Figure 4.
Selected assays used to study for TPase and NTPase activities. A) Charcoal adsorption assay designed for Cet1b triphosphatase and based on the radioactivity of enzymatically radiolabelled RNA interacting with the charcoal surface. [74] The pi symbol corresponds to the phosphate moiety. B) Malachite Green Phosphate assay for the detection of inorganic phosphate released during TPase‐catalyzed hydrolysis of 5′ RNA triphosphate. C) PiPer™ Phosphate assay for the quantification of inorganic phosphate released upon 5′ RNA triphosphate hydrolysis. [85] D) Modified Transcreener™ ADP Assay to determine NTPase activity based on the interactions between released ADP molecules and specific antibodies.