At the request of the Journal Editor(s) the following article has been retracted.
Wang J, Wu F, Li Y, Pang L, Wang X, Kong G, Zhang T, Yu D (2020) KCNQ1OT1 accelerates gastric cancer progression via miR-4319/DRAM2 axis. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 34: 1-9. DOI: 10.1177/2058738420954598.
Significant similarities between this paper and a number of other papers have been identified, as well as indication of image and data manipulation suggestive of the use of a “paper mill”. These papers share common structures and wording yet do not share any common authors.
The authors did not provide a sufficient response or evidence to refute these claims. As a result, the scientific accuracy of this paper is not reliable.
Adhering to the international guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Journal has determined these are grounds for retraction.