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. 2021 Sep 8;26(18):5457. doi: 10.3390/molecules26185457
Abbreviations  Description
1H NMR proton nuclear magnetic resonance
2D two-dimensional
3D three-dimensional
Am-241 americium-241
ANN artificial neural networks
ANOVA one-way analysis of variance
APPI atmospheric pressure photo ionization
Bias systematic error
CC capillary column
CCS collision cross section
CD corona discharge
Ctr mean centering
CV cross validation
D(I)MS differential ion mobility spectrometry
DHS dynamic headspace extraction
DTIMS drift-tube ion mobility spectrometry
E-nose electric nose
EVOO extra-virgin olive oil
FAIMS high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry
ft film thickness
FT-IR Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy
GC gas chromatography
GC–IMS gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry
H+[H2O]n proton-water clusters with n number of water molecules
H-3 tritium
HCA hierarchical cluster analysis
HOG histograms of oriented gradients
HS headspace
ID inner diameter
IMS ion mobility spectrometry
K0 reduced ion mobility
KMO Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin
kNN k-nearest neighbors
L(V)OO lampante (virgin) olive oil
LC liquid chromatography
LDA linear discriminant analysis
LDI laser desorption/ionization technique
LOO leave-one-out
LS library search
M2H+ proton-bound dimers
MCC multicapillary column
MCR-ALS multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares
MH+ protonated monomers
MPCA multiway principal component analysis
MVA multivariate variate data analysis
Ni-63 nickel-63
NTS non-targeted screening
OPLS-DA orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis
Par Pareto
PC(A) principal component (analysis)
PLS(R) partial least squares (regression)
POO pomace olive oil
(Q)DA (quadratic) discriminant analysis
determination coefficient
RE relative error of prediction
Regressor logistic regression
RIP reactant ion peak
RMSE root mean square error
RS reference substances
(R)-SVM (recursive) support vector machine
SEP standard error of prediction
SHS static headspace extraction
SIMCA soft independent modeling of class analogy
SPME solid-phase microextraction
TIMS trapped ion mobility spectrometry
Tree decision tree classification
TWIMS travelling tube ion mobility spectrometry
UnVa unit variance
UR univariate regression
UV ultraviolet light
VIP variable importance in projection
VOC volatile organic compound
(V)OO (virgin) olive oil