A) mRNA expression of the top 10 scoring TFs in the MRA of the brain tumor stem cells (BTSCs) dataset, comparing mesenchymal (MES) versus non-MES. Student’s t test, ***p .001. (
B) Two-tailed gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) showing positive or negative targets for the top four representative TFs in the MRA. (
FOSL1 mRNA expression in the Richards glioma stem cells (GSCs) bulk RNA-seq dataset (n = 72;
right panel). ) Single-sample gene set enrichment analys (ssGSEA) was performed to identify the GSCs subtypes (
left panel). Tumors were separated according to their expression subtype classification. One-way ANOVA with Tukey multiple pairwise comparison, ***p≤0.001, **p≤0.01, ns = not significant. (
Dis ssGSEA scores of the Wang_2017 and Richards_2021 transcriptional subtypes performed on the scRNA-seq GSCs data (65,655 cells from 28 samples) from
Richards et al., 2021. (
E) mRNA expression of the top 10 scoring TFs on the scRNA-seq GSCs data from
Richards et al., 2021.