Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-93754-z, published online 09 July 2021
The original version of this Article contained errors in Figure 1, where the horizontal bars indicating between groups comparison were omitted.
The original Figure 1 and accompanying legend appear below.
Figure 1.
Distribution of PD-L1 concentration in controls and NMIBC and MIBC sub-groups. Patients with BCa are sampled from: (a) group 1 (before TURB), (b) group 2 (after TURB) and (c) combined groups 1 and 2. Results are presented by a box plot, with each dot representing one patient. An extreme outlier of 487.5 pg/mL in the MIBC sub-group in (b) and (c) is not shown on the plot. Analysis of urinary PD-L1 concentrations demonstrated departure from Gaussian distribution using Shapiro–Wilk test in all groups. Non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test was thus used to determine if there was significant variation in the medians of the groups analyzed. If significant at the 5% level, we then used Dunn's multiple comparison post-hoc test to investigate pair-wise group comparisons of urinary PD-L1. This testing procedure was followed in (a–c). Only significant comparisons as follows from Dunn's post-hoc test are shown. Abbreviations: BCa: bladder cancer; N: number of observations; NMIBC: non-muscle invasive bladder cancer; MIBC: muscle-invasive bladder cancer; PD-L1: programmed death ligand-1; TURB: transurethral resection of the bladder.
The original Article has been corrected.