a, b, Confocal fluorescence micrographs of
tDHB-GFP fluorescence in ABplpappap (arrowhead) (a) before and
(b) after ventral enclosure in
embryos after the indicated RNAi treatment. Dotted line, ABplpappap nucleus,
as identified by Nomarski optics. c, d, Confocal
fluorescence micrographs of GFP::PCN-1 fluorescence in ABplpappap
(arrowhead) (c) before and (d) after ventral
enclosure in ced-3(lf);
nIs861 embryos after the indicated RNAi treatment.
e, Time-lapse confocal fluorescence micrographs of
GFP::PCN-1 fluorescence in ABplpappap (arrowhead) in a ced-3(lf);
isIs17; nIs861; pig-1(RNAi) embryo at the indicated times.
tve- time point of ventral enclosure.
f-h, Micrographs of virtual lateral section of
ced-3(lf); nIs861; stIs10026 embryos showing either
ABplpappap (arrowhead) or its daughters (arrowheads) after indicated RNAi
treatment. i-m, Confocal fluorescence micrographs
of ced-3(lf);
stIs10026 embryos showing the relative sizes of ABplpappap and
its sister, ABplpappaa, in embryos after the indicated RNAi treatment.
Insets, ABplpappap (a-d); ABplpappap or its
daughters (e); magnified view of the region indicated, which
includes ABplpappap (†) and ABplpappaa (∗)
(i-m). A, anterior; R, right; V, ventral.
Scale bars, 10 μm.