Table 2.
Evaluations of the bioactive potential in Mexican oregano.
Specie | Analyzed Fraction | Extraction Technique | Tissue | Evaluated Bioactivity | Results | Reference | |
L. berlandieri | Essential oil | - | Leaves | Antimicrobial | E. coli/MRSA/A. niger | 4/lower than 5/0.28 (MIC, μg mL−1 of air) |
[13] |
P. longiflora | Essential oil Et-OH extract Ethyl acetate extract |
Hydrodistillation/Diffusion | Leaves | Antioxidant activity | DPPH● S. aureus/B. cereus |
83.70 ± 4.12 EO, 151.90 ± 6.65 E-OH, 208.60 ± 12.25 Et-Ac. (IC50, μg mL−1) |
[19] |
Antimicrobial activity | 250/250 EO, 1000/750 E-OH, 750/500 E-Ac (MIC, mg L−1) |
L. graveolens
L. palmeri |
Chloroform/ methanol extracts |
Agitation/Sonication | Leaves | Antiflammatory | ROS reduction COX-1 and 2 cyclooxygenases inhibition |
59.8% to 87% COX-1 78.2%/64.7%/67.8% COX-2 81.7%/74.6%/64.7% |
[25] |
L. graveolens | Essential oil | - | Leaves | Antimicrobial | Candida albicans | 6.4 to 21.5 (MLC99, μL mL−1 emulsifier agent) |
[28] |
L. graveolens | Methanolic extract | Maceration | Aerial parts | Antioxidant/UV protection | DPPH● In vivo penetration study |
21.89 ± 0.63 (IC50, μg mL−1) 20.14 ± 1.86 (μg cm−2) |
[94] |
L. graveolens | Methanol extract | Percolation | Leaves/flowers | Antiglycemic | α-glucosidase inhibition | IC50 = 37.19 μM (Hispidulin). | [95] |
Anti-inflammatory | Antiflammatory | IC50 = 0.72–1.31 μmol/ear (Naringenin, Eriodictyol and 3-Hydroxyphloridzin). |
Cytotoxicity | U251 & SK-LU-1 human tumor cell lines. | U251 (IC50 = 37.0 µM) SK-LU-1 (IC50 = 37.5 µM) |
EO = Essential oil, E-OH = Ethanol extract, E-Ac = Ethyl acetate extract, MIC = Minimum Inhibitory Concentration, MLC = Minimum Lethal Concentration, ROS = Reactive oxygen species, COX-1 = cyclooxygenase–1, COX-2 = cyclooxygenase–2, U-251 MG cell line human, SK-LU-1: Human Lung Cancer Cell Line.