Fiftysix calves, in 2 similar experiments, were given 1 of 4 diets including a high lactose milk replacer: ground barley (GB), ground barley plus coarse hay (GB + GH), coarse hay (CH) and the liquid diet only (NS) ; the 2 last diets were held as controls. The calves were on the experimental diet from 1–2 weeks of age until slaughtered at 7-8 weeks of age. As observed by stereo-microscopy, the ruminai papillae in calves fed on GB were thickened, mostly finger- or club-shaped and sometimes nodular; nodular papillae were always arranged on prominent mucosal folds. Scattered nodular papillae had white coats. For calves fed on GB + CH the papillae were mostly finger- or tongue-shaped. Histologically papillae in calves fed on GB had hyperplasia of secondary papillae and epithelial layers. Microabscesses associated with penetrating hairs were frequent, and some calves had dyskeratosis with infiltration of polymorphonuclear leucocytes at the apex of papillae, identified as the white coats. For calves given GB+CH, abscesses and apical dyskeratosis were absent and the hyperplasia of epithelial layers milder than in the case of the GB diet. An ameliorative effect of hay on papillary changes caused by barley is indicated.
Keywords: barley, barley plus hay, rumen, papillary lesions, calves
Femtiseks kalver i 2 like forsøk ble gitt én av 4 dietter inkludert laktoserik mjølkeerstatning: Byggrøpp (GB), byggrøpp og grovt høy (GB + CH), grovt høy (CH) og bare mjølkeerstaining (NS). Kalvene stod i forsøket fra 1–2 til 7–8 ukers alder da de ble slaktet. Stereo-mikroskopisk var vompapillene hos kalver gitt GB for det meste finger-og kølleformede eller nodulaere; nodulaere papiller var alltid plassert på folder i mucosa. Apex av enkelte nodulaere papiller var dekket av hvite kapper. Hos kalver gitt GB + CH var papillene mest finger- eller tungeformede. Histologisk hadde kalver gitt GB hyperplasi av sekun-daerpapillene og epitelet. Penetrasjon av hår med mikroabscessdannelse var hyppig, og noen kalver hadde dyskeratose med infiltrasjon av polymorfkjernede leukocytter på toppen av papillene; denne lesjon viste seg å vaere identisk med de hvite kapper. Vompapillene hos kalver på GB + CH diett hadde ikke abscessdannelser eller dyskeratose og hyperplasien av epitelet var mindre enn på GB diett. Høy synes å motvirke den skadelige effekten av bygg på vompapillene.
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The author is indebted to B. Bratberg, Veterinary College of Norway, for his assistance with Exp. 1 and to H. Giltvedt, Veterinary College of Norway, for taking the photographs.
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