a) Replotting of the data previously published in Figure 6 of
Michalareas et al., 2016. The graphs show the Spearman correlation coefficient, across pairs of brain areas, between a metric of GC asymmetry (DAI, per frequency) and a metric of the feedforward character of the corresponding anatomical projection (SLN). The DAI metric is the directed influence asymmetry index from brain area A to brain area B, defined as (DAI
A-to-B = [GC
A-to-B – GC
A-to-B + GC
B-to-A]). The SLN metric is the supragranular labeled neuron proportion, a graded anatomical metric (defined in the macaque) of the degree to which an anatomical projection is of feedforward character (i.e., originating in supragranular layers;
Barone et al., 2000). DAI was positively related with SLN in the subject-defined gamma band, and negatively related to SLN in the subject-defined alpha/beta band. Lines show the average over subjects, and error bands represent standard error of the mean across subjects. Significance was computed using cluster-based nonparametric testing against zero (
Maris and Oostenveld, 2007). (
b) Similar analysis for the dataset recorded here, using the same seven brain areas. The same positive relation was found in the subject-specific gamma band. A similar negative relation is visible in the subject-specific alpha band, but did not reach significance. Lines show the average over subjects, and error bands represent the bootstrapped 95% confidence interval, significance was computed using a t
max-corrected permutation test. SLN values from
Chaudhuri et al., 2015.