Figure 1.
Characteristics of TIL expanded ex vivo from murine solid tumors
a) Model schematic. Tumors are established in mice for one week or more prior to harvest for TIL expansion. b) Schematic of ex vivo TIL expansion. Tumors are diced into ~3–4 mm2 fragments. Each fragment is plated in a separate well of a 24-well plate with media containing 6000IU IL-2/mL. These cells are expanded 3–4 weeks prior to analysis. c) T cell populations expanded from Moc22 tumors. n = 43 TIL cultures established from tumors across 26 mice. D) TIL populations expanded from Moc2 tumors. n = 20 TIL cultures from 10 mice. e) T cell populations expanded from LLC-A9F1 tumors; n = 15 cultures from five mice. f) Yield of cells after 3 weeks of expansion based on tumor cell line. g and h) TIL expanded from B16F10 tumors established on pmel-1 transgenic mice, where the TCR subunit Vβ13 is used by the TCR transgenic T cells specific for melanoma. n = 23 TIL cultures from three mice. Statistical tests: C-H, Mann Whitney U test, ****p < .0001; ns, not significant.