Correction to: Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-021-22914-6, published online 11 May 2021.
The original version of this Article contained two errors in the Results section, in which the discussion of prior work published in reference 48 inaccurately referred to skin temperature, rather than tail temperature.
The sentence ‘It has recently been reported that optogenetic stimulation of axon terminals of PBel-CGRP+ (calcitonin gene-related peptide) neurons in PSTh induces a reduction in skin temperature48’ was inaccurate. The correct version replaces ‘skin temperature’ by ‘tail temperature’.
The sentence ‘These results are consistent with a recent report that opto-stimulation of the PBel-PSTh or PBel-CeA pathway can cause hypothermia48’ was incorrect, as the study in reference 48 studied tail temperature and not skin temperature and is thus not directly related to the findings on hypothermia reported in the original Article. This sentence has been removed.
This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.
Contributor Information
Katsuyasu Sakurai, Email:
Qinghua Liu, Email: