Frozen samples of Finnish ready-mixed mink feed were analyzed for total bacterial count, the number of faecal streptococci, the coliform count, the number of haemolytic bacteria and the number of sulphite-reducing bacteria. The investigation comprised 242 feed samples from 38 central kitchens and larger private farm kitchens, the combined feed production of which is about 85 % of the yearly feed production of Finland.
Of all samples 48.3 % had a total bacterial count of 106 … 6} × 106 bacteria per g of feed. The total bacterial count was relatively constant during the first four production periods of the year (December-August) and was elevated during the last period (September-November). The percentage of samples containing less than 2.5 × 104 faecal streptococci per g of feed was 49.8 %; 62 % of the samples contained less than 2.5 × 104 coliform bacteria per g. The content of coliform bacteria was lowest during the third production period (May); 48.5 % of the samples contained 5 × 103 … 105 haemolytic bacteria per g, and 4.6 % were negative. The content of haemolytic bacteria was relatively constant during the whole production year; 52.6 % of the feed samples contained 5 × 103 … 105 sulphite-reducing bacteria per g, and 17.2 % were negative. The mean content of sulphite-reducing bacteria was lowest during the second production period (March-April).
The results are discussed and compared with corresponding results from Norway and Denmark.
Keywords: mink feed quality, bacteria in mink feed
Djupfrysta prov av finskt minkfoder analyserades för totalantalet bakterier, antalet faekala streptokocker, antalet koliforma bakterier, antatet hemolyserande bakterier och antalet sulfitreducerande bakterier. Undersökningen omfattade 242 foderprov från 38 foderkök och större privata fodertillverkare vilkas årliga foderproduktion motsvarar 85 % av hela landets fodertillverkning.
48,3 % av proven innehöll 106 … 6 × 106 bakterier per gram foder. Totalantalet bakterier var relativt konstant under de fyra första produktionsperioderna (december-augusti) och steg under den sista perioden (september-november). Den procentuella andelen prov innehållande mindre än 2,5 × 104 faekala streptokocker var 49,8 %. Den procentuella andelen prov som innehöll mindre än 2,5 × 104 koliforma bakterier var 62 %. Halten av koliforma bakterier var lägst under den tredje perioden (maj). 48,5 % av proven innehöll 5 × 103 … 105 hemolyserande bakterier per gram foder och 4,6 % var negativa. Halten av hemolyserande bakterier var relativt konstant under hela produktionsåret. 52,6 % av proven innehöll 5 × 103 … 105 sulfitreducerande bakterier per gram foder och 17,2 % var negativa. Halten av sulfitreducerande bakterier var som lägst under den andra produktionsperioden (mars-april).
Resultaten diskuteras och jämförs med motsvarande resultat från Norge och Danmark.
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Thanks are due to Professor Timo Pekkanen, Head of the Department of Food Hygiene, College of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki, for his guidance in bacteriological methodology and his help during all phases of this work.
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