Whitelaw S, Mamas MA, Topol E, Van Spall HGC. Applications of digital technology in COVID-19 pandemic planning and response. Lancet Digit Health 2020; 2: e435–40—In this Viewpoint, the third paragraph of the Planning and Tracking section of the paper should read: “Swedish Health Services, a USA-based health-care organisation, has developed a platform for health-care workers to report real-time data on volumes of patients with COVID-19, personal protective equipment, staffing, ventilator usage, and other resource information.9 This information has been shared across its hospitals to track the status of facilities, allocate health-care resources, and increase hospital bed capacity.9” This correction has been made as of Jan 27, 2021.
Correction to Lancet Digit Health 2020; 2: e435–40
Issue date 2021 Mar.
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