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Keywords: epidemiology, hyperemia, ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, risk factors
Background and Purpose:
Novel noninvasive measures of vascular function are emerging as subclinical markers for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and may be useful to predict CVD events. The purpose of our prospective study was to assess associations between digital peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT) measures and first-onset major CVD events in a sample of FHS (Framingham Heart Study) participants.
Using a fingertip PAT device, we assessed pulse amplitude in Framingham Offspring and Third Generation participants (n=3865; mean age, 55±14 years; 52% women) at baseline and in 30-second intervals for 4 minutes during reactive hyperemia. The PAT ratio (relative hyperemia index) was calculated as the post-to-pre occlusion pulse signal ratio in the occluded arm, relative to the same ratio in the control (nonoccluded) arm, and corrected for baseline vascular tone. Baseline pulse amplitude and PAT ratio during hyperemia are measures of pressure pulsatility and microvascular function in the finger, respectively. We used Cox proportional hazards regression to relate PAT measures in the fingertip to incident CVD events.
During follow-up (median, 9.2 years; range, 0.04–10.0 years), 270 participants (7%) experienced new-onset CVD events (n=270). In multivariable models adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors, baseline pulse amplitude (hazard ratio [HR] per 1 SD, 1.04 [95% CI, 0.90–1.21]; P=0.57) and PAT ratio (HR, 0.95 [95% CI, 0.84–1.08]; P=0.43) were not significantly related to incident composite CVD events, including myocardial infarction or heart failure. However, higher PAT ratio (HR, 0.76 [95% CI, 0.61–0.94]; P=0.013), but not baseline pulse amplitude (HR, 1.15 [95% CI, 0.89–1.49]; P=0.29), was related to lower risk for incident stroke. In a sensitivity analysis by stroke subtype, higher PAT ratio was related to lower risk of incident ischemic stroke events (HR, 0.68 [95% CI, 0.53–0.86]; P=0.001).
Novel digital PAT measures may represent a marker of stroke risk in the community.
Digital peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT) is a noninvasive method to assess endothelial and microvascular function in the finger following reactive hyperemia. In community-based studies, relations between PAT measures and cardiovascular risk factors have been reported.1–4 Similarly, PAT response was associated with the presence of obstructive and nonobstructive coronary artery disease.5,6 Additionally, in studies of high-risk patients, PAT was associated with increased risk of adverse cardiovascular disease (CVD) outcomes.7–13 However, these studies included patients with symptoms of chest pain or established CVD and may not be representative of the general population.
PAT measures may indicate early endothelial and microvascular damage and remodeling, which are important potential targets for prevention of CVD. Prior studies suggest the presence of abnormal endothelial function, including PAT responses in patients who have had strokes or in the presence of cerebrovascular disease.14–16 Thus, we assessed associations between PAT measures and first-onset major CVD events, including stroke, in a sample of FHS (Framingham Heart Study) participants.
The procedure for requesting data from FHS can be found at
The sample was drawn from the FHS Offspring and Third Generation Cohorts, which have been described.17,18 During Offspring examination 8 (2005–2008; n=3021) and Generation 3 examination 1 (2002–2005; n=4095), a subset of participants underwent assessment of digital PAT (n=5097), which was successfully performed in 4447 (87.2%) participants. Participants were excluded for the following reasons: age <30 years (n=235), prevalent CVD (n=237), missing risk factor or covariate data (n=96), or no follow-up (n=14). All participants provided written informed consent, and protocols were approved by the Boston University Medical Center Institutional Review Board.
Digital PAT
Digital vascular function was assessed by PAT using a device placed on the index finger of each hand (Endo-PAT2000; Itamar Medical).2 Baseline (prehyperemic) pulse amplitude was measured from each fingertip for ≥2 minutes. Hyperemia was induced with forearm cuff occlusion for 5 minutes on the experimental arm. The response in the control finger not experiencing hyperemia was used to adjust for systemic effects. Pulse amplitude in both fingers was recorded electronically throughout the study and analyzed by computerized algorithm (Itamar Medical) blinded to clinical data. The PAT ratio (or relative hyperemia index) is the ratio of the post-to-pre occlusion pulse signal in the hyperemic arm versus the nonoccluded arm. Baseline pulse amplitude and PAT ratio during hyperemia are measures of pressure pulsatility and microvascular function in the finger, respectively.
Clinical Evaluation, Definitions, and Outcomes
At the FHS examination, we assessed medical history, physical examination, and electrocardiography.17 Criteria for diabetes were fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or treatment with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agent. We measured serum cholesterol levels from a fasting blood test. We calculated body mass index as the ratio of body weight (kilograms) and the square of height (meters). We assessed heart rate and mean arterial pressure during arterial tonometry. We assessed hypertension treatment, lipid disorder treatment, and smoking via questionnaire. We defined smoking as self-reported regular use of cigarettes in the year preceding the examination. Left ventricular hypertrophy on ECG was defined as described previously.19 To assess the presence of atrial fibrillation, we reviewed all available electrocardiograms from examination cycles, outpatient and inpatient hospital records, or ambulatory ECG monitoring.
Criteria for CVD events have been described previously.20,21 We defined CVD events as fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction, unstable angina, heart failure, and ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. We obtained medical records for hospitalizations and physician visits related to CVD during follow-up. A committee of 3 investigators reviewed these records and adjudicated CVD events following written protocols.
Statistical Analyses
We examined the associations between PAT measures (ie, baseline pulse amplitude and PAT ratio) and the time to incident CVD event using Cox proportional hazards regression. We tested the proportional hazards assumption by assessing the significance of interactions of each PAT measure with survival time. Covariates were selected a priori and included components of the atherosclerotic CVD risk score.22 We performed natural logarithm transformations of PAT measures to normalize their skewed distributions and limit heteroskedasticity.
We assessed relations between PAT measures and incidence of CVD events (composite events) in models initially adjusted for age, sex, and cohort. We further adjusted multivariable Cox models for standard risk factors (mean arterial pressure, total/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, smoking, diabetes, and hypertension treatment) and for factors associated with PAT measures (body mass index, heart rate, and lipid disorder treatment).2 We also assessed relations between PAT measures and incidence of each of the three most common CVD event types—myocardial infarction, heart failure, and stroke (hemorrhagic or ischemic)—separately using multivariable Cox models with similar adjustment. Models for stroke outcomes were further adjusted for known risk factors of stroke: prevalent left ventricular hypertrophy and atrial fibrillation. We calculated the C statistic to assess the incremental prognostic value of the PAT variables when added to a baseline model incorporating measured risk factors. As an alternative method to assess confounding, we estimated the generalized propensity scores by regressing the standardized continuous PAT measures on covariate risk factors.23,24 We further adjusted significant multivariable models with the generalized propensity scores. As a different approach, we further assessed confounding using inverse probability weighting. We estimated partial correlations between PAT measures and the Framingham Stroke Risk Score25 accounting for age and sex. We performed a sensitivity analysis for incident ischemic stroke subtype by excluding incident hemorrhagic stroke events. For PAT measures that showed statistically significant associations with incident CVD events, we examined effect modification by median age and sex by incorporating corresponding interaction terms in the models. To further assess relations between PAT measures and CVD events, continuous PAT predictors were categorized into quartiles, and curves of cumulative probability of a CVD event were constructed. We used Cox models to relate categorized PAT measures to the onset of major CVD adjusting for standard risk factors. Non-CVD death was a censoring event; the curves of cumulative probability were not modified for competing events.
All analyses were performed with SAS, version 9.4, for Windows (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Two-tailed P<0.05 was considered statistically significant except for interaction models where P<0.1 was considered statistically significant.
Reporting for this study conforms to Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guidelines.26 Study exclusion criteria resulted in a sample of 3865 participants (2014 [52.1%] women). Characteristics of the study sample are presented in Table 1; we present a comparison of these characteristics for included versus excluded participants in Table I in the Data Supplement. The excluded participants were similar but included higher proportions of diabetics and individuals using medications for hypertension and lipid disorders.
Table 1.
Cox proportional hazards models for PAT measures as predictors of an incident CVD event (composite outcome) are presented in Table 2. After minimal adjustment, both baseline pulse amplitude and PAT ratio were associated with incident CVD risk. Upon further adjustment for potential confounders, the aforementioned associations were attenuated (ie, statistically nonsignificant). Table 3 presents Cox proportional hazards models that relate PAT measures to the incidence of myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure (separate models for each outcome). After adjusting for potential confounders, higher PAT ratio, but not baseline pulse amplitude, was related to a lower risk of incident stroke. Models that further adjusted for left ventricular hypertrophy and atrial fibrillation were similar (Table II in the Data Supplement). The addition of PAT ratio modestly improved the incremental predictive utility over models incorporating risk factors alone; the model C statistic increased from 0.8349 (risk factors-only model) to 0.8377 (risk factors plus PAT ratio model) for the incident stroke outcome. Models that further considered the generalized propensity score as a covariate in the Cox models were similar (Table III in the Data Supplement). However, when we performed inverse probability weighting, we observed that higher baseline pulse amplitude was associated with higher risk for incident stroke. Neither baseline pulse amplitude nor PAT ratio was related to incident myocardial infarction or heart failure events. We did not observe significant effect modification by age (P=0.89) or sex (P=0.71) of the relation of PAT ratio with incident stroke events.
Table 2.
Table 3.
In the sensitivity analysis, 76 of the 92 (83%) stroke events were ischemic. After adjusting for age, sex, cohort, body mass index, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, total/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, smoking, diabetes, lipid disorder treatment, and hypertension treatment, higher PAT ratio was related to a lower risk of incident ischemic stroke events (hazard ratio, 0.68 [95% CI, 0.53–0.86]; P=0.001). We did not observe significant effect modification by age (P=0.46) or sex (P=0.89) of the relation of PAT ratio with incident ischemic stroke events. In partial correlation models that considered age and sex, PAT ratio (rp=−0.11; P<0.001) and baseline pulse amplitude (rp=0.21; P<0.001) were weakly to modestly correlated with the Framingham Stroke Risk Score.
The Figure depicts the adjusted cumulative probability of incident stroke events grouping participants by quartiles of PAT ratio. In a model adjusted for potential confounders, participants in the highest PAT ratio group (versus participants in the lowest PAT ratio group) had a significantly lower risk of stroke (hazard ratio, 0.43 [95% CI, 0.22–0.86]; P=0.02). We present an unadjusted Kaplan-Meier plot for incident stroke by PAT ratio group in Figure I in the Data Supplement. We observed no significant differences between the quartile groups for baseline pulse amplitude and stroke. Figure II in the Data Supplement depicts the adjusted cumulative probability of an incident (composite) CVD event when participants were grouped by quartiles of PAT ratio. We observed no significant differences between the quartile groups of either PAT measure and CVD events.
Principal Findings
We investigated the relations between PAT measures—baseline pulse amplitude and PAT ratio (measures of pressure pulsatility and microvascular function in the finger, respectively)—and incident CVD events in 2 generations of the community-based FHS. In multivariable models adjusted for potential confounders, neither baseline pulse amplitude nor PAT ratio (relative hyperemia index) was significantly related to incident composite CVD events. However, after assessing risk for individual event outcomes, lower PAT ratio (ie, worse digital microvascular dysfunction) was related to higher stroke risk in multivariable-adjusted models. PAT measures were not significantly related to incident myocardial infarction or heart failure. Thus, our results suggest that PAT ratio may be associated with stroke risk in the community.
PAT Measures and CVD Risk
Novel measures of small vessel and microvascular function are important clinical predictors of CVD risk in the community and have contributed to our understanding of CVD incidence and progression. Ultrasound-based methods to assess macro- and microvascular function have been shown to predict incident CVD. For example, brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD)—a common measure of conduit artery (macrovascular) endothelial function27—has been shown to predict incident CVD among high-risk populations.28,29 However, recent studies in large, community-based cohorts reported that hyperemic flow velocity (an indicator of microvascular function), but not FMD, was a significant predictor for incident cardiovascular events.30,31 A meta-analysis showed that FMD is associated with composite cardiovascular events that is more robust in patients with established CVD.32 Thus, noninvasive methods to assess large and small vessel function are important research tools and may be clinically relevant for CVD risk prediction.
In the present study, we performed digital PAT as a noninvasive method to assess microvascular function in the finger following reactive hyperemia. In patients with chest pain, PAT responses have been associated with incident cardiovascular events.7–9,11 In a meta-analysis of 6 small studies, PAT response remained associated with cardiovascular risk in patients with clinical cardiovascular symptoms or disease.32 In contrast, PAT measures were not associated with incident composite CVD events in the present community-based sample. The difference from prior studies may represent differences in the associations of the PAT hyperemic response based on the underlying risk of the samples studied (similar to what has been shown for FMD). In addition, the present study has greater ability to account for potential confounding risk factors. Importantly, compared with associations observed in models with limited adjustment, associations between PAT measures and composite CVD events were rendered statistically nonsignificant in multivariable models, suggesting that standard risk factors or pharmacological treatments may account for previously observed associations.
PAT represents digital microvascular function of the finger, whereas FMD and hyperemic flow velocity assess forearm microvascular response. Therefore, PAT measures may assess a different physiological response to transient ischemia, suggesting a distinct pathological mechanism to cardiovascular risk, and may underlie differential associations with incident composite CVD events compared with measures of endothelial and microvascular dysfunction derived from conduit arteries (ie, FMD and hyperemic flow velocity, respectively). In a few community-based studies, distinct risk factor correlates of PAT measures and FMD have been reported.1,2,4,33,34 Previously, we reported that the presence of abnormal FMD and hyperemic flow velocity (ie, vascular measures lower than the fifth percentile of a reference sample) were significantly related to standard CVD risk factors, such as higher age and systolic blood pressure, whereas abnormal PAT ratio was more sensitive to metabolic and behavioral risk factors, such as higher body mass index, higher total/HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol ratio, presence of diabetes and hyperlipidemia, and active smoking.3 Furthermore, abnormal PAT ratio was not associated with abnormal FMD or hyperemic flow velocity, though each is assessed via the same physiological stimulus (ie, forearm transient ischemia).3 Therefore, the response to transient ischemia may depend on differential physiological mechanisms and anatomies within and downstream of the brachial artery versus in the finger. For example, contrary to measurements from the brachial artery alone, PAT ratio may incorporate contributions from the digital vascular responses, which have dual circulations and include arteriovenous anastomoses, as well as nutritive vessels. Furthermore, during reactive hyperemia, endothelial-derived NO governs the FMD response35–38; however, NO only partially contributes to the PAT ischemic response,39 which is also regulated by the sympathetic nervous system.40,41 Thus, PAT ratio may represent a complex response to transient ischemia that involves mechanisms related to both endothelial dysfunction and alterations of autonomic tone. Although further studies are required to assess their relative contributions to indices of microvascular function, several studies suggest significant cross talk between the autonomic nervous system and the endothelium.42,43
PAT Ratio and Stroke Risk
Although PAT measures were not related to incident composite CVD events, we observed a significant association between lower PAT ratio and higher risk for incident stroke. A prior cross-sectional study showed lower PAT ratio in patients who had an atherothrombotic compared with cardioembolic stroke.16 Also, lower FMD has been associated with vascular events in patients with prior stroke.44 Although stroke has been included in the composite outcome measures of several prior longitudinal studies of FMD and PAT response,32 stroke was not separated as an individual outcome. Thus, the current finding of an association between PAT response and stroke risk is novel and hypothesis generating.
Multiple potential mechanisms may link microvascular function with stroke risk. The healthy endothelium produces NO in response to vasoactive stimuli in the cerebral microcirculation.45 Animal studies also show that NO guards against ischemic stroke by increasing collateral flow to ischemic portions of the brain.46–48 However, lower PAT ratio may be particularly relevant to brain vascular regulation. Since the brain is a high-flow and low-resistance organ, it is particularly sensitive and susceptible to perturbations of the systemic circulation that may affect cerebral blood flow, which may explain why lower PAT ratio was significantly related to incident stroke but not related to other CVD event outcomes. Additional studies that assess putative relations between PAT measures and structural and functional brain indices are warranted.
Furthermore, noninvasive methods to assess large and small vessel function are clinically relevant for CVD risk prediction. Only a few studies have shown vascular measures (eg, coronary artery calcification, carotid intima-media thickness, ambulatory arterial stiffness index, and ankle-brachial index) to predict incident stroke events in the general community,49–52 but these studies did not consider the contributions of antihypertension and lipid-lowering treatments, which are known to modify vascular function and stroke risk. In addition, current ultrasound-based methods can be technically challenging to acquire and interpret, may be uncomfortable for patients, and require expensive equipment not typically found in physicians’ offices. Our study is the first to characterize the extent to which PAT measures are associated with first-onset major CVD events in a community that is at low-to-moderate CVD risk. As a predictor of incident stroke, assessment of PAT ratio may indicate early subclinical cerebrovascular damage and remodeling, atherosclerosis, or autonomic nervous system abnormalities. The PAT measures we present in the current study may assist clinicians in diagnosing and characterizing microvascular dysfunction and aid them in decision-making and treatment planning. Thus, patients with aberrant PAT measurements may require more rigorous medical management of traditional and nontraditional risk factors to improve microvascular function and lower stroke risk. PAT is an attractive point-of-care technique for potential risk stratification: it is relatively easy to perform (eg, the fingers are readily accessible and the technique is automated); intra- and interobserver variability is low (compared with ultrasound techniques); and the extracted PAT measures are highly correlated with invasive measures.53–55 However, additional studies are needed to determine whether devices that assess digital vascular function potentially have wider utility at the point of care for improved risk stratification.
Our study has limitations that should be considered. Although we were able to establish a temporal relation, our prospective study is observational. We cannot dismiss the possibility that there may be residual confounding by unknown or unmeasured risk factors, and we did not perform inverse probability weighting or propensity score matching to test the robustness of our findings. We did not account for multiple statistical testing; thus, our study is more susceptible to type-1 error. In addition, since the low number of incident stroke events reduces the precision of the estimates, an estimation of risk reclassification was not performed. However, PAT ratio is strongly associated with stroke risk but only weakly correlated with the Framingham Stroke Risk Score, suggesting that PAT ratio may add to standard risk prediction models and reclassify stroke risk in a clinically relevant manner. Although we adjusted for lipid disorder and hypertension treatment, medication use may have reduced the number of observed stroke events during the follow-up period. However, we have sufficient statistical power to resolve differences between PAT ratio groups. Since the majority of participants were White individuals of European ancestry, our findings may not be generalizable to other racial or ethnic groups. Given these limitations, our results should be considered hypothesis generating. However, these limitations should be considered along with the strengths of the study. Here, we were able to investigate the relations between novel measures of vascular function using a noninvasive technique in a large, community-based cohort across 2 generations. The participants have high retention rates, which increases the validity of our longitudinal study. FHS has used standardized protocols to adjudicate CVD events that have been applied reliably over several decades and generations of participants.
Although PAT measures were not associated with composite CVD events, lower PAT ratio—a measure of microvascular structure and function in the finger—was associated with greater risk of incident stroke. Thus, greater microvascular dysfunction assessed noninvasively in the finger predicted stroke events in our sample. Our study shows that PAT measures join an increasing body of novel, noninvasive markers of vascular function that may detect subclinical vascular dysfunction; these markers may indicate early targets for prevention, substantially reducing CVD disease burden. However, further studies are needed to evaluate the association of PAT measures with cerebrovascular function and cognition, as well as the feasibility of assessing PAT measures in the clinic.
From FHS (Framingham Heart Study) of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health and Boston University School of Medicine.
Sources of Funding
This work was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute FHS (Framingham Heart Study; contract No. N01-HC-25195, HHSN268201500001I, and 75N92019D00031) and by HL076784, AG028321, HL070100, HL060040, HL080124, HL071039, HL077447, HL107385, HL126136, HL128914, and 2-K24-HL04334. Dr Mitchell was funded by research grants HL094898, DK082447, HL107385, HL104184, and HL126136 from the National Institutes of Health. Dr Benjamin was funded by research grants 2R01HL092577, 1R01HL141434 01A1, 2U54HL120163, 1R01AG066010, HHSN268201500001I, N01-HC 25195, 1R01HL60040, and 1RO1HL70100 from the National Institutes of Health; research grant 18SFRN34110082 from the American Heart Association; and by an unrestricted research grant from Itamar Medical for this project. Dr Cooper is partially funded by grant 2R25HL105400. Dr Hamburg is funded by U54HL120163, AHA 20SRFRN35120118, and R01 HL115391. Dr Seshadri is funded by grant NS017950 from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Dr Vasan is supported, in part, by the Evans Medical Foundation and the Jay and Louis Coffman Endowment from the Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine. Dr Aparicio is funded by a research supplement AG054076-02S1 from the National Institute on Aging and by the Aram V. Chobanian Assistant Professorship from the Boston University School of Medicine.
Dr Mitchell is the owner of Cardiovascular Engineering, Inc, a company that develops and manufactures devices to measure vascular stiffness; serves as a consultant to and receives honoraria from Novartis, Merck, Bayer, Servier, and Philips; and reports research grants from Novartis. Dr Benjamin received an unrestricted grant from Itamar Medical for this project. In 2008, Itamar Industries (—the maker of the peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT) device—gave an unrestricted research grant to the Boston University. Dr Benjamin received no personal salary, honoraria, or consulting fees; the grant was to perform analyses of the epidemiology, genetics, and prognosis of PAT. The grant subscribed to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines for third-party funding (; total cost, $100 000). Itamar also donated the PAT devices to the Boston University FHS (Framingham Heart Study) from 1999 to 2006. The other authors report no conflicts.
Supplemental Materials
Online Tables I–III
Online Figures I and II
Supplementary Material
Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms
- cardiovascular disease
- Framingham Heart Study
- flow-mediated dilation
- peripheral arterial tonometry
This manuscript was sent to Jean-Claude Baron, Guest Editor, for review by expert referees, editorial decision, and final disposition.
The Data Supplement is available with this article at
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 2871.
Contributor Information
Na Wang, Email:
Alexa S. Beiser, Email:
José Rafael Romero, Email:
Hugo J. Aparicio, Email:
Vasileios-Arsenios Lioutas, Email:
Emelia J. Benjamin, Email:
Martin G. Larson, Email:
Ramachandran S. Vasan, Email:
Gary F. Mitchell, Email:
Sudha Seshadri, Email:
Naomi M. Hamburg, Email:
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