Here, we report the complete genome sequence of fowl adenovirus D (FAdV-D) isolated from a preserved 24-year-old pancreas sample of a broiler chicken embryo. The results of the sequence showed that the viral genome is 44,079 bp long.
Here, we report the complete genome sequence of fowl aviadenovirus D (FAdV-D) isolated from a preserved 24-year-old pancreas sample of a broiler chicken embryo. The results of the sequence showed that the viral genome is 44,079 bp long.
Fowl aviadenovirus (FAdV) is a member of the genus Aviadenovirus within the family Adenoviridae (1). Adenoviruses can infect a wide range of hosts; however, avian adenoviruses are reported to infect only avian species (2). FAdVs have been categorized into 5 species (FAdV-A to FAdV-E) on the basis of their genome structure and are further divided into 12 serotypes, based on a cross-neutralization test (3, 4). FAdVs are widely distributed and cause various degrees of associated clinical disease (5, 6). Some species of FAdVs cause inclusion body hepatitis (1, 7–14), hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome (15–17), adenoviral gizzard erosions (18, 19), and possibly hypoglycemia and spiking mortality syndrome (H-SMS) (20, 21) in chickens. To date, only a few complete genomes of FAdV-D from the United States are available in public databases (22, 23). In this study, we report the complete genome sequence of an FAdV-D isolate from the United States.
A fecal sample was collected from a broiler chicken with hypoglycemia and spiking mortality syndrome (H-SMS) at a commercial farm in Georgia in 1995 (24). At that time, in order to experimentally reproduce severe H-SMS, a series of embryo-passaged preparations were performed. Briefly, H-SMS was experimentally reproduced by inoculating crude feces to 1-day-old chicks. Virus particles from their intestines, which were collected at 12 to 14 days postinoculation, were banded in a discontinuous Renografin gradient and inoculated into 7-day-old specific-pathogen-free embryonating chicken eggs (SPF ECE). Four days postinoculation, the embryos were harvested, homogenized in sterile phosphate-buffered saline, filtered, and then inoculated into 7-day-old SPF ECE. The embryos from this passage died between 48 and 96 hours postinoculation and then were harvested and processed as described before to create a third passage. The pancreases of the embryos from the third passage were homogenized, filtered, and stored at −70°C for 24 years. In 2019, viral RNA and total nucleic acids were isolated from a preserved pancreas sample using the QIAamp viral RNA minikit and the DNeasy blood and tissue kit (Qiagen, Germany), respectively, after first undergoing DNase treatment with the Turbo DNA-free kit (Ambion, USA) to remove host DNA according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Sequence-independent single-primer amplification (25–27) was used to produce random amplicons that were processed using the Nextera XT DNA library preparation kit (Illumina, USA). The distribution size and concentration of the prepared library were checked on a 2100 bioanalyzer, using the high-sensitivity (HS) DNA kit (Agilent Technologies, Germany), and on a Qubit fluorometer, using the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) HS assay kit (Life Technologies, USA), respectively. Two next-generation paired-end sequencing (2 × 150 and 2 ×250 bp) runs were performed on an Illumina MiSeq instrument using the 300- and 500-cycle MiSeq reagent kit v.2 (Illumina), respectively. Sequence data from the two runs were combined, and de novo assembly was performed utilizing MIRA v.3.4.1 (28) within a customized workflow on the Galaxy platform (29); all tools were run with default parameters, as described previously (30, 31). A total of 1,113,717 raw paired-end reads (904,985 and 208,732 reads of 150- and 250-bp reads, respectively) were generated. The de novo-generated contigs of interest were subjected to BLASTn search and aligned with the full-length reference genome MX95-S11 (GenBank accession number KU746335.1) to obtain a draft genome scaffold. The genome consensus was then recalled from 200,733 FAdV reads using BWA-MEM (32) mapping of trimmed but unnormalized reads to the genome scaffold. The median read depth of the assembly was 220, and the maximum depth was 5,226. The final genome consensus of the isolate designated GA/1358/1995 was 44,079 nucleotides long (100% genome coverage) with a GC content of 53.6% and coded 37 putative open reading frames (ORFs) (Table 1). The ORFs were identified using the Geneious 11.1.5 and confirmed by alignment with published FAdV genomes. BLAST comparison to the currently available full-length FAdV genome sequences showed the highest (99.23%) nucleotide identity to the FAdV-D serotype 2 prototype ATCC reference strain P7-A (GenBank accession number MK572866.1) (23, 33) (Fig. 1).
Gene name | Strand directiona | Start codon position | End codon position | No. of codons | Closest viral homology (GenBank accession no.) | Amino acid identity (%) |
ORF0 | R | 524 | 808 | 94 | FAdV-2 (ANJ02325.1) | 100 |
ORF1 | R | 848 | 1,339 | 163 | FAdV-2 (ANJ02326.1) | 100 |
ORF1B | R | 1,501 | 1,731 | 76 | FAdV-3 (ANJ02402.1) | 100 |
ORF1C | R | 1,679 | 1,879 | 66 | FAdV-3 (ANJ02403.1) | 100 |
ORF2 | R | 1,953 | 2,756 | 267 | FAdV-9 (NP597818.1) | 100 |
ORF7 | L | 2,348 | 2,668 | 106 | FAdV-11 (QFR45452.1) | 100 |
ORF24 | L | 2,839 | 3,519 | 228 | FAdV-11 (QIM09468.1) | 99.56 |
16,294 | 16,299 | |||||
ORF14 | L | 3,538 | 4,224 | 230 | FAdV-9 (AP000373.1) | 100 |
16,294 | 16,299 | |||||
ORF13 | L | 4,263 | 5,249 | 330 | FAdV-2 (ANJ02370.1) | 100 |
16,294 | 16,299 | |||||
ORF12 | L | 5,245 | 6,162 | 307 | FAdV-9 (AP000375.1) | 100 |
16,294 | 16,299 | |||||
IVa2 | L | 6,131 | 7,351 | 406 | FAdV-9 (NP050280.1) | 99.01 |
DNA polymerase | L | 7,348 | 11,262 | 1,304 | FAdV-2 (QGQ62975.1) | 99.39 |
pTP | L | 11,259 | 13,220 | 655 | FAdV-11 (ANJ02596.1) | 99.23 |
16,294 | 16,299 | |||||
52k | R | 13,259 | 14,467 | 402 | FAdV-11 (AIS19821.1) | 100 |
pIIIa | R | 14,454 | 16,229 | 591 | FAdV-11 (AKR76192.1) | 100 |
Penton base | R | 16,310 | 17,947 | 545 | FAdV-11 (AIS19822.1) | 100 |
pVII | R | 17,987 | 18,223 | 78 | FAdV-11 (AKR76194.1) | 100 |
pX | R | 18,458 | 19,057 | 199 | FAdV-9 (NP050285.1) | 100 |
pVI | R | 19,187 | 19,873 | 228 | FAdV-9 (NP050286.1) | 100 |
Hexon | R | 19,985 | 22,834 | 949 | FAdV-2 (QGQ62983.1) | 100 |
Protease | R | 22,848 | 23,465 | 205 | FAdV-11 (AIS19826.1) | 100 |
DNA-binding protein | L | 23,580 | 25,009 | 557 | FAdV-11 (AKR76199.1) | 98.56 |
25,107 | 25,350 | |||||
100k | R | 25,414 | 28,398 | 994 | FAdV-11 (AKR76200.1) | 93.55 |
33k | R | 28,079 | 28,409 | 221 | FAdV-11 (AKR76201.1) | 99.55 |
28,655 | 28,989 | |||||
22k | R | 28,079 | 28,624 | 181 | FAdV-11 (ALS87111.1) | 99.45 |
pVIII | R | 29,029 | 29,754 | 241 | FAdV-11 (AIS19829.1) | 100 |
U exon | L | 29,638 | 30,006 | 122 | FAdV-11 (QIM09482.1) | 98.36 |
Fiber | R | 30,005 | 31,717 | 570 | FAdV-11 (ANQ43489.1) | 98.60 |
ORF22 | L | 31,777 | 32,349 | 190 | FAdV-11 (AIS19831.1) | 100 |
ORF20A | L | 32,353 | 32,832 | 166 | FAdV-11 (AKR76206.1) | 100 |
33,846 | 33,866 | |||||
ORF20 | L | 32,833 | 33,750 | 312 | FAdV-2 (ANJ02355.1) | 100 |
33,846 | 33,866 | |||||
ORF19 | L | 34,067 | 36,193 | 714 | FAdV-11 (QGQ63065.1) | 99.58 |
36,272 | 36,289 | |||||
GAM-1 | R | 37,747 | 38,580 | 277 | FAdV-2 (QGQ63210.1) | 100 |
ORF17 | L | 39,674 | 40,144 | 156 | FAdV-11 (QFR45478.1) | 99.36 |
ORF11 | R | 40,519 | 40,879 | 261 | FAdV-2 (QGQ63176.1) | 100 |
40,957 | 41,201 | |||||
41,261 | 41,442 | |||||
ORF23 | L | 41,675 | 42,610 | 311 | FAdV-11 (ANJ02619.1) | 100 |
ORF25 | R | 43,067 | 43,075 | 169 | FAdV-11 (QIM09485.1) | 99.41 |
43,154 | 43,654 |
R, rightward-transcribed strand; L, leftward-transcribed strand.
Fowl aviadenoviruses appear to be widely endemic in poultry and have been associated with clinical disease, but full-genome sequences of FAdV-D circulating in the United States are scarce. More complete genome sequence information is necessary to understand how fowl aviadenoviruses contribute to disease in poultry and how to control it.
Data availability.
The complete genome sequence of isolate GA/1358/1995 of FAdV-D has been deposited in GenBank under the accession number MN711789. Raw data were deposited in the SRA under accession number SRR10500667, BioSample number SAMN13338320, and BioProject number PRJNA590745.
The mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This study was supported by USDA CRIS project 6040-32000-072 and USDA APHIS interagency agreement 60-6040-5-009.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Data Availability Statement
The complete genome sequence of isolate GA/1358/1995 of FAdV-D has been deposited in GenBank under the accession number MN711789. Raw data were deposited in the SRA under accession number SRR10500667, BioSample number SAMN13338320, and BioProject number PRJNA590745.