 1: renovation of ODEs

The ODEs (11)–(14) are stepped down into five first-order ODEs mentioned below

z1=f, 17
z2=u, 18
z3=θ, 19
1ϕ1ϕ2+ωϕ1z2+fz2-z12-ωΔϕ2z22z2-1ϕ1ϕ2Kz1-ϕ4ϕ2Mz1=0, 20
z31+1ϕ5PrNr+Prϕ3ϕ5fz3-z1θ+θQϕ3+Ecϕ1ϕ3z22+ϕ4ϕ3MEcz12=0, 21
f(0)=S,z1(0)=1+Λϕ1z2(0),z3(0)=-Bi(1-θ(0)),z1()0,θ()0. 22

Stage 2: discretize domain

The discretization of a domain can be done by dividing the domain of the system into small uniform grids to obtain the approximate solution (see Fig. 3). Generally smaller grid provides high accuracy (6).


Figure 3.

Figure 3

Net rectangle for difference approximations.

In this problem, the value of h is fixed to 0.01. To achieved difference equations the process of central differences has been implemented. Mean averages replace the functions. The ODEs (17)–(22) are transformed into algebraic expressions of nonlinear nature.

z1j+z1j-12=fj-fj-1h, 23
z2j+z2j-12=z1j-z1j-1h, 24
(z3)j+(z3)j-12=θj-θj-1h, 25
1ϕ1ϕ2+ωϕ1(z2)j-(z2)j-1h+fj+fj-12(z2)j+(z2)j-12-(z1)j+(z1)j-122-ωΔϕ2(z2)j+(z2)j-122(z2)j+(z2)j-1h-ϕ4ϕ2M(z1)j+(z1)j-12-1ϕ1ϕ2K(z1)j+(z1)j-12=0, 26
(z3)j-(z3)j-1h1+1ϕ5PrNr+Prϕ3ϕ5fj+fj-12(z3)j+(z3)j-12+Prϕ3ϕ5Qϕ3θj+θj-12-(z1)j+(z1)j-12θj+θj-12+Ecϕ1ϕ3(z2)j+(z2)j-122+Prϕ3ϕ5ϕ4ϕ3EcM(z1)j+(z1)j-122=0. 27

Stage 3: linearized by via Newton’s technique

Newton’s technique has been implemented to linearize the subsequent system of formulas. The (i+1)th iteration in terms of the above equations are denoted by

()j(i+1)=()j(i)+ϖ()j(i), 28

The replacement of overhead in formulas (23)–(27) and disregard the quadratic and higher bounds of ϖji, a linear tri-diagonal system is achieved

ϖfj-ϖfj-1-12h(ϖz1j+ϖz1j-1)=(r1)j-12, 29
ϖz1j-ϖz1j-1-12h(ϖz2j+ϖz2j-1)=(r2)j-12, 30
ϖθj-ϖθj-1-12h(ϖ(z3)j+ϖ(z3)j-1)=(r3)j-12, 31
(a1)jϖfj+(a2)jϖfj-1+(a3)jϖz1j+(a4)jϖz1j-1+(a5)jϖz2j+(a6)jϖz2j-1+(a7)jϖθj+(a8)jϖθj-1+(a9)jϖ(z3)j+(a10)jϖ(z3)j-1=(r4)j-12, 32
(b1)jϖfj+(b2)jϖfj-1+(b3)jϖz1j+(b4)jϖz1j-1+(b5)jϖz2j+(b6)jϖz2j-1+(b7)jϖθj+(b8)jϖθj-1+(b9)jϖ(z3)j+(b10)jϖ(z3)j-1=(r5)j-12. 33


(r1)j-12=-fj+fj-1+h2(z1j+z1j-1), 34
(r2)j-12=-z1j+z1j-1+h2(z2j+z2j-1), 35
(r3)j-12=-θj+θj-1+h2((z3)j+(z3)j-1), 36
(r4)j-12=h1ϕ1ϕ2+ωϕ1((z2)j-(z2)j-1)h+h(fj+fj-1)((z2)j+(z2)j-1)4-h(z1)j+(z1)j-122+ωΔϕ2(z2)j+(z2)j-122(z2)j+(z2)j-1h-h1ϕ1ϕ2K(z1)j+(z1)j-12+ϕ4ϕ2M(z1)j+(z1)j-12, 37
(r5)j-12=-h((z3)j-(z3)j-1)h1+1ϕ5PrNr+ϕ3Prϕ5(fj+fj-1)((z3)j+(z3)j-1)4+hϕ3Prϕ5((z3)j+(z3)j-1)(z1j+z1j-1)4+Qϕ3θj+θj-12-hϕ3Prϕ5Ecϕ1ϕ3(z2)j+(z2)j-122+ϕ4ϕ3EcM(z1)j+(z1)j-122. 38

The boundary constraints become through the similarity procedure

ϖf0=0,ϖ(z1)0=0,ϖ(z3)0=0,ϖ(z1)J=0,ϖθJ=0, 39

Stage 4: the block-tridiagonal matrix

The above formulas (29)–(33) have a tridiagonal block structure. In a matrix–vector, we write the system accordingly,

For j=1;

ϖf1-ϖf0-12h(ϖ(z1)1+ϖ(z1)0)=(r1)1-12, 40
ϖ(z1)1-ϖ(z1)0-12h(ϖ(z2)1+ϖ(z2)0)=(r2)1-12, 41
ϖθ1-ϖθ0-12h(ϖ(z3)1+ϖ(z3)0)=(r3)1-12, 42
(a1)1ϖf1+(a2)1ϖf0+(a3)1ϖz11+(a4)1ϖz10+(a5)1ϖz21+(a6)1ϖz20+(a7)1ϖθj+(a8)1ϖθ0+(a9)1ϖ(z3)1+(a10)1ϖ(z3)0=(r4)1-12, 43
(b1)1ϖf1+(b2)1ϖf0+(b3)1ϖz11+(b4)1ϖz10+(b5)1ϖz21+(b6)1ϖz20+(b7)1ϖθ1+(b8)1ϖθ0+(b9)1ϖ(z3)1+(b10)1ϖ(z3)0=(r5)1-12. 44

In matrix formula,

00100-h/200-h/200-h/200-h/2(a2)1(a10)1(a3)1(a1)1(a9)1(b2)1(b10)1(b3)1(b1)1(b9)1ϖ(z2)0ϖ(θ)0ϖ(f)1ϖ(z2)1ϖ(z3)1+-h/200001000001000(a5)1(a7)1000(b5)1(b7)1000ϖ(z1)1ϖ(θ)1ϖ(f)2ϖ(z2)2ϖ(z3)2=(r1)12(r2)12(r3)12(r4)12(r5)12. 45

That is

[A1][ϖ1]+[C1][ϖ2]=[r1]. 46

For j=2;

ϖf2-ϖf1-12h(ϖ(z1)2+ϖ(z1)1)=(r1)1-12, 47
ϖ(z1)2-ϖ(z1)1-12h(ϖ(z2)2+ϖ(z2)1)=(r2)1-12, 48
ϖθ1-ϖθ0-12h(ϖ(z3)2+ϖ(z3)1)=(r3)1-12, 49
(a1)2ϖf2+(a2)2ϖf1+(a3)2ϖz12+(a4)2ϖz11+(a5)2ϖz22+(a6)2ϖz21+(a7)2ϖθ2+(a8)2ϖθ1+(a9)2ϖ(z3)2+(a10)2ϖ(z3)1=(r4)2-12, 50
(b1)2ϖf2+(b2)2ϖf1+(b3)2ϖz12+(b4)2ϖz11+(b5)2ϖz22+(b6)2ϖz21+(b7)2ϖθ2+(b8)2ϖθ1+(b9)2ϖ(z3)2+(b10)2ϖ(z3)1=(r5)2-12. 51

In matrix formula,

00-100000-h200000-h200(a4)2(a2)2(a10)200(b4)2(b2)2(b10)2ϖ(z2)0ϖ(θ)0ϖ(f)1ϖ(z2)1ϖ(z3)1+-h20100-100-h200-100-h2(a6)2(a8)2(a3)2(a1)2(a9)2(b6)2(b8)2(b3)2(b1)2(b9)2ϖ(z1)1ϖ(θ)1ϖ(f)2ϖ(z2)2ϖ(z3)2-h20100100-h200100-h2(a5)2(a7)2000(b5)2(b7)2000ϖ(z1)1ϖ(θ)1ϖ(f)2ϖ(z2)2ϖ(z3)2=(r1)32(r2)32(r3)32(r4)32(r5)32. 52

That is

[B2][ϖ1]+[A2][ϖ2]+[C2][ϖ3]=[r2]. 53

For j=J-1;

ϖfJ-1-ϖfJ-2-12h(ϖ(z1)J-1+ϖz1J-2)=(r1)J-1-12, 54
ϖ(z1)J-1-ϖ(z1)J-2-12h(ϖ(z2)J-1+ϖ(z2)J-2)=(r2)J-1-12, 55
ϖθJ-1-ϖθJ-2-12h(ϖ(z3)J-1+ϖ(z3)J-2)=(r3)J-1-12, 56
(a1)J-1ϖfJ-1+(a2)J-1ϖfJ-2+(a3)J-1ϖz1J-1+(a4)J-1ϖz1J-2+(a5)J-1ϖz2j+(a6)J-1ϖz2J-2+(a7)J-1ϖθJ-1+(a8)J-1ϖθJ-2+(a9)J-1ϖ(z3)J-1+(a10)J-1ϖ(z3)J-2=(r4)J-1-12, 57
(b1)J-1ϖfJ-1+(b2)J-1ϖfJ-2+(b3)J-1ϖz1J-1+(b4)J-1ϖz1J-2+(b5)J-1ϖz2J-1+(b6)J-1ϖz2J-2+(b7)J-1ϖθJ-1+(b8)J-1ϖθJ-2+(b9)J-1ϖ(z3)J-1+(b10)J-1ϖ(z3)J-2=(r5)J-1-12. 58

In matrix formula,

00-100000-h/200000-h/200(a4)J-2(a2)J-2(a10)J/200(b4)J-2(b2)J-2(b10)J-2ϖ(z2)J-3ϖ(θ)J-3ϖ(f)J-2ϖ(z2)J-2ϖ(z3)J-2+-h/20100-100-h/200-100-h/2(a6)J-2(a8)J-2(a3)J-2(a1)J-2(a9)J-2(b6)J-2(b8)J-2(b3)J-2(b1)J-2(b9)J-2ϖ(z2)J-2ϖ(θ)J-2ϖ(f)J-1ϖ(z2)J-1ϖ(z3)J-1+-h/200001000001000(a5)J-2(a9)J-2000(b5)J-2(b9)J-2000ϖ(z1)J-1ϖ(θ)J-1ϖ(f)Jϖ(z2)Jϖ(z3)J=(r1)(J-1)-12(r2)(J-1)-12(r3)(J-1)-12(r4)(J-1)-12(r5)(J-1)-12. 59

That is

[BJ-1][ϖJ-2]+[AJ-1][ϖJ-1]+[CJ-1][ϖJ]=[rJ-1]. 60

For j=J;

ϖfJ-ϖfJ-1-12h(ϖ(z1)J+ϖ(z1)J-1)=(r1)J-12, 61
ϖ(z1)J-ϖ(z1)J-1-12h(ϖ(z2)J+ϖ(z2)J-1)=(r2)J-12, 62
ϖθJ-ϖθJ-1-12h(ϖ(z3)J+ϖ(z3)J-1)=(r3)J-12, 63
(a1)JϖfJ+(a2)JϖfJ-1+(a3)Jϖz1J+(a4)Jϖz1J-1+(a5)Jϖz2J+(a6)Jϖz2J-1+(a7)JϖθJ+(a8)JϖθJ-1+(a9)Jϖ(z3)J+(a10)Jϖ(z3)J-1=(r4)J-12, 64
(b1)JϖfJ+(b2)JϖfJ-1+(b3)Jϖz1J+(b4)Jϖz1J-1+(b5)Jϖz2J+(b6)Jϖz2J-1+(b7)JϖθJ+(b8)JϖθJ-1+(b9)Jϖ(z3)J+(b10)Jϖ(z3)J-1=(r5)J-12. 65

In matrix formula,

-h/20100-100-h/200-100-h/2(a6)1(a8)1(a3)1(a1)1(a9)1(b6)1(b8)1(b3)1(b1)1(b9)1ϖ(z2)0ϖ(θ)0ϖ(f)1ϖ(z2)1ϖ(z3)1+-h/20100-100-h/200-100-h/2(a6)J-2(a8)J-2(a3)J-2(a1)J-2(a9)J-2(b6)J-2(b8)J-2(b3)J-2(b1)J-2(b9)J-2ϖ(z2)J-2ϖ(θ)J-2ϖ(f)J-1ϖ(z2)J-1ϖ(z3)J-1=(r1)12(r2)12(r3)12(r4)12(r5)12. 66

That is

[BJ][ϖJ-1]+[AJ][ϖJ]=[rJ]. 67

Stage 5: block-elimination process

Finally, in linearized finite-difference equations is obtaining the coefficient matrix known as the tridiagonal block matrix. Formulas (40)–(65) can be written as,

Rϖ=p, 68


R=A1C1B2A2C2BJ-1AJ-1CJ-1BJAJ,ϖ=ϖ1ϖ2ϖj-1ϖj,p=(r1)j-12(r2)j-12(rJ-1)j-12(rJ)j-12. 69

Here R signifies the J×J block-tridiagonal array with each block size of 5×5, whereas, ϖ and p are column vectors of order J×1. The LU factorization technique is now useful to discover the solution of ϖ.

Skin friction (Cf) and Nusselt number (Nux)

The expression regarding (Cf) and (Nux) are bestowed by (See for example Khan et al.56)

Cf=τwρfUw2,Nux=xqwkf(Tw-T) 70

here τw and qw represents stress as well as heat flux at the wall bestowed by

τw=μnf+1βςuy-16βς3uy3y=0,qw=-knf1+163σT3κνf(ρCp)fTyy=0. 71

Using similarity transformations (12), above

CfRex12=1(1-ϕ)2.5+ωf(0)-ωΔ3(f(0))3,NuxRex-12=-knfkf1+Nrθ(0). 72

where, Rex=Uwxνf is the local Reynolds number.

Entropy generation analysis

Generally speaking, MHD and porous media amplify entropy. Jamshed and Aziz39 defined entropy generation expression mentioned below.

EG=knfT2Ty2+163σT3κνf(ρCp)fTy2+μnfTuy2+σnfB2(t)u2T+μnfu2kT. 73

The first term depicts the transfer of heat irreversibility. The second term in the entropy expression indicates fluid friction and MHD as well as porous media effects are given at the end, respectively. The dimension-less expression regarding entropy generation NG is manifested by (for instance:5759

NG=T2c2EGkfTw-T2. 74

Using similarity transformations (12), above

NG=Reϕ5(1+Nr)θ2+1ϕ1BrΩf2+ϕ1ϕ4Mf2+Kf2, 75

Here Re=Uwc2νfx is the Reynolds number, Br=μfUw2kfTw-T is the Brinkman number and Ω=Tw-TT is the dimensionless temperature variation.

Code validity

The authenticity of the proposed technique was scrutinized by taking comparison with already available literature6063. Table 3 shows a strong agreement with our proposed numerical scheme. It is found that the present numerical solution is accurate up to 5 significant figures. Hence, outcomes are reliable and numerically authentic.

Table 3.

Comparison in terms of -θ(0) for variation in Pr, and taking Q=0, M=0, ϕ=0, Λ=0, Nr=0, Ec=0, S=0 and Bi=0.

Pr Ref.60 Ref.61 Ref.62 Ref.63 Present
72 × 10–2 080,863,135 × 10–8 080,876,122 × 10–8 080,876,181 × 10–8 080,876,181 × 10–8 080,876,181 × 10–8
1 × 100 1 × 100 1 × 100 1 × 100 1 × 100 1 × 100
3 × 100 192,368,259 × 10–8 192,357,431 × 10–8 192,357,420 × 10–8 192,357,420 × 10–8 192,357,420 × 10–8
7 × 100 307,225,021 × 10–8 307,314,679 × 10–8 307,314,651 × 10–8 307,314,651 × 10–8 307,314,651 × 10–8
10 × 100 372,067,390 × 10–8 372,055,436 × 10–8 372,055,429 × 10–8 372,055,429 × 10–8 372,055,429 × 10–8

Numerical consequences and discussion

This section is devoted to studying the influence of sundry parameters like ω, K, Δ, M, ϕ, Λ, Nr, Bi, Ec, Q, S, Re, Br and m on velocity, temperature, and entropy generation in terms of Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 in the case of Cu-MeOH and GO-MeOH nanofluids. Table 5 displays the distinguished physical quantities against surface drag factor as well as temperature field gradient. The parameters Standard values adjusted at ω=0.1, K=0.1, Δ=0.2, M=0.1, ϕ=0.2, Λ=0.3, Nr=0.3, Bi=0.2, Ec=0.2, Q=0.1, S=0.1, Re=5, Br=5 and m=3. The material physical properties64, 65 are displayed in Table 4.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Velocity variation versus Δ.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Temperature variation versus Δ.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Entropy variation versus Δ.

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Velocity variation versus M.

Figure 8.

Figure 8

Temperature variation versus M.

Figure 9.

Figure 9

Entropy variation versus M.

Figure 10.

Figure 10

Velocity variation versus ϕ.

Figure 11.

Figure 11

Temperature variation versus ϕ.

Figure 12.

Figure 12

Entropy variation versus ϕ.

Figure 13.

Figure 13

Velocity variation versus Λ.

Figure 14.

Figure 14

Temperature variation versus Λ.

Figure 15.

Figure 15

Entropy variation versus Λ.

Figure 16.

Figure 16

Temperature variation versus Bi.

Figure 17.

Figure 17

Entropy variation versus Bi.

Figure 18.

Figure 18

Temperature variation versus Ec.

Figure 19.

Figure 19

Entropy variation versus Ec.

Figure 20.

Figure 20

Temperature variation versus Nr.

Figure 21.

Figure 21

Entropy variation versus Nr.

Figure 22.

Figure 22

Temperature variation versus Q.

Figure 23.

Figure 23

Entropy variation versus Q.

Figure 24.

Figure 24

Temperature variation versus m.

Figure 25.

Figure 25

Entropy variation versus m.

Figure 26.

Figure 26

Entropy variation versus Re.

Figure 27.

Figure 27

Entropy variation versus Br.

Table 5.

Values of skin friction =CfRex12 and Nusselt number =NuxRex-12 for Pr=7.38.

ω K Δ M ϕ Λ Nr Bi Ec Q S CfRex12
0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.3 1.1635 1.3835 0.1202 0.1286
0.5 1.3987 1.4697 0.1256 0.1323
0.0 1.0720 1.3051 0.1228 0.1315
0.1 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.2 1.0995 1.3320 0.1019 0.1118
0.2 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
5.0 1.0801 1.2354 0.1124 0.1182
10.0 1.0506 1.2195 0.1083 0.1110
0.0 1.0520 1.2467 0.1323 0.1478
0.1 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.2 1.1043 1.3361 0.1097 0.1135
0.1 0.9301 0.0791 0.1388 0.1401
0.15 1.0532 1.2354 0.1230 0.1356
0.2 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.0 2.0188 2.4365 0.1272 0.1301
0.1 1.6103 1.8115 0.1223 1.1250
0.3 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.3 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.5 1.0876 1.3266 0.1243 0.1323
0.8 1.0876 1.3266 0.1560 0.1601
0.1 1.0876 1.3266 0.1119 0.1155
0.2 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.6 1.0876 1.3266 0.1232 0.1296
0.2 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.4 1.0876 1.3266 0.1101 0.1120
0.6 1.0876 1.3266 0.1040 0.1080
0.0 1.0876 1.3266 0.1232 0.1328
0.05 1.0876 1.3266 0.1202 0.1271
0.1 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.1 1.0876 1.3266 0.1188 0.1201
0.3 1.3201 1.4332 0.1234 0.1299
0.4 1.4001 1.5112 0.1307 0.1350

Table 4.

Material properties of base fluid and nanoparticles at 293 K.

Thermophysical ρ(kg.m-3) Cp( k(Wm-1K-1)
Cu 8933 385 401
MeOH 792 2545 0.2035
GO 1800 717 5000

Effect of material parameter (Δ)

The influence of Δ on velocity, temperature, and entropy outlines are sketched in Figs. 4, 5 and 6 for the case of diverse values of Δ=0.2,5.0,10.0 at ϕ=0.2. It is quite evident that enlargement in Δ lessens the viscosity of the fluid and diminishes fluid motion as sketched in Fig. 4. This trend assures our numerical scheme’s authenticity. Moreover, a positive variation in Δ depreciates the fluid velocity and shows a decrement in fluid motion. Incremental change in fluid viscosity depreciates yield stress. In the case of distinguished nanofluids, (when Δ=0.2) the momentum boundary layer of GO-MeOH nanofluid is heavier than the Cu-MeOH nanofluid. The upsurge in nanofluid temperature is seen in Fig. 5 for magnification in Δ. Heat transport rate falls in the fluid stream since an incremental change in elasticity stress. Figure 6 shows that magnification in Δ improves overall system entropy. It is expected that a magnification Δ upsurges fluid viscosity which ultimately retards the fluid motion and enlarges the temperature of the fluid and entropy phenomenon. Entropy amplifies due to a decrement in the heat transfer rate. Increment change in Δ depreciates available energy amount.

Magnetic parameter (M) impact

Figures 7, 8 and 9 demonstrate the influence of magnetic field M=0.0,0.1,0.2 on temperature distribution as well as entropy generation field. Lorentz forces which are resistive forces generate a result of the electrical field in the occurrence of the magnetic field. Lorentz forces diminish the fluid velocity and thickness in terms of the momentum layer at the boundary. From Fig. 8 it is noted that the M is inversely related to fluid density, so a positive variation in M amplifies the boundary layer’s temperature. Table 5 validate that the Nusselt number lessens but the drag coefficient amplifies as a result of positive change in M. Figure 9 displayed the fact the overall entropy booms owing to an incremental change in a magnetic field. A magnification in magnetic field strength urging the fluid's speed to slow down and produces more heat, which furthermore elevates the entropy phenomenon.

Nanoparticle concentration size (ϕ) Impact

Figures 10 and 11 reflect the impact of ϕ=0.1,0.15,0.2 on fluid velocity along with temperature field as well. It is noteworthy that a positive variation in ϕ makes the fluid dense to flow over the surface which lessens the fluid velocity and thickness of the momentum boundary layer as well. It is observed that the addition of nanoparticles in base fluid amplifies heat transfer rate and thermal conduction phenomenon. As a result temperature of the fluid and thickness of the thermal-based boundary layer have been improved tremendously as depicted in Fig. 11. The velocity as well as and temperature in terms of ϕ is portrayed in Table 5. Figure 12 showed that a positive change in entropy as a result of magnification in ϕ. This trend is similar to the effect of magnetic parameter M. It is obvious that the higher nanoparticle’s concentration, the greater entropy of the system.

Slip velocity parameter (Λ) impact

Figures 13 and 14 reflects the variation in velocity and temperature outlines in the case of diverse values of Λ=0.0,0.1,0.3. In the case of the slip phenomenon the velocity of the fluid and sheet on which the fluid flow is not identical. Moreover, a stretching phenomenon between surface and fluid diminishes which retard the fluid flow motion and improves the heat transfer rate and temperature distribution inside the fluid well because velocity, as well as temperature distribution, are inversely linked with each other. The slip impact on expandable sheet velocity is displayed in Fig. 13. This phenomenon happens because it reduces the stretching effect retards fluid velocity. Figure 14 shows that Λ is inversely related to temperature. Amplification in Λ diminishes heat transfer but elevates temperature at the boundary. Overall entropy booms owing to an amplification in the temperature because the slip phenomenon depreciates the friction effect which ultimately magnifies the temperature as well as entropy as displayed in Fig. 15.

Biot number (Bi), and Eckert number (Ec) impact

Figures 16, 17, 18 and 19 are planned to reflect the influence of Bi and Ec on temperature as well as entropy fields likewise. Convection in terms of heat transfer from the boundary towards the fluid is getting better and better owing to an amplification in the values of Bi. The temperature as well as thickness in terms of a thermal layer at the boundary booms as a result of enrichment in Bi (Fig. 16). No significant change is reported in the case of the velocity field in the case of a positive variation in Bi. Figure 18 sketches the change in temperature field for the case of the diverse values of Ec=0.2,0.4,0.6. Greater Ec, a ratio of kinetic energy to enthalpy difference. Molecules collide more randomly as a result of an increment in Ec because the kinetic energy amplifies the molecules' friction and internal heat generation capacity which elevates the heat transfer phenomenon in a temperature field as portrayed in Fig. 18. Figures 17 and 19 it is quite evident that a substantial amplification in parameters Bi as well as Ec provides substantial heat to the fluid which upsurges temperature phenomenon and entropy phenomenon as well. In the case of χ=0.3, the entropy showed a cross-over point. Entropy amplifies and declined before as ell as after that point.

Thermal radiative (Nr) and heat source parameters (Q) impact

Figure 20 shows the impact of Nr on the temperature distribution field for various values of Nr=0.3,0.5,0.8. Thermal radiation is used where a large temperature difference is required like combustion reactions, nuclear fusions, ceramic productions, etc. In the presence of Nr temperature as well heat transfer phenomenon escalates by the virtue of amplification in Nr. It is quite interesting that more is generated inside the fluid on the behalf of augmentation in the heat source Q which ultimately makes a pathway for magnification in the temperature field as sketched in Fig. 22. Figures 21 and 23 exhibit the influence of Nr as well as Q parameters on entropy profile. It is quite clear that in the case of χ=0.3, the entropy outline depicts incompatible facts. Entropy of the system amplifies before that point while depreciates after that point. Physically, the crossover point is a sign for effective modification of the thermal system. We can say that χ=0.3 has situated nearby the sheet and the entropy always upsurges close to the boundary sheet and depreciates in the case of away from the surface.

Nanoparticle shapes factor (m) impact

It is quite important that amplification or decrement in heat transfer rate phenomenon solely relies on the values of nanoparticles shape factor m. The m effect on temperature as well as entropy fields is displayed in Figs. 24 and 25 by considering five different shapes of nanoparticles. m=3.0(sphere), 3.7221 (hexahedron), 4.0613 (tetrahedron), 6.3698 (column), 16.1576 (lamina) for distinguished shapes are represented in Table 2. From Fig. 24 it is observed that nanofluid temperature upsurges by the virtue of an improvement in m. Temperature of the fluid is getting lower at m=3 spherical-shaped type nanoparticles. The sphere occupies a large superficial zone and booms heat transmission rate from the sheet surface towards fluid inside. It is noted from Fig. 25, entropy m escalates. The system's entropy is getting lower and lower for sphere structure shape-particles as the heat trick inside the scheme is getting smallest.

Reynolds (Re) and Brinkman numbers (Br) influences

Lastly, the impacts of Re=5.0,10.0,15.0 and Br=5.0,10.0,15.0 on entropy generation are presented. It is noteworthy that the inertial forces topple viscous forces in the case of magnification in Re which furthermore enhances the overall entropy of the thermal system shown in Fig. 26. Figure 27 sketches the Br effect on entropy. In the case of augmentation in Br, heat dissipates more quickly as compared to the conduction phenomenon at the surface, which moreover amplifies entropy of the system. The results are quite reliable in comparison with Abbas et al.66, who reported similar results.

Impact of pertinent dimensionless parameters on skin friction coefficient Cf and Nusselt number Nux

The influence of sundry dimensionless parameters on Cf and Nux are presented in the table enumerated underneath.


Computational surveys of boundary-layer flow for Cu and GO methanol-based nanofluids were achieved over a permeable elongating surface. This research considered MHD, porous medium, viscous dissipative, thermal radiative, Joule-heating, and particle shapes with Keller box methods help. Significance of the effects of different dimensionless parameters against velocity, Temperature, and entropy profiles are displayed in terms of figures. The Cf as well as Nux for diverse amounts of sundry factors are portrayed in the form of a table. Some pertinent concluding observations from the present study are enumerated underneath.

  1. Velocity profile owing to amplification in Δ and ϕ.

  2. Temperature profile increased the function of parameters Δ, K, M, ϕ, Nr, Bi, Q and Ec whereas reduced parameters S>0.

  3. Amplification in nanoparticles concentration ϕ guides an improvement in temperature and thermal boundary layer thickness.

  4. The GO-MeOH nanofluid is better in terms of thermal conduction instead of Cu-MeOH nanofluid.

  5. The heat transport rate is more significant for the lesser number of shape factors.

  6. Overall systems entropy depreciates by the virtue of magnification in slip parameter.

  7. Lamina-shaped particles deliver more heat at the boundary layer, while the temperature is getting lower for the case of spherical-shaped nanoparticles.


The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia for funding this work through General Research Project under Grant No: GRP/303/42.



Magnetic field parameter


Brinkman number


Stretching rate parameter


Surface drag coefficient


Specific heat (KJg-1K-1)


Heat capacity (KJ-1m-3)


Entropy production


Eckert number


Nondimensional stream function


Heat transport factor


Porosity of fluid


Porous media parameter


Absorption factor


Magnetic field


Thermal radiative


Nusselt number


Prandtl number


Heat source


Radiation heat flux


Reynolds number


Mass transport parameter


Temperature of the fluid (K)


Temperature at the wall (K)


Ambient temperature (K)


Time (s)


Velocity components (ms1)


Surface velocity


Permeability of sheet


Cartesian co-ordinates

Greek symbols


Thermal diffusion


Material constants


Nanoparticle size


Thermal conductance


Electrical conductance


Nondimensional temperature


Dynamical viscidness (kg m1 s1)


Kinematic viscosity (m2 s1)


Material parameter


Nondimensional temperature variant


Density (kg m3)


Cauchy stress-tensor


Drag force (kg m1 s2)


Dimensionless time


Slip velocity









Differentiation concerning to ψ

Author contributions

W.J. and M.R.E. formulated the problem. W.J. solved the problem. W.J., M.R.E., K.S.N., N.A.A.M.N., A.E., C.A.S. and V.V. computed and analyzed the results. All the authors equally contributed to the writing and proofreading of the paper.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.


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