Figure 1.
Classification of the chromatin landscape in Drosophila. (A) Chromatin segmentation into 5 types according to combinatorial protein binding. BLACK, GREEN, and BLUE chromatin types correspond to repressed and silenced domains, whereas YELLOW and RED chromatin types represent active regions. The more repressed regions tend to localize at the periphery of the nucleus, with BLACK and GREEN chromatin interacting with the nuclear lamina. Only the most characteristic components of each chromatin type are indicated. Based on Filion et al. [13]. (B) Division of chromatin into 9 states attending to histone modification patterns. States 1, 2, and 5 are associated with actively transcribed genes; states 3 and 4 with putative regulatory regions; state 6 with PcG-repressed regions; states 7 and 8 with heterochromatin; and state 9 corresponds to silent regions. The most enriched histone modifications are indicated for each chromatin state. Based on Karchkenko et al. [92].