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PLOS Computational Biology logoLink to PLOS Computational Biology
. 2021 Sep 10;17(9):e1009350. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009350

Evaluating the effectiveness of ensemble voting in improving the accuracy of consensus signals produced by various DTWA algorithms from step-current signals generated during nanopore sequencing

Michael Smith 1,2,*,#, Rachel Chan 1,, Maaz Khurram 1,, Paul M K Gordon 3,4,#
Editor: Eduardo Eyras5
PMCID: PMC8457506  PMID: 34506479


Nanopore sequencing device analysis systems simultaneously generate multiple picoamperage current signals representing the passage of DNA or RNA nucleotides ratcheted through a biomolecule nanopore array by motor proteins. Squiggles are a noisy and time-distorted representation of an underlying nucleotide sequence, “gold standard model”, due to experimental and algorithmic artefacts. Other research fields use dynamic time warped-space averaging (DTWA) algorithms to produce a consensus signal from multiple time-warped sources while preserving key features distorted by standard, linear-averaging approaches. We compared the ability of DTW Barycentre averaging (DBA), minimize mean (MM) and stochastic sub-gradient descent (SSG) DTWA algorithms to generate a consensus signal from squiggle-space ensembles of RNA molecules Enolase, Sequin R1-71-1 and Sequin R2-55-3 without knowledge of their associated gold standard model. We propose techniques to identify the leader and distorted squiggle features prior to DTWA consensus generation. New visualization and warping-path metrics are introduced to compare consensus signals and the best estimate of the “true” consensus, the study’s gold standard model. The DBA consensus was the best match to the gold standard for both Sequin studies but was outperformed in the Enolase study. Given an underlying common characteristic across a squiggle ensemble, we objectively evaluate a novel “voting scheme” that improves the local similarity between the consensus signal and a given fraction of the squiggle ensemble. While the gold standard is not used during voting, the increase in the match of the final voted-on consensus to the underlying Enolase and Sequin gold standard sequences provides an indirect success measure for the proposed voting procedure in two ways: First is the decreased least squares warped distance between the final consensus and the gold model, and second, the voting generates a final consensus length closer to the known underlying RNA biomolecule length. The results suggest considerable potential in marrying squiggle analysis and voted-on DTWA consensus signals to provide low-noise, low-distortion signals. This will lead to improved accuracy in detecting nucleotides and their deviation model due to chemical modifications (a.k.a. epigenetic information). The proposed combination of ensemble voting and DTWA has application in other research fields involving time-distorted, high entropy signals.

Author summary

Nanopore sequencing devices, essentially a matrix full of microscopic pores, provide an interesting new route in identifying changes in DNA/RNA sequences related to diseases. Biological molecules are sucked down an electrical gradient through the pore while changes in the molecule’s electrical characteristics are determined to identify its components. To avoid the sequence information being read as if attached to a rapidly rewound magnetic tape, other biomolecules are introduced to cause the sequence to be ratcheted, rather than free fall, through the pore. However, we are left with an ensemble of pico-amperage nano-signals full of misreads and other experimental distortions. We have demonstrated that it is possible to move dynamic time warped space averaging (DTWA) techniques into this high information environment. Consensus signals are generated from multiple noisy signals that are so warped that classical averaging techniques fail. To further improve the quality of the consensus signal, we introduced a new idea in allowing the noisy ensemble of signals as a whole to vote on whether specific DTWA consensus components were valid or still a misread. Although areas of further improvement have been identified, the voted-DTWA approach already provides cleaner consensus estimates from experimental RNA studies.

This is a PLOS Computational Biology Methods paper.


Picoamperage signals are sampled at 3000 or 4000 Hz as the nucleotides of a DNA or RNA molecule are ratcheted by motor proteins through the nanopore biomolecules in a sensor array [1] on a device such as the Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencer [2,3]. Study of nucleotide modifications is critical to understanding many biological regulatory processes. The state of the practice is to analyze these raw current signals using techniques such as black box neural networks [4] e.g., scrappie and bonito (Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Oxford, UK), Hidden Markov Models [5]. A fundamental limitation of these methods is needing a (laborious to derive) large training truth set for any chemical modifications, so the network can detect those nucleotide modifications.

An alternative approach is to process and analyze the streams of stepped current levels (a.k.a. “squiggles” [6]), Fig 1, generated following algorithmic segmentation of the raw current signals. There is a high level of information entropy in the resulting squiggle signal (see zoomed section) because ideally there is a squiggle step-event to base-called ratio of 1:1 between a picoamperage level and a k-mer grouping of nucleotides passing through the nanopore. Other deep learning techniques either start with the squiggle [7] after segmentation by the OEM software MinKNOW, or perform the segmentation themselves [8].

Fig 1. Identified leaders in the Sequin R2-55-3 study are shown in red.

Fig 1

There are visually obvious internal distortions in the mainstream body, black, due to factors such as in-silico chimeric reads and mis-segmented increased pore dwell times. Identification and removal of very localized errors at the individual k-mer group level is not straight forward because of the high level of information entropy in the signal, see zoomed black section. Ideally there is a squiggle step-event to base-called ratio of 1 between a picoamperage level and a k-mer grouping of nucleotides passing through the nanopore.

In this paper we describe an alternative process which forms a low-noise consensus from a set of distorted squiggles which can be used stand-alone or as part of a preprocessing step for the algorithms that process the squiggle as their input. Our own long-term goal is to generate an improved approach to software that employ statistical white box methods to identify potential chemical nucleotide modifications in existing datasets by identifying non-gaussian distributions in characteristics of ensembles of experimental squiggles.

We believe that our recent preliminary investigations [9,10,11] were the first to propose and evaluate dynamic time warping Barycentre averaging (DBA) [12,13] as a potential tool for generating a consensus squiggle from multiple noisy signals from a squiggle ensemble. DBA is one of a class of dynamic time warped-space averaging (DTWA) algorithms capable of combining an arbitrary number of datasets from multiple sources. This paper is a major extension to those studies and involves a comparison of the DBA algorithm with the minimize mean (MM) and stochastic sub-gradient descent (SSG) algorithms proposed by Schultz and Jain [14] for their relative effectiveness in this new application area of generating a consensus related to the known gold standard available for RNA spike-ins Enolase, Sequin R1-71-1 and Sequin R2-55-3 [15]

We had hypothesized that as we increased the number of squiggles in the ensemble being averaged, each DTWA algorithm’s ensemble consensus signal would converge along different paths to produce a similar match to the gold standard squiggle, with consistent differences indicating the presence of possible chemical nucleotide modifications. However, the mean lengths of the consensuses generated from all three algorithms remained systematically longer than the known RNA biomolecular underlying each of the squiggles in the ensemble. A longer length of the consensus signal is a clear indication that any given DTWA approach still retains a large number of duplicated points present in squiggle inputs with segmental duplications. In addition, our simulation studies [10,16] have demonstrated that distorting the gold standard with a large number of segmental duplications according to the Extreme Value Distribution produced the best match to the characteristics of the empirical RNA ensembles.

To remove these unwanted segmental duplications, in the absence of a universal ‘perfect’ segmentation algorithm for noisy nanopore signals, we propose combining DTWA algorithms with an ensemble voting scheme to identify and remove segmental duplicates. This should improve the local similarity between the consensus signal and the majority of the individual noisy squiggle sequences.

The paper is organized as follows. The Methods section outlines the procedure for obtaining the experimental data sets and how to model an appropriate gold standard squiggle. Details are provided of an automated cleaning process to discard damaged and distorted squiggles significantly different from the general ensemble. General descriptions of the three DTWA algorithms used to generate an initial consensus and the voting procedure used to remove squiggle distortions remaining in this consensus are provided. The next section discusses the efficiency of the ensemble cleaning process. New quantitative and qualitative success metrics are introduced and used to provide an analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed DTWA consensus generating approaches applied to Enolase mRNA spike-in and RNA Sequin v1 Pool A [15] squiggle studies. A comparison of the manner in which the different DTWA algorithms converge to a consensus is detailed.

The accuracy and precision of future research using the voted-on DTWA consensus are discussed in terms of the assumptions used when developing the voting procedure. The Conclusion section summarizes the advantages of the proposed investigation and outlines the direction of future work needed to resolve the discovered limitations of the combined DTWA and voting algorithm in consensus generation in this exciting new application field. The applicability of these results to other signals with very high information entropy are discussed.


In this section we first detail the generation of the nanopore sequences which are segmented into step-level squiggles. These are empirically a noisy, stretched and distorted representation of the DNA or RNA present in the stream and must be cleaned of gross distortions before being presented to a DTWA algorithm to be processed into a consensus. After detailing key characteristics of the DTWA algorithms investigated, we discuss our proposed ensemble voting approach to generate a refined consensus. Fig 2 provides a schematic of each stage of the proposed process.

Fig 2. Flow chart representing the process to generate a refined squiggle consensus by applying an ensemble-wide voting scheme to DBA, SSG and MM DTWA generated consensus signals.

Fig 2

Each cleaning stage reduces the number of streams. While the consensus is based on DTWA processing of cleaned data streams, the voting scheme can be based on the agreement with additional streams not involved in generating the consensus experimentally available. Gold standard information is used as part of the final comparison analysis and plays no role in squiggle cleaning, consensus generation or the voting procedure.

2.1—Data generation and cleaning of multiple noisy squiggle sequences

Four squiggle ensembles were used in this study. A large Enolase ensemble was broken into groups of 512 squiggles to allow generation of 20 consensus squiggles to explore the extent to which the consensus changed over an extended acquisition time period. This is in response to an observation [9,10] that later acquired squiggles in an ensemble became longer in length, an effect attributed to an increase in reading errors as the nanopore characteristics, and possibly the sample, degrade. These large ensemble consensus characteristics were compared with those from two smaller and experimentally noisy studies, Sequin R1-71-1 and Sequin R2-55-3 ensembles and a small control Enolase ensemble, each containing approximately 128 squiggles.

In this paper, the term original equipment manufacturer (OEM) refers to Oxford Nanopore Technology, Oxford, U.K. Data were generated using the SQK-RNA001 direct RNA sequencing kit and protocol v1.08 with the MinION Mk1B [2,3] sequencer running the OEM MinKNOW device control software (Version 1.11.5). One RNA sample contained only the OEM-provided yeast Enolase SGD: ENO2 YHR174W mRNA spike-in. Two others, R1-71-1 and R2-55-3, were supplemented with an RNA Sequin v1 Pool A spike-in [15] supplied by Garvan Institute for Medical Research, Sydney, Australia. The raw sampled picoamperage current signals were converted into amperage level squiggles using the open-source current signal to squiggle convertor in

Oxford Nanopore Technology has performed many experiments in order to provide a k-mer model [17] by 3’ end-aligning the known reference nucleotide sequence to expected experimental current levels. This information was used to derive an estimate, i.e. model, of the ‘golden’ squiggle underlying our experimental signals.

An enzyme-DNA complex is added to the RNA nucleotide stream to guide the RNA through the sensor. While this leader, red lines in Fig 1, is physically essential to perform the experiment, it becomes a variable length artefact that will distort further analysis. Following initial experimentation, we adopted the following procedure for removing the squiggle leaders and distortions [10,16].

  • Given that DTWA algorithms are designed to match signals with a similar information content, all squiggles with lengths lower than 20% of an average ensemble squiggle length were considered significantly degraded and immediately deleted as gross outliers to speed forming a consensus.

  • As can be seen from Fig 1, the characteristics of the leader (red) and the main squiggle stream(black) are different. The leader of the stream was defined as those initial sections of the squiggle with mean and standard deviation metrics more than three standard deviations from the stream’s general mean and standard deviation characteristics generated from its trailing quarter.

As detailed in the squiggle simulation study performed by Smith et al., [16], experimental generation of the nucleotide sequences and raw segmentation algorithms produce distortions from many sources including:

  1. The uneven production of current steps per unit time due to the stochastic nature of the motor protein driving the steps. This leads to a small increase in nucleotide’s dwell time in the nanopore sensor which can be incorrectly interpreted as multiple copies of a single k-mer inserted into the data stream, a.k.a. a segmental duplication or insertion, dashed arrows in Fig 1.

  2. Homopolymerism where long chains of multiple identical bases are mistakenly merged by the segmentation algorithm,

  3. In-silico chimeric reads where the break between consecutive molecules passing through the sensor is not recognized,

  4. Experimental sensor errors and noise generated measuring the current by steric configuration of the nucleotides and

  5. Other segmentation algorithm artefacts.

We used the following procedure to reduce the number of these more obvious distorted squiggles prior to consensus generation.

  • After removing the leaders, we again deleted squiggles whose length was significantly smaller than the ensemble squiggles average length.

  • We removed squiggles whose characteristics were more than 3 standard deviations from the global measures of mean intensity, mean standard deviation and mean sequence length of a given data ensemble. The solid arrows in Fig 1 indicate examples matching this criterium. This matched our hypothesis that the optimum consensus signal would be obtained when applying DTWA to noisy sequences which shared the same general characteristics. We chose the looser limit of 3 standard deviations, rather than 2, to quickly provide an initial pruning to remove gross outliers while avoiding having to take into account the specific probability density function of the distortions introduced by the squiggle-generation process [16].

  • The previous steps still left squiggles with significant internal distortions. We believe that the majority of these distortions may be associated with chimeric reads, i.e., where full and partial nucleotide sequences are combined prior to passing through the nanopore. To assist in identifying and removing such reads, each squiggle was broken into 10 sections and the standard deviation of squiggle intensity calculated for each section. Squiggles were rejected if the average of the section standard deviations for a squiggle was an outlier, more than 2 standard deviations, for the ensemble’s average standard deviation.

2.2—DTWA algorithm characteristics

Three different DTWA algorithms were applied to the noisy data streams with leaders removed to generate a consensus: the DTW barycentre (DBA) algorithm [12,13] and the minimize mean (MM) and stochastic sub-gradient descent (SSG) algorithms DTWA algorithms [14] using MATLAB code provided by their authors.

The following is a summary of [18]; a conference presentation discussing DTWA algorithms applied in the new Squiggle environment. All of these DTWA techniques rely on the refinement of a consensus using DTW alignment aggregation until convergence, i.e., no changes from round to round of DTW alignment aggregation. DBA is guaranteed to converge on the same consensus for a given set of squiggles because the first (time consuming Order(N2)) step of the DBA is to find the initial “medoid” or “centroid”. This is the squiggle with the smallest sum of squares DTW distance to all other squiggles. This medoid is the initial estimate of the consensus and defines the length of final consensus. DBA then updates the centroid in “batch” mode, meaning that every squiggle is aligned to the centroid using DTW, then the results of all the alignments are summed to update the centroid. This means that the DBA process, while starting with a fixed length initial estimate, is not sensitive to the input order of the squiggles.

In contrast the MM and SSG algorithms run in “incremental” mode, updating the consensus after each DTW alignment is performed, and therefore may generate a different consensus depending on the order of the input squiggles. The majorization-minimization (MM) mean algorithm is described as an incrementally updated consensus equivalent to DBA [14]. The MM algorithm assumes that the active component being optimized, the DTW distance, is convex and differentiable. To our knowledge, no research has been undertaken to confirm that this assumption holds for high entropy signals such as nanopore squiggles. The sub-gradient mean algorithm (SSG), as per its name, assumes that the DTW distance optimization can be achieved using a sub-gradient descent method, again not proven to be valid for high entropy signals. As with the MM DTWA approach, the SSG is also incremental. However, the initial medoid is chosen from a random subsample of all squiggles, implying that solutions will vary from run to run unless a fixed seed is set for generating the random numbers.

2.3—Proposed voting procedure

Imperfect segmenting of the raw current signals means each individual squiggle has mistakes introduced by the error mechanisms discussed earlier. The simulation studies [9,16] showed that the squiggle length could grow via insertions, introduction of false bases, or be reduced by deletions, skipped true bases. As will be shown in the Result sections, the final length of the initial DTWA consensus is of the order of the average length of the ensemble squiggle. This implies that the DTWA algorithm applied to a finite number of squiggles does not recognize and correct all insertions and deletions, so that the insertion and deletion distortions experimentally introduced into the ensemble are preserved in the consensus average.

We propose to use the following procedure to identify the insertions and deletions remaining in the consensus. Consider a consensus signal derived from a group of N4 noisy squiggles, Fig 2. The DTW metric provides information on the similarity between the consensus and the nth squiggle in an ensemble after each signal has been individually stretched to minimize the total Euclidian distance (L2 norm) between them [19]. Warps must be introduced to realign sequences whenever data are either missing or repeated in one of the sequences. Applying the dtw() algorithm [20] will provide both a similiarity measure, DTWDISTANCE-n, and the warping paths, WPCONSENSUS and WPSQUIGGLE-n, that best match the consensus and nth squiggle from which it was derived.

Our proposed voting procedure to identify spurious insertions and deletions in the consensus uses the following alternative interpretation of the warping elements provided by the dtw() algorithm. If a WPSQUIGGLE warped path has multiple entries for a given point in the consensus signal, it implies that part of squiggle has been stretched to match the consensus signal. If a given proportion VDUPLICATED of the available squiggles in an ensemble vote that they have the same multiple entry, we have assumed that the corresponding consensus location is duplicated and must be deleted.

Our voting procedure is currently limited to removing additional events incorrectly inserted into the consensus rather than identifying and inserting events missing from the consensus, a technically more challenging task. We justify this initial approach since the x1.7 increase in the experimental squiggle length over the underlying gold standard indicates that over-segmentation of the raw 4000 Hz device signal is a common occurrence. Therefore, additional squiggle events in consensus signals need to be deleted with a far higher probability than the need to add events absent from the consensus signals.

The problem is not associated with determining the lower number of occasions when the DTWA fails to give the consensus a base present in the majority, VABSENT, of noisy squiggles. The location of those insertions can be identified by a duplication in the consensus warp path, WPCONSENSUS, where the consensus signal has been stretched to match a given squiggle having this missing feature. The issue of “Why is there a problem of what you insert?” and the validity of the voted-on consensus after ignoring the issue of insertions is discussed in detail in Section 7.

To provide a comparative study, consensus signals from 20 groups of N4 = 256 squiggles from the large Enolase squiggle ensemble were calculated using each DWTA approach, Voting can be based on the agreement between the N data streams used in forming the consensus or, when sufficient streams are experimentally available, these streams and additional streams not involved in generating the consensus, a total of 512. The voting level, percent of agreement between individual ensemble members, was changed between 100%, high agreement, and 10%, minimal agreement. We would consider our approach successful if all 20 groups showed consistent voting behaviour, i.e., when their final corrected consensus signals showed A) a minimum DTWDISTANCE error measures for similar voting levels and B) having that minimum error associated with a voted reduction in the consensus signal length that more closely matched the underlying RNA molecular length which defines the gold standard length. It is appropriate to expect a close, rather than exact, match to the gold standard characteristics as the purpose of generating a consensus from the noisy ensemble is to identify the epigenetic difference between the ensemble and gold standard.

The two Sequin studies were experimentally noisier than the Enolase study and only provided a single consensus signal from the original, approximately 110, squiggles after filtering, see Table 1. To provide an equivalent comparative multi-group study, the voting performance of these groups was compared to a consensus derived from a similar small group of Enolase squiggles, and to the consensus results from the Enolase study involving 20 larger groups.

Table 1. Comparison of the length characteristics of the original and cleaned data sets.

There is an equivalent x1.7 length distortion level introduced into all data sets. *To generate a valid cross-comparison, only 130 of the available 7000+ Enolase squiggles were included in this analysis.

Original squiggle (with leader) Cleaned squiggle (without leader) Gold standard model
Sequence # Mean length # Mean length Length Segmentation distortion level
ENOLASE* 130 2950 ± 614 88 2286 ± 248 1329 1.72 ± 0.19
SEQUIN R1-71-1 116 1806 ± 572 66 1294 ± 242 825 1.56 ± 0.29
SEQUIN R2-55-3 122 1665 ± 595 72 1252 ± 194 782 1.60 ± 0.25

3—Results of leader removal and data cleaning

In other research fields, the DTWA consensus is generated from multiple data streams with a loose similarity from many sources. Here, we can make use of the fact that the squiggles are essentially a transformation of known information, a genetic gold standard. This means it makes experimental sense to recognize and remove grossly distorted streams from the hundreds available before applying the consensus generating algorithms. Fig 1 showed that the proposed approach shown schematically in Fig 2 correctly identifies the sequence leaders, shown in red, for representative examples from the Sequin R2-55-3 study containing many distorted squiggles. After leader removal and an initial pruning of the squiggles based on deviations from the ensemble average data length, average data intensity mean and standard deviation, Fig 3A shows that the Sequin study still contains significant distorted sequences. Some distortions are long, indicated by the solid arrow near level 2150, and others shorter, dashed arrow near level 1700. Fig 3B shows that the number of internal defects is significantly reduced in number by an additional pruning stage requiring similar intensity standard deviations along the squiggle’s length. The visually obvious distortions are few in number, e.g., dashed arrow near level 2175. However, the fact that the majority of streams are significantly longer than the gold standard, green line, indicates the presence of many minor distortions that may impact the DTWA algorithms in forming their consensus signals.

Fig 3.

Fig 3

A) An initial pruning based on global length, mean and standard deviations of the squiggle ensemble from the Sequin study provides a more homogeneous data set than present in Fig 1. There remain obvious long and short insertion distortions (solid and dashed arrows). B) More intensive pruning based on extreme inconsistencies between the local standard deviation statistics of the squiggle to the ensemble statistics leaves only a few obvious insertion distortions (dashed arrow). However, the majority of the streams are significantly longer than the gold standard, indicating the presence of many individual base insertions (dotted line).

Table 1 provides a comparison of the length characteristics of the original and cleaned data sets. Distortions were identified in 34% of the original Enolase squiggles, and 40%+ for the Sequin squiggles. It was not anticipated that the ratio mean-cleaned-sequence-length / gold-standard-length would remain essentially constant at 1.7 ± 0.2 for all three squiggle ensembles, especially as they were produced using different development processes, i.e., natural and synthetic. Considering that these three distinct analyses were performed using the same Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION flow-cell, we hypothesize that this length distortion level is a property of the cell and segmentation processes. However, we will show that prior knowledge of this ratio plays no role in determining when the DTWA or voting processes are considered complete. However, as shown in Fig 2, this knowledge forms one part of determining whether it requires just a particular DTWA process, or a combination of DTWA and voting, to generate an appropriate final consensus.

A quantitative measure of the level of distortion introduced by both the device sensors and segmentation process can be expressed in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio of the squiggle length as defined in Eq (1)


Higher SNRLENGTH ratios indicate more consistent lengths of the members of an ensemble. From Table 1, the small Enolase ensemble had SNRLENGTH of 4.8 and 9.2 before and after removing the leaders respectively. This is significantly higher than the SNRLENGTH of the Sequin ensembles of 3.0 and 5.0 before and after leader removal. Qualitatively these lower SNRLENGTH values matched the visually obvious increased distortion level of the Sequin squiggles compared to the Enolase squiggles.

4—Metrics to evaluate squiggle consensus generation

To our knowledge, this is the first study of a process that applies DTWA algorithms combined with voting to high entropy signals. The final derived consensus representing a global average of the distorted squiggle ensemble should not be expected to do more than resemble the gold standard as there are chemical modifications expected within the experimental squiggle ensemble. However, the gold standard remains the best first approximation to the ‘correct’ averaging result. In this section we describe a series of qualitative and quantitative tools that compares the gold standard, consensus and squiggle ensemble and can be used to evaluate the performance of both stages of our combined process.

4.1—Modified MATLAB dtw() display

We post-processed the display generated after calling the MATLAB dynamic time warp algorithm, dtw(gold, DTWAconsensus), [20]. The upper ‘original signals’ window, Fig 4, compares the unwarped gold (blue) with the A) DBA (black), B) SSG (green) and C) MM (red) consensus signals. The comparison of the relative consensus distortions is made easier after vertical displacement, rather than the original dtw() display’s overlap, of the high entropy signals. The length relationship between the gold and a given consensus is shown in the window title. The increased length of the consensus over the gold in B) and C) indicates that the DTWA consensus characteristic continues to reflect the larger number of additional bases compared to missing bases in the squiggle ensemble as a whole [9,10].

Fig 4.

Fig 4

A modification of the image from the MATLAB dtw() program [20] is useful when empirically comparing the results from the DTWA algorithms for the Sequin R2-55-3. Entries in the upper window are scaled so that the narrower white band in A) shows that the DBA DTWA produces a consensus, black, with a length closer to the gold standard than either the B) SSG, green, or C) MM, red, algorithms. The lower window displays a short, offset version of the aligned signals helping to illustrate the relative level of distortions between the DTWA consensuses: B) High for SSG DTWA, C) medium for MM with A) only the DBA consensus signal remaining 20% longer than the gold signal providing an obvious indication of hidden distortions.

The lower window has been resized to allow the warped versions of the gold and consensus signals to be offset to allow an easier comparison of the similarities and differences between the gold and a given consensus vertically and between consensus signals horizontally. A small portion of the aligned gold and consensus signals are shown, rather than their original full length, to allow an immediate visualization of significant local differences. Straight portions of the (blue) gold standard warped path are an indication that the DTWA process appears to have placed additional bases into the consensus compared to the gold when averaging the noisy ensemble signals. Conversely, a straight portion in the consensus warp path indicates it has been stretched to account for the DTWA process apparently leaving bases out when averaging. We interpreted the information in the lower window as providing the following relative levels of distortions between the DTWA consensuses: B) High for SSG DTWA, C) medium for MM with A) only the DBA consensus signal remaining 20% longer than the gold signal providing an obvious indication of significant hidden distortions. As discussed in Section 2.2, the SSG algorithm will provide different consensus results each time the DTWA process is activated unless the MATLAB random number generator is seeded, i.e. its initial value is fixed prior to running the code.

4.2—Modified warped path displays

Activating MATLAB with the extended command

[dtwDistance,goldWarpPath,consensusWarpPath]=dtw(gold,DTWAconsensus) (2)

provides additional information that can be used to compare the gold and consensus signals. A standard approach to explore the relationship between gold and consensus signals is to plot goldWarpPath against consensusWarpPath, as shown in Fig 5A for the Enolase study. However, a direct comparison of features in these paths is not straight forward given that the presence of different length consensus signals leaves these paths vertically offset.

Fig 5.

Fig 5

A) The standard approach of displaying dtw warped plots does not provide a useful route for directly comparing the three DTWA consensus signals with each other because of the different consensus warped lengths. B) Normalizing the warped path lengths to one illustrates how close the DTWA consensus paths are to the Identity line for the Enolase study. This closeness emphasizes the fact that the consensus and original squiggles are essentially stretched versions of the underlying gold standard. C) Plotting the warped path differences from the Identity line shows that all three consensus signals differ in a similar way to the gold signal for the first half of the warp path, with the DBA (black) and SSG (green) being more similar to each other than with the MM consensus (red) in the last part of the warp path.

To compensate for the different consensus lengths, we generated a normalized warp length display by plotting goldWarpPath / length(gold) against consensusWarpPath / length(consensus), Fig 5B. This information is also difficult to interpret as the presence of the gold standard underlying every ensemble squiggle implies that the consensus will itself be a stretched and dependent version of the gold signal. This leaves all normalized warped paths similarly close to the identity line, dotted line.

To enhance the interpretation of DTWA consensus differences, we have investigated the use of a difference from identity (DFI) warp path display, Fig 5C. We interpret straight sections of the DFI path as indicating regions where the consensus and gold signals are noisily similar to each other. Any strong discontinuities in this new path display indicates a sudden dissimilarity between the signals path whose significance should be investigated. All three consensus signals differ from the gold in similar ways in the first part of the warp path but differ in the latter part.

4.3—A tool combining warped and unwarped characteristics

Fig 6 shows our approach to combine the best components of the display methods shown in Figs 4 and 5 to assist in the interpretation of results in this new high entropy signal comparison environment. The picture shows the unwarped gold (blue) and the DBA (black), SSG (green) and MM (red) consensus signals vertically above each other to better display their local similarities and differences, in particular this approach provides a visual indication of their local amplitude equivalence, or lack there-of, to each other and the underlying gold standard.

Fig 6. Displaying the first 400 points of the unwarped gold standard and the three DTWA Enolase consensus signals provides an alternative metric combining information from Figs 3 and 4.

Fig 6

This approach allows a visualization of the warp-paths and the extent to which the DTWA algorithms retain the high entropy, squiggle amplitude levels characterizing the k-mer groups described in the original ensemble signals. Relative distortions in the consensus are revealed by the unevenly placed, non-vertical orientations of the dashed lines which join points in these un-warped signals identified as having equivalent warped path positions by the dtw() algorithm.

Black dotted lines connect corresponding warp path locations in the unwarped signals. The warp-line bars connecting the gold and DBA consensus being diagonal, rather than vertical, indicates the stretching of this signal relative to the gold signal. The more vertical warp-line bars between the DBA and SSG consensus signals indicate their similarity, while the more diagonal bars between the SSG and MM signals again indicate the MM consensus signals lower match to the other two consensuses.

4.4—Quantitative consensus comparison methods

Quantitative measures are needed to compare the relative accuracy of the three DTWA algorithms in producing a consensus, and to determine their respective rate of convergence to an improved consensus signal as the number of noisy squiggles that are averaged increases. Previous studies in other research fields comparing the performance of different DTWA algorithms [14] have used data sets from multiple sources; each with its own experimental time-warped characteristics. Under this circumstance, an appropriate success metric would be to choose the DTWA algorithm that minimizes the normalized mean of the Frechet function i.e. producing the lowest mean, Eq 3, and associated standard deviation, Eq 4. of the dynamic time warped (DTW) distance, between the consensus signal and the N available data streams [14,21]


The DTW metric provides information on the similarity between a pair of squiggles after each signal has been individually stretched to minimize the total Euclidian distance (L2 norm) between them [19,20]. DTWA studies in other fields involve a comparison of the general similarity between signals obtained from multiple sources. This contrasts with this DTWA study where it is known that each squiggle is a distortion of a standard squiggle, and a gold-standard approximation of that underlying squiggle can be derived from the known spike-in nucleotides and the OEM provided nucleotide-to-picoamperage mapping table as discussed earlier.

Consensus signals were generated by applying each of the three DTWA algorithms, DBA, MM and SSG, to the four ensembles described earlier. To evaluate the difference between a specific consensus and its associated underlying gold standard for each of these twelve studies, we extended the quantitative success metrics proposed in [9] for evaluating DBA performance. The metric DTWdistGOLD→CONSENSUS involves comparing the aggregate DTW distances generated between individual squiggles in the ensemble with the gold and consensus signals. Comparing the metric DTWdistGOLD→ENSEMBLE against DTWdistCONSENSUS→ENSEMBLE identifies differences in how the gold and consensus signal characterize the noisy data streams. It was assumed that “smaller is better” for all DTW metrics applied in this study.

We propose new normalized metrics generated by dividing each metric by the underlying gold-standard squiggle length for a given ensemble, nMetric = Metric/gold_length, to provide a better tool for comparing several DTWA algorithms across multiple DNA and RNA studies with different gold standard characteristics. Each normalized metric takes into account that under equivalent experimental situations, the absolute value of DTW distance between the gold standard of a particular study, its consensus and the squiggle ensemble will increase proportionally to the ensemble’s gold standard’s length.

5—Enolase results

In this section we qualitatively evaluate the relative performances of the DTWA algorithms, with and without voting, in generating a consensus from both a small and a large group of Enolase squiggles. The large group analysis provides an indication of what changes may occur in the consensus over a long experiment time, from sources such as sample or nanopore decay. The small group Enolase provides a pathway for identifying the expected consistency between the consensus generated during the small Sequin study collected over a short time course compared to the longer time course Enolase study.

5.1—Individual group study

The code runs in four stages, Fig 2.

  1. Select N streams from squiggle ensemble starting at stream NSTART and ending at stream NSTART + N– 1.

  2. Generate and save cleaned streams if not already stored

  3. Generate and save the initial DBA, SSG and MM DTWA consensus signals built from the cleaned streams if not already stored

  4. Prepare warping paths between each ensemble member and the consensus. Then determine the number of ensemble squiggles that agree that this warped path location in the consensus is false.

  5. In a loop, generate final consensus variants derived from the initial consensus with entries deleted based on agreement voting levels between 100% to 10%. Choose the final consensus from the variants using a success metric.

Fig 7A shows the run times for this research tool when generating the initial DBA (black), SSG (green) and MM (red) DTWA consensus signals for ensemble sizes running from 32 to 1024. The code was executed using MATLAB version 2020b on an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor running at 3.2 GHz with 16 GB internal memory. The DBA DTWA Order(N2) execution time associated with comparing all N cleaned streams with each other when generating the initial centroid is clearly seen. The other DTWA algorithms run with Order(N) execution times. This is a tool for research and has not been moved onto the final stage of our eXtreme Programming Inspired (XPI) approach for software development including refactoring and validation for speed [22]. Planned refactoring will start with parallelization of the many dtw() comparisons used in generating the consensus, voting and metrics for analysis.

Fig 7.

Fig 7

A) The DBA DTWA execution time is Order(N2) execution time compared to Order(N) for the SSG and MM algorithms because the initial estimate is generated by compared each nanopore-stream with every other nanopore-stream in the ensemble. B) For the Enolase study, the DBA difference metrics are larger, smaller-is-better, than for the SSG and MM. differences. This is in contrast with the Sequin studies detailed later in Section 6.

This paper involves forming consensuses from both the small group Sequin studies, 100+ original squiggles, and the large group Enolase study, 7000+ original squiggles. Fig 7B compares the changes in the key success metrics as the initial DTWA consensus is determined for ensemble grouping from 32 to 1024. The normalized gold-to-consensus DTWDISTANCE, dotted lines, varies by 10% with the DBA metrics being consistently the largest (smaller-is-better). The mean normalized gold-to-ensemble DTWDISTANCE metric, dashed blue line, sits between the mean normalized consensus-to-ensemble DTWDISTANCE metrics, solid lines, for the DBA (black), SSG (green) and MM (red) DTWA consensus signals, with the DBA again being largest. This is in contrast with the Sequin studies detailed later in Section 6.

Fig 8A, 8B and 8C respectively compare the consensus signals generated by the DBA, SSG and MM DTWA algorithms applied to the Enolase study. Unlike the small group Sequin study DBA result shown in Fig 3, the 549 DTWDISTANCE for the DBA consensus is larger than for the 352 and 320 values for SSG and MM indicating a greater remaining difference from the underlying gold standard. Voting agreement levels were empirically determined to cause the gold length and the DBA (40%), SSG (45%) and MM (43%) consensus lengths to match. Fig 8D, 8E and 8F compare the final, voted-on consensus signals based on the original DBA, SSG and MM consensus signals. While all voted-on consensuses are visually very similar with significantly reduced DTWDISTANCE measures, the larger DBA DTWDISTANCE values indicates a higher level of remaining differences from the gold standard.

Fig 8.

Fig 8

The A) DBA, B) SSG and C) MM consensus signals from the Enolase study show some similarities and differences before voting. After voting, the D) DBA, E) SSG and F) MM consensus signals appear more visually similar, with only the DTWDISTANCE metric hinting at remaining differences in their relationship to the gold signal.

Fig 9 provides three difference approaches to compare the warp paths of the final voted-on consensus and gold standard. Fig 9A shows that the different initial warp paths, dashed lines, become very similar after voting, solid lines. This conclusion is also seen in Fig 9B where the voted-on consensus warp paths become close to the Identity line. The difference from identity (DFI) warp paths, Fig 9C, show that all three DTWA consensus signals deviate no more than 1.5% from the identity line. The SSG consensus, green, closely follows the gold standard, +- 0.5% warp path difference, until a sudden deviation is introduced 80% along the warped paths. While the original SSG and DBA consensus, dashed green and black, are similar along the latter 40% of the warp path, the DBA consensus becomes more similar to the MM consensus, solid black and red, after voting. The long linear section of the DBA consensus difference path from 10% to 99% suggests that the DBA and gold signals have a strong similarity except for the strong initial and final deviations which will contribute significantly to the large DBA DTWDISTANCE measure seen in Fig 7. Several straight sections in the MM consensus, red, indicate where this signal is most similar to the gold signal

Fig 9. Dotted and solid lines respectively indicate warping paths before and after voting.

Fig 9

The different DTWA consensus warping paths collapse together in both A) the standard and B) normalized warp path displays. C) Linear sections in the Differences-from-Identity metric after voting indicate that the SSG consensus green, is similar to the gold standard between 20% to 80% of the warp path and the DBA consensus, black, is similar between 10% and 99% of the warp path. Several straight sections in the MM consensus, red, indicate where this signal is most similar to the gold signal.

Fig 10A and 10B shows lines joining equivalent warp-path positions in the last 400 points of the un-warped gold standard and consensus signals before and after voting. The vertical straightening of these warp path indicators in Fig 10B reflects the improved similarity between the three consensus signals, DBA (black), SSG (green) and MM (red), after voting. This alternate approach of representing the similarities and differences between consensus signals clearly shows the reason for the strong distortions near the end of the warp paths in Fig 8C. The last bases, -50 to 0, form a sequence that is common to all consensus signals but absent from the gold standard. We suggest that these distortions be interpreted in terms of the anticipated unreliability of the last squiggle values relative to the golden reference and be discarded. Such distortions are associated with the physical chemistry of the motor protein that drives the RNA through the sensor, and the characteristics of the training set used to derive the OEM golden reference discussed in Section 2.

Fig 10. The dashed and solid lines join points in these un-warped signals with points identified as having equivalent warped path positions by the DTW algorithm.

Fig 10

A) There is much less similarity amongst the Enolase DTWA consensus signals and to the gold standard before voting than B) after voting. Note that both pictures show the presence of common signals in the last part of all consensus signals that are absent in the gold standard. This difference is responsible for the strong distortions near the end of the Difference-from-Identity warped path plot, Fig 8C.

5.2—Multi group study

We took full advantage of the large Enolase ensemble to generate consensus signals from groups of 256 squiggles. The results of applying the voting procedure between 10% and 100% of the noisy squiggles agreeing that there are unwanted features in the consensus signal is shown in Fig 11. The starting lengths, magenta squares marked 100%, of the initial consensus from the DBA (black), SSG (green) and MM (red) DTWA algorithms range widely; from x1.4 to x2.1 of the length of the gold standard, dotted green line, known to underlie each squiggle in the ensemble. However, the changes in all consensus lengths start to follow a similar pattern by the time 75% of the squiggles, black triangle, are in agreement regarding the level of consensus distortions. All consensus signals show a global normalized DTWDISTANCE minimum between them and the gold standard when their length is approximately 90% of the gold standard, Fig 11A. This minimum is consistently lower (smaller is best) for the SSG and MM consensus than for the DBA, echoing the same differences between the voted-on consensus signals from the smaller Enolase grouping in Fig 7D–7F.

Fig 11.

Fig 11

A) The change in the normalized DTWDISTANCE between the gold standard and consensus as a function of consensus length is shown for 20 Enolase groupings of 512 squiggles as voting level changes from 100% to 10% agreement between noisy squiggles that an insertion occurred. The magenta squares show that initial consensus length, change by 60% during the time taken to perform the experimental study. The SSG, MM and DBA consensuses, green, red and black lines respectively, show similar behaviour after 53% voting agreement, green triangle, reaching a common minimum around 30% agreement. B) In contrast, a 41% voting agreement generates a minimum, normalized, mean DTWDISTANCE between the consensuses and the original, noisy, ensemble squiggles when the consensus length approaches that of the known gold standard length. This match occurs without the consensus generation and voting process having any prior knowledge of the gold standard characteristics.

Fig 11B shows a weaker global minimum for the mean normalized DTWDISTANCE between each consensus and their respective noisy ensembles. This global minimum consistently appears when 41%, black diamond, of the noisy squiggles agree that the consensus is distorted at a specific location and when the consensus length approximates the gold standard length rather than being shorter as occurs in Fig 11A. From this analysis we conclude that the voted-on DTWA consensus better represents the average characteristics of the ensemble of noisy squiggles than the characteristics of the gold standard model.

6—Sequin consensus study

In this section we report a comparison of the characteristics of the voted-on consensus signals generated for the two Sequin studies. Experimental issues meant that only a single group of less than 120 cleaned squiggle was available from either Sequin ensembles. A small grouping of the Enolase ensemble was included in the study to provide a link to the results of the multiple group study in Section 5.2.

Fig 12A shows the changes in normalized DTWDISTANCE between the Sequin R1-71-1 (red), R2-55-3 (blue) and Enolase (black) voted-on consensus signals and their respective gold standards as the level of agreement required between the noisy squiggles in the full ensemble that a duplication in the consensus was present changed between 100% agreement down to 10%. The normalized DTWDISTANCE for the Sequin studies are similar to each other, but higher than that of the Enolase study. The behaviour for the small group Enolase study, black line, has a global minimum when the consensus length / gold standard length = 0.9, echoing the results of the multi-group Enolase study in Fig 11A. In contrast, the Sequin studies show a global normalized DTWDISTANCE minimum when the ratio of their consensus to gold standard lengths are close to 0.75. Fig 12B shows that the mean normalized DTWDISTANCE between the consensuses and their respective ensemble shows a minimum when the consensus length / gold standard length approximates 1.0. As with the multi-group Enolase study, Fig 11, this is again confirmation that the consensus represents an average of the experimental ensemble with insertions and distortions present in individual squiggles and is not intended to be an accurate and direct representation of the gold standard model. We currently offer no explanation of what characteristics of the MM DTWA consensus generated in the Sequin-R2-55-3 study, dotted blue line, makes it so similar to the other consensus signals when compared to the gold standard, Fig 12A, yet obviously inconsistent in its normalized, mean DTWDISTANCE minimum behaviour when compared to the ensemble, Fig 12B. This shows that while the MM, DBA and SSG DTWA algorithms generally produce similar results, specific characteristics of data and consensus initialization may result in different results.

Fig 12.

Fig 12

A) A comparison of the DTWDISTANCE between the gold standard and consensus for a single 128 squiggle grouping from the Enolase (black), Sequin R1-71-1 (red) and Sequin R2-55-3 (green) studies using the DBA, solid line, SSG, dashed line, and MM DTWA algorithms. All Sequin DTWDISTANCE minima occur in the 23% - 30% voting agreement range, lower than for the control Enolase study. B) Again, plots of the mean normalized DTWDISTANCE between the voted-on consensus and its ensemble as whole all show a minimum close to their respective, and different, gold standard length despite using a DTWA consensus generated from fewer, and for the Sequin studies, noisy squiggles.

Fig 13 compares the three variants of the warp path display for a small control group Enolase study, Column 1, against the equivalently sized Sequin R1-71-1, Column 2, and R2-53-3, Column 3, study groups. The standard warp-path comparison between the gold and consensus, Row 1, show that all consensuses converge to similar values after voting, becoming close to the Identity line of the normalized warp-paths, Row 2. The Difference-from-Identity-Line plots reveal interesting insights into some DWTA behaviour. The random SSG initialization results in very different initial consensus signals, dashed green lines when applied to a large Enolase ensemble, Fig 8C, and a small Enolase ensemble, Fig 13G. However, voting makes the consensus signals more similar to each other. Straight sections of the Enolase warp-path plots. Fig 13G indicate that the consensus has much similarity with the gold standard over essentially the total warp path except for the final few per cent. This contrasts with the Sequin R1-71-1 and R2-53-3 studies, Fig 13H and 13I, which consist of two straight difference warped-path with sudden changes occurring at the 20% and 50% positions along the normalized warp paths. We consider the full interpretation of the cause of these changes in this new consensus metric beyond the scope of this paper.

Fig 13. A comparison is made between various warp-path metrics for the Enolase, column1, Sequin R1-71-1, column 2, and Sequin R2-55-3, column 3, with normalized warp position calculated from their respective gold lengths.

Fig 13

The normal warp path display, Row 1, shows how the DBA, black, SSG, green, and MM, red, signals all gain more similar lengths upon voting. These changes are reflected in the normalized paths, Row 2, which show a drop in deviation from the Identity path after voting. The Difference-from-Identity warp paths, Row 3, shows that the three DTWA consensus signals become similar after voting.

Fig 14A and 14B respectively compare the last base values of the unwarped Sequin R1-71-1 and R2-55-3 DWTA consensus signals with their own unwarped gold standard before voting. The initial DBA (black) and the SSG (green) consensuses show similarity to each other in the Sequin R1-71-1 study while both are obvious distorted versions of the gold standard. This contrasts with the Sequin R2-55-3 study where the original DBA consensus shows significant resemblance to the gold standard, presumably as the result of its time-consuming ‘find-the most-consistent squiggle’ initialization applied to this small, noisy, data set. The vertical positioning of the dotted lines joining identified similar warp path location clearly shows that the final voted-on consensus are similar to each other, and the gold standard, in both the Sequin R1-71-1 and R2-55-3 studies, Fig 14C and 14D respectively. We need further study to understand why the last sections of the synthetic Sequin consensus signals are similar to the gold standard in contrast to the results seen with the end segments of the naturally derived Enolase studies, Fig 9B.

Fig 14.

Fig 14

The original, unwarped SSG, green, MM, red, and DBA, black consensus signals for the A) Sequin R1-71-1 and B) R2-55-3 studies show significantly more distortions, non-vertical dashed lines between equivalent warp points, than were present in the Enolase study, Fig 9A. After voting, the consensus signals within the C) R1-71-1 and D) R2-55-3 studies become more equivalent to each other as shown by the more vertical dashed lines connecting equivalent warp positions within the unwarped signals.

7—Accuracy and precision of the voted-on DTWA consensus

In this Squiggle context, precision is related to the repeatability of the DTWA and voting process. Unless the starting point, initial squiggle, or some other step is chosen randomly, the DTWA is a mathematical process and that always lead to the same consensus signal for a given DDBA, SSG or MM application. However, consensus differences are expected for a number of reasons. Smith et al. [10] showed that forming ensembles from groups of squiggles of similar length leads to a different consensus. In addition, our multi-group study, Fig 11A, shows that the initial consensus signal length, magenta square, and hence other characteristics, changes when comparing squiggle groups of random lengths from the same ensemble.

Voting is also a mathematical process. Fig 11A illustrates that voting leads to similar voted-on consensuses characteristics across different DTWA methods and squiggle groups regardless of the initial consensus length. It is reasonable to assume that the combined DTWA and voting processes described in this paper are precise in terms of repeatability.

A decision on accuracy must be inferred, rather than measured, as the ‘correct result’ of applying DTWA techniques is not to generate an accurate representation of an unknown gold standard by combining multiple noisy signals. Instead, as Fig 11B shows, the purpose is to generate a consensus signal for use as a representative of the average ensemble to determine systematic differences, possible chemical nucleotide modifications, between it and a minority of individual signals in the ensemble that are different from the majority.

Figs 11 and 12 together provide clear decisions for the existence of global minimum DTWDISTANCE measures when approximately a 40% - 45% majority of four different ensembles agree on the presence of distortions in their respective consensus. To proceed with using such consensus in future studies, we must answer several questions regarding consensus generation in this new squiggle context–“What are the unsatisfied 55% - 60% voters unhappy about with the current analysis? and “Is their unhappiness significantly influencing the final result? Finally, “Is it useful to address their concerns in the short term?”

Earlier, we discussed how applying the dtw() algorithm to compare a DTWA consensus signal estimate and an individual squiggle returned two warped paths. We have developed a voting method that relied on additional entries in individual squiggle warp paths, WPSQUIGGLE-n, indicating that bases should be deleted from the consensus. We will now provide an argument that ignoring the fact that additional entries in the consensus warp path, WPCONSENSUS, indicate missing entries in the consensus does not lead to a first order bias in the deletion-from-consensus voting process.

Assume that 5 in 100 squiggles indicate a missing consensus base that must be added. Then to achieve a x1.7 average ensemble length ratio to the gold standard increase requires that at least 75 in 100 squiggles indicate a deletion should be performed. Only when deletion voting has caused the consensus to reach approximately the gold standard length will there be roughly equal numbers of squiggles, 5 in 100, requesting either a deletion or an insertion. We also argue that even continuing to ignore the requests for insertions will not introduce more than a second-order delete-from-consensus bias as the need to insert and delete bases will not normally occur at the same location unless both signals are so grossly distorted that it impacts the convergence of the dtw().

However, there is an argument that a second order bias will be present since continuing to ignore minority insertion requests will have some impact on the consensus characteristics and can be expected to increase the overall DTWDISTANCE metric. Duplication of the basics of our deletion process would, in principle, allow a determination from the consensus warp path, WPCONSENSUS, returned by the dtw() algorithm of when an ensemble vote is high enough to indicate an insertion should occur. However, “what to consider as a valid insert” does not have an immediately obvious answer.

We initially felt that inserting the average of the value at the ensemble warp path location would be acceptable given the presence of experimental noise. However, in the presence of chemical nucleotide modifications, a.k.a. epigenetic changes, we would expect that the distribution amongst ensemble squiggle values would show significant deviations from the normal distribution. Thus, inserting an average value into the consensus without a more in-depth analysis of squiggle distributions might impact the evaluation of these changes, i.e., insert a false negative indicating the absence of a modification. We concluded that adding a valid insertion into the consensus should only occur when we moved onto the next stage of our project, using voting information combined with recursive analysis of amplitude variation and difference distributions to determine the presence of these modifications.

While beyond the immediate scope of this paper, we undertook a preliminary investigation of a related issue–“Do the results of ensemble DTWA-voting already make it possible to see significant differences common across the three different DTWA approaches between a voted-on consensus from experimental data and the gold signal? In Fig 15 we have plotted the difference between the gold signal and the three voted-on consensus signals at each location along their warp-paths. Making an initial assumption that overall differences would be due to random experimental noise, we identified a number of common locations, blue lines, where higher than average differences were seen by each of the DTWA consensus signals and the gold standard in both A) Sequin R1-71-1 and B) Sequin R2-55-3 studies.

Fig 15.

Fig 15

Comparison of the differences between the amplitudes of the warped gold and DBA (black), SSG (green) and MM (red) voted-on DTWA consensus signals for Sequin A) R1-71-1 and B) R2-55-3 studies. The short blue spikes indicate where higher than average differences exist between the study’s gold standard and a consensus signal, many larger differences being common across all consensuses, blue lines. However, closer examination of all differences show that they cannot be represented as experimental produced gaussian deviations around a mean, but are equivalent, small systematic differences common across all DTWA consensuses.

However, closer examination of all 6 signals shows that our initial assumption that the differences would be noise-like with a normal distribution around a zero mean is invalid. Future work is required to understand why these is such a high level of similarity in all the differences between the gold standard and the three consensus signals generated by independent and significantly different DTWA processes in two different Sequin studies each with its own gold standard.

One consideration is that the similarity may be related to minor, but systematic, deviations from the existing OEM-provided k-mer current values when we generated the gold standard model for our particular experiment. This concern would have no impact on the success of our current combined DTWA and voting process which does not make use of this generated gold standard during the voting process.

A possible second conjecture is related to the repeated application of multiple dtw() steps when generating a DTWA consensus. In other research fields, the signals are typically from such disparate sources that an increased level in the similarity of the signal amplitudes must be imposed by z-normalizing each signal, i.e., removing the mean and dividing by a signal’s standard deviation. However, the squiggle signals are inherently from the same source, so in principle they should already have similar amplitudes and standard deviations. Thus, any self-normalization approach, e.g., z-norm or median median-absolute-deviation (med-MAD), will effectively be applying different scaling factors based on some standard property to each squiggle reducing, rather than increasing, their inherent similarity; thus potentially introducing a systematic error when applying the dtw(). We are currently investigating whether changes in conditions during an experiment, e.g., sample or nanopore aging, make some form of normalization necessary, and any systematic error introduced into the consensus accepted.


The ratcheting of nucleotides of an RNA or DNA molecule through the biomolecule pores of a nanopore sequencer generates picoamperage current signals. These nanopore signals are segmented into step-current levels, squiggles, related to particular nucleotide groupings. However, these squiggles are consistently longer than the known source RNA length when using the OEM segmentation algorithm based on changes in current mean and standard deviation over a time window. This stretched signal-events-to-base-calls ratio indicates multiple spurious events within each data stream.

We have investigated the effectiveness of DTW Barycentre Averaging (DBA), the Minimize Mean algorithm (MM) and Stochastic Sub-Gradient descent algorithm (SSG) dynamic time warping averaging (DTWA) algorithms in producing a consensus signal from multiple noisy squiggles. The algorithms showed different properties when applied to three experimental samples, Enolase mRNA spike-in (natural) and two studies using R1-71-1 and R2-55-3 (synthetic) from the RNA Sequin v1 Pool A. Generated gold standard models were treated as ‘best first order estimates’ when analyzing the success of the consensus generation

The initial squiggle cleaning process to remove uncharacteristic sequences revealed that the nanopore sequencer and associated segmentation algorithm consistently introduced distortions causing an ~x1.7 increase in sequence length compared to the underlying gold standard. The initial SSG and MM DTWA consensuses had the lower, smaller-is-better, DTWDISTANCE success metrics for the larger Enolase study but were outperformed by the DBA DTWA consensus on both smaller Sequin studies. New visualization and warp-path comparison techniques were proposed in this new environment where one of the signals being compared, the consensus, is generated from an ensemble whose individual members inherits the majority of the characteristics of the second signal, the gold-standard model.

The increased length of the initial consensus signals compared to the gold indicated the DTWA averaging cause a considerable retention of the distortions present in individual squiggles. We have proposed a post-processing procedure where a certain majority of the noisy individual squiggles vote (based on warping path repeats) whether there are false additions present in the consensus signals. Three experimental studies were investigated: a large Enolase mRNA spike-in squiggle ensemble and two smaller, noisier, R1-71-1 and R2-55-3 ensembles supplemented with RNA Sequin v1 Pool A. We demonstrated that upon voting, the length of the consensus signals was decreased, and the voted-on DTWA consensus became a better match to the ensemble as a whole than did the gold signal underlying individual members of the ensemble. The success measures for the voted-on consensus again showed DBA DTWA better for Sequin studies, SSG and MM DTWA better for the Enolase study,

We believe that there is considerable potential in applying voted-on DTWA algorithms in this new application area, including the identification of chemical nucleotide modifications present in the experimental consensus signal and not in the gold standard. Our future work includes developing new approaches variants that combines the best features of each of the existing DTWA algorithms, upgrading the voting procedure to identify where features are missing in the consensus and the more difficult task of proposing a valid correction. The squiggles have very high information entropy because of the 1:1 relationship between the amperage levels and the underlying DNA/RNA molecule being ratcheted through the sensor. We expect that the results of combining an ensemble averaging algorithm with a voting procedure could be applicable in other fields where signals have similar high-entropy characteristics.

Code, data files together with scripts to convert various data file formats into the simple file format used by this tool can be found at


The authors wish to thank Drs. Raymond Tellier and Kanti Pabbaraju from the Alberta Provincial Laboratory for Public Health for performing the nanopore device experiments.

Data Availability

All data, code and demonstration scripts are available at

Funding Statement

Funding was received from Genome Alberta's Enabling Bioinformatics Solutions Competition (PG) (; Grant EBS-9). An undergraduate summer research scholarship (MK) and partial publication charges were provided under an Analog Devices’ University Ambassadorship Award for Teaching and Research (MS) ( No funding from other sources was provided for this project. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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  • 19.Laszlo A, Derrington I, Ross B. Decoding long nanopore sequencing reads of natural DNA. Nature Biotechnology. 2014; 32(8): 839–833. doi: 10.1038/nbt.2950 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
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PLoS Comput Biol. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009350.r001

Decision Letter 0

Ilya Ioshikhes, Eduardo Eyras

29 May 2021

Dear Dr. Smith,

Thank you very much for submitting your manuscript "Comparing the effectiveness of several dynamic time warped space averaging (DTWA) algorithms combined with ensemble voting to generate improved consensus signals from nucleotide sequences produced by a nanopore device" for consideration at PLOS Computational Biology.

As with all papers reviewed by the journal, your manuscript was reviewed by members of the editorial board and by several independent reviewers. In light of the reviews (below this email), we would like to invite the resubmission of a significantly-revised version that takes into account the reviewers' comments.

The most pressing issues raised by reviewers include are related to the details about the data and software, data and code availability to reproduce the results, and code access to be able to apply the proposed methods to other datasets. I hope the other comments from the reviewers are also useful to make your work more accessible and relevant to others. Thank you.

We cannot make any decision about publication until we have seen the revised manuscript and your response to the reviewers' comments. Your revised manuscript is also likely to be sent to reviewers for further evaluation.

When you are ready to resubmit, please upload the following:

[1] A letter containing a detailed list of your responses to the review comments and a description of the changes you have made in the manuscript. Please note while forming your response, if your article is accepted, you may have the opportunity to make the peer review history publicly available. The record will include editor decision letters (with reviews) and your responses to reviewer comments. If eligible, we will contact you to opt in or out.

[2] Two versions of the revised manuscript: one with either highlights or tracked changes denoting where the text has been changed; the other a clean version (uploaded as the manuscript file).

Important additional instructions are given below your reviewer comments.

Please prepare and submit your revised manuscript within 60 days. If you anticipate any delay, please let us know the expected resubmission date by replying to this email. Please note that revised manuscripts received after the 60-day due date may require evaluation and peer review similar to newly submitted manuscripts.

Thank you again for your submission. We hope that our editorial process has been constructive so far, and we welcome your feedback at any time. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.


Eduardo Eyras, PhD

Guest Editor

PLOS Computational Biology

Ilya Ioshikhes

Deputy Editor

PLOS Computational Biology


One of the most pressing issues raised by reviewers is the details about the data and software, data and code availability to reproduce the results, and code access to be able to apply the proposed methods to other datasets. I hope the other comments from the reviewers are also useful to make your work more accessible and relevant to others. Thank you.

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Authors:

Please note here if the review is uploaded as an attachment.

Reviewer #1: The Authors present a comparison of several DTWA algorithms, along with a method for ensemble voting to better match a consensus signal with a "gold standard" signal generated from the sequence of synthetic controls. While the ensemble voting and comparison methods themselves appear sound, and the next steps in using this method to detect modified bases are indeed exciting, and I have confidence will probably work quite well, I found it difficult to review and validate.

My most pressing issues with the current submission, is the lack of raw data and which software (and versions) were used to generate the "gold standard" squiggles, and read event tables. I checked the cited publications, and they also did not mention this information (which should have been picked up before now!). Without this information and data, the methods presented are not reproducible, and therefore do no meet the publication requirements. It also makes it difficult for me to review some of the finer points of the methods. The segmentation algorithms and models used in basecallers have changed many times over the years. These have a direct impact on the results of the methods presented, and their further use by the Author's peers. Furthermore, the code provided as part of the package for "data" is from a different publication, and no code for the methods presented have been provided. This is simply unacceptable for a computationally based manuscript. At the very least these issues should be resolved.

I go into more detail on these points as well as others in my review below to help speed up peer review in the future, but as it stands, the work is not reproducible. I do hope the authors are not discouraged by my review, as I do think the direction of the work is interesting, exciting, and publishable with work on the areas mentioned.


The title:

"generate improved consensus signals from nucleotide sequences produced by a nanopore device"

The consensus signals are not being produced from nucleotide sequences, they are being produced from the raw signal segmented into events from nanopore sequencing reads.

Fig 1. Image is quite low in resolution (as are all the figures)

Leader sequence difference to the rest of the RNA signal is not easily resolved with the lack of height in each signal. It may help the reader understand how the leader/DNA adapter was detected and trimmed from the description if they can see the striking difference in signal on either side of the PolyA tail.

75: "The state of the practice is to use black box neural networks (5) or hidden Markov models (6) to turn the

raw current signal into nucleotide sequences."

This isn't entirely correct. There are many examples, including from ONT, of event segmentation methods.

for example, the segmentation code from is freely available.

Also, the latest basecallers (bonito for example), don't use event tables as as such, working from the raw signal using 1D.

There are also other methods of signal segmentation, such as that used by cwDTW, or any number of open source basecallers (Nanocall, DeepNano...)

2.1 Data generation

Please note the MinKNOW version as well as the "OEM provided current to signal squiggle converter" name and version.

Presumably you are referring to Guppy, although I can't tell how old this RNA001 data is, so it could even be Albacore.

Either way, the metadata for version information can be found in the metadata of the .fast5 files.

The reason this is important, is because the algorithms for signal segmentation have changed a number of times, and without knowing the particulars, your methods are not reproducible.

On that note, the only data provided seems to be flat .txt files with the (i think) event values, with no readID or other identifying features. fast5 files containing the raw signal data to work with in order to generate these event tables, should be included. Again, this is to ensure the methods are reproducible.

Further to this, the original OEM kmer models are not included, and also cannot be derived, for as previously mentioned, no software or version information is given. Only a "gold standard" file is produced. This makes the gold standard generation not reproducible as well.

The base sequences of the particular Sequin and Enolase spike-in controls used should be provided as a supplementary, as this is what is used to produce the "gold standard" from the kmer models.

138-143: The files containing the code which does this such as "RemoveHeader_10Jan2019.m" should be referred to. This applies for all sections that refer to computational methods. For reproducibility, the user should be able to retrace the Authors steps.

168: Wouldn't mapping the nucleotide sequences allow for the detection of chimeric reads? multi-mappers or reads with multiple primary alignments with high mapping score would indicate this. This ideally would be done first, to filter the read IDs which give full length sequences, of which to then remove headers, and potentially malformed tail sequences (not currently assessed in this analysis). Then the resultant squiggles used for DTWA, as they have the highest chance of matching the gold standard.

Doing everything in squiggle space only seems to miss the advantage of having sequence information available, especially if the goal is to do modification detection in the future. The only reason to need to do everything in signal space would be if it was being used for readUntil/adaptive sequencing, which based on the methods, was not considered (using the tail end for setting mean for leader trimming, using matlab)

2.2 DTWA Algorithms and proposed success measures

195: The OEM provided nucleotide-to-picoamperage mapping should be named, and provided, and referred to here.

249-254: if there is a limitation of "inserting events", why not go back to the raw signal where the events were generated from? If a particular event was generated from a rather large section of raw signal, the number of inserted events could be estimated, or an orthogonal segmentation method from any number of open source tools could be used to attempt to insert the correct events.


Figure 2. The blue box showing similarity of signals, is not entirely clear given the scale of the figure. A better representation fo this would be to zoom that to a full supplementary figure, colour each squiggle differently, and overlap the plots. This can get messy, so perhaps only half of the selected squiggles need to be used. As it stands, I can't tell any similarity.

3.2.1 Enolase squiggle investigation

331-332: Is this code provided? if so, which files. If not, please include, along with how the timing was measured for all methods. There is no way to reproduce the timings without this.

3.2.3 Qualitative analysis of the DTWA consensus characteristics.

378:380. The x1.7 longer squiggles, as stated by the authors previously, has not been checked against other datasets. It is also contingent on the older RNA001 dRNA kit (RNA002 is the current kit), and the various cleaning metrics rely on the segmentation method used, which is currently unknown due to the lack of information or raw data from the authors.

The gold standard is also unknown, as the model used to produce it is not mentioned or provided. How this model is then converted into the gold standard text files with picoamp event data points, is not provided, and thus unclear.

Figure 4 (and most of the comparisons between time warped squiggles): When comparing time warped squiggles. Stacking squiggles is a rather clunky way of demonstrating the similarities/differences between them. Overlapping signals is one way (though still quite messy). Plotting the dtw paths, especially plotting each method's consensus vs gold paths, would not only give a measure of distance, but also if the methods are consistent across the various warped regions of the reads. It should be much clearer to assess the various approaches and demonstrate the various features of each method. (are certain regions handled better/worse for each method?/Is there limitations to how much warping can be corrected?/is there a better method other than global scoring?/etc)

I have added an image as an example of plotting the warping path on top of a dtw distance score matrix (as a heatmap) to demonstrate warping features between 2 squiggles of the same sequence to give an idea of what I mean.

You may also consider using something other than matlab to plot this data, as the quality of matlab plots is quite poor. Python or R have libraries with a reputation for producing clearer plots for publication, and are also free.

5. Conclusion

562: Identification of a potential chemical nucleotide modification would be relatively straight forward to demonstrate using the current method, by analysing any of the number of dRNA modification datasets now published, with modified and unmodified controls. producing the consensus against the gold standard for untreated, then compare the treated reads against it. By comparing the warp paths and mapping that back to the associated base, a measure of modification can be deduced. This is indeed an exciting path forward.


100: identity -> identify

131: enblign -> enabling (i think?)

182: averaged -> average

538: nanosequencer -> nanopore sequencer

538: nanostream - > datastream/signal

Reviewer #2: Overall this is a well-written paper that I think will benefit from making the technical methods clearer. I think other reviewers may be more qualified to comment on the methodology of the data generation and new evaluation metrics. But I think this paper reads well and, to my knowledge, represents a novel contribution to the field.

- If I understand the paper correctly, voting is used to improve a single DTWA algorithm; in particular, it is NOT used to combine the results of several DTWA algorithms. Is this correct? If so, I think this should be made crystal clear; it took me a couple of readings to understand this.

- Line 187 - line number is in the middle of the equation This is a problem for all of the equations

- Section 2.2: I think this paper would benefit greatly from giving more background on how a consensus is generated. I assume these three algorithms take the noisy squiggles as input, compute a consensus squiggle that optimizes a particular objective function. I think this should be explained; and in doing so, foreshadow what is missing from these

algorithms that voting can fix.

- Line 186: it says that the goal is to minimize the mean and standard deviation of the DTW distance. Immediately following is equation (1). This wording is somewhat confusiong; equation (1) shows how to compute a single number, so what would be the mean and standard deviation of this sone number? My guess is that equation (1) is the formula for the mean that is being minimized; if this is correct, consider adding another equation with the formula of the standard deviation being minimized. If my interpretation is incorrect, then this paragraph needs more explanation of what you are taking the mean/standard deviation of when measuring the success of an algorithm.

- 198: "3 x 3 = 9 datasets" To be clear: this means that for each of the 3 algorithms, and each of the 3 datasets, you applied the algorithm to that dataset, to generate 9 different consensus sequences, correct?

- Line 201: It is unclear to me what you mean when you say "comparing DTWdist_{gold -> ensemble} against DTWdist_{consensus->ensemble}". In a "good" consensus, should the two metrics be similar? Should the consensus be much closer to gold than to the ensemble?

- Line 206: What is DTWdist with no subscript? I was onder the impression that the DTWdist metric should have a subscript delineating what two sequences (and/or sequence ensembles) are being compared. Perhaps DTWdist = DTWdist_{gold -> ensemble} - DTWdist_{consensus->ensemble}? If so make this explicit.

- Lines 238-245: Please explicitly define the measures you used to evaluate the results of voting

- Line 339: font size for "nDTWdist_{gold -> ensemble}" is off

- Line 349: font size for "nDTWdist_{consensus -> ensemble}" is off

- Line 461: This is the standard deviation across 7 different consensus signals (before after voting) - correct? If so please make this explicit.

- Results and (especially) conclusion are well-written

Reviewer #3: The authors propose an optimization application supported by theory, with illustrative validations. Comments:

1. Please edit the paper carefully such that to respect the instructions for authors. A homogeneous style is desired.

2. You should present the contributions with respect to your past papers that should be cited. Your past algorithms are very well appreciated.

3. The optimization problem is not defined. You are speaking several times about optimization and also including optimization algorithms but an overall optimization problem is not given.

4. As mentioned in the comment 3, the definitions of the optimization problems must be treated with attention. The authors are advised to include the following representative applications of optimization problems and algorithms as they are successful in various fields: Gene finding in the chicken genome (BMC Bioinform 2005), Second order intelligent proportional-integral fuzzy control of twin rotor aerodynamic systems (PCS 2018), Whale optimization algorithm for performance improvement of silicon-on-insulator FinFETs (IJAI 2020).

5. The connection between the optimization algorithms and the optimization problem is also not pointed out.

6. The connection between the application section and the previous theory is not clear enough. More details are necessary for improved transparency.

7. You should save the code of programs and examples, and cite the link to them in the paper. This is useful for validation, and helps the above comment. The importance of this comment is related to the fact that similar optimization algorithms are reported in the literature, they report excellent results but cannot be tested.

8. You should specify which are the parameters of the optimization algorithms, which of them should be selected by the user and which of them are random.

9. I am not sure if the comparison is correct because all algorithms used in the comparison including yours depend on parameters. Other parameters lead to other results.

10. The stochastic effects are not reflected in the results.

Concluding, the paper has a strong potential for being appreciated and cited, but it requires improvements and also extension.


Have the authors made all data and (if applicable) computational code underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data and code underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data and code should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data or code —e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: No: The fast5 files, containing the raw signal data which the event values (mean value from signal segmentation) are not available. The code provided is from a different publication (Evaluation of Simulation Models to Mimic the Distortions introduced into Squiggles by Nanosequencers and Segmentation Algorithms) and is written in matlab (software requiring a rather expensive paid license). The code for this paper is not provided, and not maintained in an open repository, such as github/gitlab/etc.

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: No: 


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Reviewer #1: Yes: James M. Ferguson

Reviewer #2: Yes: Arjun Chandrasekhar

Reviewer #3: No

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Submitted filename: 2squigglesdtwpathplot.png

PLoS Comput Biol. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009350.r003

Decision Letter 1

Ilya Ioshikhes, Eduardo Eyras

15 Aug 2021

Dear Dr. Smith,

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript 'Evaluating the effectiveness of ensemble voting in improving the accuracy of consensus signals produced by various DTWA algorithms from step-current signals generated during nanopore sequencing' has been provisionally accepted for publication in PLOS Computational Biology.

Before your manuscript can be formally accepted you will need to complete some formatting changes, which you will receive in a follow up email. A member of our team will be in touch with a set of requests. Please accommodate the last corrections of the Reviewer 1 on the same occasion.

Please note that your manuscript will not be scheduled for publication until you have made the required changes, so a swift response is appreciated.

IMPORTANT: The editorial review process is now complete. PLOS will only permit corrections to spelling, formatting or significant scientific errors from this point onwards. Requests for major changes, or any which affect the scientific understanding of your work, will cause delays to the publication date of your manuscript.

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Thank you again for supporting Open Access publishing; we are looking forward to publishing your work in PLOS Computational Biology. 

Best regards,

Eduardo Eyras, PhD

Guest Editor

PLOS Computational Biology

Ilya Ioshikhes

Deputy Editor

PLOS Computational Biology


Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Authors:

Please note here if the review is uploaded as an attachment.

Reviewer #1: I would like the thank the authors for their detailed and thorough response to my initial review of the work. The work is now much clearer, and with the additional method descriptions, version information, and scripts provided in the github repo, the work is also now reproducible.

The authors have answered my questions to a satisfactory level.

As a comment to the authors, in relation to the last paragraph before the conclusion, hypothesising about z-normalizing each signal. In my own research, I found median median-absolute-distance (med-MAD) to be a far superior method of normalisation than z-scaling, at least for RAW signals, even after pA conversion. I would imagine this would transfer well to event segmented data too. An example python code snippet is provided below

# sig is a an int numpy array, with any excessivley large spike datapoints removed

arr =

med = np.median(arr)

mad = np.median(np.abs(arr - med))

scaled_mad = mad * 1.4826

mad_sig = []

for i in sig:

mad_sig.append((i - med) / scaled_mad)

sig = np.array(mad_sig)

All the best with your future work.

James Ferguson

Reviewer #2: All my comments have been dealt with in a satisfactory manner.

Reviewer #3: The paper is improved and can be published.


Have the authors made all data and (if applicable) computational code underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data and code underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data and code should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data or code —e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

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Reviewer #1: Yes: James M. Ferguson

Reviewer #2: Yes: Arjun Chandrasekhar

Reviewer #3: No

PLoS Comput Biol. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009350.r004

Acceptance letter

Ilya Ioshikhes, Eduardo Eyras

23 Aug 2021


Evaluating the effectiveness of ensemble voting in improving the accuracy of consensus signals produced by various DTWA algorithms from step-current signals generated during nanopore sequencing

Dear Dr Smith,

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been formally accepted for publication in PLOS Computational Biology. Your manuscript is now with our production department and you will be notified of the publication date in due course.

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