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. 2021 Sep 7;16(9):e0249257. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249257

A graph-based cell tracking algorithm with few manually tunable parameters and automated segmentation error correction

Katharina Löffler 1,2,*, Tim Scherr 1, Ralf Mikut 1
Editor: Konradin Metze3
PMCID: PMC8423278  PMID: 34492015


Automatic cell segmentation and tracking enables to gain quantitative insights into the processes driving cell migration. To investigate new data with minimal manual effort, cell tracking algorithms should be easy to apply and reduce manual curation time by providing automatic correction of segmentation errors. Current cell tracking algorithms, however, are either easy to apply to new data sets but lack automatic segmentation error correction, or have a vast set of parameters that needs either manual tuning or annotated data for parameter tuning. In this work, we propose a tracking algorithm with only few manually tunable parameters and automatic segmentation error correction. Moreover, no training data is needed. We compare the performance of our approach to three well-performing tracking algorithms from the Cell Tracking Challenge on data sets with simulated, degraded segmentation—including false negatives, over- and under-segmentation errors. Our tracking algorithm can correct false negatives, over- and under-segmentation errors as well as a mixture of the aforementioned segmentation errors. On data sets with under-segmentation errors or a mixture of segmentation errors our approach performs best. Moreover, without requiring additional manual tuning, our approach ranks several times in the top 3 on the 6th edition of the Cell Tracking Challenge.


The ability of cells to migrate is essential for many biological processes such as tissue formation, immune response, or wound healing [1]. Disruptions in cell migration can contribute to diseases such as malformation [2], autoimmune disease [3], and metastasis [4]. To better understand the mechanisms driving cell migration, the cell behavior can be analyzed quantitatively, for instance by tracking cells over time. However, tracking cells manually is tedious, even for small data sets, and becomes for large data sets infeasible. Therefore, automated cell tracking methods are needed which minimize manual curation effort and expert knowledge for parameter adjustments.

Recent cell tracking methods can be categorized into tracking by detection and tracking by model evolution approaches [5]. In tracking by model evolution approaches an initial segmentation is propagated over time [6], whereas tracking by detection approaches split segmentation and tracking in two steps. In this paper, we focus on tracking by detection approaches, due to promising improvements of cell segmentation algorithms [711].

At present a vast variety of tracking by detection approaches has been proposed. The most simplistic approaches use nearest neighbor methods [12, 13] or are based on overlap [14, 15]. Bayesian filters like the Kalman filter [16], particle filter [1719] or Bernoulli filter [20, 21] have been adapted for cell tracking as well. Hybrid methods combine simplistic tracking methods, like nearest neighbors, with more sophisticated tracking methods [2225]. Furthermore, deep learning based approaches have been proposed for cell tracking [26, 27]. Graph-based approaches offer the possibility to model cell behavior such as motion, mitosis or cell death explicitly [2836].

Tracks are created by linking segmentation masks over time based on a “linking” measure. A simple linking measure is the Euclidean distance between the positions of the cell centroids. Other linking measures are based on handcrafted features, such as position and appearance [25, 30, 37, 38], features of the cell’s neighborhood [39], features derived from a graph structure [40], or learned features [18, 19, 26, 27, 41]. The contribution of the extracted features in the measure is often learned for instance by using logistic regression [30], a structured support vector machine [42], a random forest [33] or training convolutional neural networks [18, 19]. Besides that, some approaches train additional detectors to detect mitosis [12, 14, 19]. However, to fit such linking measures to new data sets, annotated data are needed, which requires additional annotation effort. Using simple, position-based linking measures, in contrast, can be applied to a vast set of experiments without training.

As tracking by detection methods split tracking and segmentation, a reasonable segmentation quality of cells is needed for good tracking results. However, segmentation approaches need to handle challenging imaging conditions such as low signal-to-noise ratio or low contrast [6] as well as the wide range of appearance due to different imaging methods and cell types [5]. Therefore, an error-free segmentation is almost impossible. The resulting segmentation errors can be classified as False Positives (FP), False Negatives (FN), over-segmentation, under-segmentation, and wrong partitioning of touching cells [43].

To handle such segmentation errors in tracking by detection methods, two strategies exist: 1) Generating overlapping segmentation masks and selecting the final set of segmentation masks in the tracking step [31, 32, 34, 36, 42, 44]. 2) Using non overlapping segmentation masks and detecting and correcting segmentation errors [24, 28, 30, 33, 35, 39, 40, 4547]. The first strategy is computationally expensive as several segmentation hypothesis are competing. For the second strategy, semi-automated methods with manual data curation [45, 46, 48] and automated methods [24, 28, 30, 33, 35, 39, 40, 47] have been proposed.

While semi-automated methods need manual effort for error correction, automated segmentation correction approaches often require a learning step. For instance, classifiers that estimate the number of objects per segmentation mask are trained [30, 33], where no objects correspond to FPs, and more than one object to an under-segmentation error. Another approach is to train a support vector machine to distinguish mitosis from over-segmentation [39]. While there are approaches resolving multiple over- or under-segmented cells, they assume no mitosis events are occurring [40, 47]. To detect FPs, prior knowledge on the length of mitosis cycle [35], or on the expected track length [24] is used. Also, a two stage tracking is proposed to first construct short tracks and then resolve segmentation errors in the second step to yield the final tracks [28]. Besides that, uncertainty information is propagated through the segmentation and tracking pipeline to improve results [49].

In summary, current tracking approaches are either simple to apply but need manual error correction, or are able to correct segmentation errors but have a vast set of parameters to tune or need additional training data. In this work, we propose a compromise between the two sides, a simple to apply tracking algorithm, which needs no training and extensive parameter tuning, yet able to correct certain types of segmentation errors.

The main contributions are: a) We propose a tracking approach able to handle the segmentation errors under- and over-segmentation with more than two objects involved and FN. b) We make our Python code available as open source c) We compare our tracking approach to three other tracking approaches which performed competitive on the Cell Tracking Challenge (CTC) [5, 50] and investigate how robust the selected tracking approaches perform, when the segmentation quality decreases. d) We show that our tracking algorithm performs well on a vast set of 2D and 3D data sets of the CTC using the same parametrization of our manually tunable parameters for all data sets.

Materials and methods

In this section, we describe our tracking algorithm, which is able to process 2D and 3D image sequences, in more detail. To create a tracking by detection algorithm, our proposed tracking algorithm can be combined with an arbitrary segmentation algorithm, which predicts instance segmentation masks. Moreover, the tracking can be included in a full image analysis pipeline which typically consists of sample preparation and imaging, cell segmentation, cell tracking, and subsequent analysis [51, 52].

Our tracking algorithm is based on the following assumptions: The cell movement is small compared to the overall image size and the majority of segmentation masks are segmenting single cells correctly. The cell movement assumption is motivated by the need of a reasonable temporal resolution of the image sequence for a detailed analysis of cell lineage or cell behavior. The segmentation assumption is motivated by the availability of reasonably well-performing segmentation approaches [711]. Due to potentially occurring segmentation errors, we refer to segmentation masks as segmented objects and not as cells, as the segmentation masks can contain an as cell detected artifact, only parts of a cell, a single cell or several cells.

We split the task of cell tracking into three steps: tracklet step, matching step, and post-processing step. In the tracklet step, the segmented objects are coarsely followed over time to find potential objects belonging to the same track. In the matching step, the segmented objects are assigned to tracks by solving a graph-based optimization problem. The graph models cell behavior including appearance, disappearance, movement, and mitosis as well as the segmentation errors over- and under-segmentation and FN. Lastly, a post-processing step is applied to correct segmentation errors. An overview of the tracking pipeline based on an example is shown in Fig 1.

Fig 1. Tracking pipeline.

Fig 1

Steps of our proposed tracking algorithm based on an input image sequence with erroneous segmentation data. After processing the image sequence through the tracking pipeline, the cells are tracked and segmentation errors are corrected. The node IDs in the tracking graph indicate the assigned track ID to the segmented objects.

Step 1: Tracklet step

Based on the cell movement assumption, segmented objects belonging to the same track should be spatially close between successive time points. Similar as in [9], we define for each segmented object a rectangular shaped region of interest (ROI), which size is derived from the average size of the segmentation masks, to find objects which could belong to the same track at successive time points. The ROI is propagated over time by estimating a displacement between successive frames using a phase correlation [53]. We consider segmented objects which overlap with the propagated ROI as matching candidates which will be linked in the matching step.

Step 2: Matching step

We model segmented objects and their matching candidates as nodes in a directed graph. The graph models the cell behavior: appearance, disappearance, movement, and mitosis as well as the segmentation errors: FNs, under- and over-segmentation. By finding optimal paths through this graph, the segmented objects are linked over time.

Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph with a set of nodes V={u,v,w,} and a set of edges E={(u,v)} connecting pairs of nodes u and v. Edges (u, v) are directed, starting from node u and ending in node v.


We define node types to model cell behavior and segmentation errors:

  • q: source node

  • q+: sink node

  • o⋅,⋅: object nodes modeling segmented objects

  • s⋅,⋅: split nodes modeling mitosis / over-segmentation errors

  • m⋅,⋅: merge nodes modeling under-segmentation errors

  • x⋅,⋅: skip nodes modeling FNs

  • d: delete nodes modeling disappearing objects

  • a: appear nodes modeling appearing objects

A specific node in the graph is referred to as vi,t, where v is the node type and i is an unique identifier referencing a segmented object and t a time point.

For each segmented object i at time point t a corresponding object node oi,t is added to the graph. To link tracks with missing segmentation masks over a maximum time span of Δt, we add skip nodes for each segmented object from time point t at Δt − 1 successive time points. For each time point t an appearance node at is added to model appearing objects at time point t + 1, whereas a delete node dt is added for each time point t to model disappearing objects at time point t − 1. Mitosis and over-segmentation errors are modeled by adding for each object node and skip node at time point t a split node si,t+1 at time point t + 1. Under-segmentation errors are modeled by adding a merge node mi,t−1 at time point t−1 for each object node and each skip node at time point t. The source node q is added before the first time point and a sink node q+ is added after the last time point of the considered set of time points T.


The nodes are connected by directed edges to model events, such as linking segmented objects between successive time points. We allow directed edges between the following node types, where u: {v, w} means edges starting from node type u can end in the node types v and w:

  • q: {a, o⋅,⋅}

  • q+: {}

  • o⋅,⋅: {d, m⋅,⋅, o⋅,⋅, s⋅,⋅, q+, x⋅,⋅}

  • s⋅,⋅: {o⋅,⋅}

  • m⋅,⋅: {d, o⋅,⋅}

  • x⋅,⋅: {m⋅,⋅, o⋅,⋅, s⋅,⋅, q+, x⋅,⋅}

  • d: {q+}

  • a: {d, o⋅,⋅, s⋅,⋅}

Fig 2 shows the constructed graph based on the image sequence with erroneous segmentation from Fig 1.

Fig 2. Matching step.

Fig 2

(a) shows a graph constructed from an image sequence with erroneous segmentation. Each segmented object is assigned an unique ID i. Nodes corresponding to a segmented object share the same ID i, however, depending on the node type these nodes are assigned to different time points t in the graph. We link segmented objects over a maximum time span of Δt = 2 frames by adding for each object node oi,t a skip node xi,t+1, which models a missing segmentation mask. The segmented objects are assigned to tracks by finding optimal paths—highlighted in black—through the graph. (b) visualizes how cell behavior and segmentation errors are modeled in the graph example (a). Annotations c(⋅, ⋅) on the edges are assigned edge costs. To model mitosis, edges which are connected to pairs of “daughter” nodes are pairwise coupled—highlighted in green.

Connecting all object nodes and skip nodes at time point t naïvely to all other object nodes at time point t + 1, would result in a quadratically growing number of edges. To reduce the number of edges in the graph, we use the matching candidates from the tracklet step and connect nodes only to the nodes corresponding with its matching candidates. This is applied to the split and merge nodes as well, by connecting a split node si,t+1 only to the object nodes at t + 1, the object node oi,t or skip node xi,t is connected to. A merge node mi,t is only connected to the object nodes and skip nodes at t, the object node oi,t+1 is connected to. A visualization how nodes are connected is shown in Fig 2. The used costs functions are introduced in more detail in the following.

Formulation as coupled minimum cost flow problem

In theory the graph could be spanned over the full time span of an image sequence, however, for data sets with many cells and time points this would lead to large optimization problems which need to be solved. Therefore, we solve smaller optimization problems by dividing the image sequence in smaller time spans and constructing graphs which overlap in time.

In the following, optimal paths through the graph are found by solving a coupled minimum cost flow problem. Our formulation is most similar to the coupled minimum cost flow problem [29], which we extend such that many to one and one to many links are possible as well as introducing skip nodes. Therefore, over- and under-segmentation of two or more objects as well as missing segmentation masks are modeled in the graph. To find optimal paths through the graph, a flow variable zf(u, v) is defined for each edge (u, v), where zf(u,v)N0. The optimization problem is given as

minzf(u,v)(u,v)Ec(u,v)zf(u,v)subjectto:gi(zf(u,v))=0,i=0,,Nhj(zf(u,v))0,j=0,,M (1)

where c(u, v) is a cost and gi are equality constraints and hj inequality constraints, which will be introduced in the following.

A flow conservation constraint is added for all nodes apart from source node and sink node:

uVzf(u,v)=wVzf(v,w). (2)

Flow requirements enforce a flow of a fixed number of units through the graph. We ensure that each segmented object is assigned to a track, by enforcing a flow of one trough each object node oi,t and setting the flow from the source node q to the total number of segmented object nodes

uVzf(q-,u)=tT|Ot|,uVzf(u,oi,t)=1,zf(q-,at)=|Ot+1|, (3)

where T is the set of all time points in the graph and |Ot| is the number of object nodes at time point t.

The flow over an edge (u, v) is restricted by a maximum capacity constraint b(u, v):

0zf(u,v)b(u,v). (4)

Edges connected to at least one skip xi,t or object node oi,t have a capacity of one

b(u,oi,t)=b(u,xi,t)=b(oi,t,v)=b(xi,t,v)=1. (5)

To model over- and under-segmentation of more than two objects, the capacity of edges connecting merge nodes mi,t−1 to delete nodes dt and appear nodes at to split nodes si,t+1 depends on the number of edges ending in the merge node and edges starting from the split node, respectively:

b(mi,t-1,dt)=|{(v·,t-1,mi,t-1)|v·,t-1connectedtomi,t-1}|,b(at,si,t+1)=|{(si,t+1,v·,t+1)|v·,t+1connectedtosi,t+1}|. (6)

The capacity of edges connecting the source node q to appearance nodes at depends on the number of segmented objects at time point t + 1, whereas the capacity of edges connecting delete nodes dt to the sink node q+ depend on the number of segmented objects at time points {t − Δt, …, t}

b(q-,at)=|Ot+1|,b(at-1,dt)=|Ot|,b(dt,q+)=t=t-Δtt|Ot|, (7)

where |Ot| is the number of object nodes at time point t. The sum of the capacity constraint b(dt, q+) results from the added skip nodes which enable linking segmented objects over a maximum time span Δt. For Δt = 1, no skip nodes are added resulting in b(dt,q+)=|Ot|+|Ot-1|, providing a large upper bound. For Δt = 2 for each object node a skip node is added, allowing a flow from an object node at t − 2 over its skip node to a merge node at t − 1, which is connected to the delete node dt. To provide a large enough upper bound, the number of object nodes from time point t − 2 is added to the maximum capacity:


To model under-segmentation of two or more objects, for each merge node mi,t−1 the following constraints are added:

zf(mi,t-1,oi,t)-zf(mi,t-1,dt)0,zf(v·,t-1,mi,t-1)-zf(mi,t-1,oi,t)0v·,t-1connectedtomi,t. (8)

Combining Eqs 4 and 8, we derive


For a flow zf(v⋅,t−1, mi,t−1) from a node v⋅,t−1 to the merge node mi,t−1 larger than zero, the flow from the merge node to the object node zf(mi,t−1, oi,t) and the flow from the merge node to the delete node zf(mi,t−1, dt) need to be at least as large. The flow conservation constraint Eq 2 enforces the same flow into a node and from a node, resulting in a flow of at least two through the merge node mi,t−1 or zero.

To model over-segmentation into two or more objects, for each split node the following constraints are added:

-zf(at,si,t+1)+zf(oi,t,si,t+1)0,-zf(oi,t,si,t+1)+zf(si,t+1,v·,t+1)0v·,t+1connectedtosi,t+1. (9)

Similar to before, we derive by combining Eqs 4 and 9


For a flow zf(si,t+1, v⋅,t+1) from the split node si,t+1 to a node v⋅,t+1 larger than zero, the flow from the object node to the split node zf(oi,t, si,t+1) and the flow from the appear node to the split node zf(at, si,t+1) need to be at least as large. The flow conservation constraint Eq 2 enforces the same flow into a node and from a node, resulting in a flow of at least two through the split node si,t+1 or zero.

To distinguish an over-segmentation from a mitosis and assign different cost functions, we construct all pairs of “daughter” nodes oj,t+1 & ol,t+1 the “mother” node si,t+1 is connected to and add pairwise coupled flow variables. We refer to those pairwise coupled flow variables as zjlf(·,·),where jl refers to the indices of the pair of coupled daughter nodes. From each mother cell at most one pair of daughter cells can emerge, which is modeled by connecting the split node si,t+1 to at most two daughter nodes

zjlf(si,t+1,oj,t+1)=zjlf(si,t+1,ol,t+1).jlljzjlf(si,t+1,oj,t+1)2. (10)

In addition, a split node si,t+1 can either model a mitosis or an over-segmentation. We enforce this by adding for all pairs of flow variables that correspond to edges starting from si,t+1 an inequality constraint:

zjlf(si,t+1,oj,t+1)-zf(si,t+1,ol,t+1)1. (11)

The number of daughter pairs grows quadratically with the number of potential daughter cells. To reduce the number of pairwise coupled flow variables, we prune the number of potential mitosis pairs to Nmax = 10 for each segmented object, based on the mitosis cost which is given in Eq 15.

Cost functions

Compared to other approaches, we choose costs c(u, v) based on positional features only. We extract for each segmented object based on its segmentation mask the mask centroid pi,t, a bounding box, and a set of mask points. The bounding box is spanned by the top left and bottom right coordinates of the segmentation mask i at time point t and contains all points within the spanned rectangle, it will be referred to as Bi,t. The set of mask points is derived by calculating a distance transformation on the segmentation mask and will be referred to as Qi,t, where a single point will be referred to as qi,t. A visualization of the extracted features is shown in Fig 3.

Fig 3. Extracted features to link segmented objects.

Fig 3

Shown are two correctly segmented objects at time point t and a single segmented object due to an under-segmentation error at time point t + 1. To calculate cost terms, for each segmentation mask i at time point t the mask centroid pi,t—shown as a cross –, a set of mask points Qi,t—shown in a lighter shade—and a bounding box Bi,t—shown as a rectangle—are extracted. The Euclidean distance between the mask centroid pj,t+1 and the propagated mask centroid p^i,t+1 is large, which can result in wrong links. The minimal Euclidean distance between the propagated mask centroid p^i,t+1 and the set of mask points Qj,t+1, in contrast, is small.

The features are propagated over time by updating their position-based features with the estimated displacement di,⋅,⋅, from the tracklet step:

p^i,t+1=pi,t+di,t,t+1,B^i,t+1={bi,t+di,t,t+1|bi,tBi,t},Q^i,t+1={qi,t+di,t,t+1|qi,tQi,t}. (12)

Costs between object nodes model the movement of an object between successive time points:

c(oi,t,oj,t+1)=p^i,t+1-pj,t+12, (13)

where p^i,t+1 is the estimated mask centroid of object i at time point t + 1 and pj,t+1 the mask centroid of object j at time point t + 1. The edge costs involving skip nodes are defined as

c(oi,t,xi,t+1)={pi,t-p^i,t+12=di,t,t+12ifp^i,t+1Bj,t+1jθelse,c(xi,t+1,xi,t+2)={p^i,t+1-p^i,t+22=di,t+1,t+22ifp^i,t+2Bj,t+2jθelse,c(xi,t+1,oj,t+2)=p^i,t+2-pj,t+22, (14)

where θ is a large constant.

The mitosis costs for the pairwise coupled flow variables are defined as

c1=pi,t-12(pj,t+1+pl,t+1)2,c2=|pi,t-pj,t+12-pi,t-pl,t+12|,c3=pj,t+1-pl,t+12,cjl(si,t+1,oj,t+1)=cjl(si,t+1,ol,t+1)={c1+c2ifc31.5bi,tθelse, (15)

where bi,t is the length of the diagonal spanned by the top left and bottom right coordinate of the bounding box. The cost enforce that daughter cells have a similar distance to the mother cell, their average position is close to the previous position of the mother cell and the distance between the daughter cells is small. An estimated position of the mother cell is not used, as the displacement estimation which is based on appearance of image crops is unreliable, when one image crop shows a single mother cell and the other shows two daughter cells.

In case of over- or under-segmentation, costs based on mask centroids can lead to large cost terms, as the Euclidean distance between the propagated mask centroid of a correctly segmented object and the mask centroid of merged objects can be large, which is shown in Fig 3. To better link under- and over-segmented objects to their correctly segmented corresponding objects at successive time points, we use the set of mask points instead. For over-segmentation we define the costs

c(si,t,oj,t+1)={min({q^i,t+1-pj,t+12|q^i,t+1Q^i,t})ifpj,t+1B^i,t+1θelse, (16)

where Q^i,t is the set of propagated mask points and q^i,t+1 a propagated mask point of the segmented object i at time point t.

For under-segmentation, we define

c(oj,t,mi,t)={min({qi,t+1-p^j,t+12|qi,t+1Qi,t+1})ifp^j,t+1Bi,t+1θelse, (17)

where p^j,t+1 is the predicted position of the segmented object j at time point t and Qi,t+1 the set of mask points of the segmented object i at the next time point t + 1. Appearance costs depend on a threshold α and the minimum distance of the mask centroid pi,t to the image border

c(at-1,oi,t)=min(α,min(min(a-pi,t),min(pi,t))), (18)

disappear costs are defined similar

c(oi,t,dt+1)=min(α,min(min(a-pi,t),min(pi,t))), (19)

where a is the image size and min (min (api,t), min (pi,t)) the minimal distance to the image border.

We set the parameter θ = 1000α, where α is derived from the largest edge of the default size of the ROI, which is provided in the section parameter selection. All other edges are assigned 0 cost. An overview of the calculated costs based on the graph example is shown in Fig 2.

To reduce the number of flow variables even further, edges with large costs are pruned. The formulated problem can be solved using integer linear programming with a standard optimization toolbox such as Gurobi [54].

The tracking graph is constructed by following the optimal paths through the graph and assigning segmented objects to tracks if their corresponding object nodes are connected by the same path. On nodes where several paths start/end, new tracks are created and the predecessor/successor information is kept.

Step 3: Post-processing step

In the post-processing, over- and under-segmentation errors are resolved and missing segmentation masks are added to resolve FNs.

Untangling problem

After the matching step, tracks can be assigned to more than one predecessor and/or more than two successors as shown in Fig 1. These many to one and one to many assignments are now resolved, so each track has at most one predecessor and at most two successors to model mitosis. As the tracks are “untangled”, we will refer to this step as untangling step. We transform the tracking graph by applying a set of modifications on the tracking graph which will be referred to as untangling operations: remove an edge, split a track, and merge tracks. The edge remove operation removes a single predecessor—successor link. The split operation splits a track into several tracks, whereas the merge tracks operation merges several tracks resulting in a single track. A visualization of the untangling operations is shown in Fig 4.

Fig 4. Untangling problem.

Fig 4

The tracking graph is modified by applying untangling operations (a) such that each track has at most one predecessor and at most two successors—to model cell division. Different combinations of untangling operations, however, all lead to valid tracking graphs (b). We model the problem of selecting a set of untangling operations as an optimization problem and choose the set of untangling operations that induces the fewest modifications on the graph—highlighted in green.

Different combinations of untangling operations lead to valid tracking graphs, which is shown in Fig 4. The problem is to select a combination of untangling operations, which we model as an optimization problem

minzkckzk (20)

where ck are costs and zk variables referring to untangling operations on the graph.

The untangling operations zk are denoted as follows: an edge remove operation will be denoted as zpne, where the predecessor track is ωp and the successor track is ωn. Splitting a track ωn into several tracks will be denoted as zns, whereas merging a set of tracks will be denoted as zrm, where r is a multi index that indicates a set of tracks.

To merge tracks, the tracks need to: a) share the same predecessors and successors, b) share the same successors and some tracks have no predecessor but begin after the track with a predecessor starts, or c) share the same predecessors and some tracks have no successors but end before the track with successors end. Based on the aforementioned conditions, we construct all possible sets of mergeable tracks.

Moreover, each track should have at maximum one predecessor and at maximum two successors. This is modeled by two constraints, one for the predecessor side and one for the successor side for each track. The number of predecessors of a track ωn is referred to as |Pn| whereas the number of successors of a track is referred to as |Sn|. For each set of tracks r that can be merged, indicated by zrm, the number of tracks sharing the same set of predecessors as track ωn is denoted as Pn,r and the number of tracks sharing the same set of successors as track ωn as Sn,r. Furthermore, for each predecessor track of track ωn all sets of tracks the predecessor track can be merged with are computed, where the set M(Pn) consists of all possible sets of mergeable tracks that contain predecessor tracks of track ωn. Analogously for each successor track of track ωn all sets of tracks the successor track can be merged with are computed, where the set M(Sn) consists of all possible sets of mergeable tracks that contain successor tracks of track ωn.

For each track we add one inequality constraint to enforce at most one predecessor and one inequality constraint to enforce at most two successors. As the modification of one track influences also its predecessors and successors, the predecessor inequality also includes the untangling operations on the predecessor tracks, whereas the successor inequality includes the untangling operations on the successor tracks. Furthermore, as tracks can be linked to more than one predecessor and more than two successors, the tracks which share the same predecessors or successors need to be considered in the inequality constraints as well. The predecessor inequality constraint for track ωn is given as:

rMr(Pn,r-1)zrmmergetracks-wWnzwssplittracks-wWnpPwzpweremoveedgestopredecessors+pPnzpssplitpredecessors+qM(Pn)min(0,-Sq,n+1)zqmmergepredecessors-|Pn|+max(1,|{Sp|pPn}|), (21)

where r and q are multi indices referring to sets of mergeable tracks and w and p are indices referring to a single track. The variables to be optimized are the merge track variables zrm and zqm, the split track variables zws and zps, and the edge remove variables zpwe, where zrm denotes merging the set of tracks r into a single track, zws denotes splitting the track ωw into several tracks, and zpwe denotes removing the predecessor-successor link between the predecessor track ωp and the successor track ωw. The set Mn contains all sets of tracks that can be merged with the track ωn, Pn,r is the number of tracks of the set of mergeable tracks r that share the same predecessors as ωn, Wn is a set which contains all tracks, including ωn, that can be merged with track ωn. |Pn| is the number of predecessors of track ωn, whereas Pw is the set of predecessors of track ωw. Sq,n is the number of tracks of the set of mergeable tracks q that have track ωn as a successor. The total number of successors of the predecessors of track ωn is given by |{Sp|pPn}|.

The successor inequality constraint is given as:

rMn(Sn,r-1)zrmmergetracks-wWnzwssplittracks-wWnvSwzwvsremoveedgestosuccessors+vSnzvssplitsuccessors+qM(Sn)min(0,-Pq,n+1)zqmmergesuccessors-|Sn|+2|{Pv|vSv}|+1, (22)

where r and q are multi indices referring to sets of mergeable tracks and w and v are indices referring to a single track. The variables to be optimized are the merge tracks variables zrm and zqm, the split track variables zws and zvs, and the edge remove variables zwve, where zrm denotes merging the set of tracks r into a single track, zws denotes splitting the track ωw into several tracks, and zwve denotes removing the predecessor-successor link between the predecessor track ωw and the successor track ωv. The set Mn contains all sets of tracks that can be merged with the track ωn, Sn,r is the number of tracks of the set of mergeable tracks r that share the same successors as track ωn, Pq,n is number of tracks of the set of mergeable tracks q that have track ωn as a predecessor, and Wn is a set which contains all tracks, including ωn, that can be merged with track ωn. |Sn| is the number of successors of track ωn, whereas Sw is the set of successors of track ωw. Pq,n is the number of tracks of the set of mergeable tracks q that have track ωn as a predecessor. The total number of predecessors of the successors of track ωn is given by |{Pv|vSv}|.

A track can be merged with at most one set of tracks r, which we model by adding for each track a constraint

rMrzrm1. (23)

In addition, if a set of tracks is to be merged, their edge remove operations are coupled, such that for merged tracks either all edges are removed on the predecessor or successor side or none. To enforce this, we construct from each set of mergeable tracks r all pairs of tracks which share a predecessor or successor and add two constraints

zpve-zpne-zrm+1,-zpve+zpne-zrm+1, (24)

where r = {n, v, …} and the tracks ωn and ωv share the predecessor track ωp. The merge tracks and edge remove variables are constraint to be binary variables, whereas the split variables are of integer type to provide the number of tracks a track will be split into.

Predecessor and successor inequality constraints example

We illustrate the setup of the proposed inequality constraints from Eqs 21 and 22 for the track with track ID 5 from the tracking graph shown in Fig 4. The track is connected to three predecessor tracks with the track IDs 2, 3, 4 and two successor tracks with the track IDs 6 and 7. As the track does not share its predecessors or successors with other tracks, there are no tracks the track can be merged with, therefore, the set containing all sets of mergeable tracks is M5={} and W5={5}. The set of predecessor tracks is P5={2,3,4} and |P5|=3, whereas the set of successor tracks is S5={5,6} and |S5|=2.

The set containing all possible sets of mergeable tracks that contain predecessor tracks is M(P5)={{2,3},{2,4},{3,4},{2,3,4}}, whereas the set containing all possible sets of mergeable tracks that contain successor tracks is M(S5)={{6,7}}. The predecessors of track 5 have only one successor, which is track 5, resulting in |{Sp|pP5}|=1. The successor tracks of track 5 have only one predecessor, which is track 5, resulting in |{Pv|vS5}|=1.

By merging predecessor tracks or successor tracks into a single track, the number of predecessors or successors a track is connected to changes. The change in the number of predecessors or successors if sets of them are merged is represented by the terms (Pn,r − 1) and min(0, −Sq,n + 1) from Eq 21, and (Sn,r − 1) and min(0, −Pq,n + 1) in Eq 22. For example, by merging the tracks {2, 3, 4} into a single track, which is modeled by z{2,3,4}m, two predecessor links of track 5 are removed, as now instead of three predecessor tracks only one predecessor track is connected to it. Therefore, z{2,3,4}m is multiplied by a factor of 2.

After inserting the terms in the inequality constraints, we derive for the predecessor inequality constraint of track 5

0mergetracks-z5ssplittracks-(z2,5e+z3,5e+z4,5e)removeedgestopredecessors+z2s+z3s+z4ssplitpredecessors-2z{2,3,4}m-z{2,3}m-z{2,4}m-z{3,4}mmergepredecessors-3+1=-2, (25)

and for the successor inequality constraint

0mergetracks-z5ssplittracks-(z5,6e+z5,7e)removeedgestosuccessors+z6s+z7ssplitsuccessors-z{6,7}mmergesuccessors-2+2+1=1. (26)

The successor inequality constraint Eq 26 is fulfilled without applying untangling operations, as the right hand side of the inequality constraint is 1. However, untangling operations need to be applied so the predecessor inequality constraint Eq 21 holds, as the right hand side of the inequality constraint is −2. This makes sense, as track 5 has three predecessors and two successors and the aim of the untangling step is to transform the tracking graph such that each track has at most one predecessor and at most two successors.

Untangling costs

The untangling costs can be chosen arbitrarily. Here we propose simple cost terms based on the temporal length and number of merged tracks:

cpne=γ,crm=Δωr(Nr-1),cns=Δωn, (27)

where cpne is the cost of removing the edge between the tracks ωp and ωn, crm is the cost of merging the set of tracks r, cns is the cost of splitting track ωn, γ is a constant, Nr is the number of merged tracks, Δωn is the temporal length of the track ωn and Δωr is the temporal length of the track after merging, respectively. For the chosen cost functions, merging K tracks or splitting a track in K parts over the same time span, results in the same change of the value of the objective function. In theory, over- and under-segmentation errors can be resolved by only applying merging and splitting of tracks. However, there can be constellations where removing edges provides better tracking results, for instance due to a wrong link assigned in the matching step. To define a cut off when removing edges is more beneficial than modifying tracks, we set γ to 2⌈Δt0.3ΔN0.99⌉, where Δt0.3 is the 0.3 quantile of the track length and ΔN0.99 the 0.99 quantile of the number of predecessors/successor links per track.

The set of untangling operations is selected by solving an integer linear program using a standard optimization toolbox such as Gurobi [54]. After solving the optimization problem, the untangling operations are applied to the selected tracks. Tracks are split by computing for each mask zns seed points, where zns is the value of the split variable from the optimization problem. Based on the seed points, a nearest neighbor approach is applied to the mask and each mask pixel is assigned to the closest seed point, resulting in zns segmentation masks. To merge tracks, their segmentation masks are concatenated for each time point.

FN correction

Finally, we correct FN errors by adding segmentation masks to tracks with missing segmentation masks. We place the last available segmentation mask, before a FN error occurs, at positions computed from a linear interpolation between the available segmentation masks. In image sequences with touching cells, adding masks can lead to conflicts, where an interpolated mask overlaps with another segmentation mask. We resolve those mask conflicts by assigning conflicting pixels to the segmentation mask with the closest centroid.

Data sets

We select the cell data sets Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ and Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ from the CTC [5, 50] for evaluation, as they are publicly available and provide a fully annotated ground truth, i.e. segmentation masks are given for all cells as well as the cell lineage. Both cell data sets show synthetically generated human leukemia cells, where Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ is a 2D data set and Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ is a 3D data set. Per data set two image sequences are available which will be referred to as sequence 01 and 02. Statistics of the chosen data sets are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Statistics of cell data sets.

Information about the number of frames, tracks and cells of the CTC data sets.

Data Set Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ Fluo-N3DH-SIM+
Sequence 01 02 01 02
N frames 65 150 150 80
N tracks 95 107 81 117
avg. number of cells/frame 40 22 19 43
min number of cells/frame 30 8 6 30
max number of cells/frame 47 54 43 55

Simulation of segmentation errors

We modify a fixed fraction of n% of the ground truth segmentation masks, to simulate data sets with an erroneous segmentation. We model the segmentation errors FNs, under- and over segmentation, and the combination of the aforementioned segmentation errors. FNs are simulated by removing segmentation masks randomly, the resulting data sets are referred to as “FN error”. Over-segmentation is simulated by splitting segmentation masks randomly in two parts and is referred to as “over-segmentation error”. Under-segmentation is simulated by selecting neighboring segmentation masks randomly and merging them to a single mask by applying a morphological closing operation. Data sets showing this error type will be referred to as “under-segmentation error”. Furthermore, the error types are mixed by combining FN, under- and over-segmentation errors equally so in total n% of the segmentation masks are modified, which is referred to as “mixed error”.

FN and over-segmentation errors are simulated by drawing uniformly from the set of segmentation masks until a fraction of n% of the ground truth masks is modified. Under-segmentation errors, in contrast, are sampled by constructing neighbor pairs of segmentation masks and assigning them a sampling weight proportional to their distance. As a result, cells with a smaller distance have a higher probability to be merged, which is also the case in real segmentation data. Segmentation masks are merged iteratively until a fraction of n% of the ground truth masks is merged, also allowing more than two cells to be merged.

For each cell data set and image sequence we modify n = 1, 2, 5, 10, 20% of the ground truth masks and generate N = 5 runs for each defined segmentation error which results in a total of 400 data sets for evaluation. A visualization of a raw image with corresponding ground truth and simulated segmentation errors is shown in Fig 5.

Fig 5. Simulated segmentation errors.

Fig 5

Shown is a raw image of the Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 01 data set with corresponding ground truth segmentation masks and modified segmentation masks with simulated segmentation errors, highlighted with white arrows.

Evaluation measure

We evaluate the segmentation and tracking performance using the SEG, TRA, and DET measure [5] from the CTC. The SEG measure is the Jaccard similarity index, which is the quotient of the intersection of segmentation and ground truth over the union of the two. In the TRA measure, graphs are constructed from the ground truth and the tracking data. Nodes in these graphs represent segmented objects, whereas edges represent links between the segmented objects over time. The tracking data graph is transformed into the ground truth graph by applying untangling operations: add/remove/split node, add/remove an edge and edit the edge semantic. Each graph operation results in a penalty, where adding nodes (FN) is penalized the most. The final measure is normalized between 0 and 1, where 1 means that ground truth graph and tracking data graph match perfectly. The DET measure is constructed similarly as the TRA measure, however, the penalties for modifying edges are set to zero.

Compared tracking algorithms

We select three tracking by detection approaches from former CTC participants to compare our approach with: Mu-Lux-CZ, KIT-Sch-GE(1), and KTH-SE ( All approaches provide an implementation which we used for comparison. The MU-Lux-CZ algorithm [15] is an overlap-based approach for 2D, which we extended to 3D. The tracking algorithm links segmentation masks between successive frames if their overlap is larger than a fixed threshold. Due to the simplicity of the algorithm, no automatic segmentation error correction is available. The KIT-Sch-GE(1) algorithm [9, 55] implements a coupled minimum cost flow algorithm which is capable to detect mitosis and handles FNs for short time spans. The KTH-SE algorithm [30, 56] uses the Viterbi algorithm to link cells. It includes segmentation error correction for FP, FN, over- and under-segmentation.

Compared to the tracking algorithm of Scherr et al. (Team KIT-Sch-GE(1) in CTC) [9, 55], our proposed tracking models FNs as skip nodes as well as over- and under-segmentation of two or more objects. Moreover, we propose different costs and the untangling post-processing step to correct segmentation errors automatically.

Parameter selection

For the tracking approaches MU-Lux-CZ, KIT-Sch-GE(1), and KTH-SE we kept the same parameters as provided by their CTC submission, and only modified the algorithms such that they use the provided erroneous segmentation masks instead of using their own segmentation.

For our tracking algorithm we manually set two parameters: Δt, and the default ROI size. We set Δt = 3 and the default ROI size to twice of the average segmentation mask size. All other parameters are estimated automatically from the data or are based on these two parameters.


Post-processing analysis

We investigate the influence of the post-processing steps, untangling tracks and FN correction, by modifying the post-processing step, while keeping all other steps the same. The FN correction step is replaced by creating short tracks without a predecessor for each track with missing masks, as the TRA measure yields for tracks with missing masks an error during TRA score computation. The untangling step is replaced by removing predecessor information of tracks with more than one predecessor and removing successor information of tracks with more than two successors. In the following, we will refer to the untangling step as untangle and the FN correction step as masks.

For under- and over-segmentation errors, tracking approaches without the untangling step, indicated by untangle¯, perform worse as shown in Fig 6a and 6b for 2D and in Fig 7a and 7b for 3D data sets. On data sets with FN errors, tracking approaches without the FN correction step, indicated by masks¯, perform worse which is shown for 2D data sets in Fig 6c and for 3D data sets in Fig 7c. When combining different segmentation error types, applying both post-processing steps performs best, which is shown in Figs 6d and 7d. Compared to segmentation only (No Tracking), the segmentation measures DET and SEG shown in Figs 6 and 7 increase after applying the tracking with the corresponding correction step in the post-processing.

Fig 6. Influence of the post-processing on Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 01.

Fig 6

Scores of a single run are shown as circles, while + shows a CTC measure score averaged over N = 5 runs. Per run a fixed fraction of ground truth segmentation masks is modified randomly to simulate segmentation errors. “untangle” refers to the untangling step, which transforms the tracking graph such that each track has at most one predecessor and two successors, whereas “masks” refers to adding missing segmentation masks. Over lined post-processing steps ()¯ indicate that the post-processing step is missing.

Fig 7. Influence of the post-processing on Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ 01.

Fig 7

Scores of a single run are shown as circles, while + shows a CTC measure score averaged over N = 5 runs. Per run a fixed fraction of ground truth segmentation masks is modified randomly to simulate segmentation errors. “untangle” refers to the untangling step, which transforms the tracking graph such that each track has at most one predecessor and two successors, whereas “masks” refers to adding missing segmentation masks. Over lined post-processing steps ()¯ indicate that the post-processing step is missing.

Tracking performance comparison

We compare the performance of our proposed approach including the proposed post-processing to the tracking approaches of KTH-SE, KIT-Sch-GE(1), and MU-Lux-CZ on erroneous segmentation data. The results are shown in Fig 8 for 2D data sets and in Fig 9 for 3D data sets.

Fig 8. Comparing tracking algorithms on Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 01.

Fig 8

Shown are the CTC measure scores DET, SEG, and TRA of tracking algorithms on 2D data set Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 01 when provided with the same erroneous segmentation data. Scores of a single run are shown as circles, while + shows a CTC measure score averaged over N = 5 runs.

Fig 9. Comparing tracking algorithms on Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ 01.

Fig 9

Shown are the CTC measure scores DET, SEG, and TRA of tracking algorithms on 3D data set Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 01 when provided with the same erroneous segmentation data. Scores of a single run are shown as circles, while + shows a CTC measure score averaged over N = 5 runs.

For under-segmentation errors, our approach performs best, as shown in Figs 8b and 9b. On data sets with over-segmentation errors, our approach and the KTH-SE approach perform similarly, which is shown in Figs 8a and 9a. Both approaches lead to an increase in the segmentation measures SEG and DET on data sets with over-segmentation errors; applying the KTH-SE approach on any other type of erroneous segmentation leads to a decrease in the segmentation measures. In case of FN errors, our approach and the KIT-Sch-GE(1) approach perform similarly, as shown in Figs 8c and 9c. Also, both approaches yield higher scores in the segmentation measures DET and SEG compared to applying no tracking at all. For data sets with a combination of segmentation error types, our approach outperforms all other approaches, as shown in Figs 8d and 9d.

Run-time comparison

We compare the run-time of the tracking algorithms when provided with perfect, ground truth segmentation data and when provided with erroneous segmentation data. As erroneous segmentation we choose the 20% mixed error segmentation data. We evaluated all tracking algorithms on a desktop computer with an Intel Core i7–6700 processor and 64GB of RAM running Python 3.7 and MATLAB 2018b in Windows 10.

For the KTH-SE algorithm, which is implemented in MATLAB, we used the tic/toc functionality of MATLAB for benchmarking, whereas for all other algorithms, which are implemented in Python, we used the default_timer of the timeit package. The run-times are shown in Table 2. The results show that the proposed method can track 2D and 3D data sets in reasonable times.

Table 2. Run-times of tracking algorithms.

Run times of the tracking algorithms on 2D and 3D data sets when provided with perfect ground truth (GT) segmentation as well as when provided with erroneous segmentation data.

Tracking Algorithm Data Sets
Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 01 Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ 01
GT Erroneous GT Erroneous
Proposed 21.82 s 22.94 s 1238.38 s 1179.69 s
MU-Lux-CZ 25.79 s 26.65 s 1055.12 s 1047.86 s
KTH-SE 39.73 s 44.22 s 523.84 s 404.34 s
KIT-Sch-GE(1) 15.11 s 19.56 s 1004.63 s 1585.43 s

Evaluation on the Cell Tracking Challenge

We evaluated the performance of our tracking algorithm on the 6th edition of the CTC. For segmentation, we chose a deep learning based segmentation approach which utilizes cell and neighbor distances [9, 57]. The derived segmentation masks and the raw image sequence were fed into our tracking algorithm. As described on the parameter selection section, we chose the same parametrization of the two manually tunable parameters for all data sets. The results of the Cell Tracking Benchmark as team KIT-Sch-GE(2), with several top 3 ranks, are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Cell Tracking Benchmark (CTB) results (6th CTC edition).

Top 3 rankings as team KIT-Sch-GE(2) in the overall performance measure OPCTB—average of SEG and TRA scores—are written in bold. The latest CTB leader board is available on the CTC website. State of the results: May 10th 2021.

Data Set SEG TRA Ranking TRA OPCTB Ranking OPCTB
BF-C2DL-HSC 0.818 0.984 1 0.901 1
BF-C2DL-MuSC 0.777 0.967 3 0.872 1
DIC-C2DH-HeLa 0.778 0.918 7 0.848 8
Fluo-C2DL-MSC 0.617 0.749 4 0.683 3
Fluo-C3DH-A549 0.849 1.000 1 0.925 1
Fluo-C3DH-H157 0.878 0.980 2 0.929 2
Fluo-C3DL-MDA231 0.710 0.884 1 0.797 1
Fluo-N2DH-GOWT1 0.850 0.938 9 0.894 13
Fluo-N2DL-HeLa 0.883 0.993 1 0.938 10
Fluo-N3DH-CE 0.642 0.901 3 0.772 5
Fluo-N3DH-CHO 0.833 0.906 8 0.869 7
PhC-C2DH-U373 0.876 0.975 9 0.925 10
PhC-C2DL-PSC 0.743 0.967 1 0.855 1
Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 0.801 0.962 8 0.881 5
Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ 0.759 0.972 1 0.865 1


Our proposed tracking method can correct the segmentation errors FN, under- and over-segmentation and yields a good tracking quality while having a reasonable run-time. The proposed post-processing with untangling step and FN correction improves in most cases the tracking and segmentation measure scores. However, when correcting FN errors on the 3D data set, shown in Fig 7c, we observe that applying both post-processing steps, referred to as untangle+ masks, performs worse compared to just applying the mask interpolation step, referred to as untangle¯+masks. We examined the TRA score in more detail and found that the scores of the untangle+ masks post-processing had more FPs. In some cases if a segmentation mask is missing and another segmentation mask is spatially close, the track with missing segmentation masks is linked to the spatially close track in the matching step, which is then linked to two segmentation masks a few time points later when the object is segmented again. As a result the spatially close track has two predecessors assigned, which is resolved in the untangling step of the post-processing by splitting the track. In the TRA score this behavior is reported as FPs. An approach to resolve this, is using more complex cost functions in the untangling and the matching step, which for instance include information on the cell appearance.

All tracking approaches do not reach perfect measure scores of 1 on data sets with reduced segmentation quality. However, our approach is able to correct different types of segmentation errors, indicated by the increase of the segmentation scores DET and SEG compared to no tracking, without needing training data, a large set of parameters or extensive parameter tuning. Especially on data sets with a mixture of segmentation errors, our proposed method showed its potential as an “allrounder” method. To further improve tracking results, a manual correction step can be applied. The similar performance of our approach and the KIT-Sch-GE(1) approach, shown in Figs 8c and 9c, is due to the capability of both approaches to link tracks with missing masks over a maximum time span Δt, where both approaches set Δt = 3. Applying the MU-Lux-CZ tracking does not change the DET and SEG scores compared to applying no tracking, as this algorithm only links segmentation masks without any segmentation error correction. To our surprise the in the CTC [50] well-performing approach of KTH-SE drops in performance when provided with segmentation data which include under-segmentation and/or FN errors. We examined the predicted tracking masks and observed that the approach removes some segmentation masks. Besides removing merged segmentation masks, sometimes also masks without added segmentation errors are removed by the tracking algorithm. In the TRA and DET measure, FN errors are penalized twice as much as not resolving an under-segmentation error. Hence, the MU-Lux-CZ approach, which applies no modification on the segmentation masks at all, performs better than the KTH-SE approach on all data sets which add FN errors and/or under-segmentation errors.

On the CTB, our tracking algorithm ranks several times within the top three without any manual parameter adaption. The difference in the ranking between OPCTB and TRA measure are due to the influence of the SEG measure—measuring how well ground truth mask and segmented masks align—on the OPCTB. Improving the SEG score through the tracking—by splitting, merging, or adding segmentation masks—is only possible if the overall shapes of ground truth masks and segmented masks align well. Penalties in the SEG score by too large or too small segmentation masks can usually not be corrected by the tracking in a tracking by detection approach.

We would like to emphasize that the tracking performance depends on the instance segmentation which in turn depends on the image quality. To reduce the dependence on the image quality, the image quality can be improved substantially by applying image restoration methods before segmentation [58, 59]. In addition, instance segmentation approaches applicable to a broad range of imaging conditions exist [60]. While our tracking approach can be combined with an arbitrary instance segmentation approach, different instance segmentation approaches can be prone to different types and quantities of segmentation errors. Our results on simulated, erroneous segmentation data show, that our tracking algorithm can correct certain types of randomly occurring segmentation errors, however, with decreasing segmentation quality the tracking quality decreases as well.

In general, the tracking performance also depends on the temporal resolution of the image sequence. If the temporal resolution is high with respect to the cell movements—cell movements are small between frames with respect to the cell size—simple, nearest neighbor assignment is sufficient [61]. However, when the temporal resolution is restricted, e.g. to avoid photodamage, large cell movements between successive frames are possible. To assign the segmented cells correctly, more advanced approaches, such as graph-based approaches, are needed. As the results of the CTC show, our position-based costs perform well on a broad set of real world cell data sets, however, there are scenarios which will result in wrong assignments. For instance, consider two cells at time point t which have swapped their positions at time t+ 1, which is impossible to detect using position-based costs. To resolve such cases, the tracking costs can be adapted using more complex features based on texture or morphology of single cells [25, 30, 37].


We proposed a graph-based tracking approach with automatic correction of FN and under-/over-segmentation errors of two or more segmented objects. Our approach neither needs training data to learn cost functions nor has a vast set of parameters that need manual tuning. We investigated the performance of our approach on a 2D and a 3D cell data set with synthetically degraded segmentation masks simulating FN, under-segmentation, over-segmentation and a combination of the aforementioned segmentation errors. We evaluated the tracking performance using the CTC measures DET, SEG, and TRA. For a fair comparison, we compared the performance of our tracking approach against three other tracking methods on the same erroneous segmentation data. Our proposed tracking algorithm is capable to correct certain types of segmentation errors without requiring additional training steps or parameter tuning automatically. Furthermore, on data sets with under-segmentation or a combination of different segmentation errors, our approach outperformed all other approaches, especially a parameter heavy tracking algorithm with automated segmentation error correction.

Evaluated on a diverse set of 2D and 3D cell data sets from the CTC, our proposed tracking algorithm performed competitively without manual fine-tuning, showing its potential as a strong tracking baseline. Directions of future work could be incorporation of more complex cost functions for the matching and the untangling step, using more enhanced methods for the position estimation step, and application to other data sets. We envision that the steady improvement of automated cell tracking approaches concerning the accuracy, run time, and ease of applicability will lead to powerful tools to analyze cell behavior quantitatively. The derived insights on the cell behavior can then help to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms influencing cell migration or, for instance, how cell migration and the formation of structures depend on each other.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. Influence of the post-processing on Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 02.


S2 Fig. Influence of the post-processing on Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ 02.


S3 Fig. Comparing tracking algorithms on Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 02.


S4 Fig. Comparing tracking algorithms on Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ 02.


S1 Table. Run-times of tracking algorithms on image sequences 02.


S1 File. Data availability.


Data Availability

The Supporting information file “S1 Data Availability” describes how to reproduce the results of our tracking algorithm, and we have published all tracking results from our analysis on Zenodo ( and

Funding Statement

We are grateful for funding by the Helmholtz Association in the program Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing (TS, RM) and HIDSS4Health - the Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health (KL, RM). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. We acknowledge support by the KIT-Publication Fund of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.


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Decision Letter 0

Konradin Metze

20 Apr 2021


A graph-based cell tracking algorithm with few manually tunable parameters and automated segmentation error correction


Dear Dr. Löffler,

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Partly

Reviewer #3: Partly


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: N/A

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: No


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: This paper presents an algorithm for automated cell segmentation and cell tracking, and evaluated the algorithm using data from the Cell Tracking Challenge. Overall, this is an interesting algorithm, combining graph based modeling and a couple of heuristics to produce an algorithm/pipeline for cell tracking. One great advantage of this algorithm is that it explicitly modeled several types of errors in the segmentations step (such as an object/cell disappearing, missing, dividing/mitosis, over-segmentation, under-segmentation), and showed that the subsequent operations on the graph and a post-processing step were able to correct these errors.

My main concerns and comments about this paper are as follows:

1. The algorithm sections are quite difficult to read. The notations are very complex. It feels like each set of equations were using very non-overlapping sets of symbols that represent different things. It is true that different sets of equations described different steps/componenets of the algorithm. If the notations can be significantly simplified, it will be a lot easier for readers to follow this paper and appreciate the algorithmic designs.

2. The figures are quite repetative in some sense, the same graph topology appearing in 4 different figures. Again, I understand that they convey different information on different steps of the algorithm, but I would be better to consolidate them into one figure with multiple sub-figures, so that it is easier for readers to understand the whole flow.

Reviewer #2: This is a good article and should be published provided the recommended modifications are fulfilled by the authors. The authors describe and compare their own segmentation algorithm with three established different segmentation algorithms and try to correct potentially incorrect results.

There are a few open questions / remarks, which should be briefly taken into account:

1. The algorithms seems to work on separated cell (cell lines only), and not on tissues (incompletely acquired objects). This should be discussed.

2. What kind of principle segmentation algorithm has been used (dynamic, static, Otsu, …) etc. or texture / transformation based methods (Fourier, Laplace, …)?

3. Are different cell types included in this study?

4. The authors should clearly distinguish the different mandatory compartments of the algorithms, namely (image acquisition (including image quality), object detection (differentiation potential Object / background), and object identification (object features) and classification (object class) for additional analysis (for example texture).

For example see and cite) (KAYSER, Klaus; BORKENFELD, Stephan; KAYSER, Gian. Digital Image Content and Context Information in Tissue-based Diagnosis. Diagnostic Pathology, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, dec. 2018. ISSN 2364-4893; GÖRTLER, Jürgen et al. Cognitive Algorithms and digitized Tissue – based Diagnosis. Diagnostic Pathology, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, july 2017. ISSN 2364-4893.

5. A few words should be addressed to future development (understanding) how structures 8cells) and functions (movements) might depend on each other. For example see and cite (Kayser, Klaus, Borkenfeld, Stephan, Fang, Wei-Kleiner, Kayser, Gian: Digital Pathology Where did – do – will you go? Content and Context Analysis of Communication in Digital Pathology.

Reviewer #3: This paper presents a three-step cell tracking algorithm with segmentation error correction. The paper is well written, the content is clear, and the results seem to be promising. The tracking approach is compared with three other tracking approaches from the Cell Tracking Challenge CTC.

The drawback of the presentation is that the algorithm was only tested on two of 19 available datasets from the CTC. Another disadvantage is that only the tracking accuracies TRA are presented. With this minimal comparison, the evaluation of the proposed new algorithm cannot be performed satisfactorily.

Therefore, I would suggest adding further samples and adding the values for segmentation accuracies, detection accuracies, cell segmentation benchmarks and cell tracking benchmarks.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2021 Sep 7;16(9):e0249257. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249257.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

3 Jun 2021

Reviewer: 1

Dear Reviewer,

Thank you for sending us your comments and suggestions. We are pleased to read, that you find our algorithm interesting. We have also prepared answers to your comments:

“1. The algorithm sections are quite difficult to read. The notations are very complex. It feels like each set of equations were using very non-overlapping sets of symbols that represent different things. It is true that different sets of equations described different steps/components of the algorithm. If the notations can be significantly simplified, it will be a lot easier for readers to follow this paper and appreciate the algorithmic designs.”


We carefully revised parts of our notation to avoid confusion due to the naming of indices and made the naming of variables which are optimized more consistent. The symbol t now always indicates the time. Previously t was used for source (t+) & sink (t⁻) nodes and for time points. This allowed us to replace the variable k used in the node indices (now always u*,t instead of u*,k) and to avoid confusions with node naming, now referred to as source (q+) and sink (q-). The notation for optimization variables is now more consistent. The flow variables are renamed to zf (f before) and coupled flow variables to zfjl (fjl.before) The optimization variables in the untangling problem are now: zepn (eij before), zrm (ml before), and zsn (si before). We also adapted the notation of the cost functions for the untangling problem: cepn (c(eij) before), cmr (c(ml) before), and csn (c(si) before). Moreover, we renamed some indices to avoid confusion between the indices of the two different optimization problems.

„2. The figures are quite repetitive in some sense, the same graph topology appearing in 4 different figures. Again, I understand that they convey different information on different steps of the algorithm, but I would be better to consolidate them into one figure with multiple sub-figures, so that it is easier for readers to understand the whole flow. “


We agree that the overall number of figures can be reduced to improve the flow for the readers. We adapted the figures accordingly – We kept Figure 1 for conceptual overview. Figures 2&3 are combined so the graph example and the costs are shown in a single figure. We combined Figures 4&5 now showing the extracted features and how they can be used to match correctly and erroneously segmented objects. Figures 5&6 are combined as well, showing the untangling operations and the untangling problem.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Löffler


Reviewer: 2

Dear Reviewer,

We are excited to read that you think our paper, which proposes a cell tracking algorithm, has merit to be published in PLOS ONE. We have also prepared answers to your comments:

“1. The algorithms seems to work on separated cell (cell lines only), and not on tissues (incompletely acquired objects). This should be discussed.”


Usually the problem on tissues is more a segmentation issue, as these cells are rather constrained in their position. Hence, most tissue analysis problems (especially in pathology) do not require a tracking analysis. In contrast, on cell data sets where cells can move freely the tracking is more challenging as now the tracking algorithm needs to handle large shifts in the cell position as well as segmentation errors, e.g. due to low resolution in the z-axis. However, our tracking algorithm can handle a variety of cell types (shapes, sizes and textures) and imaging acquisition techniques as shown in the added Table 3. The main prerequisite is a segmentation of the objects to track.

“2. What kind of principle segmentation algorithm has been used (dynamic, static, Otsu, …) etc. or texture / transformation based methods (Fourier, Laplace, …)?”


In our initial manuscript we investigated how tracking algorithms handle erroneous segmentation data. Therefore, we simulated segmentation errors based on a provided, perfect ground truth. As the data sets Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ and Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ from the Cell Tracking Challenge are synthetic data sets, their ground truth segmentation masks are generated synthetically as well. Thus, no segmentation algorithm was needed. Now, we have added an evaluation of our tracking algorithm on a total of 15 data sets of the Cell Tracking Challenge, where we used a deep learning based segmentation approach. The new Table 3 shows that such a combination is very competitive. However, any segmentation approach could be combined with our proposed tracking step.

“3. Are different cell types included in this study?”


We extended our analysis and applied the tracking algorithm on a total of 15 different cell data sets, showing different cell types imaged in 2D or 3D as well as different imaging conditions – Fluorescently counterstained, Bright Field, Phase Contrast, and Differential Interference Contrast. The results are shown in Table 3. The discussion has been adapted accordingly.

“4. The authors should clearly distinguish the different mandatory compartments of the algorithms, namely (image acquisition (including image quality), object detection (differentiation potential Object / background), and object identification (object features) and classification (object class) for additional analysis (for example texture).

For example see and cite) (KAYSER, Klaus; BORKENFELD, Stephan; KAYSER, Gian. Digital Image Content and Context Information in Tissue-based Diagnosis. Diagnostic Pathology, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, dec. 2018. ISSN 2364-4893; GÖRTLER, Jürgen et al. Cognitive Algorithms and digitized Tissue – based Diagnosis. Diagnostic Pathology, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, july 2017. ISSN 2364-4893.“


As we propose the tracking step for a tracking by detection pipeline, a segmentation method – for example deep learning based – needs to be selected by the user. We agree that our tracking algorithm has to be embedded into more complex analysis pipelines, but we think that a detailed discussion of complete pipelines is beyond the scope of the paper.

“5. A few words should be addressed to future development (understanding) how structures 8cells) and functions (movements) might depend on each other. For example see and cite (Kayser, Klaus, Borkenfeld, Stephan, Fang, Wei-Kleiner, Kayser, Gian: Digital Pathology Where did – do – will you go? Content and Context Analysis of Communication in Digital Pathology.“


Thank you for suggesting this interesting paper. In our opinion, it is definitely a future task to correlate structure and behavior. We assume, however, that pathology is here a very ambitious field because most samples cannot be observed over time by an in vivo imaging approach. While we see a clear motivation for segmentation approaches on pathological images, we find it challenging to see the connection between the suggested paper and our proposed cell tracking method, as usually pathological images capture immobile cells. Thus, we have decided not to cite it.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Löffler


Reviewer: 3

Dear Reviewer,

Thank you for your comments and suggestions. We are pleased to read that you appreciated the overall presentation of the content. We have also prepared answers to your suggestions:

“The drawback of the presentation is that the algorithm was only tested on two of 19 available datasets from the CTC. Another disadvantage is that only the tracking accuracies TRA are presented. With this minimal comparison, the evaluation of the proposed new algorithm cannot be performed satisfactorily.

Therefore, I would suggest adding further samples and adding the values for segmentation accuracies, detection accuracies, cell segmentation benchmarks and cell tracking benchmarks.“


We extended our initial analysis on synthetically degraded segmentation data by computing the DET and SEG scores from the CTC as well. We have updated the corresponding figures. In addition, we added our results from the Cell Tracking Benchmark on this year’s CTC, where we participated on a diverse set of 2D and 3D data sets (15 in total). To evaluate the performance of our algorithm, we used the same manually tunable parameter setting on all submitted 2D and 3D data sets. We think the added results emphasize the capabilities of our tracking algorithm to perform competitively on a diverse set of 2D and 3D data sets without the need of fine tuning.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Löffler


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Konradin Metze

14 Jun 2021


A graph-based cell tracking algorithm with few manually tunable parameters and automated segmentation error correction


Dear Dr. Löffler,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

I fully agree with the comments of one reviewer. Please make corrections according to the suggestions.  

Please submit your revised manuscript by Jul 29 2021 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

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If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter. Guidelines for resubmitting your figure files are available below the reviewer comments at the end of this letter.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Konradin Metze

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Partly

Reviewer #3: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: N/A

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The authors have addressed all my comments. With simpler notations and consolidated figures, the manuscript now is easier to follow compared to the previous submission.

Reviewer #2: The authors have responded to all comments of the reviewer; however, they are not willing to accept the required modifications / recommendations. There are some major inconsistencies, for example 'ground truth does not need segmentation' which need essential explanation.

Therefore, I cannot recomment the article for publication.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: Yes: Helmut Ahammer

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2021 Sep 7;16(9):e0249257. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249257.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

17 Jun 2021

Dear Konradin Metze,

thank you very much for editing our revised manuscript entitled “A graph-based cell tracking algorithm with few manually tunable parameters and automated segmentation error correction”. We assume that our background and the one of reviewer 2 are quite different, resulting in an unfortunate misunderstanding on our side on how to interpret the requested adaptions. We hope to clarify all misunderstanding by adding further explanations and references to the paper. The changes to the compared to the last revision are highlighted in blue (added) and red (removed) in the tracked changes manuscript version.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Löffler


Reviewer: 1

Dear Reviewer,

Thank you for your helpful suggestions to improve the notation and graphics.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Löffler


Reviewer: 2

Dear Reviewer,

We are sorry to read that you feel we are unwilling to accept your suggested modifications. We might have misunderstood parts of your suggestions and thought that you just wanted some further explanations, which we gave to you. However, we see that the paper also needed some further editing. We hope that the added comments and modifications on the paper can help to resolve this misunderstanding. Please find below answers to your comments.


We think the first point 1 from your first revision was due to a misunderstanding of the scope and the content of the paper, which we decided to clarify in the rebuttal letter only:

“1. The algorithms seems to work on separated cell (cell lines only), and not on tissues (incompletely acquired objects). This should be discussed.”


As we proposed a tracking algorithm and not a segmentation algorithm our focus lies on data sets showing moving cells. Therefore, we used data sets from the in the cell tracking community well-established Cell Tracking Challenge to evaluate and compare our cell tracking algorithm.

Unfortunately, we have trouble understanding on what is meant by incompletely acquired objects in the scope of a tracking problem.


All other suggestions from the first revision have now been added to the paper (or were already resolved but not clearly indicated in our rebuttal letter). We would like to summarize how we addressed your required modifications / recommendation by providing quotes from the paper:

“2. What kind of principle segmentation algorithm has been used (dynamic, static, Otsu, …) etc. or texture / transformation based methods (Fourier, Laplace, …)?”


We now added the text passage (page 3, lines 81-84 in the tracked changes manuscript version)

“In this section, we describe our tracking algorithm, which is able to process 2D and 3D image sequences, in more detail. To create a tracking by detection algorithm, our proposed tracking algorithm can be combined with an arbitrary segmentation algorithm, which predicts instance segmentation masks.”

to clarify that our tracking algorithm can be combined with any segmentation approach.

Moreover, for our participation on the 6th edition of the CTC (results in Table 3) we selected a deep learning based segmentation (page 16, lines 541-543 in the tracked changes manuscript version)

“For segmentation, we chose a deep learning based segmentation approach which utilizes cell and neighbor distances [9, 57]. The derived segmentation masks and the raw image sequence were fed into our tracking algorithm. ”

Since we added this text passage already in the last revision and only changes to that revision are highlighted in blue, that change is not highlighted.

For our analysis on how different tracking algorithms behave, when provided with erroneous segmentation data, we used the perfect, segmentation masks from the data sets Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ and Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ which are provided with the data. These two data sets are synthetically generated; thus no additional segmentation is needed to generate the used ground truth segmentation masks. We emphasize that these two data sets are synthetic by adding (page 13, lines 429-430 in the tracked changes manuscript version)

“Both cell data sets show synthetically generated human leukemia cells, where Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ is a 2D data set and Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ is a 3D data set.”


“3. Are different cell types included in this study?”


We evaluated on 15 different cell data sets, please see Table 3 (page 17) for the different examined cell types. We added the table already in the last revision to answer your question.


“4. The authors should clearly distinguish the different mandatory compartments of the algorithms, namely (image acquisition (including image quality), object detection (differentiation potential Object / background), and object identification (object features) and classification (object class) for additional analysis (for example texture).

For example see and cite) (KAYSER, Klaus; BORKENFELD, Stephan; KAYSER, Gian. Digital Image Content and Context Information in Tissue-based Diagnosis. Diagnostic Pathology, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, dec. 2018. ISSN 2364-4893; GÖRTLER, Jürgen et al. Cognitive Algorithms and digitized Tissue – based Diagnosis. Diagnostic Pathology, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, july 2017. ISSN 2364-4893.“


We added a paragraph to clarify the additional components needed to create a tracking by detection approach. Furthermore, we emphasized that the tracking actually is a step in an image analysis pipeline (page 3, lines 81-86 in the tracked changes manuscript version):

“In this section, we describe our tracking algorithm, which is able to process 2D and 3D image sequences, in more detail. To create a tracking by detection algorithm, our proposed tracking algorithm can be combined with an arbitrary segmentation algorithm, which predicts instance segmentation masks. Moreover, the tracking can be included in a full image analysis pipeline which typically consists of sample preparation and imaging, cell segmentation, cell tracking, and subsequent analysis [51, 52].”

Therefore, we added also the new references:

[51] Megason SG, Fraser SE. Imaging in systems biology. Cell. 2007;130(5):784–795.doi:10.1016/j.cell.2007.08.031.52.

[52] Eliceiri KW et al. Biological imaging software tools. Nature Methods. 2012;9(7):697–710.doi:10.1038/nmeth.2084


“5. A few words should be addressed to future development (understanding) how structures 8cells) and functions (movements) might depend on each other. For example see and cite (Kayser, Klaus, Borkenfeld, Stephan, Fang, Wei-Kleiner, Kayser, Gian: Digital Pathology Where did – do – will you go? Content and Context Analysis of Communication in Digital Pathology.“


To put our work into the greater picture, we added a paragraph to the conclusion (page 19, lines 618-622 in the tracked changes manuscript version):

“We envision that the steady improvement of automated cell tracking approaches concerning the accuracy, run time, and ease of applicability will lead to powerful tools to analyze cell behavior quantitatively. The derived insights on the cell behavior can then help to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms influencing cell migration or, for instance, how cell migration and the formation of structures depend on each other.”


Concerning the last point of your second review:

“There are some major inconsistencies, for example 'ground truth does not need segmentation' which need essential explanation.

Therefore, I cannot recomment the article for publication”


We are highly motivated to further improve the quality of our paper and therefore are looking forward to your feedback on major inconsistencies. Unfortunately, as only one of them is provided here we are only able to resolve this one.

We would like to refer to (page13, lines 426-428 of the tracked changes manuscript version):

“We select the cell data sets Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ and Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ from the CTC [5, 50] for evaluation, as they are publicly available and provide a fully annotated ground truth, i.e. segmentation masks are given for all cells as well as the cell lineage.”

In which we explain what kind of ground truth data is available; all segmentation masks as well as the lineage are provided by the two selected CTC data set. As the data sets are simulated, no additional segmentation algorithm is needed. We tried to emphasize the synthetic nature of the data set by making the following adaption (page 13, lines 429-430 in the tracked changes manuscript version):

“Both cell data sets show synthetically generated human leukemia cells, where Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ is a 2D data set and Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ is a 3D data set.”

To evaluate how different tracking algorithms handle different types of segmentation errors, we then modify these provided segmentation masks to model segmentation errors (page 14, lines 433-456 of the tracked changes manuscript version).

We hope, that in the new manuscript there is no more room for confusion. Thank you for your helpful suggestions to improve this manuscript.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Löffler


Reviewer 3:

Dear Reviewer,

Thank you for your suggestions to include additional metrics and strengthening the results section by evaluating on more data sets.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Löffler


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 2

Konradin Metze

16 Jul 2021


A graph-based cell tracking algorithm with few manually tunable parameters and automated segmentation error correction


Dear Dr. Löffler,

Thank you for submitting your re-revised manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

The manuscript has been improved without any doubt. But there are still some questions open, as reviewer 2 is pointing out. I agree with these comments and think that all these topics  must be discussed in detail and included into the paper, in order to mainatain a high scientific standard.

Please submit your revised manuscript by Aug 30 2021 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Konradin Metze

Academic Editor


Journal Requirements:

Additional Editor Comments (if provided):

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: (No Response)

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Partly

Reviewer #3: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: N/A

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The authors have sufficiently addressed my comments in the previous revision. This new round of revision also looks good to me.

Reviewer #2: There remains still a principle problem, which the authors should clarify: They state, that their tracking algorithm is not dependent upon the segmentation algorithm. That is only true, if the background remains the same during the tracking process, an assumption that is quite unlikely in reality. Examples are, if additional artifacts appear or if the tracked individuals confuse, or if the distance between different objects shrinks to zero? This is a major problem in graph theory too; its application requires a 'none-zero distance' between different nodes (or non-zero edges). Therefore, I propose again to discuss briefly the aspect of image quality and its impact on any derived action and to cite the given references. Herein I repeat my opinion. I cannot propose an article for publication which disregards important practical and theoretical aspects.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: Yes: Helmut Ahammer

[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

PLoS One. 2021 Sep 7;16(9):e0249257. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249257.r006

Author response to Decision Letter 2

22 Jul 2021

Dear Konradin Metze,

thank you very much for your patience and time in editing our revised manuscript entitled “A graph-based cell tracking algorithm with few manually tunable parameters and automated segmentation error correction”. We hope to clarify the remaining concerns by discussing the influence of image quality and temporal resolution on the segmentation and tracking performance in the discussion section and added further references. The changes compared to the last revision are highlighted in blue (added) in the tracked changes manuscript version.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Löffler


Reviewer: 2

Dear Reviewer,

Thank you very much for your patience and time in reviewing our manuscript. Please find below answers to your comments.

“There remains still a principle problem, which the authors should clarify: They state, that their tracking algorithm is not dependent upon the segmentation algorithm. That is only true, if the background remains the same during the tracking process, an assumption that is quite unlikely in reality. Examples are, if additional artifacts appear or if the tracked individuals confuse, or if the distance between different objects shrinks to zero? This is a major problem in graph theory too; its application requires a 'none-zero distance' between different nodes (or non-zero edges). Therefore, I propose again to discuss briefly the aspect of image quality and its impact on any derived action and to cite the given references. Herein I repeat my opinion. I cannot propose an article for publication which disregards important practical and theoretical aspects.”


To discuss the dependence of the segmentation and tracking performance on the image quality, we added the following paragraph [pages 18-19 lines 596-606]:

“We would like to emphasize that the tracking performance depends on the instance segmentation which in turn depends on the image quality. To reduce the dependence on the image quality, the image quality can be improved substantially by applying image restoration methods before segmentation [58,59]. In addition, instance segmentation approaches applicable to a broad range of imaging conditions exist [60]. While our tracking approach can be combined with an arbitrary instance segmentation approach, different instance segmentation approaches can be prone to different types and quantities of segmentation errors. Our results on simulated, erroneous segmentation data show, that our tracking algorithm can correct certain types of randomly occurring segmentation errors, however, with decreasing segmentation quality the tracking quality decreases as well. “

Moreover, we now discussed the influence of the temporal resolution on the tracking performance as well as sketched a limitation of our tracking algorithm [page 19 lines 607-618]:

“In general, the tracking performance also depends on the temporal resolution of the image sequence. If the temporal resolution is high with respect to the cell movements -- cell movements are small between frames with respect to the cell size -- simple, nearest neighbor assignment is sufficient [61]. However, when the temporal resolution is restricted, e.g. to avoid photodamage, large cell movements between successive frames are possible. To assign the segmented cells correctly, more advanced approaches, such as graph-based approaches, are needed. As the results of the CTC show, our position-based costs perform well on a broad set of real world cell data sets, however, there are scenarios which will result in wrong assignments. For instance, consider two cells at time point t which have swapped their positions at time t+1, which is impossible to detect using position-based costs. To resolve such cases, the tracking costs can be adapted using more complex features based on texture or morphology of single cells [25,30,37].”

To support the dependence of segmentation and tracking performance on the image quality and the dependence of the tracking on the temporal resolution of the image sequence we added the following references:

[58] Weigert M, Schmidt U, Boothe T, Müller A, Dibrov A, Jain A, et al. Content-aware image restoration: Pushing the limits of fluorescence microscopy. Nature Methods. 2018;15(12):1090–1097. doi:10.1038/s41592-018-0216-7.

[59] Belthangady C, Royer LA. Applications, promises, and pitfalls of deep learning for fluorescence image reconstruction. Nature Methods. 2019;16(12):1215–1225.doi:10.1038/s41592-019-0458-z.

[60] Caicedo JC, Goodman A, Karhohs KW, Cimini BA, Ackerman J, Haghighi M, et al. Nucleus segmentation across imaging experiments: the 2018 Data Science Bowl. Nature Methods. 2019;16(12):1247–1253. doi:10.1038/s41592-019-0612-7.

[61] Yang FW, Tomášová L, Guttenberg Zv, Chen K, Madzvamuse A. Investigating optimal time step intervals of imaging for data quality through a novel fully-automated cell tracking approach. Journal of Imaging. 2020;6(7). doi:10.3390/jimaging6070066.

We hope the added paragraphs and references resolve the remaining remarks.

Yours sincerely,

Katharina Löffler



Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 3

Konradin Metze

17 Aug 2021

A graph-based cell tracking algorithm with few manually tunable parameters and automated segmentation error correction


Dear Dr. Löffler,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Konradin Metze

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #2: (No Response)

Reviewer #4: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #2: Partly

Reviewer #4: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #2: Unfortunately, the authors have not fulfilled the recommendations of the reviewer. They just added some fluorescence specificities and limited the basic problems of their algorithms to spatial resolution. There is no indication that the proposed algorithm will work with usual cytological and histologic color images. I am afraid that they are not aware of the real problem of object / background distinction in combination with the observation period. Therefore, the quality of this article does not reach the required level of the journal in this third revision.

Reviewer #4: The authors propose a method for cell tracking with a reduced number of tunable parameters and automatic segmentation error correction. Their proposal is validated on the well established CTC benchmark database. The manuscript is well written and the methodology is innovative in this type of task and the achieved results are competitive with the state-of-the-art. In this scenario, I recommend acceptance.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #4: No

Acceptance letter

Konradin Metze

27 Aug 2021


A graph-based cell tracking algorithm with few manually tunable parameters and automated segmentation error correction

Dear Dr. Löffler:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Prof. Konradin Metze

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Fig. Influence of the post-processing on Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 02.


    S2 Fig. Influence of the post-processing on Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ 02.


    S3 Fig. Comparing tracking algorithms on Fluo-N2DH-SIM+ 02.


    S4 Fig. Comparing tracking algorithms on Fluo-N3DH-SIM+ 02.


    S1 Table. Run-times of tracking algorithms on image sequences 02.


    S1 File. Data availability.



    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    The Supporting information file “S1 Data Availability” describes how to reproduce the results of our tracking algorithm, and we have published all tracking results from our analysis on Zenodo ( and

    Articles from PLoS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS