(A) Representative images of H1 hPSCs at passage 3 (day 12) of culture in E8 (control) or E7 with varying doses of bFGF-MCMs (scale bar = 250 μm). Colonies with normal stem cell morphology were observed in the E8 control and E7 + high bFGF-MCM conditions, while varying degrees of spontaneous differentiation were seen in the E7, E7 + low bFGF-MCM, and E7 + med bFGF-MCM conditions (white arrows). (B) Quantification of Oct4/Nanog expression in hPSCs grown with or without bFGF-MCMs in Transwell culture for 3 passages (n = 3, error bars = s.d.), as assessed by flow cytometry. n = 3, error bars = s.d. bFGF utilization as denoted on the right y-axis was calculated based on amount of bFGF used to maintain a single well of hPSCs in a 12-well plate format (1 mL media/well) for three passages, relative to E8 control (100%). (C) Representative flow cytometry plots of hPSCs after Transwell culture with E7 containing low, medium, or high doses of bFGF-MCMs for 3 passages.