a, Confocal fluorescence micrographs showing the
localization of RPA-1::YFP in ABplpappap (arrowhead) in ced-3(lf);
embryos after the indicated RNAi treatment. Inset, magnified view of ABplpappap.
A, anterior; R, right. Scale bars, 10 μm. b, Coefficient of
variation of RPA-1::YFP fluorescence intensity in ABplpappap in
ced-3(lf); ltIs44; opIs263 embryos after the indicated RNAi
treatments. n=10 embryos (biological replicates) for each RNAi treatment. Black
data point, ABplpappap extruded. Red data point, ABplpappap not extruded. All
data are represented as Mean ± S.D. Ordinary one-way ANOVA with
Dunnett’s correction for multiple comparison was performed.
P values are indicated; n.s., not significant.
c, Merged Nomarski and fluorescence micrographs showing DAPI
and TUNEL staining in extruded cells in embryos of indicated genotype. Scale
bars, 2 μm. d, Percentage of observed extruded cells in
embryos of the indicated genotypes with the indicated TUNEL staining pattern.
e, The percentages of animals with the Tex phenotype in
ced-3(lf) animals after the indicated RNAi treatment along
with mammalian homolog of the RNAi target. f, Nomarski micrograph
showing cells extruded (arrowheads) from wild-type embryos after
lrr-1(RNAi). Scale bar, 10 μm. g,
Percentages of wild-type embryos exhibiting cell extrusion after the indicated
RNAi treatments along with mammalian homologs of RNAi targets.