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Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica logoLink to Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica
. 1978 Mar 1;19(1):150–152. doi: 10.1186/BF03547651

Nosematosis (Encephalitozoonosis) in a Litter of Blue Foxes After Intrauterine Injection of Nosema Spores

K Nordstoga 115,, S F Mohn 115, J Aamdal 215, A Helgebostad 315
PMCID: PMC8366326  PMID: 418632


During recent years, nosematosis (syn. encephalitozoonosis) has caused serious losses among young blue foxes (Alopex lagopus) in Norway; the causative organism is considered to be Nosema (syn. Encephalitozoon) cuniculi. Descriptions of clinical symptoms and patho-morphological changes on which the diagnosis is based have been given in previous papers (Nordstoga 1972, Nordstoga et al 1974, Nordstoga & Westbye 1976). The disease, as a rule, is restricted to certain litters, in which several or all pups are affected, a pattern which indicates a congenital infection. In a previous report we presented experimental evidence for transplacental transmission, after oral infection of the dam (Mohn et al. 1974). Although we feel that oral exposure, resulting in subclinical infection, is the most common way in which the dams are infected, field observations indicate that the organisms, in rare cases, may be transmitted from the male during matins.

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