RaiA levels influence stationary phase 70S ribosome content relative to 50S + 30S subunits in V. cholerae
(A) Cellular extracts of 24 h cultures (ΔraiA and WT V. cholerae carrying the p0/pBAD-RaiA vector, in MH media containing spectinomycin and arabinose) were separated on 10–50% sucrose density gradient. Ribosomal RNA content was measured at OD 260 nm using a spectrometer coupled to a pump and time on the X axis represents samples from less dense (upper fragments, smaller complexes) to denser (bottom of the tube, heavier complexes). Lysis was performed in the presence of 10 mM MgCl2. Cell debris eluting before 550 s are not shown. Graphs are normalized to total OD 260 nm = 1 for each sample. Mean values are indicated within histogram bars. Error bars represent standard deviation.
(B) Percentage of 70S ribosomes over total ribosome subunits (70S)/(70S + 50S + 30S). Error bars represent standard deviation (∗∗: p < 0.01).