Correction to ‘The Telemedicine Musculoskeletal Examination’ [Mayo Clinic Proceedings 95 (2020) 1715–1731/2919]
Edward R. Laskowski, MD; Shelby E. Johnson, MD; Randy A. Shelerud, MD; Jason A. Lee, DO; Amy E. Rabatin, MD; Sherilyn W. Driscoll, MD; Brittany J. Moore, MD; Michael C. Wainberg, MD; and Carmen M. Terzic, MD, PhD
From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (E.R.L., S.E.J., R.A.S., J.A.L., A.E.R., S.W.D., B.J.M., M.C.W., C.M.T.) and Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedics (E.R.L., J.A.L.), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
In the August 2020 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings in an Original Article entitled “The Telemedicine Musculoskeletal Examination” by Laskowski (Mayo Clin Proc 2020;95(8):1715–1731), an error was made in reporting Dr Michael C. Wainberg’s academic degree, which should be listed as “MD,” not “DO.”
Michael C. Wainberg, MD
The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.