Figure 1.
Size and survival of Hcn1M294L mice. (A) Hcn1M294L mice (left) were significantly smaller than their wild-type (WT) littermates (right). (B) Body weight of Hcn1M294L mice and wild-type littermates over three time points in the 3 weeks post-weaning (n = 17 wild-type, 16 Hcn1M294L). *P < 0.001 for all three time points. (C) Nissl staining of whole brain slice from wild-type (left) and Hcn1M294L (right) mouse (scale bar = 520 µm). (D) There was a significant difference in survival of wild-type and Hcn1M294L mice between weaning and P30 (n = 221 wild-type, 192 Hcn1M294L), *P = 0.04 (Mantel-Cox log-rank test).