Characterization of human papillomavirus (HPV) integration in brain metastases by targeted sequencing. After sequencing the targeted libraries, reads were aligned to HPV16 reference genome (NC_001526.4) and visualized by IGV software. (A,B) Extensive coverage of the HPV genome was seen in both Case 1 (A) and Case 2 (B). Red arrows indicate discontinuities where chimeric reads between HPV and human genomes were detected. In addition, other discontinuities were detected in Case 2 (orange arrows). (C,D) In the lower panels, human DNA reads from chimeric HPV-human sequences are displayed, indicating an insertion site into the human genome at 14q24.1 (Case 1, (C)) and 8q24.21 (Case 2, (D)). Red (Forward) and blue (Reverse) colors correspond to specific strands.