In the July JADA article titled “Testing for COVID-19 in Dental Offices: Mechanism of Action, Application, and Interpretation of Laboratory and Point-of-Care Screening Tests” (Shirazi S, Stanford CM, Cooper LF. JADA. 2021;152[7]:514-525)
the last line of the second full paragraph on page 515 should read thus “These tests are designed to have a higher false-positive rate (lower sensitivity) but high specificity (low false-negative rates) with the desire to screen for and capture those with the disease at the risk of involving those who are uninfected with more invasive testing.”
the third line of the third full paragraph on page 515 should read thus “These are designed with high sensitivity (high true positive and low false negative) and high specificity (high true negative and low false positive) in populations considered at high risk of developing the disease.”
The online version of this article has been corrected. JADA regrets the error.