The strand exchange reaction is central to homologous recombination. It is catalyzed by the RecA family of ATPases that form a helical filament with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and ATP. This filament binds to a donor double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) to form synaptic filaments that search for homology, and then catalyze the exchange of the complementary strand to form a new heteroduplex, or a D-loop if homology is limited1,2. Here we report the Cryo-EM analysis of synaptic mini filaments with both non-complementary and partially-complementary dsDNA, and structures of RecA–D-loop complexes containing a 10 or 12 base pair heteroduplex at 2.8 and 2.9 Å, respectively. The RecA C-terminal domain (CTD) binds to dsDNA and directs it to the L2 loop, which inserts into and opens the duplex. The opening propagates through RecA sequestering the homologous strand at a secondary DNA-binding site, freeing the complementary strand to sample pairing with the ssDNA. Duplex opening has a significant probability of stopping at each RecA step, with the as yet unopened dsDNA portion binding to another CTD. Homology suppresses this process through heteroduplex pairing cooperating with secondary site-ssDNA binding to extend dsDNA opening. This mechanism locally limits the length of ssDNA sampled for pairing if homology is not encountered, and it may provide for the formation of multiple synapses separated substantially on the donor dsDNA, increasing the probability of encountering homology.
Homologous recombination plays essential roles in the generation of genetic diversity and the repair of DNA double strand breaks and related lesions. In the strand exchange reaction, the RecA ATPase is activated by binding to ATP and ssDNA, forming a helical assembly, termed presynaptic filament, of 3 nucleotides (nts) per RecA1–3. The presynaptic filament then binds to donor dsDNA, forming synaptic filaments that sample for ssDNA-dsDNA homology in a poorly understood process. Homology gives rise to a postsynaptic filament where the complementary strand of the donor is paired with the primary ssDNA in a heteroduplex (Extended Data Fig. 1a). A secondary DNA-binding site, defined by mutagenesis, is thought to bind to both the donor dsDNA and its displaced homologous strand4–7.
RecA consists of a flexibly-linked 30-residue N-terminal helix (αN) that anchors adjacent protomers8, a 64-residue C-terminal domain (CTD), and a 240-residue helicase/ATPase core that binds to the primary ssDNA and heteroduplex3 (Extended Data Fig. 1b). A previous crystal structure of the presynaptic filament3, obtained with a mini filament of five fused RecAs end-mutated to prevent further polymerization, showed that while the ssDNA is overall underwound and stretched, locally, over 3 nts (triplets), it has a B-type DNA conformation. Together with the structure of the mini filament containing a heteroduplex but lacking the displaced strand, this indicated that RecA holds the ssDNA substrate in a conformation that can locally sample Watson-Crick pairing with the donor dsDNA3.
What has not been understood is the formation of synaptic filaments, and the corollary questions of how RecA searches for homology and how it destabilizes the double-stranded nature of the donor dsDNA to free the complementary strand for homology sampling1,9. To address these questions, we constructed a fusion protein of nine Escherichia coli RecA protomers corresponding to one and a half turns of the filament.
Non-homologous synaptic filaments
We first collected cryo-EM data of the nine-RecA mini filament assembled with 27 nt oligo(dT) ssDNA and non-hydrolyzable ATPγS in the presence of 14-fold molar excess of a 67 bp non-homologous dsDNA, the length and concentration of which were optimized using an in vitro DNA-binding assay (Extended Data Fig. 1c–f). The consensus reconstruction of 972,675 particles extended to 2.8 Å by the gold-standard fourier shell correlation (FSC) procedure (Extended Data Fig. 2a–d, Table 1). The map showed that the primary ssDNA binds in the filament center as with the presynaptic crystal structure3 (Fig. 1a), but it also revealed two features not present in the crystal structure: (i) patchy density at and around secondary-site residues that was consistent with ssDNA and which extended along the length of the filament (henceforth S2 site), and (ii) trace amounts, at a level ~10 % of the protein density level, of double helical density at each RecA that was consistent with dsDNA (Fig. 1b). The dsDNA extended from the RecA CTD at the filament periphery towards the center, with its axis bisecting the primary ssDNA axis. The CTD’s involvement in dsDNA binding was predicted by an NMR chemical shift perturbation analysis of the isolated CTD polypeptide10,11.
We next used iterative 3D classification with partial signal subtraction to identify the fraction of particles that contained dsDNA at each RecA position (RecA protomers labeled with superscript letters, starting with A at the 3’ end of the primary ssDNA). Because the filament ends are overall poorly ordered, and the CTDs at the 3’ end extend the farthest away into the solvent, we could not classify particles at the RecAA position, and classification at RecAB was incomplete. At the remaining RecA positions, the fraction of particles that contained duplexes ranged from 9 % to 18 % (thereafter duplex occupancy; Extended Data Fig. 2e–f). The highest duplex occupancies of 18 % and 15 % were at RecAC and RecAH, respectively, whereas the lowest ones were 9 % at RecAF, RecAG and RecAI. The lower duplex occupancy in the mid-portion of the filament likely results from the limited dsDNA accessibility of the CTDs there (Extended Data Fig. 2g).
Analysis of the pattern of duplexes per particle showed that there was on average 0.9 duplexes per particle, ranging from no duplexes (41 % of particles) to six duplexes (0.01 %; Extended Data Fig. 2f, Supplementary Spreadsheet 1). Initial 3D classification with partial signal subtraction of select multi-duplex combinations showed that they contained duplex pairs that appeared to be connected through S2 density, or combinations of a pair(s) with single duplexes flanking the S2 density-connected pair(s) (Extended Data Fig. 3a–d).
We thus grouped particles into 28 sets representing all combinations of duplex pairs for positions B to I, and performed partial signal subtraction and 3D classification with masks covering the respective duplex pairs and the intervening S2 density region (Supplementary Fig. 2). Analysis of their reconstructions showed that duplexes bind to RecA in two conformations, with a ~28° angle between their dsDNA axes. One conformation has the dsDNA tilted substantially relative to the filament axis, with the filament-proximal end pointing 5’, while the other is tilted slightly in the opposite direction (henceforth 5’- and 3’-tilt; Extended Data Fig. 2d).
The majority of the duplexes at the 3’ end of the mini filament tended to have the 5’ tilt, but this preference was scrambled towards the 5’ filament end (Fig. 1c, Supplementary Spreadsheet 2). The 5’ end also had classes with conspicuously short duplexes that barely reached their respective CTD, in addition to classes with normal duplexes (Extended Data Fig. 4a). Such short duplexes, which presumably represent a dsDNA end, were not observed at the 3’ end.
For each pair of duplexes, the most abundant class tended to have both strong S2 density in between duplexes and at the S2-duplex connections, and also the 5’ tilt for the 3’ duplex and 3’ tilt for the 5’ duplex. These tilts direct the two duplexes towards the S2 density that links them (Fig. 1e–j; Supplementary Fig. 2, Spreadsheet 2, and Supplementary Discussion).
For any given 3’ duplex, the number of particles in S2-connected classes decreased with increasing RecA-RecA spacing to its 5’ mate (Fig. 1d; Extended Data Fig. 4b). Because of the aforementioned caveats, including low overall duplex occupancy at the filament center, the trend is not regular enough for accurate simulation. Nevertheless, it suggests that there is on average a ~20 % decrease in the number of S2-connected pairs at each RecA step.
Taken together, these observations suggest that in our mini filament system the initial dsDNA-CTD binding occurs preferentially at the 3’ end of the filament in the 5’-tilt conformation. The initial binding opens up the DNA, and the local opening of the duplex propagates preferentially in the 5’ direction, likely driven by the S2 site binding to the homologous strand (Supplementary Discussion). As the opening propagates, there is a significant probability of the as yet unopened part of the dsDNA binding to another CTD. This precludes further S2 engagement, thus terminating strand-separation to produce S2-connected duplex pairs. This model accounts for short duplexes being limited to the 5’ end of the mini filament, where duplex opening could get close to the dsDNA end. It also accounts for the scrambling of the tilt preference at the 5’ end, where some of duplexes would result from a terminated opening and have a 3’ tilt, while others would arise from initial dsDNA binding and have a 5’ tilt.
The decrease in the probability of S2-connected duplex pairs with increasing separation raises the possibility that RecA-dsDNA synapses in the absence of homology are limited in length locally12–14. To confirm that this decrease is not due to the limited length of the dsDNA used, we collected cryo-EM data (1,592,037 particles) from a strand exchange reaction that had a longer, 120 bp donor dsDNA. 3D classification analyses recapitulated the aforementioned observations from the 67 bp dsDNA reaction (Fig. 1k), except for a higher overall duplex occupancy as expected from the longer 120 bp dsDNA having nearly twice the number of RecA binding sites (Extended Data Figs 5a–c). Most importantly, the data also exhibited a marked decrease in the frequency of S2-paired duplexes with increasing RecA-RecA distance (Fig. 1l, Extended Data Fig. 4c, Supplementary Fig. 3). This indicates the roughly 20 % probability of strand-separation terminating at each RecA step is an intrinsic feature of the synaptic mini filament under our experimental conditions.
The reconstructions of S2-connected paired-duplex particles had no density for the second strand of the strand-separated portion of the donor dsDNA (Figs 1e–j). This suggested that homology sampling occurs in a D-loop like DNA structure, where the complementary strand is mobile and thus available for base pairing with the primary ssDNA.
Partially homologous synaptic filaments
To address homology sampling, we collected cryo-EM data with a mini filament where the primary ssDNA contained 10 nts of homology to the middle of the 67 bp dsDNA. Based on the postsynaptic crystal structure3, the heteroduplex at the primary site would extend from RecAB to RecAE. Indeed, the 2.4 Å consensus reconstruction of 1,697,726 particles revealed patches of low-level density for the complementary strand pairing with the ssDNA at the expected positions (Fig. 2a, Extended Data Fig. 6a–c). The homologous data set exhibited a similar preference for 5’ tilts at the 3’ end of the filament as the non-homologous reaction, but had a higher average duplex occupancy (Fig. 2b, Extended Data 6d). Crucially, the decrease in the frequency of S2-paired duplexes with increasing RecA-RecA distance was substantially diminished, except at the RecA protomers outside the region of homology (Fig. 2c, Extended Data Fig. 6e). This suggests that heteroduplex formation stabilizes the strand-separated state of the donor dsDNA, likely through the pairing energy and also by keeping the complementary strand away from the homologous strand being sequestered by the S2 site.
3D classification of paired duplexes revealed patchy density for the complementary strand of a heteroduplex between many S2-connected pairs that encompass duplexD and duplexG, which spatially flank the homology region on the ssDNA, and even some pairs that encompass only one of the two positions (Fig. 2d to j, Supplementary Fig. 4). These classes were predominantly in the 5’/3’-tilted conformation. Because of the particle heterogeneity apparent in the patchiness of heteroduplex density, we 3D sub-classified, with partial signal subtraction outside the complementary strand, the 19,730 particles in the S2-connected duplexD-duplexG class. This identified a class of 7,990 particles that appeared to have a bona fide D-loopDG, with a 10 bp heteroduplex having overall continuous complementary-strand density that was connected to the duplexes (Fig. 2k). A class of 2,684 particles lacked complementary-strand density, presumably because the duplex opened up where there was no homology. The remaining particles appeared heterogeneous, with weak, patchy complementary strand density that could not be further evaluated by sub-classification (Extended Data Fig. 6f–h).
Postsynaptic filaments with D-loop DNA
To investigate the structural details of dsDNA opening and D-loop formation, we designed, based on the D-loopDG density, a dsDNA substrate with an 11-bp region of homology that contained a bubble of 9 mismatched base pairs (Fig. 3a). We reasoned that the unpaired complementary strand would readily pair with the primary ssDNA and guide the flanking duplexes to the proper CTDs, allowing the formation of a homogeneous D-loop. Indeed, the 2.7 Å map from 399,184 particles showed that CTDD and CTDG contained a duplex at essentially full occupancy (Extended Data Fig. 7c).
The 2.8 Å refined model contains a 15-bp duplexD, a 17-bp duplexG, 10 nts of complementary strand in a heteroduplex, and 10 nts of homologous strand bound by RecA (Fig. 3a, Extended Data Table 1). As expected from the postsynaptic crystal structure3, the heteroduplex is arranged in 31/3 base-pair triplets, each bound by the helicase core L1 and L2 loops and the α helices that follow them.
DuplexD adopts the 5’ tilt and duplexG the 3’ tilt. The 3’-tilt conformation is associated a 13° rotation of CTDG relative to the helicase core, while the 5’-tilt has a smaller CTDD rotation of −3° in the opposite direction (Extended Data Fig. 8a). When superimposed on their respective CTDs, the axes of the two duplexes differ by an additional 16° angle (Extended Data Fig. 8b).
Each duplex abuts an L2 loop, whose Phe206 side chain stacks with the aromatic face of the last base pair and terminates the double helix (Fig. 3b–c; Extended Data Fig. 8c–d). However, the different duplex orientations are associated with non-equivalent L2 loops, which in turn have distinct backbone conformations and use a different set of additional residues to extend their contacts to the duplex end (Fig. 3d; full contacts discussed in Extended Data Fig. 8 legend).
The CTD-dsDNA interactions are very analogous in the two duplexes. They extend over 6 base pairs and involve a loop-helix motif that is structurally coupled to an adjacent hairpin motif. These insert into the minor groove of the DNA and expand it (Fig. 3e–f, Extended Data Fig. 8e–f and legend).
The path the homologous strand tracks, and thus our definition of the S2 site, consists of the long β6 strand (residues 226 to 232) of the helicase core on one side, and the L2 loop on the other (Fig. 3g; Extended Data Fig. 8g). The S2 site−DNA contacts repeat every 5 nts, in contrast to the primary site−DNA contacts that repeat every 3 nts or heteroduplex base pairs. The two sites also differ in their extents because the 5’ end of the homologous S2 ssDNA is below (in the 5’ filament direction) L2E, while its 3’ end is above L2C (Fig. 3g). Thus, while the 10 bps of heteroduplex extend along a filament segment equivalent to 31/3 RecA repeats, the 10 nts of homologous strand extend along a segment equivalent to two RecA repeats.
The homologous-strand conformation is characterized by extensive stacking interactions by nucleotide bases as well as sugar groups, both within the DNA and between the DNA and RecA. RecA hydrogen bonds to the phosphodiester backbone are sporadic, and only a subset is repetitive (Fig. 3g).
Immediately after the opening of duplexD, the Ade28 base group is sandwiched between the last base pair of the duplex and Met202 of L2C, while its phosphodiester backbone is contacted by Arg226 of β6D (Fig. 3g, bottom). Arg226 also makes bidentate hydrogen bonds to L2D Glu207, an interaction conserved in all RecA protomers. This interaction would stabilize the L2 loop conformation, suggesting that the E207Q mutation that eliminates secondary-site binding15,16 acts indirectly.
Cyt27, the next nucleotide in the 5’ filament direction, is sandwiched between L2C and L2D residues and the E207D-R226D salt bridge, while the following Cyt26 and Cyt25, which stack together, pack against L2D and hydrogen bond to β6E backbone and side chain groups (Fig. 3g; Extended Data Fig. 8g and legend). Cyt24 and Cyt23 also stack together. They bind into a tight gap between β6E and L2D, which contact both the phosphodiester and base groups of the pair in a pinch-like arrangement (Fig. 3g; Extended Data Fig. 8g and legend). The extensive contacts suggest that this is a key aspect of RecA’s secondary site DNA-binding activity. Thereafter, Cyt22 is bound similarly to Cyt27, five nucleotides over (Fig. 3g).
Cyt21 to Cyt19, the last three nucleotides before duplexG, are too far to contact β6E as they stack along an alternate curved path around L2E on their way to the duplex. They have relatively high temperature factors and have been built based on unsharpened maps (Fig. 3g; Extended Data Fig. 8g).
To investigate how general these aspects of this D-loop are, we also determined the structure of 9-RecA bound to a DNA containing a 12-bp bubble with 12 bps of homology positioned to direct the duplexes to CTDD and CTDH (Fig. 4a; Extended Data Fig. 7d). The 2.9 Å-refined structure showed that in addition to the 12 bp bubble, 2 base pairs, one from each duplex, are opened up. The structure thus has 14 homologous-strand nucleotides extending along three S2 repeats and 12 bps of heteroduplex in four triplets, flanked by a flipped-out nucleotide on each side (Fig. 4a, Extended Data Fig. 8h, Extended Data Table 1). This D-loopDH structure recapitulates the key aspects of D-loopDG, including the overall S2 site contacts, and the L2C and L2F loop conformations and their stacking with the end of their respective duplex (Fig. 4a–b; Extended Data Fig. 8h and legend). Most of these findings likely also apply to the eukaryotic RAD51 homolog, which has a putative N-terminal DNA-binding domain located at the filament periphery as with the RecA CTD (Extended Data Fig. 9).
These structures indicate that the L2 loop plays a major role in the initial opening of the dsDNA. Loops or hairpins with aromatic or hydrophobic amino acids are common protein motifs that insert into dsDNA to separate its strands locally17,18. To extend the opening, RecA additionally uses the adjacent S2 site to bind to the homologous strand, in effect stabilizing in the single-stranded state of the nucleotides that follow the L2 loop insertion. This suggests that the first duplex to bind preferentially adopts the 5’-tilt conformation as the first nucleotide after the L2 loop insertion immediately binds to the S2 site. By contrast, the 3’-tilt conformation has a 3-nt spacer from the duplex end to the start of significant S2 contacts, and it likely represents the second duplex binding that terminates the opening.
Our data reveals that the donor dsDNA binds to the CTD domain, which directs the dsDNA to clash with the L2 loop. The L2 loop then inserts into the dsDNA and initiates the opening of the duplex, with the S2 site propagating the opening preferentially in the 3’ to 5’ direction. Each S2 site binds to and opens up a 5-nt strand of the donor dsDNA compared to the primary site binding to 3 nts per RecA, a ratio beneficial for finding homology. Duplex opening has a significant probability of stopping at each RecA step. Homology suppresses this, allowing the opening of the dsDNA to extend across the homologous region. This is likely a mechanism that locally limits the length of ssDNA sampled for pairing if homology is not encountered, thus allowing the formation multiple synapses, separated substantially on the donor dsDNA13,19,20, that can increase the probability of the filament encountering the correct register of the two sequences.
Protein engineering, expression and purification.
To make the nine-RecA fusion protein, three more copies of Escherichia coli recA gene were inserted into the previously described overexpression vector containing six copies of the E. coli recA gene with the same linker length, N-terminal and C-terminal mutations that disrupt oligomerization3. In addition to the original N-terminal 12 histidine residues tag, a C-terminal FLAG tag was inserted after the last recA gene to facilitate the purification of the full-length nine-RecA fusion protein. The nine RecA fusion protein was overexpressed and purified as described3 except that after eluting the protein off the Ni2+ resin (GE Healthcare), the full-length protein was further enriched with pull down with ANTI-FLAG® M2 Affinity gel (Sigma) before fractionated with anion-exchange chromatography (Mono Q, GE Healthcare). Peak fractions were pooled and aliquoted for storage in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 300 mM NaCl, 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) and 10% glycerol at −80 °C.
DNA substrates.
DNA oligonucleotides used in the cryo-EM experiments were purchased from IDT as standard PAGE gel purified oligonucleotides with the exception of the 120-nt oligonucleotides that were ordered as Ultramer oligonucleotides due to their lengths. dsDNA molecules were all blunt ended and were further purified with PAGE gel after annealing to ensure no ssDNA was present in the dsDNA samples. For the electrophoretic mobility shift assays, fluorophores were attached to the 5’ end of the oligonucleotide. HPLC-purified oligonucleotides labeled with Alexa 488 or Alexa 647 were purchased from IDT, and the 120-nt oligonucleotide labeled with 6-FAM from Sigma.
Electrophoretic mobility shift assay of dsDNA binding.
To visualize RecA binding to ssDNA and dsDNA simultaneously, we used fluorophores of different excitation wavelength for ssDNA (Alexa 647, excitation wavelength of 650 nm) and for dsDNA (Alexa 488, excitation wavelength of 492 nm; 6-FAM, excitation wavelength 495 nm). First, presynaptic filaments were prepared by incubating the nine-RecA fusion protein with 27-nt ssDNA at an equimolar concentration (1.6 μM) on ice for 15 minutes in 20 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 67 mM NaCl, 3 mM Mg(OAc)2, 0.3mM ATPγS, 2 mM DTT and 5% (v/v) glycerol. Then, dsDNA (ranging from 18 to 120 bps) at indicated molar ratios were added to the presynaptic filament and incubated for 10 additional minutes. Free DNA was separated from the RecA-bound DNA on 0.8% Agarose gels in 0.5x TB buffer supplemented with 3 mM Mg(OAc)2. The gels were imaged for fluorescence detection of Alexa 647-labeled ssDNA at 635 nm, of Alexa 488 or 6-FAM-labeled dsDNA at 473 nm with Typhoon FLA 9000 (GE healthcare). The overlay was created using ImageJ software (Fujifilm). The source gels are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1.
Cryo-EM sample preparation and data collection.
On the day of making grids for the cryo-EM experiments, the nine-RecA fusion protein from the Mono Q peak was concentrated to ~3.9 mg ml−1 and purified by gel filtration chromatography (Superose 6 Increase 5/150 GL, GE Healthcare) equilibrated in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 200 mM NaCl and 2 mM DTT. Only the peak fraction was used for making grids. Briefly, 1.6 μM nine-RecA fusion protein was incubated with 1:1 molar ratio of ssDNA (27 nucleotides long, 1.6 μM ssDNA molecules) in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 3 mM Mg(OAc)2, 0.3–1 mM ATPγS at 100–150 mM NaCl for 15 minutes at room temperature to allow for presynaptic filament formation. Then the salt was reduced to 87–100 mM to facilitate dsDNA binding and the desired dsDNA was added at 1.2 or 14 molar ratios to the presynaptic filament to start the paring reaction. At desired time point (20 seconds to 30 minutes), the sample (3–4 μl) was applied to glow discharged UltrAuFoil 300 mesh R1.2/1.3 grids (Quantifoil). Grids were immediately blotted for 1–1.5 seconds at room temperature and 100% humidity and plunge-frozen in liquid ethane using a FEI Vitrobot Mark IV. All data were collected with Titan Krios microscopes operated at 300 kV. The dataset with the (dT)27 and 14-fold molar excess of non-homologous 67 bp dsDNA were collected from samples frozen at 30 seconds to 5 minutes after adding dsDNA and were acquired over 6 sessions at the MSKCC Cryo-EM facility Krios with a Gatan K2 Summit camera with a 1.09 Å pixel size and dose rate of 10.0 electrons per pixel per second. Each 8 second exposure was dose-fractionated into 40 frames and contained a total dose of 67 electrons per Å2. Comparison of the individual data sets from the time course of 30 seconds to 5 minutes did not show any meaningful differences in duplex occupancy or duplex patterns (Supplementary Spreadsheet 1). The dataset with the 27 mer ssDNA (5’-(dT)14CGCTCGCCCA(dT)3-3’) bearing 10 bp homology to the 14-fold molar excess 67 bp dsDNA were collected from samples frozen at 3 and 7 minutes at the a Krios microscope of the HHMI cryo-EM facility. Movies were recorded with a Gatan K3 camera with a 1.078 Å pixel size and 20.0 electrons per pixel per second. Each 3 second movie was dose-fractionated into 40 frames and contained a total dose of ~52 electrons per Å2. The datasets with the (dT)27 and 14-fold molar excess non-homologous 120 bp dsDNA sample were collected from samples frozen at 3 and 5 minutes with a Krios microscope of the HHMI cryo-EM facility, using a Gatan K3 camera operating in CDS mode with a 1.078 Å pixel size and 8.0 electrons per pixel per second. Each ~7.8 second movie was dose-fractionated into 50 frames and contained a total dose of 54 electrons per Å2. The datasets with the 9 and 12nt D-loops were collected from samples equilibrated for 30 minutes after the addition of 1.2 molar-excess of bubble dsDNA. They were collected at an NYSBC Krios microscope with a Gatan K2 camera with 1.096 Å pixel size and 8.5 and 10 electrons per pixel per second. Each 8 second movie was dose-fractionated into 40 frames and contained a total dose of 57 and 67 electrons per Å2, respectively.
Cryo-EM image processing.
The super-resolution movies were initially aligned with MOTIONCOR221, and the contrast transfer function (CTF) parameters were estimated with CTFFIND422. All 2D/3D classifications, partial signal subtraction, 3D refinements, local resolution estimation and other image processing were carried out with RELION-323. Bayesian beam induced motion correction, scale and B-factors for radiation-damage weighting, and per particle refinement of CTF parameters were also applied with RELION-324. Particle polishing followed by CTF refinement were iterated twice, as further iterations did not yield improvements in resolution. All reported map resolutions are from gold-standard refinement procedure with the FSC=0.143 criterion after post-processing by applying a soft mask.
To identify particles containing duplexes at each CTD position by 3D classification, we used a mask around the dsDNA density to avoid confounding factors such as dsDNA on adjacent RecAs, or filament’s conformational flexibility influencing the classification. Because the density level inside the mask was very low, we subtracted the signal of the consensus map outside the dsDNA mask from each particle, and we performed 3D classification of the partially signal-subtracted particles without alignment. For each CTD position, we calculated a soft mask from a 15 bp dsDNA model manually positioned into density from the consensus reconstruction that was low-pass filtered at ~6 Å to improve the dsDNA contours. For CTDs in the middle of the filament with lower duplex occupancy and poorly-defined duplex density, the duplex was shifted from a better-defined CTD using translation-rotation operations derived from a 9-RecA model constructed based on the crystal structure of the 5-RecA-ssDNA mini filament3. Following the initial round of 3D classification into two classes with a broad duplex mask, further 3D classification of density-restored particles from the duplex-positive class at each RecA position indicated that the duplexes bind to RecA at two different conformations. Based on this, 3D classification with partial signal subtraction without alignment was iterated with improved masks made from coordinates that contained both duplex conformations at each position. The weight of the experimental data was reduced (RELION-3 tau_fudge_factor) to facilitate convergence and reduce the influence of density features not directly related to the presence of a duplex. The tau_fudge_factor was adjusted depending on the number of particles in the data set, by aiming for ~8 Å resolution in 3D classification (typically a value of 1 to 2 for ~1.5 million particles). We avoided filling the volume outside the solvent mask with zero density (RELION-3 zero_mask option), as this resulted in a higher fraction of particles falsely assigned to the duplex containing class. We could not reliably identify duplex containing classes at RecAA, because not only this terminal RecA is poorly ordered, but also its CTD is at its least ordered part at the extreme tip of the filament. RecAB had similar drawbacks. Even though 3D classification appeared to identify a duplex-containing class, it had far fewer particles compared to the adjacent well-ordered RecAC, and on further classification or 3D refinement more than half of these particles ended-up in classes with poorly-defined double helical density for the duplex. RecAI, at the other end of the filament, is also less ordered, but its CTD is among its better-ordered parts as it points towards the mid-portion of the filament. At the end of the +/− duplex classification process, each particle was assigned a binary code of 8 digits representing duplex occupancy at RecAs B to I (as a “_rlnComment” entry in the Relion particle star file) to facilitate manipulations such as selecting particles with a particular pattern of duplexes (for example, particles that contain duplexC and duplexG but no intervening duplexes could be selected by matching the pattern “x10001xx”, where “x” could be either 1 or 0).
For the representative 3D classification of particles with more than 2 duplexes of Extended Data Fig. 3, we used the 120 bp dsDNA data set, because such combinations are infrequent and this data set had the highest duplex occupancy. The particles were partially signal subtracted and 3D classified without alignment using masks that contained not only the respective duplexes but also the S2 density (its mask made from a pdb model of ssDNA) in between the most distal duplexes. Because of the low particle numbers and to make the classification more responsive to density features such as S2 DNA, the weight of the experimental data was increased through the RELION-3 tau_fudge_factor, aiming for a resolution of better than 8 to 10 Å. The individual classes were then 3D refined, and low-pass filtered to ~6–8 Å to facilitate comparison of classes with widely different resolutions, as the S2 density tends to be broken up at the higher resolutions that result from the RecA protein.
For the 3D classification of paired-duplex particles (Supplementary Fig. 2–4) the signal subtraction and solvent masks contained, in addition to the duplexes and S2 density, portions of the β6 strand and L2 loops of RecA protomers at and in between the duplexes. The weight of the data was increased to achieve a resolution of 4–6 Å during classification (tau_fudge_factor values of 8, 16, 32 and 64 for >120,000, ~90,000, ~45,000 and ~20,000 particles, respectively), and the calculations were run until convergence (changes in particles per class < 0.01 %), typically for 100–400 iterations. All classes that had at least 10 % of the particles in each run were 3D refined, and the overall resolution limits shown on the figures are by the gold-standard fourier shell correlation (FSC) procedure. For determining whether 2 duplexes were connected to continuous intervening S2 density, the maps of the different classes were also low-pass filtered to a common low resolution (5.6 Å to 8 Å) and inspected at a uniform density level to reduce the need for judgment calls.
For the 3D sub-classification of the heteroduplex-containing duplexD-duplexG particles in the partially-homologous data set, the signal subtraction and solvent masks contained only the complementary strand, and they were constructed based on the structure of the hetereoduplex model. Because the density within the mask was a very small fraction of total density, classification required the weight of the data to be increased substantially (tau_fudge_factor of 256), and also the zeroing of the density outside the solvent mask, otherwise, all the particles ended up in one class. For the final reconstructions of the non-homologous 120 bp dsDNA and homologous 67-bp strand exchange reaction data, as well as the 9-RecA complexes with D-loopDG and D-loopDH, we performed two focused 3D refinements using soft masks covering the four terminal RecA protomers (RecAABCD and RecAFGHI; Extended Data Fig. 7).
Cryo-EM structure refinement.
Model refinement was done with REFMAC5 modified for cryo-EM25 and with PHENIX26. For the 120 bp dsDNA and homologous 67 bp strand exchange reaction data, as well as the 9-RecA complexes with D-loopDG and D-loopDH, the focused maps were aligned on their respective consensus reconstruction using CCP427, and their RecAABC and RecAGHI portions combined with the mid-portion (RecADEF) of the consensus map using the composite sfcalc option of REFMAC525. The single set of structure factors and corresponding maps were then used to refine the models first in real space with PHENIX26, and then in reciprocal space with REFMAC5. The initial model was built based on the crystal structure of the 5-RecA–ssDNA-ADPAl(F)4-Mg2+ complex and for corresponding heteroduplex complex3. The S2 ssDNA of the strand exchange reaction models is overall ill-defined at the resolution limit of the sharpened map, likely due to the heterogeneity of the bound DNA and also because the ends of the low-occupancy duplexes overlap with the S2 ssDNA. Their S2 ssDNA was placed into the unsharpened map from the high-resolution structure of the 9-RecA–D-loopDG using the filament repeat. To validate the D-loopDG and D-loopDH models, the two half maps of the three reconstructions, post-processed with the --half_maps option of the relion_postprocess program, were combined as above into separate half1 and half2 composite maps. A partially refined model was then refined against the half1 structure factors until convergence with the same protocol as with the full-data composite map. For D-loopDG half1 refinement the starting Rf, overall FSC, and highest-resolution shell FSC were 33.1 %, 0.814, and 0.557, respectively, with final values of 28.0 %, 0.869, and 0.612, and changes in these values between the 49th and 50th refinement cycles of 0.0 %, 0.000, and 0.001. For D-loopDH half1 refinement the starting Rf, overall FSC, and highest-resolution shell FSC were 34.7 %, 0.788, and 0.087, respectively, with final values of 28.4 %, 0.859, and 0.579, and no changes in the last refinement cycle. The final models were then used to calculate the validation FSC curves against the half2 structure factors (Extended Data Fig. 7c–d).
Data availability.
The refined coordinates and corresponding cryo-EM maps, including the consensus and focused reconstructions, composite maps used in refinement and maps of Fig. 1e–j and 2d–k have been deposited with the Protein Data Bank and the Electron Microscopy Data Bank under accession codes PDB-7JY6 and EMDB-22522, PDB-7JY8 and EMDB-22524, PDB-7JY9 and EMDB-22525, PDB-7JY7 and EMDB-22523, for the strand exchange reactions containing non-homologous 120 bp dsDNA and homologous 67 bp dsDNA, and the D-loopDG and D-loopDH complexes, respectively.
Extended Data
Extended Data Table 1.
Partially-homologous 67 bp dsDNA | Non-homologous 120 bp dsDNA | D-loopDG | D-loopDH | |
(PDB-7JY6) | (PDB-7JY8) | (PDB-7JY9) | (PDB-7JY7) | |
(EMDB-22522) | (EMDB-22524) | (EMDB-22525) | (EMDB-22523) | |
| ||||
Data collection and processing | ||||
Magnification | 81,000 | 81,000 | 105,000 | 105,000 |
Voltage (kV) | 300 | 300 | 300 | 300 |
Electron exposure (e-/Å2) | 51.6 | 53.7 | 56.6 | 66.6 |
Defocus range (urn) | 1.0–2.5 | 0.8–2.5 | 1.0–2.5 | 1.0–2.5 |
Pixel size (Å) | 1.078 | 1.078 | 1.096 | 1.096 |
Symmetry imposed | Cl | Cl | Cl | Cl |
Initial particle images (no.) | 1,697,726 | 1,592,037 | 399,184 | 222,426 |
Final particle images (no.) | 1,697,726 | 1,592,037 | 399,184 | 222,426 |
Map resolution (Å) | ||||
Consensus reconstruction | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.7 | 2.9 |
Focus ABCD reconstruction | 2.4 | 2.4 | 2.8 | 2.9 |
Focus FGHI reconstruction | 2.4 | 2.4 | 2.6 | 2.9 |
FSC threshold | 0.143 | 0.143 | 0.143 | 0.143 |
Map resolution range (Å) | ||||
Consensus reconstruction | 2.3–4.1 | 2.3–6.9 | 2.6–6.9 | 2.1–12 |
Focus ABCD reconstruction | 2.3–3.7 | 2.3–4.2 | 2.6–6.5 | 2.1–63 |
Focus FGHI reconstruction | 2.4–3.5 | 2.3–3.9 | 2.7–4.8 | 2.1–63 |
Refinement | ||||
Initial model used (PDB code) | 3CMW | 3CMW | 3CMX | 3CMX |
Model resolution (Å) | 2.5 | 2.5 | 2.8 | 2.9 |
FSC threshold | 0.70 | 0.68 | 0.71 | 0.68 |
Model resolution range (Å) | 195–2.5 | 195–2.5 | 197–2.8 | 196–2.9 |
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) | −73 | −71 | −71 | −64 |
Model composition | ||||
Non-hydrogen atoms | 23,389 | 24,059 | 24,858 | 25,127 |
Protein residues | 2,967 | 2,967 | 2,964 | 2,967 |
DNA residues | 38 | 72 | 111 | 123 |
Cofactors | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
B factors (Å2) | ||||
Protein | 78.0 | 92.9 | 75.8 | 111.1 |
DNA | 89.0 | 185.7 | 151.7 | 222.7 |
Cofactors | 41.5 | 47.8 | 29.6 | 65.6 |
R.m.s. deviations | ||||
Bond lengths (Å) | 0.006 | 0.006 | 0.006 | 0.006 |
Bond angles (°) | 1.57 | 1.55 | 1.52 | 1.53 |
B factors main chain (Å2) | 3.37 | 3.73 | 2.47 | 2.54 |
B factors side chain (Å2) | 3.49 | 4.77 | 2.58 | 2.83 |
Validation | ||||
MolProbity score | 1.68 | 1.62 | 1.54 | 1.75 |
Clashscore | 1.06 | 0.93 | 0.75 | 1.0 |
Poor rotamers (%) | 7.58 | 5.40 | 5.70 | 7.84 |
Ramachandran plot | ||||
Favored (%) | 96.71 | 95.96 | 96.54 | 96.03 |
Allowed (%) | 3.29 | 3.70 | 3.12 | 3.56 |
Disallowed (%) | 0.17 | 0.34 | 0.34 | 0.41 |
Rwork (%) | 27.60 | 28.89 | 26.60 | 26.75 |
Average FSC | 0.89 | 0.89 | 0.90 | 0.89 |
Supplementary Material
We thank the staff of the MSKCC Cryo-EM facility, the NYSBC Simons Electron Microscopy Center, and the HHMI Cryo-EM facility for help with data collection. Supported by HHMI and National Institutes of Health grant CA008748.
Author Information The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
The refined coordinates and corresponding cryo-EM maps, including the consensus and focused reconstructions, composite maps used in refinement and maps of Fig. 1e–j and 2d–k have been deposited with the Protein Data Bank and the Electron Microscopy Data Bank under accession codes PDB-7JY6 and EMDB-22522, PDB-7JY8 and EMDB-22524, PDB-7JY9 and EMDB-22525, PDB-7JY7 and EMDB-22523, for the strand exchange reactions containing non-homologous 120 bp dsDNA and homologous 67 bp dsDNA, and the D-loopDG and D-loopDH complexes, respectively.